.. RST source for blob2xex(1) man page. Convert with: .. rst2man.py blob2xex.rst > blob2xex.1 ======== blob2xex ======== -------------------------------------------------- Create Atari 8-bit executables from arbitrary data -------------------------------------------------- .. include:: manhdr.rst SYNOPSIS ======== blob2xex [**-l** *loadaddr* [**-r** *runaddr*] [**-i** *initaddr*] [**-o** *offset*] [**-s** *size*] *infile*] ... *outfile* DESCRIPTION =========== **blob2xex** creates an Atari 8-bit binary load (xex) file from one or more files of arbitrary data. Each input file *requires* a **-l** *loadaddr* option, to set the load address. Optionally, run and init addresses can be included. Also, using **-o** and **-s**, it's possible to include only part of the input file. To read from standard input, use **-** for the *infile*. Only one *outfile* is supported. When multiple input files are used, the resulting .xex file will have multiple segments. Use **-** to write to standard output. Addresses, offsets, and sizes may be given in decimal or hex. Hex addresses must be prefixed with either **$** or **0x**. OPTIONS ======= -l *loadaddr* Set the load address of the next *infile*. Each *infile* must be preceded by a **-l** option. -r *runaddr* Optional; set the run address. Since a .xex file can only have one run address, the last **-r** option will be the one used when the file is loaded on the Atari. -i *initaddr* Optional; set an init address, to be executed after the next segment loads. -o *offset* Optional; skip this many bytes of the next input file. Default is **0**. -s *size* Optional; read this many bytes of the next input file. Default is the entire file. EXAMPLES ======== TODO: come up with a few examples. .. include:: manftr.rst