.. RST source for blob2xex(1) man page. Convert with: .. rst2man.py blob2xex.rst > blob2xex.1 ======== blob2xex ======== -------------------------------------------------- Create Atari 8-bit executables from arbitrary data -------------------------------------------------- .. include:: manhdr.rst SYNOPSIS ======== blob2xex *outfile* [**-v**] [**-r** *runaddr*] [**-l** *loadaddr* [**-i** *initaddr*] [**-o** *offset*] [**-s** *size*] *infile*] ... DESCRIPTION =========== **blob2xex** creates an Atari 8-bit binary load (xex) file from one or more files of arbitrary data. Each input file will become a separate segment in the binary load file. A run address can be added with the **-r** option. Each input file *requires* a **-l** *loadaddr* option, to set the load address. Optionally, init addresses can be included, per-segment (**-i**). Also, using **-o** and **-s**, it's possible to include only part of the input file. To read from standard input, use **-** for the *infile*. *outfile* must be given as the first argument. When multiple input files are used, the resulting .xex file will have multiple segments. If *outfile* already exists, it will be *overwritten* (or *deleted*, in case of error). Use **-** to write to standard output. **blob2xex** will not write output to a terminal; **-** must be used with redirection or a pipe. If *outfile* or any *infile* is a filename that begins with a **-**, prefix it with "./", otherwise it'll be taken as an option. Addresses, offsets, and sizes may be given in decimal or hex. Hex addresses must be prefixed with either **$** or **0x**. OPTIONS ======= A space is required between an option and its argument; use e.g. **-l 0x2000**, not **-l0x2000**. -r *runaddr* Optional; set the run address. Since a .xex file can only have one run address, there's no point in giving multiple **-r** options. If you do, the last one will be used. This option should be first on the command line (right after *outfile*), or at least must occur before any *infile*. -l *loadaddr* Set the load address of the next *infile*. Each *infile* must be preceded by a **-l** option. -i *initaddr* Optional; set an init address, to be executed after the next segment loads. -o *offset* Optional; skip this many bytes of the next input file. Default is **0**. -s *size* Optional; read this many bytes of the next input file. Default is the entire file, or **0xffff** (**65535**) if the file is longer than 64KB. It's not an error for *size* to be larger than the file (reading will stop at EOF). Also, the file's data will be truncated at Atari address **$FFFF**, regardless of *size* or the size of the file. -v Verbose output. -h, --help Print usage message and exit. -V, --version Print version number and exit. DIAGNOSTICS =========== Error messages and warnings are printed to standard error, and are hopefully self-explanatory. Any message containing *fatal* causes **blob2xex** to exit without creating the output file. Messages containing *warning* are non-fatal, and the output file is created. The only warning messages are there to let you know if your .xex file's start/end addresses mean it would load into ROM (or, the unmapped area at **$C000** on a 400/800). Normally this means the .xex file won't load properly on the Atari, but feel free to ignore the warnings if you know exactly what you're doing. EXAMPLES ======== Simple Example -------------- You've written an Atari 8-bit program that loads at **$2000**, which is also the run address. The assembler you used doesn't create Atari .xex files, so you've got a **program.bin** that's just raw object code. To turn it into a runnable .xex file, use: blob2xex program.xex -l '$2000' -r '$2000' program.bin Notice the use of quotes around the addresses? That's because the $ character must be quoted, or the shell will try to interpret it as a variable reference. You could also have typed **\$2000** or **0x2000**. Or you could have used decimal (**4096**). More Complex Example -------------------- Suppose you want to write a program that can run on an Atari 800, but you want to use the International Character Set font from the XL/XE machines. Also suppose that you have the XL ROM image as *atarixl.rom*. The way to use the XL ICS font on the 800 is to load it somewhere in memory, on a 1K boundary. Suppose you've decided to load it at **$8000**. Any good reference book or other documentation on the Atari XL/XE computers will tell you the ICS font is located at **$CC00**. The ROM image starts at **$C000** (the start of XL/XE ROM), so the font is located at offset **$0C00** within the ROM image. As always for Atari fonts, it's 1KB, or **$0400** bytes. So you can create a .xex file of the ROM font with: blob2xex romfont.xex -l 0x8000 -o 0x0c00 -s 0x0400 atarixl.rom Since fonts aren't executable programs, there are no run (**-r**) or init (**-i**) address options. The resulting *romfont.xex* can be combined with the rest of your program with **xexcat**\(1). .. include:: manftr.rst