
Code cross-reference for tokenized Atari 8-bit BASIC files

.. include:: manhdr.rst


cxrefbas [**-v**] **input-file**


**cxrefbas** reads an Atari 8-bit BASIC tokenized program. For each
line number in the program, it prints a list of lines that reference

**input-file** must be a tokenized (SAVEd) Atari BASIC program. Use
*-* to read from standard input, but **cxrefbas** will refuse to read
from standard input if it's a terminal.

Each line number reference in the output is followed by a letter that
indicates the type of reference:

  *GOTO* (without *ON*) or *GO TO*.

  *GOSUB* (without *ON*).

  *IF* with line number only, e.g. *IF X THEN 1000*.

  *ON/GOTO* or *ON/GOSUB*.



  *LIST*. It's very rare for a program to *LIST* parts of itself, but
  it's allowed by BASIC so it's supported here.

If a line doesn't exist, but is referenced (e.g. *GOTO 100*, but there
is no line 100), it's printed in the table, prefixed with *!*.

Any command that uses a computed value for a line number will print a
warning on standard error, e.g. *GOTO A* or *GOSUB 100\*A*. Even *GOTO
100+0* is a computed value, since BASIC doesn't do constant folding.

Line numbers above 32767, e.g. *TRAP 40000*, are not listed.

Atari BASIC allows fractional line numbers, such as *GOTO 123.4*.
These are rounded to the nearest integer when the program is
executed. **cxrefbas** handles these correctly, although you're
not likely to run into them in real-world programs.


There are no application-specific options.

.. include:: genopts.rst


This program::

  10 GOSUB 100:GOSUB 200
  100 RESTORE 1000:IF A THEN 120
  110 GOTO 200
  120 ON B GOTO 300,310,320
  200 RETURN
  300 PRINT 1
  310 PRINT 2
  1000 DATA XYZ

Produces this output::

  100: 10:S 
  120: 100:I 
  200: 10:S 110:G 
  300: 120:O 
  310: 120:O 
  !320: 120:O 
  1000: 100:R 

Note that line 320 doesn't exist in the program, so it's shown with
*!* in the output. Line 120 has *100:I*; if the *THEN 120* were
changed to *THEN GOTO 120*, line 120 would read *100:G*.


0 for success, 1 for failure.

.. include:: manftr.rst