======== cxrefbas ======== ---------------------------------------------------------- Code cross-reference for tokenized Atari 8-bit BASIC files ---------------------------------------------------------- .. include:: manhdr.rst SYNOPSIS ======== cxrefbas **input-file** DESCRIPTION =========== **cxrefbas** reads an Atari 8-bit BASIC tokenized program. For each line number in the program, it prints a list of lines that reference it, via *GOTO*, *GOSUB*, *RESTORE*, *TRAP*, *ON/GOTO*, *ON/GOTO*, or *ON/GOSUB*. If a line doesn't exist, but is referenced (e.g. *GOTO 100*, but there is no line 100), it's printed in the table, prefixed with *!*. Any command that uses a computed value for a line number will print a warning on standard error, e.g. *GOTO A* or *GOSUB 100\*A*. Even *GOTO 100+0* is a computed value, since BASIC doesn't do constant folding. OPTIONS ======= General Options --------------- **--help** Print usage message and exit. **--version** Print version number and exit. **-v** Verbose operation. When displaying a number in verbose mode, it will be prefixed with *$* if it's in hex, or no prefix for decimal. EXIT STATUS =========== 0 for success, 1 for failure. .. include:: manftr.rst