.. RST source for f2toxex(1) man page. Convert with: .. rst2man.py f2toxex.rst > f2toxex.1 ======= f2toxex ======= ------------------------------------------------------------- Convert a DASM "-f2" object file to an Atari 8-bit executable ------------------------------------------------------------- .. include:: manhdr.rst SYNOPSIS ======== f2toxex [ [**-h** | **-v** ] | *infile* [*outfile*] ] DESCRIPTION =========== **f2toxex** converts an object code file created by the **dasm**\(1) assembler, using its **-f2** option, to an Atari 8-bit executable (.xex file). *infile* may be **-** to read from standard input. *outfile* may be **-** to write to standard output. If *outfile* is omitted, the output will be written to: - If reading from standard input, write to standard output. - If reading from a file whose name ends with an extension, replace the extension with *.xex*. - Otherwise, append *.xex* to the input filename. NOTES ===== The DASM -f2 output format is described in section **3.3.4** of the DASM manual (**dasm.pdf**). It's reproduced here for reference: RAS (Random Access Segment). The output file contains one or more hunks. Each hunk consists of a 2 byte origin (little- endian), 2 byte length (little-endian), and that number of data bytes. The hunks occur in the same order as initialized segments in the assembly. There are no restrictions to segment ordering (i.e. reverse indexed ORG statements are allowed). The next hunk begins after the previous hunk's data, until the end of the file. OPTIONS ======= -h Print a short help message and exit. -v Verbose operation. EXIT STATUS =========== Exit status is zero for success, non-zero for failure. .. include:: manftr.rst