// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. // #include "pub.def" #include "jintypes.h" #include "at_dis.h" #include "cfile.h" #define AT_HEADER 0xFFFF #define AT_RUNL 0x02E0 #define AT_RUNH 0x02E1 #define AT_RUNPREV ( AT_RUNL - 1 ) #define AT_INITL 0x02E2 #define AT_INITH 0x02E3 #define AT_INITPAST ( AT_INITH + 1 ) #define AT_HWSTART 0xD000 #define AT_HWEND 0xD7FF typedef struct block { struct block *pNext; WORD wBlkStart; WORD wBlkEnd; } FILE_BLOCK; BOOL BlockRead( CFile&, CFile& ); void BlockInsert( WORD, WORD ); void BlocksWrite( CFile& ); void PrintOffset( CFile& ); void BlockDisassemble( WORD, WORD ); FILE_BLOCK *g_pBlocks = NULL; BYTE *g_pbtPool; BOOL g_bHasRunAddress = FALSE; LONG g_lFileLen; BOOL g_bDisassemble = FALSE; BOOL g_bSilent = FALSE; BOOL g_bIsNotOk = TRUE; BOOL g_bSplit = FALSE; BOOL g_bOut = FALSE; WORD g_iSplitNum = 0; WORD g_wGapFill = 0; char* g_szInfile = NULL; char* g_szOutfile = NULL; #define SHEADER PRG_NAME " v" PRG_VERSION " (c) " PRG_COPYRIGHT " " PRG_AUTHOR "\n" #define HEADER SHEADER \ PRG_DESC "\n" \ " Latest version can be found at " PRG_URL "\n" \ " Published under GPL. See GPL.TXT.\n\n" #define USAGE HEADER "Usage: " PRG_NAME " " PRG_USAGE #include "switches.cpp" int main (int argc,char *argv[]) { setbuf( stdout, NULL ); setbuf( stderr, NULL ); if ( !SWITCHES_Init( &argc, argv ) ) return 1; if ( ( argc < 2 ) ) { SWFN_HELP( USAGE ); return 1; } fprintf( stderr, SHEADER ); g_szInfile = argv[ 1 ]; if ( argc == 3 ) g_szOutfile = argv[ 2 ]; CFile cfIn; CFile cfOut; if ( !cfIn.Open( g_szInfile ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to open file\n\n%s", g_szInfile ); return -1; } if ( AT_HEADER != cfIn.readLEw() ) { printf( "%s: Not an Atari 8-bit binary load format file\n", g_szInfile ); cfIn.Close(); return -1; } if ( g_bSilent ) printf( "%s: ", g_szInfile ); else printf( "Binary file: %s\n", g_szInfile ); if ( argc > 2 ) { if ( !cfOut.Create( g_szOutfile ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to open file\n\n%s", g_szOutfile ); return -1; } g_bOut = TRUE; } if ( g_bOut ) { cfOut.writeLEw( AT_HEADER ); } g_pbtPool = new BYTE [ 0x10000 ]; memset( g_pbtPool,0, 0x10000 ); if ( !g_pbtPool ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to allocate memory for address space.\n" ); return -1; } g_lFileLen = cfIn.GetLength(); cfIn.Seek( 2, SEEK_SET ); while ( cfIn.Tell() < g_lFileLen ) { if ( ( g_bIsNotOk = !BlockRead( cfIn, cfOut ) ) ) break; } cfIn.Close(); if ( g_bHasRunAddress ) BlockInsert( AT_RUNL, AT_RUNH ); if ( g_bOut ) { BlocksWrite( cfOut ); // Write all blocks since last init cfOut.Close(); } delete [] g_pbtPool; if ( !g_bIsNotOk ) printf( "Ok!\n" ); return 0; } BOOL BlockRead( CFile& cfIn, CFile& cfOut ) { WORD wBlkStart; WORD wBlkEnd; WORD wBlkLen; do { PrintOffset( cfIn ); if ( cfIn.Tell() >= g_lFileLen ) { printf( "Error: Unexpected end of file\n" ); return FALSE; } wBlkStart = cfIn.readLEw(); if ( wBlkStart == AT_HEADER ) { if ( !g_bSilent ) printf( " : Unexpected second 0xffff format header\n" ); } } while ( wBlkStart == AT_HEADER ); if ( cfIn.Tell() >= g_lFileLen ) { printf( "Error: Unexpected end of file in load range start address\n" ); return FALSE; } wBlkEnd = cfIn.readLEw(); wBlkLen = wBlkEnd - wBlkStart + 1; if ( cfIn.Tell() >= g_lFileLen ) { printf( "Error: Unexpected end of file in load range end address\n" ); return FALSE; } if ( ( wBlkStart == wBlkEnd ) && ( ( wBlkStart >> 8 ) == ( wBlkStart & 0xFF ) ) ) { WORD wLen = g_lFileLen - cfIn.Tell() + 4; //garbage was limited to be max $500 long, run address must exist! if ( ( wLen < 0x500 ) && ( wBlkStart ) ) { printf( "Error: Apparent garbage fill at end of file (%04X bytes)\n", wLen ); return FALSE; } } if ( wBlkEnd < wBlkStart ) { if ( !g_bSilent ) printf( "Block: %04X-%04X (%04X)\n", wBlkStart, wBlkEnd, wBlkLen ); printf( "Error: %ld bytes in file after invalid load range\n", g_lFileLen - cfIn.Tell() ); return FALSE; } if ( g_lFileLen < cfIn.Tell() + wBlkLen ) { if ( !g_bSilent ) printf( "Block: %04X-%04X (%04X)\n", wBlkStart, wBlkEnd, wBlkLen ); printf( "Error: Truncated file: missing data in load block (%04lX bytes missing)\n", cfIn.Tell() + wBlkLen - g_lFileLen ); return FALSE; } // Read in the data for this block cfIn.Read( &g_pbtPool[wBlkStart], wBlkLen ); // Check for run address if ( wBlkStart <= AT_RUNH && wBlkStart + wBlkLen >= AT_RUNL ) { if (wBlkStart==AT_RUNH || wBlkStart+wBlkLen==AT_RUNL) { if ( !g_bSilent ) printf( " : Partial run address\n" ); } if ( g_bHasRunAddress ) if ( !g_bSilent ) printf( " : Unexpected second run address\n" ); g_bHasRunAddress = TRUE; if ( !g_bSilent ) printf( "Run : %04X\n", g_pbtPool[ AT_RUNL ] + 256 * g_pbtPool[ AT_RUNH ] ); if ( ( wBlkStart >= AT_RUNL ) && ( wBlkEnd <= AT_RUNH ) ) return TRUE; // Other data in this block if ( wBlkStart == AT_RUNL || wBlkStart == AT_RUNH ) { // Run and init in the same block--split wBlkStart = AT_INITL; wBlkLen = wBlkEnd - wBlkStart + 1; } else if ( wBlkEnd == AT_RUNL || wBlkEnd==AT_RUNH) { // other stuff before the run address--split wBlkEnd = AT_RUNPREV; wBlkLen = wBlkEnd - wBlkStart + 1; } else { // Run address in the middle of the block if ( !g_bSilent ) printf( "Block: %04X-%04X (%04X)\n", wBlkStart, AT_RUNPREV, AT_RUNPREV - wBlkStart + 1 ); BlockInsert( wBlkStart, AT_RUNPREV ); wBlkStart = AT_INITL; wBlkLen = wBlkEnd - wBlkStart + 1; } } // Check for init address // We know there's nothing before the address in the block, // as we would have split it off above as a run address. if ( wBlkStart <= AT_INITH && wBlkStart + wBlkLen >= AT_INITL ) { if ( wBlkStart == AT_INITH || wBlkStart + wBlkLen == AT_INITL ) { if ( !g_bSilent ) printf( " : Partial init address\n" ); } if ( !g_bSilent ) printf( "Init : %04X\n", g_pbtPool[ AT_INITL ] + 256 * g_pbtPool[ AT_INITH ] ); // Other data in this block? if ( wBlkEnd > AT_INITH ) { // More stuff past init--split if ( !g_bSilent ) printf( "Block: %04X-%04X (%04X)\n", AT_INITPAST, wBlkEnd, wBlkLen ); BlockInsert( AT_INITPAST, wBlkEnd ); wBlkEnd = AT_INITH; wBlkLen = wBlkEnd - wBlkStart + 1; } BlockInsert( wBlkStart, wBlkEnd ); if ( g_bDisassemble ) BlockDisassemble( wBlkStart, wBlkEnd ); // Write everything out to avoid cross-init merges BlocksWrite( cfOut ); return TRUE; } // Print data block load message if ( !g_bSilent ) printf( "Block: %04X-%04X (%04X)\n", wBlkStart, wBlkEnd, wBlkLen ); if ( ( !wBlkStart ) && ( !wBlkEnd ) ) return TRUE; BlockInsert( wBlkStart, wBlkEnd ); if ( g_bDisassemble ) BlockDisassemble( wBlkStart, wBlkEnd ); return TRUE; } void BlockInsert(WORD wBlkStart,WORD wBlkEnd) { if ( g_bSplit ) { char szPom[ 255 ]; sprintf( szPom, "blk%04X.blk", g_iSplitNum ); CFile cf; if ( cf.Create( szPom ) ) { cf.writeLEw( AT_HEADER ); cf.writeLEw( wBlkStart ); cf.writeLEw( wBlkEnd ); cf.Write( g_pbtPool + wBlkStart, wBlkEnd - wBlkStart + 1 ); cf.Close(); } g_iSplitNum++; } FILE_BLOCK *b,*bp; bp = NULL; // previous block b = g_pBlocks; while( b ) { //this fills the ultra short blks if ( ( ( b->wBlkEnd + 1 ) >= 0x400 ) && ( b->wBlkStart < 0xC000 ) ) { if ( ( b->wBlkEnd + 1 ) < wBlkStart ) { if ( ( wBlkStart - ( b->wBlkEnd + 1 ) ) < g_wGapFill ) { if ( !g_bSilent ) printf( "\t\tBlock merges with a previous block (gap fill)\n" ); b->wBlkEnd = wBlkEnd; return; } } } // Check for merge if ( b->wBlkEnd + 1 == wBlkStart ) { if ( !g_bSilent ) printf( "\t\tBlock merges with a previous block\n" ); b->wBlkEnd = wBlkEnd; return; } if ( b->wBlkStart - 1 == wBlkEnd ) { if ( !g_bSilent ) printf( "\t\tBlock merges with a previous block (unexpected ordering)\n" ); b->wBlkStart = wBlkStart; return; } // Check for overlap if ( b->wBlkStart <= wBlkStart && wBlkEnd <= b->wBlkEnd ) { if ( !g_bSilent ) printf( "\t\tWarning: Completely overlaps a previous block--merged\n" ); return; } if (b->wBlkStart <= wBlkEnd && b->wBlkStart >= wBlkStart) { b->wBlkStart = wBlkStart; if (b->wBlkEnd<wBlkEnd) b->wBlkEnd = wBlkEnd; if ( !g_bSilent ) printf( "\t\tWarning: Partially overlaps a previous block--merged\n" ); return; } if ( b->wBlkEnd <= wBlkEnd && b->wBlkEnd >= wBlkStart ) { b->wBlkEnd = wBlkEnd; if ( b->wBlkStart > wBlkStart ) b->wBlkStart = wBlkStart; if ( !g_bSilent ) printf( "\t\tWarning: Partially overlaps a previous block--merged\n" ); return; } bp = b; b = b->pNext; } // Add this block to the end of the list b = new FILE_BLOCK; if( !b ) { fprintf(stderr,"Unable to alloc memory--aborted\n" ); } b->wBlkStart = wBlkStart; b->wBlkEnd = wBlkEnd; b->pNext = NULL; if (bp) bp->pNext = b; else g_pBlocks = b; } void BlocksWrite( CFile& cf ) { FILE_BLOCK* b; FILE_BLOCK* bp; b = g_pBlocks; while (b) { if ( g_bOut) { cf.writeLEw( b->wBlkStart ); cf.writeLEw( b->wBlkEnd ); cf.Write( &g_pbtPool[ b->wBlkStart ], b->wBlkEnd - b->wBlkStart + 1 ); } bp = b; // To allow free call after last use b = b->pNext; delete bp; } g_pBlocks = NULL; } void BlockDisassemble(WORD wBlkStart,WORD wBlkEnd) { //don't disassemble run & init block if ( ( wBlkStart >= AT_RUNL ) && ( wBlkEnd <= AT_INITH ) ) goto BDEND; //don't disassemble hw addresses if ( ( wBlkStart >= AT_HWSTART ) && ( wBlkEnd <= AT_HWEND ) ) goto BDEND; OutputBlockDiss( g_pbtPool + wBlkStart, wBlkStart, wBlkEnd ); BDEND: printf( "\n" ); return; } void PrintOffset( CFile& cf ) { if ( !g_bSilent ) printf( "[%04lX] ", cf.Tell() ); }