.. |version| replace:: 1.07


convert between Atari 8-bit disk image formats

.. include:: manhdr.rst


acvt [**-xfd** | **-atr** | **-scp** | **-dcm** | **-di**] [**-batchmode**] [**-autorepair**] [**-norepair**] [**-errstop**] [**-over**] [**-test**] [**-classic**] *input-file* [*output-file*]


**acvt** converts Atari 8-bit images between various formats. It can
also repair some kinds of problems with broken/corrupted images.

Supported formats are:

    Originally defined by SIOPC; the modern standard format.

    Originally defined by the XFormer emulator; raw images.

    DiskComm (Disk Communicator) images.

    SpartaDOS SCOPY images.

    XL/ST link / XLDJ disk images.

If no *output-file* is given, the filename is created automatically by
replacing the filename extension (e.g. *foo.xfd* becomes *foo.atr*).

If the output file already exists, it will not be overwritten unless
the **-over** option is given.

If the input file is invalid, **acvt** may prompt for a repair method.


**-xfd**, **-atr**, **-scp**, **-dcm**, **-di**
  Output disk image format. Default is **-atr**.

  Multi-file processing mode. Only input files are specified on command-line.
  Regular expressions are allowed. Output filenames are created automatically.

  Automatically determines the best repair method (rather than prompting).

  Doesn't ask for repair options and considers input file invalid if it needs repair.

  In batch mode, exits on the first error encountered.

  Overwrites existing files.

  Load input images and display their state, but do not write output.

  Force output to be one of the classic Atari disk sizes (90K, 128K, 180K).

.. include:: manftr.rst