.. |version| replace:: 1.07 ==== acvt ==== ---------------------------------------------- convert between Atari 8-bit disk image formats ---------------------------------------------- .. include:: manhdr.rst SYNOPSIS ======== acvt [**-xfd** | **-atr** | **-scp** | **-dcm** | **-di**] [**-batchmode**] [**-autorepair**] [**-norepair**] [**-errstop**] [**-over**] [**-test**] [**-classic**] *input-file* [*output-file*] DESCRIPTION =========== **acvt** converts Atari 8-bit images between various formats. It can also repair some kinds of problems with broken/corrupted images. Supported formats are: ATR Originally defined by SIOPC; the modern standard format. XFD Originally defined by the XFormer emulator; raw images. DCM DiskComm (Disk Communicator) images. SCP SpartaDOS SCOPY images. DI XL/ST link / XLDJ disk images. If no *output-file* is given, the filename is created automatically by replacing the filename extension (e.g. *foo.xfd* becomes *foo.atr*). If the output file already exists, it will not be overwritten unless the **-over** option is given. If the input file is invalid, **acvt** may prompt for a repair method. OPTIONS ======= **-xfd**, **-atr**, **-scp**, **-dcm**, **-di** Output disk image format. Default is **-atr**. **-batchmode** Multi-file processing mode. Only input files are specified on command-line. Regular expressions are allowed. Output filenames are created automatically. **-autorepair** Automatically determines the best repair method (rather than prompting). **-norepair** Doesn't ask for repair options and considers input file invalid if it needs repair. **-errstop** In batch mode, exits on the first error encountered. **-over** Overwrites existing files. **-test** Load input images and display their state, but do not write output. **-classic** Force output to be one of the classic Atari disk sizes (90K, 128K, 180K). .. include:: manftr.rst