.. |version| replace:: 0.67 ==== adir ==== --------------------------------------------------- list and extract files from Atari 8-bit disk images --------------------------------------------------- .. include:: manhdr.rst SYNOPSIS ======== adir [ [**-help*] | [**-dos2** | [**-dos3**] | [**-mydos**] | [**-spdos**] | [**-kboot**] | [**-bas2boot** ] | [**-jonw**] | [**-robc**] | [**-howf**] | [**-boot] ] [**-e**] [**-dir** *path*] [**-dontrepair**] **disk-image** [**mask**] DESCRIPTION =========== **adir** lists and extracts the files contained in an Atari 8-bit disk image. Many Atari DOS and DOS-like filesystems are supported, and disk images can be in various formats. The image types supported are: ATR Originally defined by SIOPC; the modern standard format. XFD Originally defined by the XFormer emulator; raw images. DCM DiskComm (Disk Communicator) images. SCP SpartaDOS SCOPY images. DI XL/ST link / XLDJ disk images. The image type is autodetected; there are no options to override the detection. The filesystems supported are: - Atari DOS 2.0/2.5 and compatibles - Atari DOS 3.0 - MyDOS - Sparta DOS and compatibles (BeWe, RealDOS) - K-Boot images - HowFen DOS - JonW multiboot - RobC multiboot - Bas2Boot images - boot images (extracts boot sector only) By default, **adir** attempts to autodetect the filesystem type, but it can be set explicitly by one of the options, below. **mask** is a wildcard mask of filenames to extract. Note that it's case-sensitive, meaning it generally will have to be given in uppercase since most Atari filesystems don't support lowercase. OPTIONS ======= **-dos2**, **-dos3**, **-mydos**, **-spdos**, **-kboot**, **-bas2boot**, **-jonw**, **-robc**, **-howf**, **-boot** Set the filesystem type (see list, above). **-e** Extracts files from the image. If a wildcard **mask** is given, files matching the wildcard will be listed (and extracted, with **-e**). Without a **mask**, all files on the image will be listed/extracted. **-dir** *path* Write extracted files to this directory, which will be created if it doesn't already exist. Default is "." (the current directory). **-dontrepair** Don't attempt to automatically repair invalid files. EXIT STATUS =========== Zero for success, non-zero for failure. .. include:: manftr.rst