.. |version| replace:: 1.0.2


make a bootable Atari 8-bit disk image of a BASIC program

.. include:: manhdr.rst


bas2boot [**-atr** | **-xfd** | **-scp** | **-dcm** | **-di**] [**-long**] [**-message** *text*] **basic-file** [**output-disk-image**]


**bas2boot** creates an Atari 8-bit disk image that consists of a boot
loader followed by a tokenized Atari BASIC program. When the disk is
booted on the Atari, the BASIC program is loaded into memory and run.

There is no DOS on the disk; the BASIC program won't be able to use
the D: devices.

The bootloader will enable BASIC if possible (600XL, 800XL, all
XEs). Otherwise (400/800/1200XL), the Atari BASIC cartridge must be
inserted. The bootloader doesn't work with other BASICs like BASIC XL,
TurboBASIC, etc.


**-atr** **-xfd** **-scp** **-dcm** **-di**
  Set the output image type. Default: **-atr**. Note that the image
  type is *not* affected by the filename extension (the default
  is still **-atr** even with a file called *output.xfd*).

  Use 'classic' disk size (single density, 90KB). Default is to create a
  short ATR file consisting only of the sectors used.

**-message** *text*
  Sets message displayed while the program is loading.


Zero for success, non-zero for failure.

.. include:: manftr.rst