.. |version| replace:: 1.10 ====== chkbas ====== -------------------------------------------- check and detokenize Atari BASIC SAVEd files -------------------------------------------- .. include:: manhdr.rst SYNOPSIS ======== chkbas [**-atari**] [**-short**] [**-verbose**] [**-noinverse**] [**-tbs** | **-bxl** | **-bxe**] **basic-file** [**output-file**] listbas [**-atari**] [**-verbose**] [**-noinverse**] [**-tbs** | **-bxl** | **-bxe**] **basic-file** [**output-file**] DESCRIPTION =========== **chkbas** detokenizes Atari 8-bit BASIC SAVEd files. It lists the BASIC code in human-readable form, and gives some other useful information about the program. **basic-file** is an Atari BASIC, TurboBASIC, BASIC XL, or BASIC XE program. Output will go to **output-file**, if given; otherwise, standard output. If **basic-file** is anything other than standard Atari BASIC, the BASIC dialect must be specified (see **OPTIONS**, below). **listbas** is simply an alias for **chkbas -short**. Sample run, with no options:: $ chkbas HELLO.BAS chkbas v1.10 (c) 1999-2001 Jindrich Kubec <kubecj@asw.cz> chkbas v1.10 (c) 1999-2001 Jindrich Kubec <kubecj@asw.cz> Atari Basic/Turbo Basic/Basic XL/Basic XE decompiler. Latest version can be found at http://www.asw.cz/~kubecj Published under GPL. See GPL.TXT. Thanks to Russ Gilbert for his SALVAGE programs. Input file: HELLO.BAS Constants & pointers: Start of Name Table (VNT) : 000E End of Name Table (VNTE) : 0011 Lenght of Name Table (VNTL) : 0004 Start of Variable Table (VVT) : 0012 End of Variable Table (VVTE) : 0021 Length of Variable Table (VVTL) : 0010 Number of Variables (NV) : 0002 Start of Code (STMTAB): 0022 Length of Code : 004E Current command (STMCUR): 0070 Length of current command : 0013 First byte after program (STARP) : 0083 Length of file : 0083 File len difference : 00000000 Variable table: 0001 STRING (81) 00: SPoff: 0000 Len: 5 Dim: 10 A$ 0002 SCALAR (00) 01: 11 I Main code starts here: 10 DIM A$(10) 20 A$="HELLO" 30 FOR I=1 TO 10 40 ? A$;" WORLD!" 50 NEXT I Immediate code starts here: 32768 SAVE "H:HELLO.BAS" Done! OPTIONS ======= Input Options ------------- **-tbs** Treat input as a Turbo BASIC program. **-bxl** Treat input as a BASIC XL program. **-bxe** Treat input as a BASIC XE program, which may or may not be EXTENDed with code in the extra XE banks. Output Options -------------- **-atari** Output only the program listing, with lines terminated by Atari EOL characters (**$9B**). **-short** Output only the program listing, with lines terminated by the system default newline character(s), e.g. **\n** on UNIX-like OSes, **\r\n** on MS-DOS or Windows. This is the default for **listbas**. **-verbose** Program listing will be interspersed with per-line and per-statement low-level information. This option is probably most useful for debugging **chkbas** itself. EXIT STATUS =========== Zero for success, non-zero for failure. .. include:: manftr.rst