.. |version| replace:: 1.10


check and detokenize Atari BASIC SAVEd files

.. include:: manhdr.rst


chkbas [**-atari**] [**-short**] [**-verbose**] [**-noinverse**] [**-tbs** | **-bxl** | **-bxe**] **basic-file** [**output-file**]

listbas [**-atari**] [**-verbose**] [**-noinverse**] [**-tbs** | **-bxl** | **-bxe**] **basic-file** [**output-file**]


**chkbas** detokenizes Atari 8-bit BASIC SAVEd files. It lists the BASIC
code in human-readable form, and gives some other useful information
about the program.

**basic-file** is an Atari BASIC, TurboBASIC, BASIC XL, or BASIC
XE program. Output will go to **output-file**, if given; otherwise,
standard output. If **basic-file** is anything other than standard
Atari BASIC, the BASIC dialect must be specified (see **OPTIONS**,

**listbas** is simply an alias for **chkbas -short**.

Sample run, with no options::

  $ chkbas HELLO.BAS
  chkbas v1.10 (c) 1999-2001 Jindrich Kubec <kubecj@asw.cz>
  chkbas v1.10 (c) 1999-2001 Jindrich Kubec <kubecj@asw.cz>
  Atari Basic/Turbo Basic/Basic XL/Basic XE decompiler.
    Latest version can be found at http://www.asw.cz/~kubecj
    Published under GPL. See GPL.TXT.
    Thanks to Russ Gilbert for his SALVAGE programs.
  Input file: HELLO.BAS
  Constants & pointers:
  Start of Name Table      (VNT)   : 000E
  End of Name Table        (VNTE)  : 0011
  Lenght of Name Table     (VNTL)  : 0004
  Start of Variable Table  (VVT)   : 0012
  End of Variable Table    (VVTE)  : 0021
  Length of Variable Table (VVTL)  : 0010
  Number of Variables      (NV)    : 0002
  Start of Code            (STMTAB): 0022
  Length of Code                   : 004E
  Current command          (STMCUR): 0070
  Length of current command        : 0013
  First byte after program (STARP) : 0083
  Length of file                   : 0083
  File len difference              : 00000000
  Variable table:
  0001 STRING   (81) 00: SPoff: 0000 Len: 5 Dim: 10  A$
  0002 SCALAR   (00) 01: 11 I
  Main code starts here:
  10 DIM A$(10)
  20 A$="HELLO"
  30 FOR I=1 TO 10
  40 ? A$;" WORLD!"
  50 NEXT I
  Immediate code starts here:
  32768 SAVE "H:HELLO.BAS"


Input Options

  Treat input as a Turbo BASIC program.

  Treat input as a BASIC XL program.

  Treat input as a BASIC XE program, which may or may not be EXTENDed
  with code in the extra XE banks.

Output Options

  Output only the program listing, with lines terminated by Atari
  EOL characters (**$9B**).

  Output only the program listing, with lines terminated by the
  system default newline character(s), e.g. **\n** on UNIX-like OSes,
  **\r\n** on MS-DOS or Windows. This is the default for **listbas**.

  Program listing will be interspersed with per-line and per-statement
  low-level information. This option is probably most useful for debugging
  **chkbas** itself.


Zero for success, non-zero for failure.

.. include:: manftr.rst