.. |version| replace:: 1.00 ====== chkrom ====== ----------------------------------------------------------- check or disassemble 8K or 16K Atari 8-bit cartridge images ----------------------------------------------------------- .. include:: manhdr.rst SYNOPSIS ======== chkrom [**-disassemble**] **rom-image** DESCRIPTION =========== **chkrom** reads a *raw* Atari 8-bit ROM image (not a **.car** file) and prints the run address, init address, and the decoded flags in the cartridge options byte. Sample run:: $ chkrom basic.rom chkrom v1.00 (c) 1998-1999 Jindrich Kubec <kubecj@asw.cz> ROM file: basic.rom Init Addr :BFF0 Run Addr :A000 Flags :0500 ( INIT&RUN BOOT ) Ok! **chkrom** only supports images exactly 8KB (8192 bytes) or 16KB (16384 bytes). Bankswitched cartridge aren't supported. If you get "Unknown ROM size", make sure you're using a raw image. If it's a **.car** image, use **cart2rom**\(1) to make a raw image of it. OPTIONS ======= **-disassemble** Prints a disassembly of the entire cartridge. EXIT STATUS =========== Zero for success, non-zero for failure. .. include:: manftr.rst