.TH ATRDIR "1" "April 2007" "atrdir" "Ken Siders' Atari 8-bit Tools" .SH NAME \fBatrdir\fR \- print the directory of an ATR disk image .SH SYNOPSIS \fBatrdir\fR \fIimagefile.atr\fR [\fIwildcard\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION \fBatrdir\fR prints the directory of an Atari DOS 2.x or MyDOS compatible ATR disk image. Sample output: .PP .nf --------------------------------------------------------------------- Directory of dos_20s.atr:*.*: sector size = 128 sector count = 720 Directory of 'dos_20s.atr': no f filename ext secs length startSec -- - -------- --- ---- ------ -------- 0 * DOS SYS 039 4875 4 1 * DUP SYS 042 5126 43 2 AUTORUN SYS 001 88 85 --------------------------------------------------------------------- .fi .PP The \fIf\fR column contains an asterisk (\fI*\fR) for a locked file, a \fID\fR for a deleted file, \fI:\fR for a MyDOS subdirectory, \fI<\fR for a DOS 2.5 file that uses sectors above 720, or nothing for any other file. .PP \fIwildcard\fR is an optional glob pattern, such as \fI*.sys\fR. If not given, the default is \fI*.*\fR. \fIwildcard\fR is case insensitive; \fI*.txt\fR is equivalent to \fI*.TXT\fR. Most shells will require the argument to be quoted, to avoid the shell's normal wildcard expansion. The globbing semantics are similar to those of Atari DOS or POSIX sh, but are not identical to either. .PP \fBatrdir\fR does not take any other options. .SH NOTES .PP DOS 2.5 disk images are not fully supported. Specifically, \fBatrdir\fR is unable to determine the size of files that use sectors above 720 (those that are listed with \fI<\fR). Instead, the size will be reported as \fB??\fR. .PP MyDOS large disk images (aka hard disk images) are supported. .PP XFD format images are not supported. .PP The current version of \fBatrdir\fR cannot determine the size of a MyDOS directory. Instead, the size is reported as \fB??\fR. .PP \fBatrdir\fR cannot print the contents of MyDOS subdirectories. .PP Exit status is zero for success, non-zero for failure. .SH AUTHOR Ken Siders <\fBatari8bit@columbus.rr.com\fR> .PP Man page by B. Watson <\fBurchlay@urchlay.com\fR> .SH SEE ALSO \&\fIatrextr\fR\|(1), \&\fImakeatr\fR\|(1), \&\fIsortatr\fR\|(1), \&\fIunmakatr\fR\|(1). .PP Ken Siders Atari 8\-bit page: .br http://atari.ksiders.tzo.com/a8emulators.html