/* Copyright 1997 Ken Siders */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include "atr.h" #include "atdos.h" int main( int argc, char **argv) { AtrFilePtr atr; int stat = 0, ret = 0; char *file = "*.*"; char *path = NULL; printf("AtrExtr Version 0.9u (c)1997 Ken Siders\n"); printf("Ported and modified by B. Watson, 2007\n"); printf("This program may be freely distributed\n\n"); if(argc < 2 || argc > 4) { printf("usage: atrextr atrname.atr [file] [dir]\n" "Wildcards may be used for file (default: *.*)\n" "dir will be created, if it does not exist\n"); exit(-1); } atr = OpenAtr(argv[1]); if(atr == 0) { printf("Error reading ATR file: %s\n", argv[1]); CloseAtr(atr); exit(2); } CloseAtr(atr); if(argc >= 3 && argv[2][0]) file = argv[2]; if(argc == 4) { path = argv[3]; mkdir(path, 0777); /* ignore errors (ExtractAtariFile() will fail instead) */ } while ( !stat ) { SetVerbose(1); stat = ExtractAtariFile( argv[1], file, path ); SetVerbose(0); } if( stat < 0 ) { printf("\nError encountered when extracting file(s)\n"); printf("some files may have been extracted incorrectly\n"); stat = -stat; ret = 1; } printf("\n%d file(s) extracted\n", stat); exit(ret); }