; 20070524 bkw: DASM source for GR.2 "LOADING..." screen. ; Object code is intended to be prepended to some other object ; file, so it uses INITAD rather than RUNAD. ; WARNING: if you modify this file such that the object code changes, ; make sure you edit cart2bin.c and correct the offset for the title ; screen text! As long as you don't change anything after the "loading" ; label, this won't be a problem. processor 6502 include "equates.inc" seg.u ZP org $80 if * > $ff echo "Zero page vars have overrun into the stack! * =", * err else echo *-$80, "bytes of zero page used,", $ff-*, "remain" endif seg CODE LOAD_ADDR = $6000 ; load at 24K origin = LOAD_ADDR-6; org origin ; make room for 6-byte header ; 2-byte Atari executable header: byte $FF, $FF ; let DOS know it's a binary load file ; start of first segment ; 4-byte segment header: word LOAD_ADDR ; Load address word endbin-1 ; Last byte to load ; Rest of segment contains code and data pagesize byte 0 ; cart2bin will fill this in with the size of ; the cart image code, in pages. main: ; set RAMTOP to 28K, call GR.2, store "LOADING..." in screen RAM, ; then set RAMTOP back to original value. lda RAMTOP cmp #$C0 ; do we have 48K? bcs ram_ok ldx #0 ; no! print error message... lda #9 sta ICCOM lda #<ram_msg sta ICBAL lda #>ram_msg sta ICBAH lda #ram_msg_len sta ICBLL stx ICBLH jsr CIOV hang bcs hang ; spin forever ram_msg byte "Need at least 48K to run this.", $9B ram_msg_len = *-ram_msg+1 ram_ok ;sec ; carry already set by cmp above! sbc pagesize ; adjust RAMTOP to make room for the converted cart image pha ; save old RAMTOP value on stack lda #$70 ; set RAMTOP to $7000 (28K). Later on we do GRAPHICS 2, sta RAMTOP ; which will cause the DL and screen RAM to go here. ldx #$60 ; CLOSE #6 first lda #12 ; Command 12=CLOSE sta ICCOM,x jsr CIOV ; call CIO, ignore any error ;ldx #$60 ; set up IOCB #6 for CIO GRAPHICS command lda #3 ; Command 3=OPEN sta ICCOM,x lda #12 ; 12=R/W access sta ICAX1,x lda #2 ; GR. mode 2 sta ICAX2,x lda #<s_dev ; S: device sta ICBAL,x lda #>s_dev sta ICBAH,x lda #s_dev_len sta ICBLL,x lda #0 sta ICBLH,x jsr CIOV ; call CIO lda #5 ; POSITION 5,5 sta ROWCRS sta COLCRS lda #0 sta COLCRS+1 sta ICBLH,x ; PRINT #6;"LOADING... ; ldx #$60 lda #9 ; Command 9 = CIO "put record" sta ICCOM,x lda #<loading sta ICBAL,x lda #>loading sta ICBAH,x lda #loading_len sta ICBLL,x jsr CIOV ; call CIO ; ldx #$60 ; CLOSE #6 lda #12 ; Command 12=CLOSE sta ICCOM,x jsr CIOV ; call CIO, ignore any error pla ; get adjusted RAMTOP value sta RAMTOP rts ; end of init routine, return control to DOS s_dev byte "S:" s_dev_len equ *-s_dev+1 ; WARNING: if you change any code/data below this line, you'll probably need ; to change the offset in cart2bin.c as well. loading byte " LOADING" ds 6 title ds 20 ; cart2bin will fill in these 20 bytes with the filename byte $9B ; (or title, if -t is used) loading_len equ *-loading+1 endbin ; end of first segment echo "Code is", *-origin+1, "bytes" ; start of second segment (which loads at INITAD, to tell DOS ; where to start running the init code loaded in segment 1) ; 4-byte segment header: word INITAD ; load address (loading into INITAD lets our code run) word INITAD+1 ; Last byte to load ; Segment data contains 2 bytes (the actual run address) word main ; the 2 bytes to stuff into RUNAD ; That's all, folks! echo "Title offset: loadscreen_bin_len - ", *-title