======= protbas ======= --------------------------------------- LIST-protect Atari 8-bit BASIC programs --------------------------------------- .. include:: manhdr.rst SYNOPSIS ======== protbas [**-v**] [**-nc | **-nv**] [**-s**] [**-xr** | **-xNN**] **input-file** **output-file** DESCRIPTION =========== **protbas** reads a tokenized Atari 8-bit BASIC program and writes a LIST-protected copy of the program. See the **DETAILS** section of the **unprotbas**\(1) man page, to understand how the protection works. **input-file** must be a tokenized (SAVEd) Atari BASIC program. Use *-* to read from standard input, but **protbas** will refuse to read from standard input if it's a terminal. **output-file** will be the protected tokenized BASIC program. If it already exists, it will be overwritten. Use *-* to write to standard output, but **protbas** will refuse to write to standard output if it's a terminal (since tokenized BASIC is binary data and may confuse the terminal). The code protection works by adding a line 32767 to the program, with a bad next-line pointer. This will fail if there's already a line 32767. OPTIONS ======= Options may appear in any order. The first non-option argument is used for **input-file**; the second is **output-file**. A third non-option argument is an error. Protection Options ------------------ **-nc** Do not code-protect the program; only protect the variable names. **-nv** Do not protect the variable names; only code-protect the program. **-s** Shrink variable name table to minimum size, one byte per variable name. Programs protected this way are very similar to ones protected with **PROTECT.BAS**. **-xr**, **-x** *NN* Character to use for variable name protection. *NN* is the character code in hex, e.g. **-x20** to use a space. Default is **9b** (the EOL character). **-xr** means random codes. .. include:: genopts.rst EXIT STATUS =========== 0 **input-file** was unprotected, protection was successful. 1 I/O error, or **input-file** isn't a valid BASIC program. 2 **input-file** is already a protected BASIC program. .. include:: manftr.rst