/* Convert a raw cart dump into a .CAR Either the user sets the type, in which case we make sure the file size matches, or else he doesn't, and we try to guess from the file size. Also give options to force the type in case our cart_types is out of data, and to force the checksum for debugging purposes. Type guessing algorithm... we have some or all of these: File size - always have. Eliminate all types of any other size. Machine type - optional, via -m. If we have it, eliminate all types of the wrong machine type. Type name partial string - optional, via -t. If we have it, eliminate all non-matching types. Type number - optional, via -t. If we have it, eliminate all but the given type number. If list is now empty, give error message. If list is only one element long, use it as-is. Otherwise... there are >1 elements in the list. If the user has disabled guessing, show the him list, ask him to be more specific. (optional heuristics:) - Look at the option byte (3rd to last byte of the ROM) - If the list contains both machine types, try to narrow it down by looking at the init address ($4000-7FFF is definitely 5200). - Also try looking for 3 or more STA $E8xx instructions: on the 5200, these are writes to POKEY; on the 8bit, they're writes to ROM (unlikely). If list is only one element long, use it as-is. If he hasn't disabled guessing, then guess! Take lowest-numbered type... */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cart.h" #ifndef VERSION #define VERSION "???" #endif #define SELF "rom2cart" #define BANNER \ SELF " v" VERSION " by B. Watson (WTFPL)\n" char *usage = "\nUsage: " SELF " [-chl] [-t type] [-T type] [-C sum] [infile] [outfile]\n" " cart2rom [infile] [outfile] (equivalent to " SELF " -r)\n" " -h Print this help.\n" " -v Verbose operation (-vv for 'very verbose').\n" " -c Check only; do not create output file (enables -vv).\n" " -t type Set cartridge type. [type] may be a numeric type or a\n" " partial name to match.\n" " -l List all known cartridge types.\n" " -m mach Cart is for given machine, either '8bit' or '5200'.\n" " -n Do not guess cart type, if unable to narrow down to one.\n" " -r Write a raw ROM image as output, rather than a CART image.\n" " -T type Like -t, but forces the type. Numeric type only.\n" " -C sum Force the checksum to sum. Not very useful.\n" " -U data Set 'unused' bytes in CART header to data.\n" "\n" "infile may be either a raw dump or a CART image, and may be '-' to read\n" "from standard input. outfile may be omitted, in which case output will\n" "be written to a file named after infile, with its extension changed to\n" ".car (or .rom, if -r given). outfile may be '-' to write to standard\n" "output.\n"; #define OPTIONS "vchlm:nT:t:C:rU:" void print_type_table(int *set) { /* print a nicely-formatted type table. If set is NULL, print all types, otherwise only print types whose bit in set is true. */ int i; fprintf(stderr, "%5s | %8s | %6s | %s\n", "Type", "Machine", "SizeKB", "Name"); fprintf(stderr, "------|----------|--------|------------------------\n"); for(i=1; i<=MAX_CART_TYPE; i++) { if(set == NULL || set[i]) fprintf(stderr, "%5d | %8s | %6d | %s\n", i, (cart_types[i].machine == M_5200 ? "5200" : "8-bit"), cart_types[i].size, cart_types[i].name); } } /* read_file() reads and mallocs this many bytes at a time. There should never be a reason to change this. */ #define READ_CHUNK_SIZE 4096 int read_file(FILE *f, unsigned char **bufp) { /* read an entire file, malloc'ing as we go. caller must free(*bufp). return value is number of bytes read. */ int bytes_read = 0, total_read = 0; *bufp = malloc(READ_CHUNK_SIZE); if(!*bufp) { fclose(f); fputs("Out of memory (initial malloc failed)\n", stderr); exit(1); } while((bytes_read = fread(*bufp + total_read, 1, READ_CHUNK_SIZE, f)) > 0) { unsigned char *newbuf; total_read += bytes_read; newbuf = realloc(*bufp, total_read + READ_CHUNK_SIZE); if(!newbuf) { fclose(f); free(*bufp); fputs("Out of memory (realloc failed)\n", stderr); exit(1); } *bufp = newbuf; } return total_read; } /* case-insensitive strstr()-like search */ char *string_match(char *haystack, char *needle) { while(*haystack) { char *htmp = haystack; char *ntmp = needle; if(tolower(*ntmp) == tolower(*haystack)) { while(tolower(*ntmp) == tolower(*htmp)) { ntmp++; htmp++; if(!*ntmp) return haystack; if(!*htmp) break; } } haystack++; } return NULL; } machine_t code_heuristics(unsigned char *rom, int size, int verbose) { /* Look at the first 8K (minus 6-byte header), count possible occurences of POKEY writes. The POKEY is at $E800 on the 5200 and $D200 on the 8-bit. Return value is the (probable) machine type, which may be M_INVALID if the test is inconclusive. */ int i, a8 = 0, a52 = 0; int machine = M_INVALID; for(i=0; i < (size < 8192 ? (size-6) : (8192-6) ); i++) { unsigned char opcode = rom[i]; unsigned char page = rom[i+2]; /* STA abs STX abs STA abs,X */ if(opcode == 0x8d || opcode == 0x8e || opcode == 0x9d) { if(page == 0xe8) a52++; else if(page == 0xd2) a8++; } } if(verbose > 1) { fprintf(stderr, SELF ": found %d probable 8-bit POKEY writes\n", a8); fprintf(stderr, SELF ": found %d probable 5200 POKEY writes\n", a52); } if(a8 >= 3 && a52 <= 1) machine = M_ATARI8; else if(a52 >= 3 && a8 <= 1) machine = M_5200; return machine; } machine_t guess_machine_type(unsigned char *rom, int size, int verbose) { /* Try to guess the machine type based on the option byte and/or init address. If that fails, call code_heuristics(). Return value is the guessed machine type, which may be M_INVALID if we can't figure it out. */ machine_t machine = M_INVALID; unsigned char option = rom[size - 3]; int init = rom[size - 2] | (rom[size - 1] << 8); if(verbose) fprintf(stderr, SELF ": using heuristics to guess machine type " "(-n or -m to inhibit)\n"); if(option == 0xff || (option >= 0x50 && option <= 0x59)) { /* 0xff means diagnostic cart on the 5200. 0x50 thru 0x59 are the digits 0-9 for non-diagnostic carts (the 2nd digit of the copyright year) */ machine = M_5200; if(verbose > 1) fprintf(stderr, SELF ": machine type is 5200 based on option byte " "$%02X\n", option); } else if(option == 4 || option == 5 || option == 0x80) { /* These are the most common option bytes for A8. */ machine = M_ATARI8; if(verbose > 1) fprintf(stderr, SELF ": machine type is 8-bit based on option byte " "$%02X\n", option); } else if(init >= 0x4000 && init < 0x8000 && size >= 32768) { /* 32K and up 5200 carts may have an init address below $8000. On the 8-bit, addresses below $8000 are RAM, not part of the cart address window. */ machine = M_5200; if(verbose > 1) fprintf(stderr, SELF ": machine type is 5200 based on init address " "$%04X\n", init); } else { /* If all else fails, look for STA $E8xx (5200 POKEY writes), or STA $D2xx (A8 POKEY writes). Of course, data tables might happen to contain these sequences of bytes... */ machine = code_heuristics(rom, size, verbose); } if(verbose) { if(machine == M_INVALID) fprintf(stderr, SELF ": heuristics couldn't guess machine type\n"); else fprintf(stderr, SELF ": heuristics guessed machine type: %s\n", (machine == M_ATARI8 ? "8-bit" : "5200")); } return machine; } int determine_type( int verbose, int allow_guess, int type_override, char *type_param, machine_t machine, int size, unsigned char *rom) { /* Figure out the cartridge type (ID), based on the image size, machine type (optional), and/or some heuristics that look at the ROM itself. Return value is the type, which may be 0 if we can't guess. candidates[] has one "bit" (int) per cart type, and is initialized to all zeroes. As we find possible type matches, we turn on the bit(s) in candidates[] (or turn them off, as types are eliminated). All this ugly table-searching code would be much prettier as an SQL select, but it'd be overkill to require a Real Database for a small niche-purpose utility like this... */ int type = 0, i, match, both, candidates[MAX_CART_TYPE + 1]; /* process -t/-T first */ if(type_param && *type_param >= '1' && *type_param <= '9') { type = atoi(type_param); if(type_override) { if(type) return type; /* valid numeric -T */ else return 0; /* bogus -T */ } else { if(!type || type > MAX_CART_TYPE) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid numeric type '%d' for -t (valid types " "are 1 to %d; use -l for list)\n", type, MAX_CART_TYPE); return 0; } } } /* no -T, so do a search */ for(i=0; i<=MAX_CART_TYPE; i++) candidates[i] = 0; if(type) { /* -t numeric type */ if(size != (cart_types[type].size * 1024)) { fprintf(stderr, SELF ": ROM size does not match, type %d " "should be %dK, but input is %dK\n", type, cart_types[type].size, size/1024); return 0; } candidates[type] = 1; machine = cart_types[type].machine; /* bypass machine-type guessing */ } else if(type_param) { /* -t string match */ match = 0; if(verbose) fprintf(stderr, SELF ": trying to match '%s'\n", type_param); for(i=1; i<=MAX_CART_TYPE; i++) { if(string_match(cart_types[i].name, type_param)) { if(verbose > 1) fprintf(stderr, SELF ": matched type %d (%s)\n", i, cart_types[i].name); candidates[i] = 1; match++; } } if(!match) { fprintf(stderr, SELF ": no types match '%s'\n", type_param); return 0; } } else { /* no -t param at all, all types are potential matches */ for(i=0; i<=MAX_CART_TYPE; i++) candidates[i] = 1; } /* now eliminate all wrong-sized types */ match = 0; for(i=1; i<=MAX_CART_TYPE; i++) { if(cart_types[i].size * 1024 == size) match++; else candidates[i] = 0; } /* size doesn't match anything in the table! Whoops! */ if(!match) { fprintf(stderr, SELF ": no known types match size %.1fKB\n", (double)size / 1024.0); return 0; } /* see if both machine types are in the list */ match = both = 0; if(machine == M_INVALID) { for(i=1; i<=MAX_CART_TYPE; i++) { if(!candidates[i]) continue; machine_t mt = cart_types[i].machine; if(match) { if(mt != match) { both = 1; break; } } else { match = mt; } } if(!both) machine = match; } if((verbose > 1) && both) fprintf(stderr, SELF ": candidate list contains both machine types\n"); /* if no machine type override, try some heuristics to determine the machine type. */ if(allow_guess && (machine == M_INVALID)) machine = guess_machine_type(rom, size, verbose); /* if -m given or guessed, eliminate all types of wrong machine type */ if(machine != M_INVALID) { for(i=1; i<=MAX_CART_TYPE; i++) { if(cart_types[i].machine != machine) candidates[i] = 0; } } /* now see whether we have 0, 1, or >1 matches */ type = match = 0; for(i=1; i<=MAX_CART_TYPE; i++) { if(candidates[i]) { match++; if(!type) type = i; /* take the lowest-numbered type that matches */ } } if(!match) { /* d'oh! Nothing matched... */ return 0; } else if(match == 1) { /* Exact match, use it */ if(verbose) { fprintf(stderr, SELF ": exact match:\n"); print_type_table(candidates); } return type; } else { /* >1 match... */ if(allow_guess) { if(verbose) { fprintf(stderr, SELF ": %d types match:\n", match); print_type_table(candidates); } fprintf(stderr, SELF ": guessing type %d (%s)\n", type, cart_types[type].name); return type; } else { fprintf(stderr, SELF ": %d types match, not guessing:\n", match); print_type_table(candidates); return 0; } } } /* helper for -C and -U options */ unsigned int get_u32_value(char opt, char *arg) { unsigned int got; if(sscanf(arg, "0x%x", &got) != 1) if(sscanf(arg, "$%x", &got) != 1) if(sscanf(arg, "%u", &got) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid value for -%c: '%s'\n", opt, arg); exit(1); } return got; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *infile = "-", outfile[4096] = "-"; FILE *in = stdin, *out = stdout; unsigned char *rom; char *type_param = NULL; int check_only = 0, type = 0, type_override = 0, allow_guess = 1, verbose = 0, raw_output = 0; machine_t machine = M_INVALID; int c, size; unsigned int cksum = 0, cksum_override = 0, unused_data = 0; unsigned char *buffer; unsigned char **bufp = &buffer; unsigned char cart[16]; if(strstr(argv[0], "cart2rom") != NULL) { raw_output = 1; } while( (c = getopt(argc, argv, OPTIONS)) != -1 ) { switch(c) { case 'v': verbose++; break; case 'c': check_only++; verbose = 2; break; case 'h': fputs(BANNER, stderr); fprintf(stderr, usage); exit(0); break; case 'l': print_type_table(NULL); exit(0); break; case 'T': type_override++; /* fall through */ case 't': type_param = optarg; break; case 'C': cksum = get_u32_value('C', optarg); cksum_override++; break; case 'U': unused_data = get_u32_value('U', optarg); break; case 'n': allow_guess = 0; break; case 'm': if(optarg[0] == '5') machine = M_5200; else if(optarg[0] == 'a' || optarg[0] == '8') machine = M_ATARI8; else { fprintf(stderr, SELF ": Invalid machine type (-m)\n" "Valid types are '8bit' and '5200' (or '8' and '5')\n"); exit(1); } break; case 'r': raw_output++; break; default: fputs(BANNER, stderr); fprintf(stderr, usage); exit(1); break; } } if(verbose) fputs(BANNER, stderr); if(optind < argc) { infile = argv[optind]; if(strcmp(infile, "-") == 0) { in = stdin; if(verbose) fprintf(stderr, SELF ": reading from standard input\n"); } else { char *p; strcpy(outfile, infile); p = strrchr(outfile, '.'); if(!p) p = outfile + strlen(outfile); *p = '\0'; if(raw_output) strcat(outfile, ".rom"); else strcat(outfile, ".car"); if( !(in = fopen(infile, "rb")) ) { if(verbose) fprintf(stderr, SELF ": (fatal) %s: %s\n", infile, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } optind++; } size = read_file(in, bufp); fclose(in); if(has_cart_signature(buffer)) { rom = buffer + 16; size -= 16; type = get_cart_type(buffer); if(verbose) fprintf(stderr, SELF ": input is CART image, type %d\n", type); } else { rom = buffer; if(verbose) fprintf(stderr, SELF ": input is raw dump, %d bytes\n", size); } if(size <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, SELF ": input file is empty!\n"); exit(1); } else if(size % 4096) { if(size != 2048) { fprintf(stderr, SELF ": %s: input size %d bytes, not a multiple of 4KB, and not 2KB either!\n", (type_override ? "warning" : "fatal"), size); if(!type_override) exit(1); } } if(!type) { type = determine_type( verbose, allow_guess, type_override, type_param, machine, size, rom); } if(!type) { fprintf(stderr, SELF ": " "Can't determine image type from supplied info and ROM size.\n" "Please re-run with -t, -T, and/or -m options.\n"); free(buffer); exit(1); } /* Built cart header. Don't use create_cart_header() because it assumes the ROM size always matches the expected ROM size for the type. This may NOT be the case, if someone uses -T to e.g. set the type to 16K when there's only 8K of actual ROM. */ memcpy(cart, CART_SIGNATURE, 4); set_cart_type(cart, type); if(!cksum_override) cksum = calc_rom_checksum(buffer, size); set_cart_checksum(cart, cksum); set_cart_unused(cart, unused_data); if(verbose > 1) cart_dump_header(cart, 0); if(!check_only) { if(optind < argc) { strcpy(outfile, argv[optind]); optind++; } if(strcmp(outfile, "-") == 0) { out = stdout; if(verbose) fprintf(stderr, SELF ": writing to standard output\n"); } else { if(strcmp(infile, outfile) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, SELF ": Input and output filenames are the same, " "aborting!\n"); exit(1); } if(verbose) fprintf(stderr, SELF ": output file is '%s'\n", outfile); if( !(out = fopen(outfile, "wb")) ) { fprintf(stderr, SELF ": (fatal) %s: %s\n", outfile, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } if(isatty(fileno(out))) { fprintf(stderr, SELF ": Standard output is a terminal, " "not writing binary data.\n" "Either redirect to a file or set the output filename.\n"); exit(1); } } if(optind < argc) { fprintf(stderr, SELF ": ignoring trailing junk on command line: " "'%s' ...\n", argv[optind]); } if(!check_only) { if(!raw_output) fwrite(cart, 16, 1, out); fwrite(rom, size, 1, out); fclose(out); } free(buffer); exit(0); }