======== vxrefbas ======== -------------------------------------------------------------- Variable cross-reference for tokenized Atari 8-bit BASIC files -------------------------------------------------------------- .. include:: manhdr.rst SYNOPSIS ======== vxrefbas **input-file** DESCRIPTION =========== **vxrefbas** reads an Atari 8-bit BASIC tokenized program and prints a list of variables (names and token numbers), each with a list of line numbers where the variable is referenced. String variable names end with *$*. Arrays end with *(*. Numeric (scalar) variable names don't have a special character. After the list of lines, the reference count is shown in parentheses. Multiple references on the same line of code are not counted separately, so this is a count of *lines* that reference the variable. Variables that aren't used by the program are listed as *(no references)*. Each line number may be followed by an *=* and one or more markers, which show the type of variable access. **A** Variable is assigned on this line, with *LET* or "implied LET" (e.g. *A=1*). **F** Variable is used as the control variable of a *FOR* loop on this line. **N** Variable is used in a *NEXT* on this line. **D** The variable is dimensioned (*DIM* command) on this line. Only applies to string and array variables. **I** Variable was *INPUT* on this line. **R** Variable was *READ* on this line. **G** Variable was read with *GET* on this line. **O** Variable was set by *NOTE* on this line. Sorry, this can't be *N*, it's already used for *NEXT*. **L** Variable was set by *LOCATE* on this line. The last line of output shows the total number of variables and the number of unreferenced variables. OPTIONS ======= There are no application-specific options. .. include:: genopts.rst EXIT STATUS =========== 0 for success, 1 for failure. .. include:: manftr.rst