Definitely need to rewrite huge swathes of code in asm. Candidates are: fujichat.c: main(), handle_keystroke(), and the protocol parsing routines rs232dev.c: the whole thing could be rewritten in asm for speed, but the size isn't so bad. uIP itself: have to investigate. Some of the code is pretty hairy. Before rewriting in asm, should make it so we can compile without TCP listen support, since we don't use it. Need to re-do the R: handler stuff. At least one driver (the plain Atari 850 one) actually crashes when loaded from either the DOS menu or aexec. Apparently it *only* works if it's loaded as autorun.sys. So, something like this: - Initial autorun.sys on disk loads a program called makeauto. [done] - makeauto asks for the serial driver, then concatenates the driver + into a new autorun.sys (renaming the old one to autorun.old or something), then asks user to reboot. [done] - Any time fujiconf loads and can't find an R: handler, it tells the user and runs makeauto for him (or anyway asks, with default Yes). The "set R: driver" stuff in fujiconf needs to move to makeauto (and be changed so it appends files instead copy). - FujiChat itself still won't contain any R: detection or anything, beyond the RS232 Not Initialized error message [done] - While I'm at it, fix the filename paths so they *all* begin with the D: prefix. [done] - Possibly has a new menu item, "RS232 Setup", and warns the user "You must run RS232 Setup before using FujiChat" 20081124 bkw: Add /peek, /poke, /fgcolor, /bgcolor commands. Also, now that we're parsing numerics from the server, it'd be nice to do the alternate-nick thing, for when the nick is in use. 20081124 bkw: Keep a time-of-day clock (don't use RTCLOK to store it though). At connect, send /TIME to the server, parse the results. The config file will need a timezone setting. 20081121 bkw: Feature idea: auto-away when attract mode kicks in, with default away message (but don't announce to channel). Un-away as soon as a key is hit. Possibly let the user set a timeout instead of letting the OS default to 9 minutes. [done, using default OS timeout only] Ideas for logging: Will anyone give a shit about logging to disk? If so, it wouldn't be impossible... but we'd likely drop packets (or does uip_stop() gracefully handle this, maybe with a callback?) /log [on|off|flush|file filename|search ] Keep the disk file open? Log stuff to memory, then just before the buffer fills, write it out to disk. Logging to memory, looks like we have a little over 5K for this. When we get ready to log a message that would put us past the end of the buffer, memmove() the buffer down by some amount (say 1/4 of its size). Log viewing is a mode. While enabled, handle_keystroke() will do the --more-- thing. Traffic indicator's still active, and we still log stuff to memory, but *don't* print it. If the log has to be shifted down, also shift down the currently-viewing pointer. If the view pointer points too low to move, set it to the bottom of the log buffer if it isn't already (user will get confused, but what you gonna do?). Forward/backward searches should work. Filtering by nick should work. When entering logviewer mode, save the current end-of-log address. Any time the log moves while viewing, also subtract from this address. More stuff can be coming in & being logged above this address... on exiting logviewer mode, anything aboved the saved address should be printed to the screen immediately. In this model of "scrollback" support, we actually don't scroll per se, we're *still* using stdio to print stuff. It might be that on entering logviewer mode, we should run through the log, counting characters, so we'll know where each screens' worth starts (for going back/up in the viewer). Either that, or we could print the damn thing backwards? At a price of 3 bytes per message, we can store timestamps. Not sure if it's worth it. Actually maybe we can just store a single byte in the buffer every N minutes, to give a rough guide to how long ago the next bunch of messages were. How bout this for a lightly compressed format: we're only storing 7-bit printable ascii, in 8-bit bytes, so... 1st byte: 0-31 - No message, just timestamp. Next message starts at next byte in buffer. The value is the minutes-1 since the last timestamp. Basically, every minute of wall-clock time, a timestamp of 0 is added to the buffer if someone has said something in the past minute. If not, there will already be a timestamp at the end of buffer, so just increment it (unless it's at the max value, in which case add a zero timestamp after it). We can use these to e.g. print "(42 minutes silence)" or such. I'd like to be able to do "N minutes ago" type messages, but to do that I have to run through the buffer backwards to calculate what they should be (then forwards to actually read messages from it). Anything else: 1st char of nick, or 0x80 meaning "same nick as last message" (or 0x81 meaning "my nick"?). Some care has to be taken when memmoving the buffer: blocks of messages from the same user need to be treated as a unit (kept entirely, or disposed of entirely). For this to make sense, such blocks have to be kept short (say, less than the move-amount). Next bytes are the rest of the nick, with bit 7 set for the last one. In case of a 1-char nick, 1st and only char has bit 7 set. After last nick char comes the message. For the first byte, if the top bit is set, the bottom 7 bits are: 0 - empty message 1-31 - stuff like join/quit/part (don't bother to store part, quit, or kick messages? or store normally?) Anything else - normal message character (the only one, if the top bit is set). Further message bytes are stored with the top bit of the last byte being set. So if someone joins, says hello, and parts ( means 'c' with high bit set: Use\x01\x80Hello\x80\x02 (Assuming \x01 is the join code and \x02 is the part code) This is 13 bytes. If we stored what a normal client stores in its log, it might look like: User has joined\n Hello\n User has left\n Which is 16+13+14 = 43 bytes. Most clients would actually store the channel name with the joins/parts; I left them out to make the comparison more fair (we don't penalize them for storing info that we don't store, only for storing the same info less densely). 20081120 bkw: smallest 0.4 binary, with all FEAT_* turned off except for FEAT_LOW_RAM_BUFFERS, the BSS ends at $920E. With COL80E relocated to $9A00, that gives us 1K for stack. Not great, but might work. It's still too big to use with E80 (by about 3K, counting the stack). COL80E loads at $7A00-$7F80, but doesn't really seem to use any RAM from $8000-A000 with BASIC disabled. If the code could be relocated so it loads at $9A00, we'd have a fighting chance of squeezing fujichat to fit. Currently fujichat loads $2E00-8D3B... meaning there'd be a little over 3K for stack & data/bss variables. Need to examine cc65's map file, see how high the data/bss stuff goes. Moving the input and output buffers to low RAM is going to help a lot. It also might be possible to move the stack to low RAM (it's supposed to sit right above the heap, but fujichat isn't using malloc(), which unless I'm mistaken means no heap usage... though some of the libraries it links with might be using it). Try compiling uip without UDP checksums, with fewer TCP/UDP conns, asm optimize anything that doesn't compile efficiently? It looks like TCP listen support could be made a compile-time option that could be disabled. IRC doesn't need to listen on ports except for DCCs, and we probably can't ever make those work anyway. It won't save much (guesstimate is 50-75 bytes)... Each TCP conn is supposed to take 30 bytes. For now we only need one, but we have 5, so wasting 120 bytes there. [so far, changing max. tcp conns, listen ports, and udp conns to 1, and disabling udp cksums, has saved 325 bytes. Worth it, but need to make sure the app still works!] [also, make some of FujiChat's features able to be removed at compile-time. Removing them all saves 963 bytes, and makes the BSS end at $96cb! If COL80E were relocated to $9A00, we'd have 800-odd bytes for the heap/stack, which still ain't enough... Possibly the stack could be shrunk by 256 bytes and relocated to $2700?] E80 is probably a lost cause. It seems to take 12K, which seems like an awful lot. Screen is hard-wired to $6E70, but it seems to not use any RAM from $A000-BFFF with BASIC disabled. moving the whole thing up 8K (assuming I can relocate the code) gives us a start address of $8E70, or 3K lower than COL80E, or 130-odd bytes(!) above the end of cc65's code segment (ouch!)... however maybe I could leave it unrelocated, and use a linker script to move all the data/bss/heap/stack/etc (everything but the code, and maybe some of the code too) to the $A000-BFFF area (8K seems like a good bit, the stack is 2K). Fast E40 driver doesn't have to be a full E: replacement! Instead, we only need to hook the "put 1 byte" routine, and do the following: Check & see if byte-to-print is printable or an EOL. If it's neither, jump to the OS's print-one-byte routine. If the screen is about to scroll (if we're on bottom line and byte is 0x9b, or if we're on bottom line + last column and byte is printable), we capture the top line (first 40 bytes) of screen RAM and store in scrollback buffer. We can probably detect when the line ends in >1 spaces, and not store those. If a screen scroll is needed, do it ourselves, *fast*. This may turn out to be too messy or bloated to deal with, but I think it might not be so bad. If the char is printable, print it, *fast*. Fast E40 doesn't have to support margins other than 0 and 39, which should help. Also we can make assumptions about where the screen RAM is if need be, and use multiple ZP pointers into it (using the FP zero page area). However much scrollback RAM we have, we have to subtract 1K from it for a viewing buffer. This allows us to keep printing to the main screen RAM while it's not showing, and buffering it as it scrolls, without the viewing buffer changing while we look at it... also when done viewing, we toggle back to displaying main screen RAM instantly. I'm thinking there have to be separate builds for Fast E40 and whatever 80-col driver I get working. The 80 version won't have any support for scrollback at all, not least because there's no RAM for the buffer! Also if there's ever going to be a separate edit buffer "window", or multiple channel windows, fast E40 is where they'll live. It might also be possible to do word-wrap. Not sure whether that's better done in the driver or in the app. Doing it in the app means it'll work in 80-column mode, too. ...potential new feature: should be able to do ping times by sending the low 2 RTCLOK bytes in numeric form, then when the response comes back, decode back into 2 bytes, subtract from current RTCLOK, convert to 10ths of a second, and print. I *really* wish I could do CSLIP. Maybe later. Not delved too deeply into the guts of uIP... maybe the serial driver could transparently do the comp/decomp, and speak plain SLIP to uIP? (would this be too slow, cause drops? Even if it doesn't make us drop packets, would the CPU overhead negate any benefit to be gained from it?) Also on the drawing board, keyboard buffering during rs232 I/O. Fairly straightforward, I think. Don't actually cgetc() or anything, just save the contents of CH in a buffer if it's not $FF, and set it to $FF to clear the keystroke. In fact, there's a prototype of it in keybuftest.c (just needs to be integrated). Another idea: a status line wouldn't be so hard to do, even without a fancy E: driver. Could write directly into the first 40 bytes of screen RAM. I don't want to give up a line of display though... but instead of a full status line, it'd be cool to display a little up or down arrow in the upper-right corner during rs232 sends/receives (save & restore the character that really goes there). The screen codes for the up and down arrows are $5C and $5D ($DC and $DD for inverse). /j or /join without a channel should rejoin the current channel, if FujiChat thinks it's in a channel. This would give us an easy way to rejoin the channel if kicked. There needs to be an extra-dumb terminal program for use with manual login systems. It should fit in 1K or so, load on top of fujichat's input/output/msg buffer space, and RTS back to fujichat when it's done. Later on there should be a chatscript engine that loads in the same space and works the same way.