# This file is part of the FujiChat Atari 8-bit IRC client. # Copyright (c) 2019, B. Watson. # All rights reserved. See doc/LICENSE.txt for legalese. # If we're working from a git tree, embed the revision and date # into the binary. GITREV=$(shell sh ./gitrev) CC = cl65 AR = ar65 APPS = telnet resolv CFLAGS = -t atari -I../uip/uip -I. -O -DGITREV=\"$(GITREV)\" # Default target: build all the binaries. all: fujichat.xex fujiconf.xex aexec.xex fujimenu.xex makeauto.xex about.xex loadmkau.xex loadmenu.xex keybuf.o # The uIP Makefile: -include Makefile.include uip: $(addprefix $(OBJECTDIR)/, fujichat.o common.o commands.o rs232dev.o clock-arch.o) keybuf.o apps.a uip.a fujiput.s formatip.o fujichat.xex: uip mv uip fujichat.xex keybuf.o: keybuf.s ca65 -t atari -o keybuf.o keybuf.s common.o: common.c common.h $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o common.o common.c formatip.o: formatip.c formatip.h $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o formatip.o formatip.c fujiconf.xex: fujiconf.c fujichat.h common.o formatip.o $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o fujiconf.xex fujiconf.c common.o formatip.o obj/uiplib.o fujimenu.xex: fujimenu.c fujichat.h aexec.xex common.o $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o fujimenu.xex fujimenu.c common.o about.xex: about.c fujichat.h aexec.xex common.o $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o about.xex about.c common.o makeauto.xex: makeauto.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o makeauto.xex makeauto.c common.o loadmenu.xex: loadxex.s cl65 --asm-define MENU -t none -o loadmenu.xex loadxex.s loadmkau.xex: loadxex.s cl65 -t none -o loadmkau.xex loadxex.s aexec.xex: aexec.s cl65 -t none -o aexec.xex aexec.s test: disk atariserver fujitest.atr sudo sh ./start_slip.sh disk: all sh mkdisk.sh clean: rm -rf *.xex obj/ *.o *~ *core $(OBJECTDIR) *.a mkdir obj distclean: clean rm -rf ../uip/uip/uip.o ## Old test targets, not used, maybe not working any more: keybuftest.xex: keybuftest.c keybuf.o $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o keybuftest.xex keybuftest.c keybuf.o # native, not Atari! clear_rts: clear_rts.c gcc -O2 -Wall -o clear_rts clear_rts.c