#include #include #include #include #include #include "uip.h" #include "common.h" #include "aexec.h" #include "fujichat.h" int __fastcall__ (*atari_exec_p)(char *) = (int __fastcall__ (*)(char *))0x600; fuji_conf_t *config = (fuji_conf_t *)CONFIG_ADDRESS; void disable_break(void) { asm("lda $10"); /* POKMSK */ asm("and #$7f"); asm("sta $10"); /* POKMSK */ asm("sta $D20E"); /* IRQEN */ } /* helper for fuji_cgetc */ void __fastcall__ call_keybdv(void) { asm("lda $E420+5"); /* KEYBDV */ asm("pha"); asm("lda $E420+4"); asm("pha"); asm("lda #12"); asm("sta $2A"); /* ICAX1Z */ } /* replacement for cgetc() that doesn't include cursor enable/disable stuff (otherwise copied from cc65's cgetc.s) */ char __fastcall__ fuji_cgetc(void) { asm("jsr _call_keybdv"); asm("ldx #0"); } /* using open() read() close() instead of fopen() fread() fclose() is a big win: save us 438 bytes! */ char get_config(void) { char config_valid = 0; int f = open(DEFAULT_CONF_FILE, O_RDONLY); puts("Loading config from " DEFAULT_CONF_FILE); if(f >= 0) { config_valid = (read(f, config, sizeof(fuji_conf_t)) == sizeof(fuji_conf_t)); close(f); if(!config_valid) puts("Config file is wrong size"); } else { puts("No config file found"); } if(config_valid) { if(!config_is_valid()) { puts("Invalid or outdated config file"); config_valid = 0; } else { puts("Loaded OK"); } } return config_valid; } char config_is_valid(void) { // return( (memcmp(config->signature, CONF_SIGNATURE, 2) == 0) && (config->version == CONF_VERSION) ); return *((char *)CONFIG_ADDRESS) == CONF_SIGNATURE_LO && *(char *)(CONFIG_ADDRESS+1) == CONF_SIGNATURE_HI && *(char *)(CONFIG_ADDRESS+2) == CONF_VERSION; } void set_default_config(void) { puts("Using built-in defaults"); /* // FIXME: why does this end up always now? // has something to do with macro expansion. What a mess. uip_ipaddr(&(config->local_ip), 192,168,0,2); uip_ipaddr(&(config->peer_ip), 192,168,0,1); uip_ipaddr(&(config->resolver_ip), 192,168,0,1); */ config->local_ip[0] = 0xa8c0; config->local_ip[1] = 0x0200; config->peer_ip[0] = 0xa8c0; config->peer_ip[1] = 0x0100; config->resolver_ip[0] = 0xa8c0; config->resolver_ip[1] = 0x0100; strcpy(config->server, "irc.freenode.org"); strcpy(config->nick, DEFAULT_NICK); strcpy(config->real_name, "FujiChat User"); config->server_port = 6667; config->ui_flags = UIFLAG_HIDEMOTD; config->bg_color = 0xc0; /* dark green */ config->fg_color = 0x0c; config->baud = RS_BAUD_4800; *(char *)(CONFIG_ADDRESS) = CONF_SIGNATURE_LO; *(char *)(CONFIG_ADDRESS+1) = CONF_SIGNATURE_HI; *(char *)(CONFIG_ADDRESS+2) = CONF_VERSION; // config_valid = 1; } void get_line(char *buf, unsigned char len) { asm("ldy #$00"); asm("lda (sp),y"); asm("sta $e2"); asm("ldy #$02"); asm("jsr ldaxysp"); asm("sta $e0"); asm("stx $e0+1"); asm("@loop: lda _stdin"); asm("ldx _stdin+1"); asm("jsr _fgetc"); asm("cmp #$9B"); asm("beq @out"); asm("ldy #$00"); asm("sta ($e0),y"); asm("inc $e0"); asm("bne @noinc"); asm("inc $e0+1"); asm("@noinc:"); asm("dec $e2"); asm("bne @loop"); asm("@out:"); asm("ldy #$00"); asm("tya"); asm("sta ($e0),y"); /* // C implementation is 80 bytes, asm is 50 fgets(buf, len, stdin); while(*buf) { if(*buf == '\n') *buf = '\0'; ++buf; } */ }