#ifndef FUJICHAT_H #define FUJICHAT_H #include "uip.h" #include "aexec.h" /* Program name (plain ASCII for network use) */ #define SELF "FujiChat" /* inverse video version, used for local prompts: */ #define SELF_INV "\xc6\xf5\xea\xe9\xc3\xe8\xe1\xf4" #define VERSION "0.5_pre4" #define BANNER SELF_INV " v" VERSION #define VERSION_REPLY SELF " v" VERSION #define DEFAULT_NICK SELF // #define CONF_SIGNATURE "\x03\x0e" #define CONF_SIGNATURE_LO 0x03 #define CONF_SIGNATURE_HI 0x0e #define CONF_VERSION 5 #define BUF_SIZE 256 #define OUTBUF_SIZE 512 #define NICKLEN 20 #define HOSTLEN 64 /* fuji_conf_t is stored in the config file verbatim. Don't forget to update CONF_VERSION when changing this struct! Also, the first member should never, ever change, and the 2nd (version) should only ever be set to CONF_VERSION (which can be changed) */ typedef struct { char signature[2]; u16_t version; /* uIP settings: */ uip_ipaddr_t local_ip; uip_ipaddr_t peer_ip; uip_ipaddr_t resolver_ip; char baud; /* IRC settings: */ char server[HOSTLEN+1]; u16_t server_port; char nick[NICKLEN+1]; char alt_nick[NICKLEN+1]; char real_name[NICKLEN+1]; char channel[NICKLEN+1]; /* UI settings: */ char bg_color; char fg_color; u16_t ui_flags; /* bitwise OR of UIFLAG_* constants */ /* Other stuff: */ char timezone; /* for later, when we use /TIME to set the clock */ } fuji_conf_t; /* Chunk of RAM that holds our config data. Setup leaves the config here for FujiChat to find. */ #define CONFIG_ADDRESS 0x500 #define ARGTYPE_NONE 0 #define ARGTYPE_REQUIRED 1 #define ARGTYPE_OPT 2 typedef struct { char *cmd; /* e.g. "ME" or "PING" */ char arg_type; /* one of ARGTYPE_* constants */ void (*handler)(void); } fuji_cmd_t; extern fuji_cmd_t cmd_list[]; extern char *serv_msg_buf; extern int serv_msg_buf_len; extern char *cmd_arg; extern char channel[]; extern struct telnet_state *tstate; extern char joined_channel; extern char *input_buf; void send_serv_msg_buf(void); void send_server_cmd(char *cmd, char *arg); void handle_command(void); void bell(); /* Filenames */ #define DEFAULT_CONF_FILE "D:FUJICHAT.CFG" #define MENU_FILENAME "D:FUJIMENU.COM" #define SETUP_FILENAME "D:FUJICONF.COM" #define IRC_FILENAME "D:FUJICHAT.COM" // #define IRC_LOADER_FILENAME "D:LOADCHAT.COM" #define SERIAL_DRIVER_FILENAME "D:DEFAULT.SER" #define DEFAULT_SERIAL_DRIVER "D:BOBVERT.SER" /* Whether or not to ring the bell on receiving private message */ #define UIFLAG_MSGBELL 0x8000 /* Whether or not to show [PING,PONG] */ #define UIFLAG_SHOWPING 0x4000 /* Visual bell (screen flash) instead of audible */ #define UIFLAG_VBELL 0x2000 /* Hide (don't display) the server MOTD */ #define UIFLAG_HIDEMOTD 0x1000 /* Disable bells entirely */ #define UIFLAG_NOBELL 0x0800 /* Auto-away when ATRACT mode kicks in */ #define UIFLAG_ATRACT_AWAY 0x400 /* ATASCII characters */ #define A_EOL 0x9b #define A_TAB 0x7f #define A_BS 0x7e #define A_CLR 0x7d #define A_BEL 0xfd #define A_DEL 0x9c /* plain ASCII characters */ #define NL 0x0a #define CR 0x0d #define TAB 0x09 /* cc65's rs232.h doesn't define this for Atari: */ #ifndef RS_BAUD_19200 #define RS_BAUD_19200 0x0f #endif #endif