#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "uip.h" #include "uiplib.h" #include "fujichat.h" #include "common.h" #include "formatip.h" /* TODO: move these to an external file or otherwise come up with a way to reuse the memory */ #define SERVER_LIST_LEN (sizeof(servers) / sizeof(servers[0])) static char *servers[][2] = { /* { "", "irc.tobug.net (US)" }, { "", "irc.carterroadband.com (US)" }, { "", "ircd.eyearesee.org (US)" }, { "", "london.eyearesee.org (EU)" }, { "", "hungary.eyearesee.org (EU)" }, */ { "na.newnet.net", "NewNet (North America)" }, { "eu.newnet.net", "NewNet (Europe)" }, { "us.undernet.org", "Undernet (US)" }, { "eu.undernet.org", "Undernet (Europe)" }, { "irc.freenode.org", "FreeNode" }, { "kubrick.freenode.net", "FreeNode (US)" }, { "irc.efnet.org", "Eris Free Net" }, { "", "irc.tobug.net (NewNet, US)" }, }; // char rs232_already_loaded = 0; int baud_values[] = { 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 }; char baud_bytes[] = { RS_BAUD_1200, RS_BAUD_2400, RS_BAUD_4800, RS_BAUD_9600, RS_BAUD_19200 }; char max_baud = sizeof(baud_bytes); static void get_conf_color(char *name, char *color, char dflt); static char get_yesno(char *prompt, int dflt); void save_config(void); static void bell() { putchar(A_BEL); } static void get_baudrate(void) { char i, buf[5]; putchar('\n'); for(i=0; ibaud == baud_bytes[i]) printf("[%d] %d\n", i+1, baud_values[i]); else printf(" %d. %d\n", i+1, baud_values[i]); fputs("\nBaud rate: ", stdout); fflush(stdout); do { get_line(buf, 4); if(!*buf) return; i = atoi(buf); } while (i < 1 || i > max_baud); config->baud = baud_bytes[--i]; } static void get_ip_addr(char *prompt, char *dflt, uip_ipaddr_t *addr) { char ok; char buf[HOSTLEN+1]; do { printf("%s IP address [%s]: ", prompt, dflt); fflush(stdout); get_line(buf, HOSTLEN); if(!*buf) strcpy(buf, dflt); ok = uiplib_ipaddrconv(buf, (unsigned char*)addr); if(!ok) bell(); } while(!ok); } #if 0 char scan_hatabs(char dev) { int entry; /* 0x031A is HATABS from OS equates */ for(entry = 0x031A; entry < 0x033F; entry += 3) if(PEEK(entry) == dev) return 1; return 0; } int copy_file(char *dst, char *src) { // THIS FUNCTION IS BROKEN! static char buf[256]; int i; FILE *from, *to; if( !(from = fopen(src, "rb")) ) { perror(src); i = errno; goto done; } if( !(to = fopen(dst, "wb")) ) { perror(dst); i = errno; goto done; } while( (i = fread(buf, 1, 256, from)) ) fwrite(buf, 1, i, to); if(feof(from)) i = 0; else i = errno; done: if(from) fclose(from); if(to) fclose(to); return i; } #endif static void config_menu(void) { char i, buf[HOSTLEN+1], ok = 0; unsigned int new_value; // strcpy(config->signature, CONF_SIGNATURE); ((char *)config->signature)[0] = CONF_SIGNATURE_LO; ((char *)config->signature)[1] = CONF_SIGNATURE_HI; config->version = CONF_VERSION; if(!config_is_valid()) set_default_config(); do { puts("\n==> Serial Port Settings\n"); if(get_yesno("Change RS232 driver", 0)) { atari_exec("D:MAKEAUTO.COM"); } get_baudrate(); /* TODO: choose which Rn: device to use (e.g. on the 850), turn HW flow control on/off (buried in cc65 rs232 lib code) */ puts("\n==> Network Settings\n"); get_ip_addr("Local", format_ip(&(config->local_ip)), &(config->local_ip)); get_ip_addr("Peer", format_ip(&(config->peer_ip)), &(config->peer_ip)); get_ip_addr("DNS Server", format_ip(&(config->resolver_ip)), &(config->resolver_ip)); puts("\n==> IRC Settings\n"); puts("Server list:"); for(i=0; iserver); fflush(stdout); fgets(buf, HOSTLEN, stdin); if(*buf != '\n') { if(buf[0] >= '1' && buf[0] <= (SERVER_LIST_LEN + '0') && buf[1] == '\n') { strcpy(buf, servers[buf[0] - '1'][0]); } for(i=0; buf[i] && (buf[i] != '\n'); ++i) ; buf[i] = '\0'; strcpy(config->server, buf); } printf("Server port [%d]: ", config->server_port); get_line(buf, 10); new_value = atoi(buf); if(new_value) config->server_port = new_value; printf("Your nickname [%s]: ", config->nick); get_line(buf, NICKLEN); if(*buf) strcpy(config->nick, buf); printf("Your 'real' name [%s]: ", config->real_name); get_line(buf, NICKLEN); if(*buf) strcpy(config->real_name, buf); do { printf("Autojoin channel (or 0 for none)\n[%s]: ", config->channel); get_line(buf, NICKLEN); switch(*buf) { case '\0': ok = 1; break; case '#': case '&': strcpy(config->channel, buf); ok = 1; break; case '0': *(config->channel) = '\0'; ok = 1; break; default: // user-friendly: *(config->channel) = '#'; strcpy((config->channel) + 1, buf); ok = 1; break; // user-hostile: /* puts("IRC channel names must begin with # or &"); bell(); ok = 0; */ } /* TODO: scan for illegal chars, set ok=0 */ } while(!ok); puts("\n==> User Interface Settings\n"); do { get_conf_color("Background", &(config->bg_color), config->bg_color); get_conf_color("Foreground", &(config->fg_color), config->fg_color); ok = ((config->bg_color & 0x0e) != (config->fg_color & 0x0e)); if(!ok) puts("These colors would make your text\n" "impossible to see. Try again.\n"); } while(!ok); new_value = (get_yesno("Disable bell", config->ui_flags & UIFLAG_NOBELL) ? UIFLAG_NOBELL : 0); if(!(new_value & UIFLAG_NOBELL)) { new_value |= (get_yesno("Visual bell", config->ui_flags & UIFLAG_VBELL) ? UIFLAG_VBELL : 0); new_value |= (get_yesno("Bell on msg", config->ui_flags & UIFLAG_MSGBELL) ? UIFLAG_MSGBELL : 0); }; new_value |= (get_yesno("Show ping/pong", config->ui_flags & UIFLAG_SHOWPING) ? UIFLAG_SHOWPING : 0); new_value |= (get_yesno("Hide MOTD", config->ui_flags & UIFLAG_HIDEMOTD) ? UIFLAG_HIDEMOTD : 0); config->ui_flags = new_value; puts("\n==> Config complete\n"); ok = get_yesno("Is this correct", 1); } while(!ok); if(get_yesno("Save this config", 1)) save_config(); putchar('\n'); } void save_config(void) { FILE *f = fopen(DEFAULT_CONF_FILE, "wb"); if(f) { fwrite(config, sizeof(fuji_conf_t), 1, f); fclose(f); puts("Config saved to " DEFAULT_CONF_FILE); } } static void get_conf_color(char *name, char *color, char dflt) { char buf[5]; printf("%s color [%d]: ", name, dflt); fgets(buf, 5, stdin); if(!(*buf >= '0' && *buf <= '9')) *color = dflt; else *color = atoi(buf); } static char get_yesno(char *prompt, int dflt) { char buf[5]; printf("%s [%c/%c]: ", prompt, (dflt ? 'Y' : 'y'), (dflt ? 'n' : 'N')); fflush(stdout); get_line(buf, 4); switch(*buf) { case 'y': case 'Y': return 1; case 'n': case 'N': return 0; default: return dflt; } } void reboot(void) { asm("jmp $e477"); } void main(void) { char *next_file, buf[2]; int ret; disable_break(); putchar(125); puts(BANNER " Setup\n"); get_config(); if(!config_is_valid()) set_default_config(); config_menu(); /* if(rs232_already_loaded) { puts("\nAn RS232 driver is already resident.\n" "You must reboot to use the new driver.\n"); if(get_yesno("Reboot now", 1)) reboot(); } */ if(get_yesno("Start FujiChat now", 1)) { // next_file = IRC_LOADER_FILENAME; next_file = IRC_FILENAME; } else { next_file = MENU_FILENAME; } printf("\nLoading %s...\n", next_file); ret = atari_exec(next_file); printf("Error %d!\n\xfd", ret); puts("Press Enter to exit to DOS"); get_line(buf, 2); }