#!/bin/sh # Configurable stuff. You only ever need to change the IP addresses # if your LAN already uses TTY=/dev/ttyUSB0 # serial port to use BAUD=9600 # must match baud rate in fujichat.cfg on the Atari LOCAL_IP= # SLIP IP address for Linux ("peer") host REMOTE_IP= # SLIP IP address for Atari host # You want these two enabled, unless you're running an IRC server locally, # and don't want to connect FujiChat to the real Internet: IP_FORWARD=yes # Route packets for the Atari? (you want this, unless # you're running an IRC server locally) IP_MASQUERADE=yes # NAT for the Atari? DUMP_PACKETS=yes # Run tcpdump on sl0 interface? # Optional. Autodetected, if you leave these commented out (recommended). #SLATTACH=a8_slattach # slattach binary (possibly patched). if not set, # search $PATH for a8_slattach, then fall back to # regular slattach. #MASQ_IFACE=eth1 # if NATing, our main (LAM or internet) interface # (if not set, detect automagically) #SLIP_IFACE=sl0 # don't change this unless you know exactly why # you need to! # DELAY may not be needed on all systems... # No delay: #DELAY="true" # 1 second: #DELAY="sleep 1" # 1/4 second (may not work on old Linux installs): DELAY="usleep 250000" # End of config section, start of code: # Just in case: /sbin/modprobe slip 2>/dev/null if [ "$SLATTACH" = "" ]; then SLATTACH="$( which a8_slattach 2>/dev/null )" if [ "$SLATTACH" = "" ]; then SLATTACH="$( which slattach 2>/dev/null )" fi fi echo "Using SLATTACH=$SLATTACH" # Warning: this assumes nothing else is using SLIP. Probably a safe # assumption in the 21st century. SLIP_IFACE="${SLIP_IFACE:-sl0}" ifconfig $SLIP_IFACE down 2>/dev/null killall $SLATTACH 2>/dev/null fuser -k $TTY 2>/dev/null # make sure nobody's using the port... $DELAY fuser -k -9 $TTY 2>/dev/null # Just in case... $DELAY echo "Starting SLIP on $SLIP_IFACE, local $LOCAL_IP, remote $REMOTE_IP" $SLATTACH -L -p slip -s $BAUD $TTY & $DELAY ifconfig $SLIP_IFACE $LOCAL_IP mtu 576 ifconfig $SLIP_IFACE $LOCAL_IP pointopoint $REMOTE_IP if [ "$IP_MASQUERADE" = "yes" ]; then if [ "$MASQ_IFACE" = "" ]; then /sbin/ip route show 2>/dev/null | sed -n 's,^default.*dev *\([^ ]*\).*$,\1,p' if [ "$MASQ_IFACE" = "" ]; then /sbin/route -n | grep '^' | rev | cut -d' ' -f1 |rev if [ "$MASQ_IFACE" = "" ]; then echo "Can't autodetect default interface, guessing eth0" MASQ_IFACE="eth0" fi fi fi echo "IP Masquerading enabled on device $MASQ_IFACE" iptables -F iptables -t nat -F iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $MASQ_IFACE -j MASQUERADE fi if [ "$IP_FORWARD" = "yes" ]; then echo "IP Forwarding enabled" echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward fi if [ "$DUMP_PACKETS" = "yes" ]; then tcpdump -i $SLIP_IFACE -X -n -vvv -s 0 fi