Version 1.2u1, 2024/01/02: -------------------------- - Support original size (125x147), 2x (250x294), and 4x (500x588). - Recreate the 250x294 graphics by resizing without interpolation, to give a "crisp and pixellated" look rather than blurry. - Change the build system back to make. This project is so simple that I don't see any benefit in using cmake. - Add icons and .desktop files. - Tell the window manager not to allow resizing the window. The app can't resize anyway, so trying to make the window bigger just results in a confusing mess. Making it smaller works, but parts of the UI get cut off so it's unusable. Probably, tiling window managers will ignore this (not much I can do about that). - Fix a few -Wall warnings. - Fix a segfaulting bug. To reproduce, start up the old hcalc and press Backspace 6 times (or so; eventually it will crash). - Add command-line options to control the window size (-small -medium -large). - Add command line options to control the starting number base (-hex, -dec, etc). - Add a man page. There was no documentation at all. - Change "q" to quit, to uppercase Q or control-Q. I kept exiting when trying to type a 1. - Get rid of ^C = quit keystroke. - Add ^C and ^V keystrokes for copy and paste. Now hcalc is fully functional without using the mouse. - Add modulus operation. % key, or right-click on / button. - Add C as a synonym for Escape (CLR key). - Add Delete as a synonym for backspace (DEL key). - Fix a bug: stop allowing hex digits a-f when in decimal mode. - Add ~/.hcalc.cfg, which holds the state of hcalc. Written on exit, read on startup. Also add -default arg, to prevent reading this. - Add -quiet option to silence the X bell (and keystroke q). - Allow changing the window size while running (toggle between the 3 sizes). - Add a 'make install' target, which will install the binary, icons, man page, and .desktop file (with DESTDIR support for packagers). - Show "err" for floating point error (e.g. divide by zero), and wait for the user to press CLR to continue. - Add 32-bit two's-complement operation. @ key, or right-click on INV button.