Requirements: - OS: Unix/POSIX-ish system. Linux, for example. - Compiler: Recent(ish) gcc or clang (others may work: tcc seems to, pcc seems not to). - X11 and Xpm libraries and headers. - GNU Make, any recent version. Probably even ancient versions. - A Bourne-like shell (for make to use). - gzip, install, mkdir commands. Only needed if you're going to rebuild the man page (after modifying the RST): - rst2man, possibly in your 'python-docutils' distro package. A full install of Slackware should have all you need. On Debian or Ubuntu, try "apt-get install build-essentials". To build, just run "make", optionally followed by "make install". Packagers: the Makefile supports the full panoply of tweakable parameters, such as CC, COPT (replaces CFLAGS), LDFLAGS, DESTDIR, PREFIX, etc. Have a look at the top of the Makefile for the full list. The defaults should be reasonable, except you probably want some optimization in COPT. If you package this for your distro, send me an email (, let me know if you ran into any problems. A hint: don't bother to include this INSTALL file in your binary package (users won't find it useful).