URLM_ADD_BROWSER :: Define a new browser. The arguments must be separated by : (colon) characters, since and may contain spaces ( generally *requires* spaces). is a short unique identifier for the browser. Examples are "ff" for Firefox or "moz" for Mozilla. The tag will be used to define a new irssi command /urlm_open_, and (if urlm_short_cmds is ON) a new / command. Tags must consist of only letters, numbers, or underscores, and the special tag "wget" is reserved. is the full human-readable name of the browser. It may contain any characters you like, except for colons, and is only used for identification purposes (e.g. /urlm_list_browsers output). is the sprintf() format used to generate the full command line required to run the browser. In simpler terms, it is the command that runs the browser, with %s in place of the URL. It may contain any characters other than colons. Examples: /urlm_add_browser ff:Firefox:firefox -remote 'openurl(%s,new-tab)' /urlm_add_browser ie:Internet Explorer:wine iexplore.exe '%s' The above examples define new /urlm_open_ff and /urlm_open_ie commands. If urlm_short_cmds is ON, they also define new /ff and /ie commands. Note: in , the %s must occur inside a set of single-quotes. It need not be the only thing inside the quotes, however (see the firefox example). This is because a shell is used to spawn the external program. The URLM_ADD_BROWSER command checks for the quotes, and refuses to allow a that's missing the quotes or the %s.