Setting: URLM_LOG_TRIM_INTERVAL How often (in seconds) do you want urlmanager to check the log and trim it according to your urlm_max_log_lines and/or urlm_max_log_age settings? Default is 3600 seconds (1 hour), which is probably OK for most users. If you're in a lot of channels and exchange URLs with lots of people, you might want to decrease this to keep the log from growing too much. Note: urlm_log_trim_interval has no effect unless one or both of the urlm_max_log_lines or urlm_max_log_age settings are set to non-zero values. Note: Even with this setting set to zero, log trimming still occurs at startup (unless urlm_log_trim_startup is OFF), and whenever a URL is captured. To completely disable log trimming, set both urlm_max_log_lines and urlm_max_log_age to zero. With these settings, even manual trimming with /urlm_trim_log will do nothing. The lower you set this setting, the more CPU and disk access it requires (unless you set it to zero, of course). Probably it's a bad idea to use a value lower than 60 seconds here, under any conditions.