From bafd1a1b22e5b07638046331feb7fb13053315b4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "B. Watson" Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2016 04:50:28 -0400 Subject: regenerate jumpmanjr.html --- jumpmanjr.html | 188 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------- 1 file changed, 101 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-) (limited to 'jumpmanjr.html') diff --git a/jumpmanjr.html b/jumpmanjr.html index d5c9718..0c0b18a 100644 --- a/jumpmanjr.html +++ b/jumpmanjr.html @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 ; da65 V2.15 - Git 104f898
-; Created:    2016-09-07 16:39:55
+; Created:    2016-09-13 04:49:17
 ; Input file: jumpmanjr.rom
 ; Page:       1
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@
 dm_delta_x      := $00C9                        ; see draw_map and level_maps.txt
 dm_delta_y      := $00CA                        ; see draw_map and level_maps.txt
 zp_temp1        := $00CB                        ; used for (zp,y) addressing, also for checking console keys in vblank_imm_isr
+tmp_sprite      := $00CD                        ; ZP pointer to player/missile data (e.g. jumpman's 10-byte animation frames)
+tmp_sprite_height:= $00CF                       ; length of data pointed to by tmp_sprite
 num_in          := $00D0                        ; print_number input. 3-byte number (LSB first as usual) to be printed
 num_out         := $00D3                        ; area of (screen) memory where print_number stores its output
 num_color       := $00D5                        ; print_number adds this to numeric screencode output. normally 0, set to $80 on the end-of-game screen.
@@ -67,7 +69,8 @@
 jiffy_timer_2   := $061B                        ; gets incremented every frame
 odd_frame_flag  := $061C                        ; a 1-bit frame counter (toggles every frame). possibly unused.
 speed_jiffy_timer:= $061E                       ; counts 0..initial_speed
-falling_flag    := $0621                        ; 1 = falling, reset to 0 when jumpman hits the ground
+start_falling_flag:= $0621                      ; reset to 0 every frame, set to 1 when starting to fall
+falling_flag    := $0623                        ; 0 = ok, 1 = falling, 2 = on ground.
 current_speed   := $0624                        ; can be modified, e.g. set to $08 when being electrocuted
 initial_speed   := $0625                        ; current user's chosen speed, set at game start
 bonus_jiffy_timer:= $0626                       ; gets incremented every frame when playing a level, bonus-=100 when this wraps around to 0
@@ -88,8 +91,14 @@
 snd_slot_curpos := $064E                        ; address we've got to so far, playing this sfx
 snd_priority_tmp:= $0661                        ; ??
 num_tmp         := $0665                        ; temp used by print_number
+player_enabled  := $0668                        ; 1 = draw this player, 0 = no. actually $0669 thru $066e
+player_height   := $0677                        ; actually $0677 thru $067b
+player_new_x    := $067C                        ; HPOSxx, 1-indexed, $067d thru $0681 are p5, p3..p0
 player_x_pos    := $067E                        ; stored in HPOSP0
 player_y_pos    := $0683                        ; $C6 is the bottom of the level (where you end up when you die)
+player_new_y    := $0686                        ; $0687 thru $069b
+player_x        := $068B                        ; HPOSxx, $068c thru $06c0
+player_y        := $0695                        ; vertical positions, actually $0696 thru $069a
 bullet_x_pos    := $069B                        ; 4 bytes, meaning we can never have >4 bullets on screen at once (makes sense, GTIA only has 4 missiles)
 bullet_y_pos_minus_one:= $069E
 bullet_y_pos    := $069F                        ; another 4 bytes
@@ -165,7 +174,7 @@
 work_level_sub6 := $07A4                        ; always $9740 aka game_main_loop
 work_level_sub_eol:= $07A6                      ; called at end of level (all bombs picked up). $06E6 for all but level08
 work_level_offs_40:= $07A8                      ; all zeroes
-work_level_colpf3:= $07AE                       ; color (not sure what gets drawn in this color yet)
+work_level_colpf3:= $07AE                       ; color for missiles (aka 5th player)
 work_level_colpf0:= $07AF                       ; color for girders and up-ropes
 work_level_colpf1:= $07B0                       ; color for ladders and down-ropes
 work_level_colpf2:= $07B1                       ; color for bombs
@@ -198,7 +207,7 @@
 cur_level_sub6  := $07E4                        ; always $9740 aka game_main_loop
 cur_level_sub_eol:= $07E6                       ; called at end of level (all bombs picked up). $06E6 for all but level08
 cur_level_offs_40:= $07E8                       ; all zeroes
-cur_level_colpf3:= $07EE                        ; color (not sure what gets drawn in this color yet)
+cur_level_colpf3:= $07EE                        ; color for missiles (aka 5th player)
 cur_level_colpf0:= $07EF                        ; color for girders and up-ropes
 cur_level_colpf1:= $07F0                        ; color for ladders and down-ropes
 cur_level_colpf2:= $07F1                        ; color for bombs
@@ -824,12 +833,12 @@
         dec     zp_temp1+1                      ; 82F3 C6 CC                    ..
         dex                                     ; 82F5 CA                       .
         beq     position_done                   ; 82F6 F0 F0                    ..
-        lda     $0668,x                         ; 82F8 BD 68 06                 .h.
+        lda     player_enabled,x                ; 82F8 BD 68 06                 .h.
         beq     next_plr                        ; 82FB F0 F6                    ..
-        lda     $067C,x                         ; 82FD BD 7C 06                 .|.
-        cmp     $068B,x                         ; 8300 DD 8B 06                 ...
+        lda     player_new_x,x                  ; 82FD BD 7C 06                 .|.
+        cmp     player_x,x                      ; 8300 DD 8B 06                 ...
         beq     position_pm_vert                ; 8303 F0 1D                    ..
-        sta     $068B,x                         ; 8305 9D 8B 06                 ...
+        sta     player_x,x                      ; 8305 9D 8B 06                 ...
         sta     HPOSP0_minus_two,x              ; 8308 9D FE CF                 ...
         cpx     #$01                            ; 830B E0 01                    ..
         bne     position_pm_vert                ; 830D D0 13                    ..
@@ -850,48 +859,51 @@
         lda     $0690,x                         ; 8322 BD 90 06                 ...
         cmp     $0681,x                         ; 8325 DD 81 06                 ...
         bne     skip_vert                       ; 8328 D0 0E                    ..
-        lda     $0686,x                         ; 832A BD 86 06                 ...
-        cmp     $0695,x                         ; 832D DD 95 06                 ...
+        lda     player_new_y,x                  ; 832A BD 86 06                 ...
+        cmp     player_y,x                      ; 832D DD 95 06                 ...
         beq     next_plr                        ; 8330 F0 C1                    ..
-        sta     $0695,x                         ; 8332 9D 95 06                 ...
+        sta     player_y,x                      ; 8332 9D 95 06                 ...
         lda     $0690,x                         ; 8335 BD 90 06                 ...
         sta     zp_temp1                        ; 8338 85 CB                    ..
-        lda     $0677,x                         ; 833A BD 77 06                 .w.
-        sta     $CF                             ; 833D 85 CF                    ..
+        lda     player_height,x                 ; 833A BD 77 06                 .w.
+        sta     tmp_sprite_height               ; 833D 85 CF                    ..
         lda     #$00                            ; 833F A9 00                    ..
         tay                                     ; 8341 A8                       .
 ; write zeroes to unused portion of this player/missile
         sta     (zp_temp1),y                    ; 8342 91 CB                    ..
         iny                                     ; 8344 C8                       .
-        cpy     $CF                             ; 8345 C4 CF                    ..
+        cpy     tmp_sprite_height               ; 8345 C4 CF                    ..
         bne     clear_pm                        ; 8347 D0 F9                    ..
         lda     $0681,x                         ; 8349 BD 81 06                 ...
         sta     $0690,x                         ; 834C 9D 90 06                 ...
         sta     zp_temp1                        ; 834F 85 CB                    ..
         lda     $066D,x                         ; 8351 BD 6D 06                 .m.
-        sta     $CD                             ; 8354 85 CD                    ..
+        sta     tmp_sprite                      ; 8354 85 CD                    ..
         lda     $0672,x                         ; 8356 BD 72 06                 .r.
-        sta     $CE                             ; 8359 85 CE                    ..
-        ldy     $0686,x                         ; 835B BC 86 06                 ...
+        sta     tmp_sprite+1                    ; 8359 85 CE                    ..
+        ldy     player_new_y,x                  ; 835B BC 86 06                 ...
         clc                                     ; 835E 18                       .
-L835F:  dey                                     ; 835F 88                       .
-        beq     L8370                           ; 8360 F0 0E                    ..
-        lda     $CF                             ; 8362 A5 CF                    ..
-        adc     $CD                             ; 8364 65 CD                    e.
-        sta     $CD                             ; 8366 85 CD                    ..
-        bcc     L835F                           ; 8368 90 F5                    ..
-        inc     $CE                             ; 836A E6 CE                    ..
+; adjust pointer if Y wraps around
+adj_ptr:dey                                     ; 835F 88                       .
+        beq     copy_pm_data                    ; 8360 F0 0E                    ..
+        lda     tmp_sprite_height               ; 8362 A5 CF                    ..
+        adc     tmp_sprite                      ; 8364 65 CD                    e.
+        sta     tmp_sprite                      ; 8366 85 CD                    ..
+        bcc     adj_ptr                         ; 8368 90 F5                    ..
+        inc     tmp_sprite+1                    ; 836A E6 CE                    ..
         clc                                     ; 836C 18                       .
-        jmp     L835F                           ; 836D 4C 5F 83                 L_.
+        jmp     adj_ptr                         ; 836D 4C 5F 83                 L_.
 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-L8370:  lda     ($CD),y                         ; 8370 B1 CD                    ..
+; write to P/M memory
+        lda     (tmp_sprite),y                  ; 8370 B1 CD                    ..
         sta     (zp_temp1),y                    ; 8372 91 CB                    ..
         iny                                     ; 8374 C8                       .
-        dec     $CF                             ; 8375 C6 CF                    ..
-        bne     L8370                           ; 8377 D0 F7                    ..
+        dec     tmp_sprite_height               ; 8375 C6 CF                    ..
+        bne     copy_pm_data                    ; 8377 D0 F7                    ..
         jmp     next_plr                        ; 8379 4C F3 82                 L..
 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -997,7 +1009,7 @@
         and     #$01                            ; 842B 29 01                    ).
         sta     odd_frame_flag                  ; 842D 8D 1C 06                 ...
         lda     #$00                            ; 8430 A9 00                    ..
-        sta     falling_flag                    ; 8432 8D 21 06                 .!.
+        sta     start_falling_flag              ; 8432 8D 21 06                 .!.
         sta     $0622                           ; 8435 8D 22 06                 .".
         sta     $06FD                           ; 8438 8D FD 06                 ...
         inc     $061D                           ; 843B EE 1D 06                 ...
@@ -1010,7 +1022,7 @@
         bcc     check_speed_timer               ; 844E 90 1E                    ..
         lda     #$00                            ; 8450 A9 00                    ..
         sta     $061D                           ; 8452 8D 1D 06                 ...
-        inc     falling_flag                    ; 8455 EE 21 06                 .!.
+        inc     start_falling_flag              ; 8455 EE 21 06                 .!.
         inc     $061F                           ; 8458 EE 1F 06                 ...
         inc     $0620                           ; 845B EE 20 06                 . .
         lda     $061F                           ; 845E AD 1F 06                 ...
@@ -1242,7 +1254,7 @@
         .byte   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; 85F6 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ........
         .byte   $00,$00                         ; 85FE 00 00                    ..
 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; convert the 3-byte integer stored at num_in to screen codes, store into memory pointed to by num_out
+; convert the 3-byte integer stored at num_in to screen codes, store into memory pointed to by num_out. num_in is modified.
         ldx     #$00                            ; 8600 A2 00                    ..
         ldy     #$00                            ; 8602 A0 00                    ..
@@ -1312,7 +1324,7 @@
         ldx     #$03                            ; 8670 A2 03                    ..
 ; number_of_users should be score-1 here.
 ps_loop:lda     number_of_users,x               ; 8672 BD FF 06                 ...
-        sta     $CF,x                           ; 8675 95 CF                    ..
+        sta     tmp_sprite_height,x             ; 8675 95 CF                    ..
         dex                                     ; 8677 CA                       .
         bne     ps_loop                         ; 8678 D0 F8                    ..
         jsr     print_number                    ; 867A 20 00 86                  ..
@@ -1327,7 +1339,7 @@
         sta     num_out+1                       ; 8684 85 D4                    ..
         ldx     #$03                            ; 8686 A2 03                    ..
 pb_loop:lda     work_level_points_per_bomb,x    ; 8688 BD 90 07                 ...
-        sta     $CF,x                           ; 868B 95 CF                    ..
+        sta     tmp_sprite_height,x             ; 868B 95 CF                    ..
         dex                                     ; 868D CA                       .
         bne     pb_loop                         ; 868E D0 F8                    ..
         jsr     print_number                    ; 8690 20 00 86                  ..
@@ -1411,7 +1423,7 @@
         lda     #$00                            ; 8731 A9 00                    ..
         sta     playing_level                   ; 8733 8D 27 06                 .'.
 L8736:  sta     $0681,x                         ; 8736 9D 81 06                 ...
-        sta     $0668,x                         ; 8739 9D 68 06                 .h.
+        sta     player_enabled,x                ; 8739 9D 68 06                 .h.
         sta     $069A,x                         ; 873C 9D 9A 06                 ...
         jsr     hide_player                     ; 873F 20 B8 8D                  ..
         dex                                     ; 8742 CA                       .
@@ -1681,9 +1693,9 @@
 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ; called via vector in page 6
-        lda     falling_flag                    ; 8900 AD 21 06                 .!.
+        lda     start_falling_flag              ; 8900 AD 21 06                 .!.
         beq     L890F                           ; 8903 F0 0A                    ..
-        lda     $0623                           ; 8905 AD 23 06                 .#.
+        lda     falling_flag                    ; 8905 AD 23 06                 .#.
         cmp     #$01                            ; 8908 C9 01                    ..
         beq     L8910                           ; 890A F0 04                    ..
         jmp     L89F3                           ; 890C 4C F3 89                 L..
@@ -1720,7 +1732,7 @@
         sta     AUDF1                           ; 894E 8D 00 D2                 ...
         sta     AUDC1                           ; 8951 8D 01 D2                 ...
         sta     $06EF                           ; 8954 8D EF 06                 ...
-        inc     $0623                           ; 8957 EE 23 06                 .#.
+        inc     falling_flag                    ; 8957 EE 23 06                 .#.
         jmp     L89F3                           ; 895A 4C F3 89                 L..
 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1796,7 +1808,7 @@
         rts                                     ; 89F2 60                       `
 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-L89F3:  lda     $0623                           ; 89F3 AD 23 06                 .#.
+L89F3:  lda     falling_flag                    ; 89F3 AD 23 06                 .#.
         cmp     #$02                            ; 89F6 C9 02                    ..
         beq     L89FB                           ; 89F8 F0 01                    ..
         rts                                     ; 89FA 60                       `
@@ -1827,7 +1839,7 @@
 L8A25:  lda     #$09                            ; 8A25 A9 09                    ..
         sta     current_speed                   ; 8A27 8D 24 06                 .$.
         lda     #$00                            ; 8A2A A9 00                    ..
-        sta     $0623                           ; 8A2C 8D 23 06                 .#.
+        sta     falling_flag                    ; 8A2C 8D 23 06                 .#.
         sta     player_x_pos                    ; 8A2F 8D 7E 06                 .~.
         dec     lives                           ; 8A32 CE 0A 07                 ...
         sta     $06EE                           ; 8A35 8D EE 06                 ...
@@ -2054,7 +2066,7 @@
         sta     num_out+1                       ; 8BF6 85 D4                    ..
         ldx     #$03                            ; 8BF8 A2 03                    ..
 L8BFA:  lda     struct_user_1,y                 ; 8BFA B9 0B 07                 ...
-        sta     $CF,x                           ; 8BFD 95 CF                    ..
+        sta     tmp_sprite_height,x             ; 8BFD 95 CF                    ..
         dey                                     ; 8BFF 88                       .
         dex                                     ; 8C00 CA                       .
         bne     L8BFA                           ; 8C01 D0 F7                    ..
@@ -2317,7 +2329,7 @@
         lda     #$02                            ; 8DB8 A9 02                    ..
         sta     HPOSM3,x                        ; 8DBA 9D 07 D0                 ...
-        sta     $067C,x                         ; 8DBD 9D 7C 06                 .|.
+        sta     player_new_x,x                  ; 8DBD 9D 7C 06                 .|.
         lda     #$00                            ; 8DC0 A9 00                    ..
         sta     $06EA,x                         ; 8DC2 9D EA 06                 ...
         rts                                     ; 8DC5 60                       `
@@ -2419,7 +2431,7 @@
         lda     $0622                           ; 8E69 AD 22 06                 .".
         beq     no_bullet                       ; 8E6C F0 07                    ..
-        lda     $0623                           ; 8E6E AD 23 06                 .#.
+        lda     falling_flag                    ; 8E6E AD 23 06                 .#.
         cmp     #$02                            ; 8E71 C9 02                    ..
         bne     want_bullet                     ; 8E73 D0 01                    ..
@@ -2571,9 +2583,9 @@
         ora     sav_m3pl                        ; 8F82 0D BB 06                 ...
         and     #$01                            ; 8F85 29 01                    ).
         beq     L8F91                           ; 8F87 F0 08                    ..
-        lda     $0623                           ; 8F89 AD 23 06                 .#.
+        lda     falling_flag                    ; 8F89 AD 23 06                 .#.
         bne     L8F91                           ; 8F8C D0 03                    ..
-        inc     $0623                           ; 8F8E EE 23 06                 .#.
+        inc     falling_flag                    ; 8F8E EE 23 06                 .#.
 L8F91:  rts                                     ; 8F91 60                       `
 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -3473,10 +3485,10 @@
 L9743:  jsr     check_bomb_coll_jv              ; 9743 20 33 80                  3.
         lda     work_level_num_bombs            ; 9746 AD 8A 07                 ...
         beq     got_all_bombs                   ; 9749 F0 1B                    ..
-        lda     $0623                           ; 974B AD 23 06                 .#.
+        lda     falling_flag                    ; 974B AD 23 06                 .#.
         cmp     #$02                            ; 974E C9 02                    ..
         bne     L9743                           ; 9750 D0 F1                    ..
-L9752:  lda     $0623                           ; 9752 AD 23 06                 .#.
+L9752:  lda     falling_flag                    ; 9752 AD 23 06                 .#.
         cmp     #$02                            ; 9755 C9 02                    ..
         beq     L9752                           ; 9757 F0 F9                    ..
         lda     lives                           ; 9759 AD 0A 07                 ...
@@ -3553,7 +3565,7 @@
 mj_done:lda     #$00                            ; 97DB A9 00                    ..
         sta     AUDF4                           ; 97DD 8D 06 D2                 ...
         sta     AUDC4                           ; 97E0 8D 07 D2                 ...
-        sta     $0623                           ; 97E3 8D 23 06                 .#.
+        sta     falling_flag                    ; 97E3 8D 23 06                 .#.
         lda     initial_speed                   ; 97E6 AD 25 06                 .%.
         sta     current_speed                   ; 97E9 8D 24 06                 .$.
         inc     playing_level                   ; 97EC EE 27 06                 .'.
@@ -3566,14 +3578,16 @@
 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ; called via vector in page 6
-        lda     falling_flag                    ; 9800 AD 21 06                 .!.
+        lda     start_falling_flag              ; 9800 AD 21 06                 .!.
         bne     L9806                           ; 9803 D0 01                    ..
-L9805:  rts                                     ; 9805 60                       `
+cf_done:rts                                     ; 9805 60                       `
 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-L9806:  lda     $0623                           ; 9806 AD 23 06                 .#.
-        bne     L9805                           ; 9809 D0 FA                    ..
+L9806:  lda     falling_flag                    ; 9806 AD 23 06                 .#.
+        bne     cf_done                         ; 9809 D0 FA                    ..
         lda     player_y_pos                    ; 980B AD 83 06                 ...
+; we're falling, have we hit the ground yet?
         cmp     #$C6                            ; 980E C9 C6                    ..
         bcs     L982E                           ; 9810 B0 1C                    ..
         lda     jump_frame                      ; 9812 AD EB 06                 ...
@@ -3591,7 +3605,7 @@
         ora     sav_p1pf                        ; 9827 0D B5 06                 ...
         and     #$03                            ; 982A 29 03                    ).
         bne     check_collisions_3              ; 982C D0 04                    ..
-L982E:  inc     $0623                           ; 982E EE 23 06                 .#.
+L982E:  inc     falling_flag                    ; 982E EE 23 06                 .#.
         rts                                     ; 9831 60                       `
 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -4435,7 +4449,7 @@
 ; all zeroes
         .byte   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00         ; A028 00 00 00 00 00 00        ......
-; color (not sure what gets drawn in this color yet)
+; color for missiles (aka 5th player)
         .byte   $CA                             ; A02E CA                       .
 ; color for girders and up-ropes
@@ -4542,7 +4556,7 @@
 ; all zeroes
         .byte   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00         ; A068 00 00 00 00 00 00        ......
-; color (not sure what gets drawn in this color yet)
+; color for missiles (aka 5th player)
         .byte   $6A                             ; A06E 6A                       j
 ; color for girders and up-ropes
@@ -4649,7 +4663,7 @@
 ; all zeroes
         .byte   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00         ; A0A8 00 00 00 00 00 00        ......
-; color (not sure what gets drawn in this color yet)
+; color for missiles (aka 5th player)
         .byte   $1A                             ; A0AE 1A                       .
 ; color for girders and up-ropes
@@ -4756,7 +4770,7 @@
 ; all zeroes
         .byte   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00         ; A0E8 00 00 00 00 00 00        ......
-; color (not sure what gets drawn in this color yet)
+; color for missiles (aka 5th player)
         .byte   $CA                             ; A0EE CA                       .
 ; color for girders and up-ropes
@@ -4863,7 +4877,7 @@
 ; all zeroes
         .byte   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00         ; A128 00 00 00 00 00 00        ......
-; color (not sure what gets drawn in this color yet)
+; color for missiles (aka 5th player)
         .byte   $6A                             ; A12E 6A                       j
 ; color for girders and up-ropes
@@ -4970,7 +4984,7 @@
 ; all zeroes
         .byte   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00         ; A168 00 00 00 00 00 00        ......
-; color (not sure what gets drawn in this color yet)
+; color for missiles (aka 5th player)
         .byte   $56                             ; A16E 56                       V
 ; color for girders and up-ropes
@@ -5077,7 +5091,7 @@
 ; all zeroes
         .byte   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00         ; A1A8 00 00 00 00 00 00        ......
-; color (not sure what gets drawn in this color yet)
+; color for missiles (aka 5th player)
         .byte   $CA                             ; A1AE CA                       .
 ; color for girders and up-ropes
@@ -5184,7 +5198,7 @@
 ; all zeroes
         .byte   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00         ; A1E8 00 00 00 00 00 00        ......
-; color (not sure what gets drawn in this color yet)
+; color for missiles (aka 5th player)
         .byte   $6A                             ; A1EE 6A                       j
 ; color for girders and up-ropes
@@ -5291,7 +5305,7 @@
 ; all zeroes
         .byte   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00         ; A228 00 00 00 00 00 00        ......
-; color (not sure what gets drawn in this color yet)
+; color for missiles (aka 5th player)
         .byte   $1A                             ; A22E 1A                       .
 ; color for girders and up-ropes
@@ -5398,7 +5412,7 @@
 ; all zeroes
         .byte   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00         ; A268 00 00 00 00 00 00        ......
-; color (not sure what gets drawn in this color yet)
+; color for missiles (aka 5th player)
         .byte   $CA                             ; A26E CA                       .
 ; color for girders and up-ropes
@@ -5505,7 +5519,7 @@
 ; all zeroes
         .byte   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00         ; A2A8 00 00 00 00 00 00        ......
-; color (not sure what gets drawn in this color yet)
+; color for missiles (aka 5th player)
         .byte   $6A                             ; A2AE 6A                       j
 ; color for girders and up-ropes
@@ -5612,7 +5626,7 @@
 ; all zeroes
         .byte   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00         ; A2E8 00 00 00 00 00 00        ......
-; color (not sure what gets drawn in this color yet)
+; color for missiles (aka 5th player)
         .byte   $08                             ; A2EE 08                       .
 ; color for girders and up-ropes
@@ -5741,9 +5755,9 @@
         lda     LA563,y                         ; A4C1 B9 63 A5                 .c.
         asl     a                               ; A4C4 0A                       .
         adc     #$20                            ; A4C5 69 20                    i 
-        sta     $0686                           ; A4C7 8D 86 06                 ...
+        sta     player_new_y                    ; A4C7 8D 86 06                 ...
         lda     LA5A2,y                         ; A4CA B9 A2 A5                 ...
-        sta     $068B                           ; A4CD 8D 8B 06                 ...
+        sta     player_x                        ; A4CD 8D 8B 06                 ...
         lda     LA5A3,y                         ; A4D0 B9 A3 A5                 ...
         sta     PCOLR3                          ; A4D3 8D C3 02                 ...
         sta     $066C                           ; A4D6 8D 6C 06                 .l.
@@ -5753,9 +5767,9 @@
 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ; turn off electrocution effect (?)
-        lda     $0623                           ; A4DD AD 23 06                 .#.
+        lda     falling_flag                    ; A4DD AD 23 06                 .#.
         bne     LA4FF                           ; A4E0 D0 1D                    ..
-        lda     falling_flag                    ; A4E2 AD 21 06                 .!.
+        lda     start_falling_flag              ; A4E2 AD 21 06                 .!.
         bne     LA4E8                           ; A4E5 D0 01                    ..
         rts                                     ; A4E7 60                       `
@@ -5908,7 +5922,7 @@
         sta     $0770                           ; A6D4 8D 70 07                 .p.
         lda     #$FF                            ; A6D7 A9 FF                    ..
         sta     $0771                           ; A6D9 8D 71 07                 .q.
-LA6DC:  lda     $0623                           ; A6DC AD 23 06                 .#.
+LA6DC:  lda     falling_flag                    ; A6DC AD 23 06                 .#.
         cmp     #$02                            ; A6DF C9 02                    ..
         beq     LA6BC                           ; A6E1 F0 D9                    ..
         lda     $0622                           ; A6E3 AD 22 06                 .".
@@ -5946,7 +5960,7 @@
 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ; gets called every frame
-        lda     $0623                           ; A724 AD 23 06                 .#.
+        lda     falling_flag                    ; A724 AD 23 06                 .#.
         cmp     #$02                            ; A727 C9 02                    ..
         beq     LA778                           ; A729 F0 4D                    .M
         lda     $0622                           ; A72B AD 22 06                 .".
@@ -6032,7 +6046,7 @@
 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-        lda     $0623                           ; A836 AD 23 06                 .#.
+        lda     falling_flag                    ; A836 AD 23 06                 .#.
         cmp     #$02                            ; A839 C9 02                    ..
         beq     LA842                           ; A83B F0 05                    ..
         lda     $0622                           ; A83D AD 22 06                 .".
@@ -6606,7 +6620,7 @@
 ; per letter
         lda     $0770                           ; AF96 AD 70 07                 .p.
-        sta     $0686                           ; AF99 8D 86 06                 ...
+        sta     player_new_y                    ; AF99 8D 86 06                 ...
         lda     #$86                            ; AF9C A9 86                    ..
         sta     $0681                           ; AF9E 8D 81 06                 ...
         clc                                     ; AFA1 18                       .
@@ -6747,7 +6761,7 @@
 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ; copies pixels from rendered real map at $1000 to visible screen memory at $3000, centered around jumpman's location
-        lda     falling_flag                    ; B140 AD 21 06                 .!.
+        lda     start_falling_flag              ; B140 AD 21 06                 .!.
         bne     LB146                           ; B143 D0 01                    ..
 LB145:  rts                                     ; B145 60                       `
@@ -7001,7 +7015,7 @@
 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-        lda     $0623                           ; B457 AD 23 06                 .#.
+        lda     falling_flag                    ; B457 AD 23 06                 .#.
         cmp     #$02                            ; B45A C9 02                    ..
         bne     LB46A                           ; B45C D0 0C                    ..
         lda     #$00                            ; B45E A9 00                    ..
@@ -7042,22 +7056,22 @@
         beq     LB4C1                           ; B4A6 F0 19                    ..
         clc                                     ; B4A8 18                       .
         adc     #$04                            ; B4A9 69 04                    i.
-        sta     $068B                           ; B4AB 8D 8B 06                 ...
+        sta     player_x                        ; B4AB 8D 8B 06                 ...
         inc     $0771                           ; B4AE EE 71 07                 .q.
         lda     $0680                           ; B4B1 AD 80 06                 ...
         sta     $0681                           ; B4B4 8D 81 06                 ...
         lda     $0685                           ; B4B7 AD 85 06                 ...
-        sta     $0686                           ; B4BA 8D 86 06                 ...
+        sta     player_new_y                    ; B4BA 8D 86 06                 ...
         sta     $066D                           ; B4BD 8D 6D 06                 .m.
         rts                                     ; B4C0 60                       `
 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-LB4C1:  lda     $068B                           ; B4C1 AD 8B 06                 ...
+LB4C1:  lda     player_x                        ; B4C1 AD 8B 06                 ...
         and     #$03                            ; B4C4 29 03                    ).
         clc                                     ; B4C6 18                       .
         adc     #$04                            ; B4C7 69 04                    i.
-        sta     $068B                           ; B4C9 8D 8B 06                 ...
-        inc     $068B                           ; B4CC EE 8B 06                 ...
+        sta     player_x                        ; B4C9 8D 8B 06                 ...
+        inc     player_x                        ; B4CC EE 8B 06                 ...
         cmp     #$07                            ; B4CF C9 07                    ..
         bne     LB4E2                           ; B4D1 D0 0F                    ..
@@ -7077,14 +7091,14 @@
         adc     $A0                             ; B4F1 65 A0                    e.
         sta     $0681                           ; B4F3 8D 81 06                 ...
         ldy     #$01                            ; B4F6 A0 01                    ..
-        lda     $0686                           ; B4F8 AD 86 06                 ...
+        lda     player_new_y                    ; B4F8 AD 86 06                 ...
         cmp     player_y_pos                    ; B4FB CD 83 06                 ...
         bcc     LB502                           ; B4FE 90 02                    ..
         ldy     #$FF                            ; B500 A0 FF                    ..
 LB502:  sty     $A0                             ; B502 84 A0                    ..
         clc                                     ; B504 18                       .
         adc     $A0                             ; B505 65 A0                    e.
-        sta     $0686                           ; B507 8D 86 06                 ...
+        sta     player_new_y                    ; B507 8D 86 06                 ...
         rts                                     ; B50A 60                       `
 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -7163,7 +7177,7 @@
         .byte   $05                             ; B690 05                       .
 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-        lda     falling_flag                    ; B691 AD 21 06                 .!.
+        lda     start_falling_flag              ; B691 AD 21 06                 .!.
         bne     falling_wind                    ; B694 D0 01                    ..
         rts                                     ; B696 60                       `
@@ -7179,7 +7193,7 @@
         lda     current_speed                   ; B69B AD 24 06                 .$.
         cmp     #$09                            ; B69E C9 09                    ..
         bcs     LB6A9                           ; B6A0 B0 07                    ..
-        lda     $0623                           ; B6A2 AD 23 06                 .#.
+        lda     falling_flag                    ; B6A2 AD 23 06                 .#.
         cmp     #$02                            ; B6A5 C9 02                    ..
         bne     LB6BA                           ; B6A7 D0 11                    ..
 LB6A9:  lda     $0768                           ; B6A9 AD 68 07                 .h.
@@ -7715,7 +7729,7 @@
         lda     #$0D                            ; BC79 A9 0D                    ..
         sta     joystick_disabled               ; BC7B 8D 32 06                 .2.
         lda     #$00                            ; BC7E A9 00                    ..
-        sta     $0623                           ; BC80 8D 23 06                 .#.
+        sta     falling_flag                    ; BC80 8D 23 06                 .#.
         lda     #$52                            ; BC83 A9 52                    .R
         sta     work_level_sub1                 ; BC85 8D 84 07                 ...
         lda     #$BD                            ; BC88 A9 BD                    ..
@@ -7744,7 +7758,7 @@
         ldx     #$03                            ; BCB4 A2 03                    ..
 ; display current user's score, number_of_users should be score-1 here.
 wd_xxx: lda     number_of_users,x               ; BCB6 BD FF 06                 ...
-        sta     $CF,x                           ; BCB9 95 CF                    ..
+        sta     tmp_sprite_height,x             ; BCB9 95 CF                    ..
         dex                                     ; BCBB CA                       .
         bne     wd_xxx                          ; BCBC D0 F8                    ..
         jsr     print_number_jv                 ; BCBE 20 09 80                  ..
@@ -7787,7 +7801,7 @@
 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ; used in work_level_sub1 slot during well_doneused in work_level_sub1 slot during well_done
-        lda     falling_flag                    ; BD52 AD 21 06                 .!.
+        lda     start_falling_flag              ; BD52 AD 21 06                 .!.
         bne     wds1_cont                       ; BD55 D0 01                    ..
         rts                                     ; BD57 60                       `
@@ -7824,7 +7838,7 @@
         lda     #$C6                            ; BD90 A9 C6                    ..
         sta     player_y_pos                    ; BD92 8D 83 06                 ...
         lda     #$00                            ; BD95 A9 00                    ..
-        sta     falling_flag                    ; BD97 8D 21 06                 .!.
+        sta     start_falling_flag              ; BD97 8D 21 06                 .!.
         lda     #$01                            ; BD9A A9 01                    ..
         sta     $0688                           ; BD9C 8D 88 06                 ...
         rts                                     ; BD9F 60                       `
cgit v1.2.3