path: root/bin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bin')
1 files changed, 123 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/sbodb.pl b/bin/sbodb.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bfd997e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/sbodb.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# create SBo.sqlite3 database for SBo limnoria plugin.
+# requires SLACKBUILDS.txt and TAGS.txt from the SBo repo.
+# https://slackware.uk/slackbuilds.org/14.2/SLACKBUILDS.TXT
+# https://slackware.uk/slackbuilds.org/14.2/TAGS.txt
+print <<EOF;
+pragma journal_mode = memory;
+begin transaction;
+create table categories (
+ id integer primary key not null,
+ name varchar not null);
+create table builds (
+ id integer primary key not null,
+ name varchar not null,
+ descrip varchar not null,
+ category integer not null,
+ version varchar not null,
+ foreign key (category) references categories);
+create table deps (
+ build_id integer not null,
+ depends_on integer not null,
+ foreign key (build_id) references categories,
+ foreign key (depends_on) references categories);
+create table tags (
+ build_id integer not null,
+ tag varchar not null,
+ foreign key (build_id) references builds);
+create unique index t_idx on tags(build_id, tag);
+$lastcat = 0;
+sub get_cat_id {
+ my $catname = shift;
+ if(!$catids{$catname}) {
+ $lastcat++;
+ print "insert into categories values($lastcat, '$catname');\n";
+ $catids{$catname} = $lastcat;
+ }
+ return $catids{$catname};
+open $sbtxt, "<" . ($ARGV[0] || "SLACKBUILDS.TXT") or die $!;
+ local $/ = '';
+ while(<$sbtxt>) {
+ my ($name, $cat, $ver, $deps, $desc,);
+ $deps = "";
+ chomp;
+ /^SLACKBUILD NAME:\s+(\S+)$/m and $name = $1;
+ /^SLACKBUILD LOCATION:\s+\.\/([^\/]*)\//m and $cat = $1;
+ /^SLACKBUILD VERSION:\s+(\S+)$/m and $ver = $1;
+ /^SLACKBUILD REQUIRES:\s+(\S.+)\n/m and $deps = $1;
+ /^SLACKBUILD SHORT DESCRIPTION:\s+(.+)$/m and $desc = $1;
+ if($desc =~ /^$name \((.+)\)$/) {
+ $desc = $1;
+ }
+ $desc =~ s/'/''/g;
+ $catid = get_cat_id($cat);
+ $buildcat{$name} = $catid;
+ $buildver{$name} = $ver;
+ $builddeps{$name} = $deps;
+ $builddesc{$name} = $desc;
+ push @builds, $name;
+ }
+close $sbtxt;
+print "\n";
+$buildid = 0;
+for(@builds) {
+ $buildid++;
+ $buildids{$_} = $buildid;
+ print <<EOF;
+insert into builds values(
+ $buildid,
+ '$_',
+ '$builddesc{$_}',
+ $buildcat{$_},
+ '$buildver{$_}');
+for(keys %builddeps) {
+ my $bid = $buildids{$_};
+ my @d = split /\s+/, $builddeps{$_};
+ #warn "build $_ id $b, deps " . join(",", @d) . "\n";
+ for(@d) {
+ next if /%README%/;
+ print <<EOF;
+insert into deps values($bid, $buildids{$_});
+ }
+open $tagstxt, "<" . ($ARGV[1] || "TAGS.txt") or die $!;
+while(<$tagstxt>) {
+ my ($build, $t, @tags);
+ chomp;
+ next if /: No tags found for/;
+ ($build, $t) = /^([^:]*):\s+(.*)$/;
+ @tags = split /,/, $t;
+ for(@tags) {
+ next if /^\s*$/;
+ s/'/''/g;
+ print <<EOF;
+insert into tags values($buildids{$build}, '$_');
+ }
+print "commit;\n";