miragextract FAQ (sort-of) -------------------------- These are not really 'frequently asked', because nobody's asked me a single question about miragextract yet (it's brand new). Maybe this should be called the SAQ (Someday Asked Questions) or the NYAQ (Not Yet Asked Questions). Q1. How does miragextract work? A1. Basically, miragextract is a command-line wrapper for libmirage, plus 'glue' to connect it to libsndfile. These libraries do all the real work. Q2. Why did you write it? A1. There are a lot of little tools made to convert various CD image formats to something useful. Most of them just convert to ISO, meaning they don't handle audio tracks. Each image format has its own tool, and a lot of them are old and unmaintained so they don't keep up with changes in the proprietary formats. The libmirage developers gave us a wonderful library, but previously the only way to use it was to use cdemu, which works great but requires root privileges, uses an out-of-tree kernel module, and only works on Linux. I thought it'd be nice to have a simple tool that's at leat potentially portable, so here it is. Q3. What would I use miragextract for? A3. Well, I use it for extracting ISO images and audio files from old game CDs, for use with modern game engines (e.g. Raze or NBlood), or sometimes just to listen to the audio tracks. You can use it for anything you want (it's licensed WTFPL, so that means *anything*). Q4. Why is there no '-f mp3' option? A4. Because I use libsndfile to write the audio files, and its developer has chosen not to include mp3 support. If you really need mp3 (if ogg and/or flac just won't satisfy you), you can always convert to wav and use any mp3 converter (lame, ffmpeg, etc). Someday I may actually add lame support to miragextract, but don't hold your breath. Q5. Why do my extracted audio tracks sound like white noise? A5. Try the -s flag. If you're on a big-endian platform and you have this issue, I'd like to hear from you (email address found in README). Q6. This track01.iso I just extracted isn't an ISO, it's a Macintosh DMG. How come it's got .iso in the filename? A6. There's no way for miragextract to tell what type of image a data track actually contains. Adding support for this would be possible, but it's not there yet. Currently, the file will get called .iso because that's what most images contain. Just rename it if it's wrong. Q7. I built a static binary of miragextract, but it fails (or still requires shared libraries). Why? A7. libmirage uses a plugin system for supporting the various formats it knows about. This means it's basically impossible to compile libmirage statically, so miragextract can't really be static either. It's probably possible to make it work with an appropriate invocation of 'statifier' but I haven't tried this yet. Q8. Does it work on Windows, OSX, FreeBSD, ...? A8. In principle, there's nothing Linux-specific in miragextract, libmirage, or libsndfile. Porting to other OSes will require more knowledge of those OSes (and more time) than I currently have available, but I'll accept patches. Q9. Can I use it with real CDs? A9. No. libmirage doesn't support reading real CDs. Use regular CD-ripping software to get audio tracks, and 'dd' to extract an iso image.