This chatting has been translated from Finnish to English. let's emulate netbios? HEY I'M HERE & lt;_jv> HEY I'M HERE HEY I'M HERE HEY I'M HERE NICE THAT YOU ARE THERE! I'M HERE! NICE THAT YOU ARE THERE! I'M HERE! NICE THAT YOU ARE THERE! I'M HERE! NICE THAT YOU ARE THERE! I'M HERE! <_jv> NICE THAT YOU ARE THERE! I'M HERE! n NICE THAT YOU ARE THERE! I'M HERE! HEY WHO'S THE TOUGHEST GUY? I'M HERE! DID ANYONE HAVE NICE SHARES? AT LEA ST NOT ME AT LEAST NOT ME NOT ME <_jv> NOT ME BUT WHO'S THE TOUGHEST GUY? I'M NOT. MEEEE! (blerp is a samba box) <__pint> HEY I AM HERE! NICE THAT YOU ARE THERE! I'M HERE! <__pint> SHOULD WE VOTE WHO WILL THE ONE TO TELL ABOUT US TO OTHERS IN ADDITION TO OURSELVES THAT WE ARE HERE? "Sami does not like his configuration..." <__pint> I VOTE THAT I WI LL BE THAT ONE! AND WHO WAS THE TOUGHEST GUY? <__pint> I AM! IS ANYONE HERE? <__pint> I AM! I'M NOT < holox> ME! <__pint> IS ANYONE HERE? <__pint> ME! MEEEEE! I'M HERE! WANTY0UME NICE THAT YOU ARE THERE! I'M HERE! <__pint> MEEEE! NO, I AM! <__pint> but let's stop before someone will try transferring a file. I'M THE MASTER BROWSER OF THE UNIVERSE! __pint, luckily :) <__pint> NO, MEEEE! cool netbios emulation <__pint> why do you need 2 gw's < Apachez> its like having 2 girlfriends at the same time --, quote #2 Added: Tue, 14 Nov 2006 23:32:52 UTC % From Successful exploitation allows execution of arbitrary code, but requires Administrator privileges... Um??? --, quote #3 Added: Tue, 14 Nov 2006 23:32:58 UTC % < robw810> My time is limited to the point that I can either try to constructively help out in Slackware development (unofficially, of course) or learn major new things. For now, at least, I choose option #1. < john83> how do I purge all my 'session' data? < john83> slackware sux < robw810> Well, there goes that answer. --, quote #4 Added: Wed, 15 Nov 2006 05:21:38 UTC % < tecky-wrk> straterra: i told you last night that was the last time we did it w/o any lube < straterra> tecky-wrk: I thought maybe you forgot < tecky-wrk> straterra: i'm still having to sit on pillows fool < straterra> God I hope my boss doesn't see these logs < tecky-wrk> packet sniffing ? < straterra> Or..public logs --, quote #5 Added: Wed, 15 Nov 2006 19:08:01 UTC % -!- Lambda [] has joined #slackman < Lambda> help < Lambda> please < Lambda> i got pwnt < Lambda> my uber ass couldnt sustain the uber ness < Lambda> of another jeet motherfucker < Lambda> :) < Lambda> lmfao < Lambda> uber pwnt < Lambda> i got uber pwnt < Lambda> help e < Lambda> help < Lambda> please < Lambda> oh god < Lambda> please help me < Lambda> OH MY FUCKNG GOD < Lambda> HELP < Lambda> PLEASE -!- Talib [] has quit [] -!- mode/#slackman [+o robw810] by ChanServ < Lambda> SUC MY BALLS < Lambda> :) < Lambda> U FUCKING DOUCHE BAGS < Lambda> :) <@robw810> excuse me? < Lambda> SUCK < Lambda> MY < Lambda> BALLS < Lambda> IS THAT CLEARER? < Lambda> LMFSAO < tewmten> oh lawd is dat sum trolling? < Lambda> LMFAO < Lambda> SUCK MY BALLS < Lambda> UR THE TROL < Lambda> ROFL < Lambda> U PWNT MOTHERFUCKER < Lambda> WANT TO HAVE THIS CHAT OWNED < Lambda> ? < Lambda> BY ME < Lambda> MOTHERFUCKER < theblackbox> lol, how creative < Lambda> I WILL CONFISCATE IT < Lambda> MOTHERFUCKER < Lambda> :) < rob0> Lambda: watch out, there's an op here. < Lambda> I OWN J00 < rob0> bye < Lambda> LMFAO < Larhzu> Never let a "friend" use a computer while you are away. < Lambda> I DONT GIVE A FUCK < Lambda> ABOUT NO OP -!- mode/#slackman [+b *!*] by robw810 -!- Lambda was kicked from #slackman by robw810 [robw810] * rob0 pats robw810 on the back :) <@robw810> :D --, quote #6 Added: Tue, 21 Nov 2006 16:39:44 UTC % < straterra> Lunch time at hoooters! < fluffd> where everyone gets a cheerleader slut < robw810> I fail to see the problem... :D < fluffd> robw810: sluts usually carry some form of crotch disease < robw810> So long as they make regular visits to the dentist, it's okay. ;-) < fluffd> buahaha --, quote #7 Added: Tue, 21 Nov 2006 17:19:07 UTC % BACKGROUND INFO: maxine is a bot who can 'learn' and such... < Pons> guys, what is wrong with this rule? < Pons> iptables -A INPUT -s -d --dport 1:1024 -p tcp -j DROP < Rawplayer> nothing? < maxine> i heard nothing was in the wiki except horrible techie garbage ;P < maxine> robw810: I forgot nothing < Rawplayer> :P < robw810> Sounds like my wife... --, quote #8 Added: Wed, 22 Nov 2006 01:54:49 UTC % JoeHill: Is there an alarm bell somewhere that goes off whenever someone dares to say anything bad about vi and/or emacs? ;-) Robby Workman: Yours didn't sound? Please submit a work order so that we can get someone out to fix it as soon as possible. ;-) --, quote #9 Added: Fri, 24 Nov 2006 19:21:11 UTC % <@sadiq> apparently I need to upgrade bermuda to gcc 4.1 < fred> what's it currently? < fred> if it's gcc 3, no. <@sadiq> its 4.1 < fred> if it's 4.0, sure < fred> erm... <@sadiq> yea. <@Polar> :/ < fred> sorry, you mean you need to upgrade bermudas gcc to 4.1.somethingHigher? <@sadiq> well, the package is described as gcc-4.1 < fred> can I troll debian now? < BlueParrot> fred, I'm guessing sadiq has gotn a message moaning that gcc4.1 is in fact not gcc4.1 <@sadiq> yep. * sadiq pastebins < fred> Debian sucks. Use Slackware. * fred thanks sadiq for permission. --, quote #10 Added: Wed, 29 Nov 2006 16:57:54 UTC % <@sadiq> there should be a "Debian sucks" syntax highlight on Pastebin. --, quote #11 Added: Wed, 29 Nov 2006 16:58:09 UTC % < fred> Dependency tracking is for nubs. --, quote #12 Added: Wed, 29 Nov 2006 16:58:14 UTC % < zspada15> start your wife on slack and expect to not get laid very often :-P --, quote #13 Added: Wed, 29 Nov 2006 19:19:18 UTC % aight im gonna peace out for a bit lube my asshole with some neosporin hehe You'd have to dab some on your ass to catch him might as well use bengay no pun intended haha hehe well maybe a little wow That joke was lamer than F.D.R's legs That was wrong lol That was "Helen Keller burns her hands trying to read a waffle iron" wrong lol lol Wrong like "That noobs brain must be as mushy as Terri Schiavo's" lmao --, quote #14 Added: Fri, 08 Dec 2006 04:23:19 UTC % < `2StupidDogz> < `2StupidDogz> any ideea? < feindbild> `2StupidDogz: ok ... /usr/local/include/gnu/stubs.h doesn't come from a package if it's nowhere in /var/log/packages/ ... sorry ... but something that you either installed from source or with a installer must have created /usr/local/include/gnu/stubs.h ... I can not help you to remove it cleanly ... < `2StupidDogz> pffff.. .so there is nothing i can do? < robw810> `2StupidDogz: are you sure you haven't tried to build glibc yourself? < `2StupidDogz> i think i tryied.. < robw810> yeah < robw810> WHY? < `2StupidDogz> dont know, im a newb... i thought it would help out.. < feindbild> `2StupidDogz: help out what? ^^ < robw810> Do you go out and rebuild the ENGINE of your CAR because you think it will "help out?" < `2StupidDogz> ... < robw810> (if you don't know beans about car engines) < `2StupidDogz> youre right.. < `2StupidDogz> how do i copy one dir. to another? cp ? --, quote #15 Added: Sun, 10 Dec 2006 13:58:10 UTC % < man_in_ltop> why do half my panel plugins keep disappearing? < robw810> Radioactive decay < robw810> The good news is that they'll never be completely gone... --, quote #16 Added: Wed, 13 Dec 2006 16:00:00 UTC % < fragged> meh tell me theres a learning curve to linux < hbx> instead of trying to learn linux, just realize there is no linux < fragged> lmao < straterra> And you will find it is not you that learns Linux..but Linux learns you. < hbx> lol --, quote #17 Added: Wed, 13 Dec 2006 23:53:19 UTC % < Zal> how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood? < straterra> Depends < straterra> x86 or x86_64 ? < fadumpt> a woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would chuck if i a woodchuck could chuck wood < straterra> x86_64 woodchuck can chuck more wood than an x86 woodchuck, but with a larger memory footprint < fadumpt> depends on how well the woodchuck was compiled for the wood enviroment < straterra> Or if its even in an wood environment < straterra> What if its in emulation in a "zoo" ? < Zal> chzoo -r SanDiego < Zal> er, -z :-) < mwalling> no, -r < fadumpt> of course woodchucks can't chuck wood so first a team would have to be setup to write the "chuck_wood" module and compile it in to the woodchuck < mwalling> for the woodchuck and all wood chuck offspring < straterra> fadumpt: its a theoretical situation, soo < straterra> fadumpt: There is a problem though..I'm not sure the woodchuck has the appropriate license that would allow you to add a function to it < straterra> Gotta ask that one dude that holds the license..uh..what was his name..god? < rapid> < mwalling> straterra: i belive wood chucks are under the gwl < fadumpt> they'd have to fork woodchuck code into a new project called Chukwood and then it would be put under the GPL < straterra> Oh, ok then. < mwalling> general woodchuck license < straterra> What about procreation though? < mwalling> Zal: it would be chzoo -R, because you wouldn't want to seperate the families < straterra> We would have to compile two similar woodchucks < Zal> mwalling ok, I'll go with that < mwalling> i think the gwl allows for infinite reproduction < Zal> what about woodchuck clusters? < straterra> I'm not sure if a vanilla woodchuck would be binary compatible with a patched woodchuck < Zal> gentoo has optimized woodchucks < straterra> Yeah..but the gentoo woodchuck has like a bazillion deps to it < mwalling> how much wood would a bewolf cluster of woodchucks chuck if a bewolf cluster of woodchucks could chuck wood? < straterra> Hmm..what speed backbone? < mwalling> see rfc 1149 < straterra> And I don't think woodchucks have alot of memory < phrag> mwalling, rofl < straterra> mwalling: yeah...but avian carrier has alot of loss and high latencies < straterra> Might need something a bit faster < fadumpt> someone would come along and make the memory code more efficient < straterra> fadumpt: or a dedicated swap space for it < fadumpt> some woodchuck hackers will later figure out how to add more memory through step by step brain surgery < mwalling> as far as trusted networks go, i think that any network that takes a shit on your car should not be trusted < straterra> mwalling: ROFL < fadumpt> ROFL < inflex> O_o < fadumpt> iunno, squirrel networks are rather useful < straterra> Does a woodchuck have any redundancy? < straterra> I would HATE to have my woodchuck daemon die on me < mwalling> could smell bad < fadumpt> only if you mirror 2 woodchucks < straterra> That could work < straterra> Would have to quickly replace the downed woodchuck though < phrag> am i drunk? < straterra> phrag: perhaps < mwalling> phrag: are we all? < fadumpt> yeah, but if you keep a pond of woodchucks nearby, it won't be a problem * skac pulls out the breath tester. < fadumpt> write a script that automatically loads the new woodchuck when one goes down < mwalling> fadumpt: a pool of wood chucks? < skac> phrag: just breath in to this sir. < fadumpt> sure * phrag burns sais woodchucks in a blazing woodchuck inferno < skac> the green light came on, what does that mean? < phrag> it means i'm good to go < fadumpt> as long as it's not a red let, that means imminent destruction < mwalling> boom < fadumpt> and then someone comes along and writes Beaver < fadumpt> then we're all screwed < fadumpt> it'll probably be AnimalSoft though and it'll be closed source < fadumpt> lawsuits insue --, quote #18 Added: Fri, 22 Dec 2006 21:05:30 UTC % < Motoko-chan> Living in your parent's basement? How stereotypical. < debdexter> right < debdexter> must be a big fuckin house, cuz my parents live 6 hours away :P --, quote #19 Added: Tue, 26 Dec 2006 02:19:59 UTC % < straterra> I had a dream Microsoft tried to sue me for copyright infringement last night < straterra> Swear to god < JKnife> o.O that must have been a BAD dream < straterra> Yeah < straterra> And Microsoft was all like "This programs infringes on our copyright" and I said "Well, show me the code that I stole from you then" and they said "Fine..we will.." < JKnife> the windows code came to you in a dream! < straterra> I asked for proof again...and was met with a "Fine!! We will!!" but they never did < straterra> Typical Microsoft vaperware, bleh < straterra> that is what Linus feels like :/ --, quote #20 Added: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 16:21:55 UTC % < straterra> Go to hell Abigail < Dominian> hehe < Dominian> yeah poor abigail was dead last night for a few hours < straterra> That's how I like 'em < straterra> Eeeeh..shit, I typed that --, quote #21 Added: Thu, 04 Jan 2007 14:28:51 UTC % < StratWork> Dominian, we Gentoo users sacrafice a goat..and the almighty Devs bring us binaries --, quote #22 Added: Wed, 07 Feb 2007 19:55:00 UTC % Over email while at work (ryan == coworker): dadexter: *cough*whatever*cough* ryan: What? Are we at the doctors or something? dadexter: *looks around* looks more like a psychiatric ward, if you ask me... --, quote #23 Added: Sat, 10 Feb 2007 03:47:39 UTC % How do I add a loop device to my fstab? man mount as per gm152 You guys are all about mounting mans today :/ robw810: you like it dadexter: not my thing :) that's not what you said last night heh --, quote #24 Added: Fri, 16 Feb 2007 20:39:21 UTC % dumbass... I just ran make twice, then thought there was something wrong and ran make clean :( --, quote #25 Added: Fri, 16 Feb 2007 20:39:31 UTC % < dadexter> the guy who came up with /ignore should win some sort of Nobel prize --, quote #26 Added: Sun, 18 Feb 2007 20:55:48 UTC % * Alan_Hicks just "fixed" a Windows 2000 Server that's been "broke" and offline for six months. < Dominian> let me guess.... you put linux on it < Dominian> hhe <+Alan_Hicks> Nope. The power button was broke. <+alienBOB> Haha < Dominian> lol < Dominian> that's hiliarious <+Alan_Hicks> What's really hilarious is the $3k server I sold them to replace this machine. :^) --, quote #27 Added: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 20:32:10 UTC % < NetEcho> so now to play a 12 hr stint of RC Tycoon lol < NetEcho> until I beat every level < NetEcho> wish me luck lol < Fenix-Dark> silly < NetEcho> no crazy lol < Fenix-Dark> never played any of the * tycoon series < Dominian> They should create a Porn Tycoon < Fenix-Dark> lol < NetEcho> indeed < StratWork> Porn Tycoon?! < Dominian> heh < StratWork> I'm game < StratWork> Get some hot man on man action..uugughghh.... < StratWork> on woman action.. --, quote #28 Added: Wed, 28 Mar 2007 13:11:08 UTC % I'm so used to commandline... that it took me 3 days to realize that my wireless mouse batteries were missing --, quote #29 Added: Thu, 29 Mar 2007 21:20:49 UTC % < whatsgood> _3oo3: you wanna talk about hardcore? i was in the cub scouts, do you how many recon missions i went deep into girl guide territory? so don't talk crap like you were in Nam or something --, quote #30 Added: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 03:01:07 UTC % < Alan_Hicks> rpm() { if [ $1 = '-i' ]; then installpkg $#; elif [ $1 = '-u' ]; then upgradepkg $#; fi } < Alan_Hicks> There, complete rpm re-write, since no other functions in rpm ever worked anyhow. --, quote #31 Added: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 03:19:32 UTC % hi all i installed slackware 11 in my laptop(DELL latitude D820) but i did not install lan card now in slackware i have a problem with NIC can you help me?? [2 minutes later] hi all i installed slackware 11 in my laptop(DELL latitude D820) but i did not install lan card now in slackware i have a problem with NIC can you help me?? hey can you see my question? * Mithridat has quit () [10 minutes] * MithridateS (i=mithrida@ has joined #slackman hi again are you there? * MithridateS has quit () whats the point in doing that... if he head read what he just typed, he would realise that wasn't a realistic question. heh. --, quote #33 Added: Tue, 24 Apr 2007 13:01:15 UTC % * theorem_ hands dadexter a grenade NO He's not smart enough to hold on. * dadexter pulls the pin and gives it back to theorem_ * rworkman leaves * theorem_ runs behind a chair * rworkman notes that it's a lawn chair you're holding the damn thing genius * theorem_ drops the grenade * mwalling_ runs * dadexter ducks * mwalling_ nods good thing it's just an ugly chick *boom* * Half-Left jumps on it and saves everyone * rworkman cheers * theorem_ cheers more beer * Half-Left is in a million pieces --, quote #34 Added: Sat, 28 Apr 2007 03:47:27 UTC % From #xfce < lipstick_> someone give me the rundown, whats to do done inorder to install new fonts ? < lipstick_> (never done this with xfce4 before) < rworkman> That's distribution dependent - ask your distribution's channel. < rworkman> Oh, you can't - you're banned from there for being an ass, right? :D < ElAngelo> good answer rworkman < rworkman> ElAngelo: and he really is perm-banned from ##slackware for trolling and ban avoidance - I warned him several times :) < lipstick_> stfu wanker < rworkman> See? < ElAngelo> lipstick_: you mind your language --, quote #35 Added: Wed, 02 May 2007 14:47:00 UTC % * Dominian compiles Alan_Hicks with warnings < Dominian> he works fine most of the time < Alan_Hicks> include/hicks/brain.h: warning #warning "Kernel too big to boot on most systems." < Dominian> Alan_Hicks: hmm... < Dominian> Alan_Hicks: the warning I get it is warning #warning "Kernel is in 'wishing' state; may be unstable" < Alan_Hicks> Ah! You must have an older version of me. Try upgrading to the latest release. < Dominian> odd... < Alan_Hicks> Bare in mind, that the compile takes a very long time and the resulting binary is huge. < Dominian> Alan_Hicks: well its full of crap.. is why. * Dominian edits out the crap < Alan_Hicks> Dominian: Ah! Just run "make enima" < Dominian> enema < _not_3oo3> SPU is broken, too. (Spelling Processor Unit) < Alan_Hicks> Sorry, it's enima. My kernel hackers can't spell. :^) < Dominian> Alan_Hicks: make enima causes a system melt down.... and make enema literally causes the machine to shit itself. < Dominian> hmm maybe my configure options were off or something... < Dominian> ./configure --prefix=/usr --without-ego --with-common-sense --give-me-a-huge-truck --where-the-hell-are-my-tires --lizella-rocks < Dominian> hmmm.. < Dominian> configure works... < Alan_Hicks> That's possible. Did you include the kernel option for pre-emption? That always causes problems. The ESP sub-system isn't fully supported yet. < Dominian> hmmm.. .wait < Dominian> its the $ARCH < Dominian> export $ARCH=backwoods-hick-compat < Dominian> aha.. now make works < Dominian> shit.. wait < Dominian> nope.. < Alan_Hicks> You completely forgot --with-chewing-tobacco < Dominian> Alan_Hicks: tried that.. it screwed up the binary... < Alan_Hicks> Dominian: Did you also include --with-state=drunk? < Dominian> Alan_Hicks: ah! < Dominian> Alan_Hicks: there we go.. < Dominian> --build=backwoods-hick-compat LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=backwoods-hick-oldschool < Dominian> THERE we go --, quote #36 Added: Fri, 04 May 2007 02:40:38 UTC % ( Agiofws) i know what i am doing --, quote #37 Added: Mon, 07 May 2007 19:45:08 UTC % < Straterra> PEOPLE ARE FUCKING RETARDED!! --, quote #38 Added: Wed, 09 May 2007 00:30:19 UTC % < anavel> most of the devs are using FC and RH < Straterra> And most of my porn has guys in it --, quote #39 Added: Sat, 12 May 2007 03:47:12 UTC % * TopDawg notes dont ever tell me i cant do something as it will be the next thing i do, just to prove you wrong < rworkman> You can't cut a three inch gash in your carotid artery. --, quote #40 Added: Tue, 15 May 2007 04:57:50 UTC % < Straterra> Shit < Straterra> Bend me over a table and fuck me..I get to work with a Blackberry * Straterra slams head onto table * anavel pass dildo to Straterra --, quote #41 Added: Tue, 15 May 2007 04:58:01 UTC % < fred87> Ubuntu is an african word for "I can't figure out how to configure slackware"; Gentoo is a redneck word for "I can't figure out how to configure slackwae, but watching shit scroll by on my screen means I'm better than you" < Larhzu> So... Debian means that "I like splitting packages more than most people can with a blender" and Slackware means that "I have no idea which of 250 packages I need so I must install them all". O_o --, quote #42 Added: Thu, 17 May 2007 19:12:27 UTC % < linux_stu> is a tickless system fine? < nullboy> i use tickless < nullboy> on my laptop < andarius> tickless ? < nullboy> i'm only using tickless because it makes my epenis bigger --, quote #43 Added: Fri, 18 May 2007 02:18:12 UTC % < andarius_> i am installing PBJ < mwalling> peanut butter jelly time? < mwalling> "its peanut butter jelly time" * andarius_ googles < andarius_> i really should not watch stuff like that while drinking * andarius_ is now afraid of dancing bannanas --, quote #44 Added: Sat, 19 May 2007 12:10:30 UTC % < Straterra> had a nice date with the gf last night < Straterra> i dont remember much...but i have a tatoo and my ass hurts --, quote #45 Added: Sat, 19 May 2007 17:39:48 UTC % < mwalling> hi: print out the slackbook and take it with you to the bathroom < mwalling> when you get back you'll know plenty < hi> i dont go to the bathroom < oldude67> lol < oldude67> oh hes full of ____ < andarius> alien huh ? < hi> yes i have no sexual organs --, quote #46 Added: Sun, 20 May 2007 04:52:26 UTC % < rworkman> Education classes are worthless (and yes, that's from a career educator). Everyone with half a cerebrum gets an A, so long as they jump through the hoops and do the busy work. That's just not for me. I've wasted hours and hours of my life when I could have been doing something worthwhile. --, quote #47 Added: Wed, 23 May 2007 18:11:56 UTC % < tuxq> I'm at heather's house ... her sister just got home with a carload (or 3) of friends to go swimming .. it's a nuthouse <@alphageek> tuxq: bikinis? < tuxq> and since heather is at her internship and both parents are gone i feel old and lame. dentonj i refuse to comment... 16~17 year olds ... maybe some 18s < tuxq> they're all changing into bikinis... just had one ask if i minded for her to change in here... before i could answer, liz came in and said no lol < tuxq> wanna see heather and her sister? < tuxq> i took pics of heather's lil sister for prom < tuxq> im kidding i wouldnt post any pics of her sister < tuxq> unfortunate as it might be, the grownup in me is starting to srout < tuxq> sprout too < rworkman> Yeah, that happens around women in bikinis ;-) <@alphageek> lol < tuxq> HAH --, quote #48 Added: Thu, 24 May 2007 21:31:40 UTC % ( linux_stu) i can't lock in windows and if i switch users someone will take the computer ( kethry) you can lock the screensaver, linux_stu ( kethry) even i know that ( rworkman) PWND ( BP{k}) HAHAHA --, quote #49 Added: Fri, 25 May 2007 04:01:19 UTC % * BP{k} tries to ponder how Jeremy Clarkson descriped the french again. < BP{k}> "Cheese munching surrender monkeys " --, quote #50 Added: Fri, 25 May 2007 13:36:24 UTC % < theblackbox> :( someone's been brute forcing my VPN < i_is_cat> i bruteforced your mom --, quote #51 Added: Fri, 25 May 2007 13:36:54 UTC % < VOYAGER> A Very loud, unattractive, mean woman walked into WalMart with her two kids, yelling obscenities at them all the way through the entrance. The WalMart Greeter says "Good Morning and welcome to Walmart. Nice children you have there. Are they twins?? The ugly woman stopped yelling long enough to say, "Hell no they ain't, oldest one's 9 and the other one's 7. Why the hell would you think they're twins? Are you blind, or just stupid?" "I'm neither blind nor stupid", replied the greeter. "I just couldn't believe you got laid twice." --, quote #52 Added: Sat, 26 May 2007 04:01:23 UTC % _3oo3: as i recall, you got banned from #ubuntu for trolling <_3oo3> mwalling: who, me? never. troll? no way man. You must have me confused with someone of a similar nick :) he got warned here for the same reason, mwalling. Several times, too. hummm theblackbox get's the lynch mob whistle problem solved heret|c grabs an old cat5 and makes a noose out of it --, quote #53 Added: Sat, 26 May 2007 04:01:44 UTC % < mwalling_> cluelessone: and you realize that pkgtools and friends are from God Himself? < BP{k}> and on the first day god did: installpkg universe-1.0-noarch-1.tgz --, quote #54 Added: Sat, 26 May 2007 04:01:59 UTC % 04:36 < dadexter> I have a virgin goat 04:37 < dadexter> want it? 04:37 < Straterra> Yes --, quote #55 Added: Mon, 28 May 2007 14:03:20 UTC % < gar0t0> somebody play poker on linux ? < Dominian> nope, but I gamble everytime I boot up Windows. --, quote #56 Added: Mon, 28 May 2007 14:07:18 UTC % < Dylan> Did schroedinger's cat have a name? < rworkman> Sometimes. < rworkman> But everytime somebody asked... --, quote #57 Added: Tue, 29 May 2007 12:42:56 UTC % < rworkman> Soul_keeper: there are jdk packages available in Slackware /extra. Of course, you could always do that the hard way too. Hell, while you're at it, go ahead and rebuild the entire distro. < Soul_keeper> yeah i need to understand how to install java for myself for sure < WallRat007> There's a legitimate agrument to be made here. In the current age of Core Duos and such, it seems silly to run binaries pre-compiled for a 386. < Soul_keeper> yeah < rworkman> Well, *maybe* for large stuff like X, KDE, OOo, but only *maybe* < rworkman> They're compiled to run on 486 (not 386) with 686 optimizations, for the record. For Java, it's a binary repackaging anyway, so there's absolutely no point in doing it yourself. < WallRat007> Well, you've got a point there. :) < Soul_keeper> yeah but it's a self extracting binary designed to be extracted where you want it installed, no need to make a package outta that < rworkman> I mean, if one is curious about where things (should) go and wants to learn that, then sure, just look at Pat's build script for it, then install the package. Result is the same. < Soul_keeper> yeah i never trust where people put things, like to do it myself < rworkman> Soul_keeper: ah, but there *is* a good reason to package it. Have fun removing it when you decide to upgrade. < Soul_keeper> i guess, i rather just rm -rf it tho < Soul_keeper> works better than rmpkg or whatever < rworkman> You obviously missed the point. < Soul_keeper> you ever try to feed a pet stone ? < Soul_keeper> that's pretty much where your going with this < Soul_keeper> you got your way i'm just not eating it < rworkman> Yeah, I noticed. < rworkman> You can't reason someone out of something they weren't reasoned into. --, quote #58 Added: Tue, 29 May 2007 12:44:04 UTC % < rworkman> Soul_keeper: <-- 2.2.0 < Soul_keeper> rworkman, yeah but it's no good if i don't have the prerequisites installed also < Soul_keeper> i need certain perl modules and now apparently libpam < Soul_keeper> anyone know where to find the libpam homepage ? freshmeat and google are playing dumb < rworkman> Soul_keeper: Surely you're not trying to build OOo from source?? < Soul_keeper> rworkman, of course < Soul_keeper> trying to do it within the hour as well ... < rworkman> Heh < Soul_keeper> ok got it < rworkman> Go ahead and give up. It will be easier on you to admit failure now. < Soul_keeper> rworkman, lol < rworkman> I'm serious. < Soul_keeper> nah i've compiled openoffice before < rworkman> Last I checked, OOo was about 230 MB of *compressed* source. You're looking at a 10-12 hour build on a *fast* P4 (and that's at a minimum) < Soul_keeper> probably 3hrs < Soul_keeper> it seems to think my java version is too old, even tho i installed the latest last week ... < Soul_keeper> => not found < Soul_keeper> java is broken i guess < Soul_keeper> good thing i'm doing things the hard way else i wouldn't have noticed < WallRat007> That's why I insist on doing things the hard way, too. :) < rworkman> You have the jre or jdk installed? < Soul_keeper> jre < rworkman> That's why I suggest the easy way. It cuts down on bad bug reports of things being "broken" from people who don't know any better. --, quote #59 Added: Tue, 29 May 2007 12:44:56 UTC % < _3oo3> mwalling_: are you asking me or thrice`? < mwalling_> yes --, quote #60 Added: Tue, 29 May 2007 21:26:46 UTC % < Straterra> I would rather rip my fucking ball out with a toothpick and a spork --- time passes --- < fred87> erm... wait a second... < fred87> "ball", singular? < fred87> not "balls"? --, quote #61 Added: Thu, 31 May 2007 03:38:49 UTC % < Straterra> Chuck Norris wishes that Chuck Norris could be a Woodchuck --, quote #62 Added: Thu, 31 May 2007 14:40:51 UTC % < BP{k}> actually in all fairness. < BP{k}> I think they need to be raped with a frozen cluebanana --, quote #63 Added: Thu, 31 May 2007 14:40:57 UTC % >> BlackSun-Irish ( has joined #slackman ( BlackSun-Irish) Hi people;) ( BlackSun-Irish) :) cool Channel for Slackware fans .:) ( BlackSun-Irish) Unforunality Now I'm using Winboze in my home coz , The computer is not mine ( theblackbox) this is for the Marvel/DC comic books of the same name, please try ##slackware ( dadexter) the one about the slacker superhero that never does anything? ( BlackSun-Irish) :))) amm sorry then ( theblackbox) you got ep #8 yet dadexter ? ( dadexter) too lazy ( theblackbox) lol ( BlackSun-Irish) Actually will be interesting for me to join here again ;) * dadexter is a true slackman fan ( BlackSun-Irish) now bye! ( BP{k}) theblackbox: its already out then? ( theblackbox) in b&w... gonna get round to colouring it in in a few weeks ( dadexter) sweet, can't wait << BlackSun-Irish parts #slackman --, quote #64 Added: Thu, 31 May 2007 14:55:32 UTC % < Straterra> That makes about as much sense as two dykes using dildo's... --, quote #65 Added: Thu, 31 May 2007 16:33:48 UTC % < anavel> yes sex :o * Dominian has no use for it --, quote #66 Added: Mon, 04 Jun 2007 03:39:12 UTC % < Straterra> girlfriend's friend's brother is gay.. < Straterra> and I was messing with him last was funny --, quote #67 Added: Tue, 05 Jun 2007 04:05:51 UTC % < kethry> in the process of slug hunting.. i've um.. < kethry> stumbled across quite a few worms having sex < kethry> and interrupted them --, quote #68 Added: Tue, 05 Jun 2007 04:05:58 UTC % < Old_Fogie> besides, they say if your angry you live longer. < rworkman> AHA < rworkman> That's why married people live longer. < BP{k}> lol < rworkman> :D < Old_Fogie> Well...let's call a spade a spade shall we. If it were not for sex, women would be the most hunted species on the planet :D --, quote #69 Added: Tue, 05 Jun 2007 04:06:10 UTC % This one's from fortune, but it's worthy IMHO: A computer salesman visits a company president for the purpose of selling the president one of the latest talking computers. Salesman: "This machine knows everything. I can ask it any quesstion and it'll give the correct answer. Computer, what is the speed of light?" Computer: 186,000 miles per second. Salesman: "Who was the first president of the United States?" Computer: George Washington. President: "I'm still not convinced. Let me ask a question. Where is my father?" Computer: Your father is fishing in Georgia. President: "Hah!! The computer is wrong. My father died over twenty years ago!" Computer: Your mother's husband died 22 years ago. Your father just landed a twelve pound bass. --, quote #70 Added: Wed, 06 Jun 2007 18:54:35 UTC % < Alan_Hicks> I swear some people that come in this channel must have run butt-naked through the dumb-ass forest and hit every branch. --, quote #71 Added: Wed, 06 Jun 2007 18:54:41 UTC % < Straterra> I'll be wearing my ball in a fanny pack.. --, quote #72 Added: Wed, 06 Jun 2007 18:54:45 UTC % < mwalling> god i am a fuck nut --, quote #73 Added: Thu, 07 Jun 2007 03:58:59 UTC % * Straterra licks Chuckbot < Straterra> Mmm... < Straterra> Tastes like..kernel panic --, quote #74 Added: Fri, 08 Jun 2007 02:38:55 UTC % Phone conversation with customer... ---------------------------------------------------- customer: $APPNAME doesn't work me: whats the error? customer: i dont know. i closed it. me: can you reproduce it? customer: $APPNAME was unable to locate $EXTERNALCOMPONENT. me: did you install $EXTERNALCOMPONENT? customer: i didn't know i had to me: it was mentioned in the README file customer: wheres that? me: it was displayed at the end of the installer customer: oh. i usually just close those things --, quote #75 Added: Fri, 08 Jun 2007 17:43:53 UTC % 01:25 < miss_miranda> Hi 01:25 < miss_miranda> how do you ignore users 01:25 < miss_miranda> on pidgin 01:26 -!- ehc [] has joined #pidgin 01:27 -!- preksh1 [n=prekshu@] has joined #pidgin 01:28 -!- miss_miranda [n=real96@wikipedia/real96] has left #pidgin [] Like that :-) --, quote #76 Added: Sat, 09 Jun 2007 03:42:22 UTC % < Straterra> I'd do him < Straterra> Or Brad Pitt --, quote #77 Added: Sat, 09 Jun 2007 04:07:23 UTC % < andarius> you know you want him anyways < mwalling_> oh *that* brad pitt quote < mwalling_> no, i have no idea < Straterra> Brad Pitt? < andarius> there is more than one ? < Straterra> Hell yeah < Straterra> I would be on that like THAT < mwalling_> ppl say i look like matt daemon < Straterra> I'd do him too < Straterra> Damon < Straterra> you nerd --, quote #78 Added: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 04:12:22 UTC % < andarius> he who uses slackware is on the path to enlightenment. he who can decrypt the readme has found the light --, quote #79 Added: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 04:12:30 UTC % < NetEcho_> man this is painful < Straterra> Masturbating with that cheese grater again? < Straterra> I told you that was a bad idea --, quote #80 Added: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 04:12:35 UTC % < andarius> [nichole] kidman has nice legs < Straterra> so does whats-his-face < Straterra> Brad pitt --, quote #81 Added: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 04:12:41 UTC % < qudama> is there a tool in slack to convert tar.gz into tgz? < rworkman> qudama: mv < nullboy> lol --, quote #82 Added: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 04:12:48 UTC % < anavel> Dominian, slapping ppl once an hour ? < Dominian> anavel: sure < Dominian> which reminds me.. * Dominian slaps anavel * fred87 slaps anavel * mwalling slaps anavel --, quote #83 Added: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 13:28:55 UTC % < oneforall> seen <@slackboy> Um, oneforall, it might help if you ask me about _someone_... < mwalling> seen oneforall's brain <@slackboy> Why are you bothering me with questions about oneforall's brain, mwalling? < rworkman> HAHA --, quote #84 Added: Wed, 13 Jun 2007 02:45:58 UTC % < tuxq> You know those empty shells from earlier? I just went and shot them off.. primer cap only... still a good 110dB < tuxq> i recorded it too, from the front yard's microphone -- shot it in the backyard < nemith> still unemployed eh? --, quote #85 Added: Thu, 14 Jun 2007 02:44:31 UTC % < Invert314> law school would suit my personality perfectly, but the entrance exams are too hard < rworkman> In law enforcement, that's known as a clue. --, quote #86 Added: Fri, 15 Jun 2007 05:41:19 UTC % < dentonj> what's up? < orlan> my 22" < tuxq> sick bastard --, quote #87 Added: Sat, 16 Jun 2007 02:02:49 UTC % < heret|c> i like my cars like i like my women. small, but with plenty of curves < infernal_jesus> heret|c: I thought you were gonna say big and with enough entrances for 4 people.. :P --, quote #88 Added: Sat, 16 Jun 2007 02:03:01 UTC % < Half-Left> Human's are as dirty as animals < Half-Left> In fact even more so < nullboy> right but i don't drag my cornhole across the carpet --, quote #89 Added: Sat, 16 Jun 2007 02:03:09 UTC % < straterra> Am I the only one to ever masturbate to Slashdot? --, quote #90 Added: Sat, 16 Jun 2007 22:54:32 UTC % < mwalling_> heret|c: he's straterra < heret|c> thats like african for metrosexual right ? --, quote #91 Added: Sat, 16 Jun 2007 22:54:37 UTC % < Bassist> Anybody try out SW 12 RC1? < khelban> you have 11 i presume < Bassist> khelban: I had 11 < Bassist> Until I had this freak accident I had which involved my hard drive and lightning < Bassist> Installed Ubuntu out of frustration < rworkman> Did the lightning hit *you* or the computer? --, quote #92 Added: Mon, 18 Jun 2007 04:16:48 UTC % ( oldude67) got to remember that linuxpackages... ( qartis) oldude67: echo "" >> /etc/hosts ( qartis) oldude67: then you're safe --, quote #93 Added: Mon, 18 Jun 2007 04:16:57 UTC % < oneforall> viagra > /dev/null --, quote #94 Added: Mon, 18 Jun 2007 14:12:46 UTC % * fred87 loves vista :| --, quote #95 Added: Mon, 18 Jun 2007 16:51:12 UTC % < fred87> /root/,/\/policy/y|/root/,/\/policy/s#user="root"#group="network"#|/network/,/\/policy/pu|wq < fred87> please to be rewriting in sed :) < BP{k}> fred87: please to be supplyink virgins .. so I will be able to sed this, da? < Straterra> I'm a virgin < fred87> there ya go. < BP{k}> s/virgins/female\ virgins/g < Straterra> BAH < Straterra> :/ < fred87> BP{k}: bah, just give Straterra a sex change. * BP{k} sighs < BP{k}> s/female\ virgins/genetic\ female\ virgins/g ;) --, quote #96 Added: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 13:44:48 UTC % < Dagmar> ...but the overwhelming issue is that Totem is usually a frontend for starting bug-buddy to report crash bugs --, quote #97 Added: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 13:44:56 UTC % From the alt.os.linux.slackware fortune mod: Those Slackware users are weird- I don't mean weird in the "they are not like us" kind of weird, but in the "Welcome to the cult" kind of weird. Its almost scary... -- Faux_Pseudo --, quote #98 Added: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 13:45:10 UTC % ( kexman) (gparted:19975): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: again ( kexman) this is from sudo gparted ( old_dude67) try making the terminal larger.. --, quote #99 Added: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 13:45:19 UTC % My Boss: OK. If only GOD knew VB --, quote #100 Added: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 21:14:31 UTC % < BP{k}> skillz needed for IRIX ... level6 necromancer ;) --, quote #101 Added: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 04:05:08 UTC % < Dominian> wow.. an Exchange Server that talks TLS < Dominian> impressive < Straterra> I speak 56k < Straterra> DoooooooKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHH --, quote #102 Added: Wed, 27 Jun 2007 13:30:27 UTC % < Straterra> yay, time to get nude and all wet --, quote #103 Added: Fri, 29 Jun 2007 20:05:51 UTC % < Dominian> Straterra: wanna help me in an experiment? < Straterra> Um...does it involve a gerbil..and my ass? --, quote #104 Added: Fri, 29 Jun 2007 20:05:55 UTC % < fred87> heheh the scottish guy in the pub here on the phone; "there's thousands of bloody retards with laptops in the pub, running linux!" --, quote #105 Added: Mon, 02 Jul 2007 00:07:54 UTC % < TheNetuser> You can't hack me! < TheNetuser> I have an OpenBSD firewall! < TheNetuser> I installed it myself by following the directions. < Straterra> you cant hack me! < Straterra> i have one ball! --, quote #106 Added: Mon, 02 Jul 2007 00:08:03 UTC % < ananke> gat-man : this isn't a channel dedicated to ice cream flavors. you are expected to know some basics before talking about how our ice cream truck works --, quote #107 Added: Mon, 02 Jul 2007 21:31:30 UTC % < rworkman> For $DEITY's sake, Slackware 12.0 released and we're talking about children and alcohol. --, quote #108 Added: Mon, 02 Jul 2007 21:31:37 UTC % < Shingoshi> I didn't understand you. Now I do. --, quote #109 Added: Wed, 04 Jul 2007 18:12:22 UTC % < Peikko> I think samba will eventually cause me to lose my grip on reality. --, quote #110 Added: Fri, 06 Jul 2007 04:13:31 UTC % 06:03 -!- fede [n=fede@] has joined #hal 06:05 -!- fede changed the topic of #hal to: Hardware Abstraction Layer Channel 06:05 < fede> anyone there who might answer a few questions about HAL? 06:17 < rworkman> fede: WTF are you doing changing the topic? 06:20 < fede> did you read the previous topic? 06:20 < rworkman> What was it? 06:21 < fede> Topic for #hal is: HAL is a bad name | BunchOfHacksToHideLinuxKernelStuffKit might be a better name 06:21 < fede> * Topic for #hal set by davidz at Fri Feb 23 01:38:28 2007 06:21 < rworkman> Yeah, DavidZ is one of the HAL devs. 06:21 < fede> so the one I placed sound better 06:21 < rworkman> Now, I ask again, what the fsck do you think you're doing? --, quote #111 Added: Fri, 06 Jul 2007 20:11:44 UTC % 21:26 < Straterra> I'm sure I can find one around here 21:27 < macavity> dont forget to kick the disc across the floor before unleashing paranoia on it :P < BP{k}> Straterra: use your "100,000 porn sounds CD" ;) < Straterra> I'm not scratching that < Straterra> Are you fucking nuts? < macavity> lol < BP{k}> Straterra: uhm yes .. < BP{k}> or in your case "nut" ;) --, quote #112 Added: Sat, 07 Jul 2007 03:59:38 UTC % < straterra> atleast im not at a supercool kde convention! < fred87> straterra: agreed. < fred87> then it would no longer be supercool. < straterra> sure it would...i would bring some chloroform.. < straterra> and we could have our way with the hot devs < fred87> you're aware that we're > 90% male, right? < straterra> and install gnome on their laptops...muahaha..when they wake up....wwuah < straterra> fred...duh! < straterra> fred...i was counting on there being alot of big...strong...kde man devs < fred87> :| < fred87> there's two gay ones. < straterra> thats no fun < straterra> gotta get the straight ones.. < fred87> what, you only want the non-consial types, or is it just a matter of consensual sex being an uncomfortable new thing for you? < straterra> well.. < straterra> the kinda fun < straterra> you put them in bed with a mexican.. < straterra> and alot of beer bottles < straterra> and put gnome on their laptops < straterra> setup a webcam....and wait < straterra> 'how fucked up did i get?!' --, quote #113 Added: Sat, 07 Jul 2007 14:48:08 UTC % < Schroeder> ok, what's the deal with putting Apache 2 in Slack 12? < Schroeder> whose bright idea was that? < Schroeder> this may be enough to keep me from upgrading < BP{k}> Schroeder: uhm I think it was Patrick Volkerdings idea < Schroeder> what an idiot [freenode] -!- Schroeder [i=1000@unaffiliated/unclejimbob] [freenode] -!- ircname : Schroeder the Piano Guy --, quote #114 Added: Sun, 08 Jul 2007 01:05:00 UTC % < kexman> do you guys know any good scp gui client ? < kexman> mc doesnt handle it well when i want to give it some port that is not 22 :( < rworkman> xterm(1) < kexman> hmm < kexman> how would i use that ? --, quote #115 Added: Mon, 09 Jul 2007 15:15:23 UTC % < gbonvehim> sometimes the programmer assumes you know stuff like permissions --, quote #116 Added: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 03:13:46 UTC % <+elohim> from what I've heard other people yap about, /usr is for OS installed software. but I have not actually looked over FHS because I don't really believe it's relevant. <+elohim> you can put shit wherever you want, as long as your system is set up properly it will work. I don't need some ruler weilding nun sitting around waiting to smack my nuckles because I put a game in /games instead of /usr/games --, quote #117 Added: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 03:14:05 UTC % < WhoNeedszzz> what is emacs for? --, quote #118 Added: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 03:14:08 UTC % < mwalling_> hehe, you mean SBo actually has QA? <+BP{k}> mwalling_: yeah thats why we reject all of yours ;P --, quote #119 Added: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 19:33:20 UTC % From #mailscanner on freenode: < suprsonic> salsa, I can't seem to get the port to install, did you have issues installing the perl module for clamav? < salsa> suprsonic: wish i knew < Dominian> salsa is a bot < suprsonic> rofl < suprsonic> classic --, quote #120 Added: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 19:33:47 UTC % < whythehell> POSTgresql, because it will send you the results by first class royal mail? < Faux> Or, if you use the join keyword /anywhere/, citylink. --, quote #121 Added: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 21:23:26 UTC % < Soul_keeper> it's still running slack 10 < fred87> with security updates? < Soul_keeper> i don't need security updates < Soul_keeper> linux was plenty secure 10yrs ago --, quote #122 Added: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 20:33:50 UTC % < straterra> Mmm...I love being fingered... < CheeseWorx> alright < straterra> HARDER! --, quote #123 Added: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 20:50:44 UTC % < Dominian> StevenR: Really have to pee found! --, quote #124 Added: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 17:04:46 UTC % < kethry> fred87: nah i kinda like the fetishes-collection --, quote #125 Added: Sat, 14 Jul 2007 04:02:46 UTC % < BP{k}> fuck you all :P < kethry> no lovey that's later < BP{k}> w00t --, quote #126 Added: Sat, 14 Jul 2007 04:02:52 UTC % < actualmind> that law thing is really complicated --, quote #127 Added: Sat, 14 Jul 2007 13:00:47 UTC % < Skumby> brb, bluescreening my PC on demand < Skumby> Also, fuck you, Creative --, quote #128 Added: Sun, 15 Jul 2007 05:06:09 UTC % < nullboy> start by sticking it in --, quote #129 Added: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 03:30:04 UTC % < Silver> Just insert death threats as comments into your code. --, quote #130 Added: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 03:30:08 UTC % * fred fails to parse the parse exception given by the parser trying to parse his parser --, quote #131 Added: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 03:30:15 UTC % < andarius> bug tracking, why is it i hear of apps with really cool names but have no use what so ever for them .. < mwalling_> why? you don't make bugs? < andarius> nope < andarius> i am bug free :) < Straterra> I have herpes < andarius> tmi man < Straterra> lol --, quote #132 Added: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 03:30:44 UTC % * Straterra orders plane tickets and a pair of bolt cutters < fred87> ... * fred87 wonders why? < fred87> I don't like the sound of that combination :S < fred87> It's like buying a pack of KY-Jelly and a single wire coathanger. --, quote #133 Added: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 21:10:53 UTC % < boricua> how can i kill a network connection made to my machine < XGizzmo> unplug your network cable < mwalling_> boricua: an individual connection or your entire interface? < boricua> mwalling, tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED < XGizzmo> lol < mwalling_> boricua: /quit < XGizzmo> thats your irc connection < XGizzmo> LMAO < boricua> duh me :-) i forgot --, quote #134 Added: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 21:11:11 UTC % < kethry> Straterra: if you visit.. i'll treat you to a donner < Straterra> Um < Straterra> No offense.. < Straterra> But.. < Straterra> Do you HAVE to? --, quote #135 Added: Fri, 20 Jul 2007 03:40:45 UTC % < shrimpbong> maybe my computer is a piece of shit and im a moron. --, quote #136 Added: Fri, 20 Jul 2007 03:40:47 UTC % ( snL20) palestino: right click the slit --, quote #137 Added: Sat, 21 Jul 2007 13:14:51 UTC % < macavity> fred: as in, you are not the guys who had problems with rt2500 just before, right? < BP{k}> macavity: it was until fred showed up with fred, and fred here thought it was better that he had fred, instead of fred or fred, so there is no confusion about which fred fred is, so we can stop fretting about fred :) --, quote #138 Added: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 18:06:27 UTC % -!- Zoiks [n=matt@] has joined #pidgin < Zoiks> hey guys < Zoiks> just wondering when 2.1 is coming out < johang> Zoiks: thursday possibly -!- Zoiks [n=matt@] has left #pidgin [] < elb> great, now he'll be back on thursday < Err> that's better than him coming back tomorrow --, quote #139 Added: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 18:06:30 UTC % From #freenode < starshine> kicks, bans, ban-forwards, ban % (quietmode) are the call of a channel op < starshine> these and chatting with a troublemaker to convince them to be calmer are considered normal tools of management < chris_punches> wellll...that's the problem....someone used some chanserv access to ban me from my own channel after spamming my topic all morning --, quote #140 Added: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 01:30:40 UTC % < Straterra> so i can visualize my jealousy? < tecky> yes < Straterra> ok < tecky> visualize and recognise :) < Straterra> you know...your side of the bed..its still open...if you ever wanna come back... * jpipkin blinks. --, quote #141 Added: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 01:30:50 UTC % < scorche> chris_punches: klines arent really *requested* < chris_punches> that's fine, but I really think something _should_ be done about it; obviously that's at your discretion < chris_punches> i have logs of the attack if you guys need them < starshine> chris_punches: there are many things staff try to do before applying global sanctions like k-lines Schroeder> it's hardly something for the Freenode staff to get involved in < Alan_Hicks> "attack"... To quote..... "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." --, quote #142 Added: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 01:31:10 UTC % < oneforall> whois oneforall <@alphageek> loser --, quote #143 Added: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 01:31:16 UTC % A shepherd was herding his flock in a remote pasture when suddenly a brand-new BMW drives up in a cloud of dust. The driver, a young man in an Armani suit, Gucci shoes, Ray Ban Sunglasses and YSL tie, leans out the window and asks the shepherd: "If I tell you exactly how many sheep you have in your flock, will you give me one?" The shepherd looks at the man, obviously a yuppie, then looks at his peacefully grazing flock and calmly answers: "Sure. Why not?" The yuppie parks his car, whips out his Dell notebook computer, connects It to his AT&T cell phone, surfs to a NASA page on the internet, where he calls up a GPS satellite navigation system to get an exact fix on his location which he then feeds to another NASA satellite that scans the Area in an ultra high resolution photo. The young man then opens the digital photo in Adobe Photoshop and Exports it to an image processing facility in Hamburg, Germany. Within seconds, He receives an email on his Palm Pilot that the image has been processed And the data stored. He then accesses a MS-SQL database through an ODBC connected Excel spreadsheet with hundreds of complex formulas. He uploads all of this Data via an email on his Blackberry and, after a few minutes, receives a response. Finally, he prints out a full colour, 150-page report on his hi-tech, miniaturized HP LaserJet printer and finally turns to the Shepherd and says: "You have exactly 1586 sheep." "That's right. Well, I guess you can take one of my sheep." says the shepherd. He watches the young man select one of the animals and looks on amused as the young man stuffs it into the trunk of his car. Then the shepherd says to the young man: "Hey, if I can tell you exactly what your business is, will you give me back my sheep?" The young man thinks about it for a second and then says: "Okay, why not?" "You're a consultant." says the shepherd. "Wow! That's correct," says the yuppie, "but how did you guess that?" "No guessing required", answered the shepherd. "You showed up here even though nobody called you; you want to get paid for an answer I already knew, to a question I never asked; and you don't know crap about my business... Now give me back my dog. --, quote #144 Added: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 01:31:37 UTC % From #freenode: < chris_punches> starshine: that's kind of what happened....i had an op lose his mind, and im concerned he might continue; im more or less being preventative < chris_punches> actually, ban evasion would be through proxy abuse in most situations; if he evades the ban I'll certainly contact you guys. < Schroeder> chris_punches: why would you contact them? < Schroeder> if he evades a ban in YOUR CHANNEL, then it is YOUR PROBLEM < Schroeder> Freenode staff only are concerned with NETWORK-WIDE problems < Schroeder> which this is not, and won't be < Schroeder> and if you're "concerned he might continue", then don't ever give him ops again < Schroeder> I mean, seriously < chris_punches> Schroeder: if it's ban evasion, he's using it to commit an IP crime on freenode servers. It's in the policies. Schroeder I understand that you're acquainted with the abuser but I don't think this is your issue. Schroeder> chris_punches: oh, bull fucking shit --, quote #145 Added: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 01:32:32 UTC % From #freenode: < rob0> Personally, I don't understand what ##slacknewbs is supposed to be. What's the point in a channel for "n00b" questions without anyone to answer them? < Alan_Hicks> Ok ok ok.... can I say this in #freenode without getting reprimanded? < mwalling_> usually bp{k} or i would answer or redirect into ##slackware < rob0> Anyway, I'm done here, sorry for the noise #freenode :) < Alan_Hicks> rob0: He was just cloning the old #mandrake channel. ;-) --, quote #146 Added: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 01:32:50 UTC % < neil-> Agiofws, I'm selling a machine that produces hot women on demand, cleans the house, and washes the dishes, and fits in your pocke < BP{k}> nullboy: :) < neil-> It also gives great blow-jobs < neil-> $150 and its yours.. < neil-> Wanna paypal me the funds now? < Agiofws> neil-, for 150 bucks ? < neil-> yeah < Agiofws> you accept paypal ? < neil-> yeah < Agiofws> ok send me you account i need one desperately --, quote #147 Added: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 21:28:59 UTC % < Dagmar> I upgraded openssl and sshd and forgot about openVPN and *bang* my butt was offlint. Heh < Zalamander> "*bang* my butt" -- Dagmar < Dagmar> Hey now not fair. Quoting *entirely* out of context --, quote #148 Added: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 21:29:24 UTC % In ##otaku: <+fred> Okay... on /one/ computer I'm watching an anime that's currently focussing on suicide. <+fred> On the other, I'm watching you talk about installing solaris. <+Ketche> Good times. --, quote #149 Added: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 21:29:41 UTC % < oldude67> Agiofws, you been drinking chris_punches water??? --, quote #150 Added: Fri, 27 Jul 2007 02:12:00 UTC % < mwalling_> don't say that < Straterra> Wy? < mwalling_> makes you sound retardrd < Straterra> why?^ < Straterra> No no no < Straterra> It's really cool < mwalling_> no < mwalling_> its retarderd < Straterra> You know what? < Straterra> I have anger issues :P < Straterra> I'm gonna go call an oper --, quote #151 Added: Fri, 27 Jul 2007 02:12:11 UTC % < thrice`> lol, i'm such a geek. I just added a "changelog.txt" to document changes I've made to this file :) < mwalling_> umm < mwalling_> i put a svn repos on a machine in the backroom and pushed tortoiseSVN to all of the clients < mwalling_> i win :P < thrice`> lol < thrice`> yeah < thrice`> ;) < heret|c> umm < heret|c> i went to the main office part of the plant last night for a survey, blonde woman hands me my paperwork i take it and walk out and stop at an open door and peer in. guy i work with walks buy, i point into the open room at a network rack and say "nice rack".. he looks back at the woman in the other room and says.. yeah i noticed. < heret|c> i win. --, quote #152 Added: Fri, 27 Jul 2007 19:20:07 UTC % < jpipkin> I wrote some shell scripts... < jpipkin> I've almost entirely replaced one of the morons in our company with a set of shell scripts, actually. --, quote #153 Added: Sat, 28 Jul 2007 22:15:25 UTC % < BP{k}> andarius: not a lot more .. but I can save you a wee bit of trouble :) < andarius> if you are driven that would be cool. in return i will do my best to assist you if you ever need it with builds. or with anything else really :) < andarius> and thanks a bunch < Straterra> How about.. < Straterra> Goat porn? < BP{k}> I prefer sheep * andarius prefers well shaven beavers :) < BP{k}> *facepalm* well we can all guess where that will end up --, quote #154 Added: Sat, 28 Jul 2007 22:15:45 UTC % ( XGizzmo) you know you have been up to late when your daily corn jobs start (+rworkman) XGizzmo: you get a daily corn job?? (+rworkman) Damn. --, quote #155 Added: Sat, 28 Jul 2007 22:15:55 UTC % chris_punches: Erno: no, puerto rico is why she's burnt. I think you forgot about your shoe-spoon crusade --, quote #156 Added: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 04:27:00 UTC % < BP{k}> Swaret; slaptget; The dark side of the Source are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a install. If once you start down the dark path, forever will it consume your boxen, borken them it will. --, quote #157 Added: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 04:27:15 UTC % < chris_punches> seriously though it's 'bout time i read some docs < scorchsaber> chris_punches: ... :( < fred> true. < thrice`> we know < mwalling> yep --, quote #158 Added: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 04:27:31 UTC % ( Alan_Hicks) TCP and UDP work very similarly. You can think of UDP as the retarded cousin of TCP. ( amrit) "durrrr.. i can send data!!!11" --, quote #159 Added: Wed, 01 Aug 2007 01:25:44 UTC % ( chris_punches) i dont have fits ( scorchsaber) it's constant? --, quote #160 Added: Thu, 02 Aug 2007 17:32:48 UTC % < thrice`> i'm gay < mwalling_> screw you thrice` < thrice`> =] --, quote #161 Added: Thu, 02 Aug 2007 17:32:52 UTC % god I wish natural selection was a faster process --, quote #162 Added: Sun, 05 Aug 2007 04:54:44 UTC % ( chris_punches) <-- idiot --, quote #163 Added: Sun, 05 Aug 2007 22:19:13 UTC % < piciste> I think the problem is with loading kernel not LILO < ananke> piciste : and what do you think loads the kernel? < ananke> kernel fairies? --, quote #164 Added: Mon, 06 Aug 2007 12:43:06 UTC % < muraii> Cow. < oneforall> jumped over the moon < muraii> Yay for cow. --, quote #165 Added: Mon, 06 Aug 2007 19:58:59 UTC % < Zalamander> yum, wet panties --, quote #166 Added: Mon, 06 Aug 2007 19:59:04 UTC % < Dagmar> Compiling X because an automated setup tool won't generate a working configuration file is NOT a sane response. < Dagmar> That's like trying to fit the library of congress in your mouth because you don't like the taste of cupcakes. --, quote #167 Added: Mon, 06 Aug 2007 19:59:15 UTC % < Dominian> straterra: If I were going to OD, I'd want to OD on masturbation --, quote #168 Added: Tue, 07 Aug 2007 14:25:45 UTC % < andarius> come on BP{k}, you know you want some --, quote #169 Added: Wed, 08 Aug 2007 20:59:04 UTC % < mwalling_> i'll take some ass --, quote #170 Added: Wed, 08 Aug 2007 20:59:07 UTC % < muhkuh> there _must_ be a chance to get a graphical output on this system < dadexter> honestly, there's a better chance that we'll see a pig jumping out of oneforall's butt < dadexter> you'll probably have to stick to the command line < muhkuh> so i will wait for it ;) --, quote #171 Added: Thu, 09 Aug 2007 12:01:45 UTC % < rk4n3> pirating Vista seems kinda like stealing Hitler's dirty underwear - you're never going to get away with it, and what the heck you want it for, anyway ? --, quote #172 Added: Thu, 09 Aug 2007 16:48:18 UTC % < nullboy> you twisted bartards * sladegen throws a tard into bar... it falls, stands up after a moment, dusts itself off and asks for a drink. --, quote #173 Added: Fri, 10 Aug 2007 01:31:06 UTC % < chris_punches> GYAH! Why do you people keep EDUCATING ME. < chris_punches> <-- was better off stupid --, quote #174 Added: Sat, 11 Aug 2007 02:59:04 UTC % < rob0> WWJD? JWRTFM. --, quote #175 Added: Sun, 12 Aug 2007 04:00:37 UTC % < mwalling> nullboy: i reassigned my nipple to scroll --, quote #176 Added: Mon, 13 Aug 2007 13:07:36 UTC % ( fred) okay... i just read "man modprobe" as "mod_manprobe" --, quote #177 Added: Mon, 13 Aug 2007 13:07:45 UTC % < NetEcho> Oh btw thrice` I sent the sperm bank to collect my donation from your mom < NetEcho> she cleaned me right out :P < thrice`> yeah, they couldn't find any because you couldn't get it up, they said < NetEcho> ouch backfire --, quote #178 Added: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 16:52:02 UTC % * CaptObviousman probably should start going to the Dallas LUG meetings, seeing as it's a few blocks from his apt < rob0> ntlug? < nullboy> the closest LUG to me claims Linux is a version of Unix.... < Alan_Hicks> nullboy: The closest LUG to me claims that Ubuntu is a version of Linux. --, quote #179 Added: Thu, 16 Aug 2007 04:31:05 UTC % * andarius makes the pussy earn its screen time * BP{k} wonders why andarius is playing with his pussy --, quote #180 Added: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 01:29:31 UTC % < kethry> i'm going to resist making any reply to that. or it'll wind up on noobfarm. --, quote #181 Added: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 18:49:01 UTC % < Dagmar> thrice`: dude you can piss off if you can't be civil --, quote #182 Added: Sat, 18 Aug 2007 20:08:03 UTC % < straterra> butt plug... --, quote #183 Added: Mon, 20 Aug 2007 23:52:37 UTC % they let chicks in the marines now ? andarius: they were going to let me in... so i would say yes --, quote #184 Added: Tue, 21 Aug 2007 03:55:35 UTC % < Dagmar> ArmOrAttAk: Please don't breed. --, quote #185 Added: Tue, 21 Aug 2007 18:57:36 UTC % < nullboy> i installed bsd onto my shop vac with just a rubber tube and some duct tape < Dagmar> So now it can suck properly? --, quote #186 Added: Tue, 21 Aug 2007 23:26:27 UTC % < Dagmar> john: You can get them from pretty much anywhere, but take anything from as if you found it on the sidewalk < Dagmar> Don't just pop it into your mouth without giving it a careful examination * mwalling_ thought that was going to be a whore analogy < Dagmar> C'mon < Dagmar> No one actually patronizes street hookers < Dagmar> All the good ones have 800 numbers you can call --, quote #187 Added: Tue, 21 Aug 2007 23:26:44 UTC % PeterS: why does linux blow? dadexter: because you take too much brain damaging drugs? --, quote #188 Added: Wed, 22 Aug 2007 04:51:19 UTC % < AbortRetryFail> that's why i taught my girlfriend how mount/umount works. < rworkman> AbortRetryFail: yeah, I like teaching women how to mount. < AbortRetryFail> ;) < rworkman> ;p < andarius> man mount < rworkman> andarius: if that's what you like, sure. --, quote #189 Added: Wed, 22 Aug 2007 04:51:29 UTC % * NetEcho slaps everyone -!- mode/#slackman [+o rworkman] by ChanServ <@rworkman> Excuse me? -!- mode/#slackman [-o rworkman] by rworkman < rworkman> ;-) * NetEcho slaps rworkman doubly as hard :P * rworkman rips NetEcho's ears off and stables them to his ass. < rworkman> Now you can hear me when I kick it. < NetEcho> nooooooooo < NetEcho> how will I hear music now? < rworkman> Fart. --, quote #190 Added: Wed, 22 Aug 2007 20:51:10 UTC % < chris_punches> nobody trusts my binaries :( --, quote #191 Added: Fri, 24 Aug 2007 03:07:17 UTC % Alan_Hicks bans metbsd a.k.a. mmmm a.k.a. slackfaceware a.k.a. slapfaceware again -!- mode/##slackware [+b *faceware*!*@*] by Alan_Hicks -!- slapfaceware was kicked from ##slackware by slackboy [Banned] < nullboy> the force has been balanced. -!- mode/##slackware [+b *!*@58.60.*] by Alan_Hicks < CaptObviousman> school's starting back up < CaptObviousman> hopefully he'll disappear < rk4n3> CaptObviousman: yeah, but kindergarden is only half-days --, quote #192 Added: Fri, 24 Aug 2007 03:07:36 UTC % < Dominian> that was at 8:58am < Dominian> mwalling_: give it time * mwalling_ is impotent < mwalling_> er < mwalling_> impatient --, quote #193 Added: Fri, 24 Aug 2007 13:16:25 UTC % < straterra> Atleast I don't need penis enlargement < Dominian> straterra: I use it --, quote #194 Added: Fri, 24 Aug 2007 22:25:41 UTC % < thrice`> ok, goes to show what 1 hour of sleep gets you < thrice`> I put my boxers on backwards this morning, and didn't even notice... < thrice`> lol...stepped up to the urinal, and start laughing at my stupidity --, quote #195 Added: Fri, 24 Aug 2007 22:25:50 UTC % < noirlord> BP{k}: she's seen my place, if she hasnt figured out Im a geek by now (especially after tripping over the CAT-5 coming out the bathroom) she is not as intelligent as I give her credit < mwalling_> noirlord: ... why do you have cat5 in the bathroom? < mwalling_> they invented wifi for a reason < StevenR> mwalling_: hey! that might be the best cable run! < BP{k}> mwalling_: for flossing ;) < rworkman> Flossing what? < BP{k}> rworkman: use your imagination :P * mwalling_ wonders who would need gigabit to the shitter besides straterra * acidchild wants fiber directly to the toilet < acidchild> :D < rworkman> mwalling_: that's just for the webcam, though, right? < acidchild> oh gross. --, quote #196 Added: Fri, 24 Aug 2007 22:26:14 UTC % 02:51 -!- DiGitalX [n=DiGi7alX@] has quit ["DELETE FROM Windows WHERE ProgramName = 'mIRC';"] 02:51 < fred> bah 02:51 < fred> lies. 02:51 < ^Jenn> haha 02:51 < fred> "DROP TABLE Windows;" --, quote #197 Added: Sat, 25 Aug 2007 04:02:31 UTC % * fred shines goatse into the sky < straterra> ? --, quote #198 Added: Sun, 26 Aug 2007 23:35:48 UTC % < RudyValencia> Is there a generic term for the type of show American Idol is? < fred> "Trash"? < Lux01> I'd say it but afaik this is a no swearing channel --, quote #199 Added: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 21:04:57 UTC % < cchan> Host 'zeus', running Linux 2.6.20-16-server - Cpu0: Intel 1715 MHz; Up: 3d+17:09; Users: 2; Load: 0.06; Free: [Mem: 6/496 Mio] [Swap: 1467/1475 Mio] [/: 66585/73667 Mio]; Vpenis: 49 cm; Note: pay attention to the last item. --, quote #200 Added: Tue, 28 Aug 2007 15:01:37 UTC % < fred> do it harder baby! --, quote #201 Added: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 00:20:43 UTC % < mulletron> yeah, its 62% slower than catalyst < mulletron> I think Tim is the only person who will get that < fred> something's slower than catalyst? < Tim> Hah. < fred> I might not get it, but I can troll it. <@lamby> fred: You're my new role model. :) --, quote #202 Added: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 00:20:54 UTC % < straterra> I want to fucking assrape the Intel fuckfaces and give them all HIV --, quote #203 Added: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 19:10:00 UTC % < Dagmar> Some quick work with esdrec piped over ssh to esdplay, and you can grab a mic and say "STOP MASTURBATING" out the remote speakers --, quote #204 Added: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 19:10:10 UTC % < noirlord> nullboy, my job involves selling machines running vista to joe public, so unless you are employed as a land mine tester my day is always worse! ;) --, quote #205 Added: Thu, 30 Aug 2007 01:26:47 UTC % < scorchsaber> fixed, huh? < scorchsaber> Ubuntu, you say? < scorchsaber> What's your favorite part of Ubuntu? < ricky> Laughing at it :) --, quote #206 Added: Thu, 30 Aug 2007 01:26:53 UTC % 11:13 -!- heret|c_toilet [] has joined ##woodchucks --, quote #207 Added: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 16:15:00 UTC % < FFighter> I can't type the "/" in the console, it just beeps and nothing is written < FFighter> Does anyone know what could be wrong < rg3> FFighter: congratulations, you've got the Fucking Weird Problem of the Week :D --, quote #208 Added: Sat, 01 Sep 2007 03:58:09 UTC % < Dagmar> Maybe someday he'll realize this isn't stuff you learn by talking to your friends and reading InformationWeek. It's like eating pussy. There is no substitute for practice, practice, and more practice. --, quote #209 Added: Sun, 02 Sep 2007 01:32:26 UTC % 11:33 -!- Daverocks [n=me@unaffiliated/daverocks] has quit ["find / -name *yourbase* -exec chown us:us {} \;"] --, quote #210 Added: Tue, 04 Sep 2007 03:32:51 UTC % 13:02 < heret|c> straterra: when don't you feel like anally raping something? 13:03 < straterra> When it works 13:03 < thrice`> not even a little...? 13:05 < straterra> Ok 13:05 < straterra> I lied --, quote #211 Added: Tue, 04 Sep 2007 21:17:01 UTC % < fred> I don't mind FF overly much, as I have 3GB of RAM. --, quote #212 Added: Wed, 05 Sep 2007 02:14:30 UTC % < kethry> mmmmmm faggots and mash for tea :) --, quote #213 Added: Thu, 06 Sep 2007 02:39:19 UTC % < BP{k}> faggots and bash .. food for the geek ;) --, quote #214 Added: Thu, 06 Sep 2007 02:39:23 UTC % < kethry> he's determined to educate me.. he's dragging the DVD of top gun out < straterra> OH YEAH < straterra> Kick ass movie < straterra> And Tom Cruise is hot < straterra> Even if he is short..and weird --, quote #215 Added: Thu, 06 Sep 2007 02:39:31 UTC % damn, I can't get this to come out thrice`: pull harder thrice`: we told you to use lube :P she's 21, I shouldn't have to ! --, quote #216 Added: Fri, 07 Sep 2007 17:21:58 UTC % < raela> I like how cdparanoia looks.. hrm, maybe that's what's wrong with my computer.. it's paranoid < Alan_Hicks> If I was your computer I'd be scared too. --, quote #217 Added: Sat, 08 Sep 2007 03:27:15 UTC % < CygnusX1> test < nullboy> CygnusX1: can't see you, disconnect and rejoin, might help < CygnusX1> roger that -!- CygnusX1 [] has quit [Client Quit] --, quote #218 Added: Sat, 08 Sep 2007 22:01:17 UTC % DieRatte - which is why I like gay men --, quote #219 Added: Sat, 08 Sep 2007 22:01:23 UTC % < memunkey> I should learn how to call myself an idiot in Klingon --, quote #220 Added: Sat, 08 Sep 2007 22:02:41 UTC % < kethry> its only hard if you make it hard. --, quote #221 Added: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 17:03:19 UTC % < AbortRetryFail> yeaaaah windows is a bit picky about who what and where it lives. < AbortRetryFail> it's like the snobby lady with the 6 obnoxious kids who moves in the apartment across the hall from a rock band. --, quote #222 Added: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 03:55:16 UTC % < Agiofws> rworkman, buts its only 1/2 a pkg manager < rworkman> Agiofws: wrong. < Agiofws> it does not doanload and install doe it from a main reposiry right ? < rworkman> Look, a package manager does exactly what it's name implies -- it manages packages. It's not a dependency manager. < Agiofws> it does not download and install from a main repository right ? < rworkman> Agiofws: No, it does not. In other news, cows don't shit on power lines. --, quote #223 Added: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 03:55:39 UTC % ( Agiofws) but i went through hell to get it up --, quote #224 Added: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 03:55:42 UTC % < DieRatte> _HAKERA_, what do you want? < _HAKERA_> to snif password and so < _HAKERA_> in our network < _HAKERA_> :) < DieRatte> _HAKERA_, ahh, there is your problem < DieRatte> _HAKERA_, you need Gentoo to sniff < _HAKERA_> yes! my problem :) < fred> DieRatte: :D < DieRatte> _HAKERA_, its way better for that task than slackware < Danet> DieRatte: nice pass :) < armata> lol < _HAKERA_> ok ok < _HAKERA_> i go... < _HAKERA_> bye --, quote #225 Added: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 12:46:30 UTC % < fred> _HAKERA_: Actually, just GAFC about encryption and encrypted protocols. < _HAKERA_> is it sniffer? --, quote #226 Added: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 12:46:37 UTC % < rob0> in.identd is safe, and you never know, it might help you. I always enable it. < mighty-d> rob0: so ill keep it, but how can i use it? < Dagmar> mighty-d: It's kinda like using a wall. It's just there. --, quote #227 Added: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 16:16:04 UTC % < mmeeks> btimothy: seriously, the solution for a window sizing bug is not to throw away the entire system and buy a Mac ;-) --, quote #228 Added: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 18:45:10 UTC % < fred> curz0r: short version: chris joins ::: someone else "What do I do?" ::: chris "google." ::: everyone "chris: you're an idiot" ::: chris demonstrates this more ::: chris gets kickbanned --, quote #229 Added: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 22:56:47 UTC % [re chris_punches] < rob0> I'm not going to be nice to him if he pops into any channels where I am. I won't be rude, but I will be direct. < straterra> I'll be rude --, quote #230 Added: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 22:56:49 UTC % < visof_> bradmw i downloaded all files "" < lt_kije> visof_: stop < lt_kije> you don't understand what you're doing < lt_kije> and you're wasting our time < lt_kije> your options are: < lt_kije> 1) buy a CD set < lt_kije> 2) read the FAQ, man pages and whatever else you stumble across for a while and then come back < lt_kije> you're out of free questions here < lt_kije> do some work on your own --, quote #231 Added: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 22:56:53 UTC % * nullboy bends over GOGOGOG < rworkman> straterra: ping -!- nullboy was kicked from ##slackware by nachox [nachox] < rworkman> Well, damn. I was hoping straterra would get to him first. < straterra> rworkman: pong < rworkman> Too late. < straterra> eh? < rworkman> 19:13 * nullboy bends over < straterra> Oh < rworkman> straterra: ^^ < straterra> ... < rworkman> ;-) --, quote #232 Added: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 02:57:31 UTC % < mulletron> can someone comment on compatibility of apache and lgpl please <@lamby> /* on compatibility of apache and lgpl please */ --, quote #233 Added: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 19:31:25 UTC % < heret|c> too bad my upload is like a soggy dialup connection to a trojanized windows 98 machine --, quote #235 Added: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 13:10:41 UTC % < blabaxx> anyone seen swaret ? < fred> Well, it ran away a few years back. It's not came back since. I think it's scared of the shotgun. < nullboy> blabaxx: i saw it and i missed with my first shot but got it with my second --, quote #236 Added: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 21:01:04 UTC % < chris_punches> shit. I'm the asshat. I hate that. I was so sure there wasn't one. --, quote #237 Added: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 23:26:32 UTC % * slackuser_ctba is gone.. autoaway after 15 min ..[cyp(l/on.p/on)] < BP{k}> slackuser_ctba: we dont give a shit. please be turnink that off. * CaptObviousman frowns at slackuser, why the hell do people feel the need to announce that crap? * slackmagic stabs slackuser_ctba -!- mode/##slackware [+o Alan_Hicks] by ChanServ < nullboy> i sense a distrubance * mwalling_ feels a chill < CaptObviousman> FINISH HIM! < slackmagic> YOU CAN DO IT!! * DieRatte hears drums beating in the distance -!- slackmagic was kicked from ##slackware by Alan_Hicks [Please turn off your auto-away message when you rejoin.] < DieRatte> lol < nullboy> lmao < mwalling_> LOL < mwalling_> Alan_Hicks: you missed < BP{k}> Alan_Hicks: wrong person :| it was slackuser_ctba that had his autoaway on. < nullboy> Alan_Hicks: check your sights < nullboy> lol -!- slackmagic [i=soldier@unaffiliated/slackmagic] has joined ##slackware < Alan_Hicks> Damn that TAB completion! < CaptObviousman> I believe that's what we call a "fumble" < BP{k}> TabCompletion: 1 Alan_Hicks: 0 ;) --, quote #238 Added: Sat, 15 Sep 2007 02:01:46 UTC % chris_punches: if you are following this conversation, remember that since their line voltage is twice ours, their current draw is half. so a 5A cable is 10A, or about the size of a standard 2 prong extension coard with the three outlets at the end well that's enough to microwave your dinner --, quote #239 Added: Sun, 16 Sep 2007 22:09:45 UTC % ( straterra) i am the first person to have 75 different incurrable std's --, quote #241 Added: Mon, 17 Sep 2007 12:44:07 UTC % < heret|c> i be strokin! --, quote #242 Added: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 03:20:18 UTC % * Alan_Hicks listens to Merle Haggard - Rambling Fever on his brand-spanking new iPod thanks to the great work member of #gtkpod did. < heret|c> lol... < witz> ^_^ < heret|c> merle haggard on an ipod is like... george bush riding a skateboard XD --, quote #243 Added: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 10:58:40 UTC % * PeanutHorst gets his bondage gear out, shoves FauxFaux onto the ground, and flogs FauxFaux senseless with a leather whip < Dave2> hot. < FauxFaux> How much do I owe you? --, quote #244 Added: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 10:58:55 UTC % heret|c - wanna know why 1 in 3 americans are overweight ? i see first hand why.. heret|c - plant i work for puts out 1.6 trillion square inches of printed ready to fill potato chip bags every year Xilon - lol heret|c - thats 80% of what frito-lay uses for the U.S. Xilon - I think McDonalds et al. ate the main perpetrators DigitalCrypto - because all the fatz belongs to U.S. Gekkko[PDA - lol Gekkko[PDA - all your fat are belong to US --, quote #245 Added: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 14:02:14 UTC % <@alphageek> it's official.. clean is good < Alan_Hicks> dirty is better * mwalling_ wonders if Alan_Hicks has similar sexual prefrences as straterra --, quote #246 Added: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 15:54:39 UTC % * chris_punches remembers that time he thought he was going to read all the RFC's --, quote #247 Added: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 16:02:33 UTC % * chris_punches adds his first kline lol s/k/z error: missing terminator lol error: he said he'll be back --, quote #248 Added: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 16:42:15 UTC % hi, for some reason, my box's date has been reset back to 2002. wtf? i didn't even do anything, why did this happen? so now my next questions. what is the best way to set current today's date with CentOS? --, quote #249 Added: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 20:17:09 UTC % whats that realy long command to check and change if firewall is on or not on linux? rickroo: I have no idea what you mean - iptables -L perhaps --, quote #250 Added: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 20:17:13 UTC % < nullboy> you haven't lived until you go out in 50 degree water and take a huge piss in your suit. now that is heaven --, quote #251 Added: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 20:17:20 UTC % < amrit|wrk> did you know the sky is blue? < marcos_barbosa> is not blue, but... --, quote #252 Added: Wed, 19 Sep 2007 02:17:38 UTC % -!- p1ls [] has joined ##slackware < PanzerMKZ> welcome back < p1ls> Here I Am xD < mwalling> p1ls: bye bye < p1ls> Why? < PanzerMKZ> later < p1ls> o shit -!- p1ls was kicked from ##slackware by Alan_Hicks [Arr! I tole ye t' get ye a first mate!] < sally> that was priceless < kitche> hmm wonder if he just figured out why he got kicked before he did -!- p1ls [] has joined ##slackware < p1ls> Sorry, i forgot ;-) --, quote #253 Added: Wed, 19 Sep 2007 02:17:56 UTC % < chris_punches> nooper: funny you should ask about geeksquad...lolzers...I may get the job at bestbuy * mwalling adds this to the reasons he shops at circuit city --, quote #254 Added: Wed, 19 Sep 2007 15:03:32 UTC % ImAway_workaroun ( joined ##slackware. oh good god Now when I switch nicks it won't kick me. DON'T SWITCH NICKS JUST TO SHOW YOU'RE AWAY * rk4n3 sighs Nick change: ImAway_workaroun -> RightNowIAmAway RightNowIAmAway kicked from ##slackware by slackboy: banned:please turn off your auto-away functionality on your client when frequenting this channel lol good christ this is irritating He must share some genes with lemmings Arrr, I'll handle him! errrr ( joined ##slackware. and chris_punches It's like watching a drunk try to take off both shoes at the same time while standing upright Nick change: rk4n3 -> IAmNotAnIdiot now noone will think Im dumb :) --, quote #255 Added: Wed, 19 Sep 2007 20:14:45 UTC % andarius: arrr lass, whatcha be havin under them coveralls :) --, quote #256 Added: Thu, 20 Sep 2007 04:31:49 UTC % * leetwanker has joined #linuxhelp this isn't a linux question but this is the only place i could think to find smart people ;) Is there any way to view the data/commands that a usb device is sending? i'm trying to do this on windows --, quote #257 Added: Thu, 20 Sep 2007 11:55:47 UTC % < mwalling_> bah... are their any good trouble shooting charts for dell lappys? firehouse has one that won't turn on, wants me to try and fix it before considering it junk. < Dagmar> Search the outside of the chassis carefully... Do you see a sticker that says "Dell"? < Dagmar> If the answer is "yes", then it's junk. --, quote #258 Added: Thu, 20 Sep 2007 19:29:22 UTC % < DieRatte> getting dresses is usually a good idea --, quote #259 Added: Fri, 21 Sep 2007 21:15:42 UTC % * CaptObviousman is well and truly bored * CaptObviousman sticks a clown nose and hat on nullboy * nullboy dances \o\|o|/o/ --, quote #260 Added: Fri, 21 Sep 2007 21:15:49 UTC % does freenode have different servers or only one? --, quote #261 Added: Sat, 22 Sep 2007 12:52:10 UTC % ( straterra) But its so small it takes a long time to get to it --, quote #262 Added: Sat, 22 Sep 2007 12:59:21 UTC % < JamieT> Dagmar 2.6.20.BT-PwnSauce-NOSMP is the kenrnel < Dagmar> Oh, then you're not *our* problem < Dagmar> You have fun getting Mr. PwnSauce to make a package that doesn't suck. < Dagmar> The rules for this are very simple. < Dagmar> Anyone using leetspeek or "pwn" in their package text has to fix their own stuff --, quote #263 Added: Sun, 23 Sep 2007 12:29:20 UTC % < stafai> what is it that's executed on login? < stafai> .profile? < straterra> autoexec.bat --, quote #264 Added: Sun, 23 Sep 2007 14:59:17 UTC % < heret|c> thats more famous then... oprah or .. tom cruise.... .or tom cruise electricuting oprah --, quote #265 Added: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 03:14:51 UTC % * memunkey is only offended that women who use IRC usually weigh somewhere between what I do and what my car does. --, quote #266 Added: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 12:55:17 UTC % 13:46 ok lets talk abotu this then 13:46 Why do yuo IRC through a BNC every time 13:46 Fine 13:46 Why do you say your on a cell phone 13:46 yet never disconnect 13:47 Because I IRC from multiple locations 13:47 From work, from home, from my cell 13:47 so 13:47 So? 13:47 your name would still disconnect 13:47 No I wouldn't 13:47 when you change from one device to another 13:47 My shell runs irssi + screen 13:47 Which type BNC do you run 13:47 I SSH in and screen in 13:47 It's not a BNc 13:47 so you SSH into your shell 13:47 Yes 13:47 from a Cell phone 13:47 LMFAO 13:47 Yup 13:47 fucking idiot 13:48 Want me to SSH to a server of your choosing from it? 13:48 I have a Treo Palm 700p 13:48 Running pssh as an SSH client 13:48 wait a sec 13:48 your not using a cell phone then 13:48 its a PDA 13:48 It's a smart phone 13:48 It is a phone + a PDA 13:48 because beth was under the impression you were using a blackberry 13:48 because thats what you told her 13:48 It's not a blackberry 13:48 It's a palm 13:48 I may have said it was LIKE a blackberry 13:49 I will show you on CAM the device if you wish 13:49 no 13:49 the last thing I want to do is see your ugly ass on cam 13:49 It's sitting right here 13:49 So 13:49 explain to me 13:49 How your shit never disconnects 13:49 when you change from device to device 13:49 I only know one way 13:49 Because I am using IRSSI + SCREEN 13:49 Are you familiar with screen? 13:49 yes 13:49 and when you kill your ssh client 13:50 I SSH in and bind to the screen session 13:50 it kills the pid 13:50 I don't kill the client 13:50 so the process dies 13:50 The client stays running 13:50 hence your client is killed 13:50 No 13:50 I merely desconnect scree nsessions 13:50 I am a certified Linux Admin 13:50 I know how it works 13:50 Do you want me to white paper it for you? 13:50 if you are in a server through SSH on IRC 13:50 I will 13:50 and you disconnect your SSH session 13:50 Your IRC client Dies 13:50 I'll white paper it 13:50 because its not a background process 13:50 It is with screen 13:50 your not making sense 13:51 Yes, I am..I'll draw it for you 13:51 no thanks 13:51 goodbye --, quote #267 Added: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 12:55:23 UTC % < thrice`> i need a new job < straterra> hmmm < straterra> I need a new partner for my amateur beast/gay site.. --, quote #268 Added: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 19:34:28 UTC % Said to Alan_Hicks: < vbattsAtWork> funny, i'm not finding the word dang'ole or dad'gum in the slack book < vbattsAtWork> are you sure you wrote it? --, quote #269 Added: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 21:18:47 UTC % < BP{k}> actually was doing the last brits around the house --, quote #270 Added: Tue, 25 Sep 2007 04:24:48 UTC % Is it possible to disable a specific USB port on the machine? stick a screwdriver in it --, quote #271 Added: Tue, 25 Sep 2007 12:26:14 UTC % argh. these people are killing me. this one chick keeps telling me her email is beverlym and not beverly. and why did I change it from beverlym to beverly I set up the damn account! it was always beverly. nothing has changed. god damn --, quote #273 Added: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 04:48:24 UTC % ello simple question... I'd like to count the amount of files in a directory. Normally I pipe an ls to wc and get it that way, but that can't be used in all circumstances: admin@web2:/home/ecom/tmp> ls auth* | wc -bash: /bin/ls: Argument list too long --, quote #274 Added: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 04:48:43 UTC % < straterra> so.. Dominian...I hacked google from your shell....hope you dont mind < straterra> heh < straterra> brought down their whole cluster from ddosing from your kinda 31 < straterra> err < straterra> T1 < andarius> oooh, straterra is weet < straterra> magical syn packets < andarius> weet = way super leet < andarius> is that anything like a magic packet for WOL ? < andarius> :P < straterra> kinda < straterra> only... < straterra> this is a 'sleep/die over lan' packet < andarius> sweet < andarius> can we call it the sleeping beauty apple packet ? < straterra> no --, quote #275 Added: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 13:42:54 UTC % < smeding> heh, i <3 having a toilet roll in my room, despite my mom probably thinking it's for masturbation --, quote #276 Added: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 14:17:55 UTC % anybody heard of a .gurus file that works as a sudo? <_sho_> no <_sho_> what is it looks like an ascii text filled with lines of usernames able to perform operations as root, i.e. "user1# SU csh" to spawn a cshell as root --, quote #277 Added: Fri, 28 Sep 2007 04:43:32 UTC % * kicks ( has joined #linuxhelp is there any channel about general help ou windows help? --, quote #278 Added: Fri, 28 Sep 2007 04:43:39 UTC % how do you man a man page file? man file? --, quote #279 Added: Fri, 28 Sep 2007 04:43:44 UTC % < DieRatte> dont do that to me. Im already twice on noobfarm. One time, telling everybody its good to bus dresses, the other one, that I like gay man. Its just an accident. I didnt drink enough coffee --, quote #280 Added: Fri, 28 Sep 2007 13:13:02 UTC % what are you trying to do, starsong ? DieRatte: we all want an automated package managment system right ? thats why we are questioned for huh ? No. ?? DieRatte: well, i would like to solve that in a 21 century fashion --, quote #281 Added: Fri, 28 Sep 2007 13:13:05 UTC % <_sho_> worlds dumbest question <_sho_> how to sgid something <_sho_> im having brain failure :| chmod g+s --, quote #282 Added: Fri, 28 Sep 2007 21:45:25 UTC % < mwalling_> quickly < mwalling_> getting ready to head hoe --, quote #283 Added: Fri, 28 Sep 2007 21:45:25 UTC % < nullboy> what's STL? < fred> nullboy: Go learn C++ :) < nullboy> haha < drijen> nullboy, :( < Buggaboo> it's like std, but harder to get. < Buggaboo> and no sex. --, quote #284 Added: Sat, 29 Sep 2007 00:19:07 UTC % * chris_punches feels like an idiot --, quote #285 Added: Sat, 29 Sep 2007 00:19:07 UTC % when I do ps -ef, where is ps getting the command line arguements from? I looked in the /proc but I don't see any files with the command line arguements --, quote #286 Added: Sat, 29 Sep 2007 14:08:41 UTC % suffering from name server disease here. anybody home --, quote #287 Added: Sat, 29 Sep 2007 14:08:50 UTC % < Rusty1> hooray for backports < Peikko> Do you mean other than drop-bottom underwear? < Rusty1> been out in the sun awhile, Peikko ? --, quote #288 Added: Sat, 29 Sep 2007 19:18:19 UTC % < dguitar> Dropline is pretty easy to get installed on Slackware... --, quote #289 Added: Sun, 30 Sep 2007 01:13:50 UTC % < macavity> a hore is a hore and not a whore, tight? --, quote #290 Added: Sun, 30 Sep 2007 05:12:55 UTC % < straterra> note to self..if girlfriend wants you to pluck ball hair..tell her to go to hell --, quote #291 Added: Sun, 30 Sep 2007 05:40:25 UTC % < dentonj> anyone install Slackware on an encrypted volume < alienBOB> Me < dentonj> did you follow the README_CRYPT.TXT? < alienBOB> Yes. In fact I wrote it --, quote #292 Added: Sun, 30 Sep 2007 22:09:57 UTC % god I need a girl Dude I have the next best thing.. My..right hand beat me to it --, quote #293 Added: Mon, 01 Oct 2007 08:48:24 UTC % < vegab4> i have upgraded my kernel from to there is a problem.I cannot see my Virtual Terminals unless i set vga=normal.How can i correct it? < vegab4> please help me. <@fred> set vga=normal. --, quote #294 Added: Mon, 01 Oct 2007 15:00:34 UTC % dieratte: What command should I use to ping the router? I checked the ethernet cable, everything secure. There are 3 other comps on the network that can connect to Internet alright. snowdonke1, Id use "ping" snowdonke1: How about 'ping' ? psstt, i think it might be "ping" --, quote #295 Added: Tue, 02 Oct 2007 00:40:40 UTC % < macavity> i can haz boobs? --, quote #296 Added: Tue, 02 Oct 2007 00:40:43 UTC % < Bucketface> Zeldafan500, how exaclty did you hack the server this time? < Zeldafan500> ms-dos < Zeldafan500> C:\Documents and Settings\Home>ftp < Zeldafan500> Connected to < Zeldafan500> lolhacked --, quote #297 Added: Tue, 02 Oct 2007 00:40:57 UTC % < andarius> anyone with work in their nick is special :) -!- CaptObviousman is now known as CaptObviouswork < FriedBob> Special in what way though? -!- mwalling is now known as mworking < FriedBob> Special in the "My mommy says I'm special" sense? < rworkman> shit --, quote #298 Added: Tue, 02 Oct 2007 09:10:12 UTC % quick question, I've got a message in my console that says I have new mail but I can't remember how to check it. --, quote #299 Added: Tue, 02 Oct 2007 20:59:07 UTC % i ran out of cds, can i burn a distro install cd iso onto a dvd disc? --, quote #300 Added: Tue, 02 Oct 2007 20:59:13 UTC % < jodih2> hello < jodih2> im new and blond and need to ask a stupid question < rob0> nice intro :) --, quote #301 Added: Wed, 03 Oct 2007 13:22:55 UTC % * Old_Fogie wonder's if he is the only one on the internet with cream on his desk for true "medicinal purposes". --, quote #302 Added: Thu, 04 Oct 2007 04:20:33 UTC % I came, I saw, I stuck around (Veni, vidi, velcro) --, quote #303 Added: Thu, 04 Oct 2007 15:22:22 UTC % From #cardinal: < rob0> happy boss < rworkman> Your knees hurt? --, quote #304 Added: Thu, 04 Oct 2007 18:23:05 UTC % < sally> y'all are awful --, quote #305 Added: Thu, 04 Oct 2007 19:28:33 UTC % < CaptObviousman> ho man, I just came across the dumbest thing I"ve ever read on the web < Alan_Hicks> ? --, quote #306 Added: Sat, 06 Oct 2007 03:23:04 UTC % karlmag, you engage in intercourse with UNIX daemons? :o --, quote #307 Added: Sun, 07 Oct 2007 18:43:05 UTC % < macavity> i was just about to get all juiced up there < drijen> down boy. --, quote #308 Added: Sun, 07 Oct 2007 21:26:56 UTC % < nullboy> i'll send Pat 15 naked women and a keg of ale < drijen> 15? < drijen> dude hes skinny < drijen> they would break him < twolf> or his wife would --, quote #309 Added: Mon, 08 Oct 2007 12:08:36 UTC % Did I already mention the answer some dude gave me at uni when I asked him which OS he would prefer, windows or Linux? (yeah I know, flamebait) He said its the same anyway since windows has a unix kernel since NT --, quote #310 Added: Tue, 09 Oct 2007 00:17:16 UTC % is it worth getting slapt-get or you guys reckon stick to manual installs? eeek!!! --, quote #311 Added: Tue, 09 Oct 2007 00:17:30 UTC % < Peikko> I think WalMart is past its prime. < Rusty1> Lines are too long < Rusty1> saw a lady go into labor in one the other day < Rusty1> she wasn't pregnant when she got in line --, quote #312 Added: Tue, 09 Oct 2007 00:52:58 UTC % * lamby casts Lvl. 5 RAID. Your parity data becomes distributed. --, quote #313 Added: Tue, 09 Oct 2007 00:53:05 UTC % (10:32:59 PM) wescotte: vi is for people into bondage (10:33:08 PM) rworkman: Tie me up, baby. --, quote #314 Added: Tue, 09 Oct 2007 22:56:51 UTC % Is there any way to install the 32 bit skype app on a 64 bit linux system? --, quote #315 Added: Tue, 09 Oct 2007 22:56:58 UTC % Hostname: Leave. Hostname: Do NOT discuss warez in this channel. Dominian, f**k Hostname: You have to finish that off with a "you" if you plan to insult me correctly. Dominian, Kobold. Hostname: Wow. Impressive. Say something I don't understand to make you self feel so high and mighty.. nice. Dominian, kraut Hostname: You really suck at insults.. just so you know. and apparently at picking nicks for IRC as well. --, quote #316 Added: Tue, 09 Oct 2007 22:57:29 UTC % < straterra> Dominian: watch slackadelic...I had a dream! < Dominian> uhh what? < straterra> I had a dream I got rooted...and I called you to warn you cause they were trying to hit slackadelic too < straterra> werent concerned :( < Dominian> lol --, quote #317 Added: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 13:01:07 UTC % < heret|c> you know dreams are usually not literal < straterra> I was skeered :/ < heret|c> maybe you being rooted was you getting buttsecks, and you called Dominian to brag about it --, quote #318 Added: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 13:02:50 UTC % if i can touch the keyboard, i can really screw things up --, quote #319 Added: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 20:59:53 UTC % < gremzoid> if i had titties i'd never leave the house < drijen> psh < drijen> first thing i wuold buy < drijen> a vibrator < drijen> and then not leaev < drijen> for a month. --, quote #320 Added: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 00:35:02 UTC % < andarius> tea bagging them would be nice --, quote #321 Added: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 01:12:39 UTC % < Dagmar> I don't do pm's < drijen> i have boobs --, quote #322 Added: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 19:15:39 UTC % straterra hides the waffles --, quote #323 Added: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 19:16:00 UTC % RagingBull: RagingBull, that's right....ty..been a while since I have used this nullboy: RagingBull: you're talking to yourself man --, quote #324 Added: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 19:16:09 UTC % < Dagmar> drijen: yeah, it's not like there's some weird that's been force-linked into everything or something --, quote #325 Added: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 20:43:18 UTC % you give me a girl just old enough to drink, about 5'3, 110 pounds , and a ghetto booty, i'm all over it. heretic: wow, you're quite a catch - bet you meet lots of parents ;) --, quote #326 Added: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 01:22:17 UTC % drijen - heretic, whats stupid - outside of work, those bean counters would laugh drijen - but in work heretic - yeah drijen - "omg hes a terroist, hes talking abuot BOOBIES. drijen - here for the logs: drijen - BOOBIES drijen - BOOBIES drijen - BOOBIES drijen - BOOBIES drijen - BOOBIES drijen - and chocolate. --, quote #327 Added: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 01:22:35 UTC % < use1> how can I input the @ character while being in X? < use1> or in a GTK app < Alan_Hicks> WTF? < gremzoid> @ --, quote #328 Added: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 08:54:43 UTC % < rworkman> Wow - fixed it or just drove it with dents? < mwalling> yes --, quote #329 Added: Sat, 13 Oct 2007 17:37:01 UTC % < BP{k}> who knows japanese? < thrice`> people in japan --, quote #330 Added: Sat, 13 Oct 2007 20:26:39 UTC % < BCoppens> njaard: personally, I think I'll be calling KDE4.1 'KDE4 SP 1', in good MS tradition of releasing crap first, and making it work afterwards ;) --, quote #332 Added: Sat, 13 Oct 2007 22:54:05 UTC % hello, i freshly installed my debian and i am infront of a small problem. i got a proccess running. named ksoftirqd that permanently uses 30% of my cpu --, quote #333 Added: Sun, 14 Oct 2007 11:39:43 UTC % If this were 1994 I would just root him, fix it, give him ten minutes to admire the functionality, and then rm -rf /var --, quote #334 Added: Sun, 14 Oct 2007 17:41:43 UTC % < dmitrig01> Hey all - I have an invite-only channel. How do I invite people to it? --, quote #335 Added: Sun, 14 Oct 2007 17:42:24 UTC % ( mwalling) straterra: no... i'm screwing my dog --, quote #336 Added: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 13:12:05 UTC % < andarius> the only thing about gentoo that even remotely stimulates me is their ability to document things. which i am sure is brought on by their need to fill down time while their systems are updating --, quote #337 Added: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 20:02:11 UTC % hi, when i attach an external usb drive i get "attached scsi disk sdb", and it shows up in the device manager (ubuntu). but i can't figure out how to access the contents --, quote #338 Added: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 04:31:55 UTC % < CaptObviousman> no, you can't "unget" herpes --, quote #339 Added: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 15:30:01 UTC % * CaptObviousman should probably subscribe to mailing lists to keep up to date < Dominian> CaptObviousman: I just make sure I'm in channels with fred and cathectic and I end up hearing about them < CaptObviousman> I can't keep adding channels to monitor. I have a hard enough time getting work done as it is < andarius> i try to keep it down to one at work :) < mwalling> HA < mwalling> weekling * mwalling tries to keep it down to 20 or so < Dominian> I have 10 open right now < Dominian> I had 13 at one time.. < mwalling> 15 * CaptObviousman starts opening channels so he can win the irc penis contest < Dominian> haha < mwalling> heh --, quote #340 Added: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 15:53:59 UTC % hello, how could i do a dist-upgrade on debian and keeping my stable kernel --, quote #341 Added: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 19:57:40 UTC % In #cardinal < rob0> i h8 xp < sally> rob0, then you should get Vista (hehehe) < rob0> ohhhhhhhh no < rob0> I have 2 vista licenses, chose not to activate < sally> my daughter was complaining about trying to use Word on Vista last weekend < sally> she sounded like some old biddy after the bingo rules had changed :) --, quote #342 Added: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 19:57:46 UTC % < fred> 1) Find a baseball bat < fred> 2) Sodomise yourself --, quote #343 Added: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 19:57:51 UTC % < juano> how do i set aaxine resolution and color ??? --, quote #344 Added: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 23:39:38 UTC % < rworkman> Everybody notice the new CURRENT.WARNING? :-) < mwalling> rworkman: of course not... we're already firing up slapt-get :) < rworkman> HAHA --, quote #345 Added: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 03:46:51 UTC % < BP{k}> dont forget there was about 6 months testing behind the scene where they ironed the kinks out the glibc/lootchain upgrade --, quote #346 Added: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 03:47:00 UTC % what's a good disk usage analyzer? i'd like to try locating the bloat top --, quote #347 Added: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 11:57:24 UTC % < XGizzmo> well p4d is 32 bit < XGizzmo> with em64t < heret|c> the 2 cores together make it 64 bit --, quote #348 Added: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 22:34:53 UTC % Everyone knows the quality of software is directly proportional to the level of eye candy. --, quote #349 Added: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 23:55:33 UTC % +// DON\'T DELETE THIS COMMENT - PHP 5.2.4 IS A CRACKWHORE AND WON\'T WORK WITHOUT IT --, quote #350 Added: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 13:46:50 UTC % < ravih1> CAN U LIST SOME USEFUL DICTINARIES FOR LINUX? < nalioth> ravih1: can you turn off your caps lock? < ravih1> I AM USING UBUNTU < ravih1> sorry --, quote #353 Added: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 19:55:50 UTC % < nullboy> well i screwed myself then --, quote #354 Added: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 23:11:38 UTC % < chris_punches> When I was at MIT studying how to code my own bsd in assembly... [snipped] --, quote #355 Added: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 14:40:20 UTC % you at work today? bah you\'re always at work yep have fun hehe but yes, i am in the office bastard. im so jealous whatever not whatever....i work at McDonald\'s. no joke. --, quote #356 Added: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 14:53:56 UTC % < rworkman> oneforall: you\'re rebuilding the entire distro from source but you think icecream is too much work? :/ < rworkman> Wow. --, quote #357 Added: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 17:26:20 UTC % ciol: slackware isn\'t weird. you\'re just used to ubuntu doing what ever it wants while you sit there and watch --, quote #358 Added: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 17:26:27 UTC % <+rob0> The squaw of the hippopotomus is equal to the sons of the squaws of the other two hides. --, quote #359 Added: Sat, 20 Oct 2007 11:38:06 UTC % < macavity> mv /mnt/ass /dev/shower < andarius> your ass has been mounted ? --, quote #360 Added: Sat, 20 Oct 2007 22:19:07 UTC % < BCoppens> KDE4 - What API do you want us to fuck up today? --, quote #361 Added: Sun, 21 Oct 2007 21:19:13 UTC % < fred> OOOhh, everyone download and laught at the dead or alive: xtreme 2 trailer < fred> 15 minutes of excessive boob jiggling < andarius> lol < fred> not one mention of the gameplay < fred> or that it\'s infact a game --, quote #362 Added: Mon, 22 Oct 2007 01:45:49 UTC % i thought real time was the the time from the beginning and end of the application. so how can user > real? when using \'time\' --, quote #363 Added: Mon, 22 Oct 2007 05:13:50 UTC % i will not be coming here anymore because of ill treatment cpeek: Yet here you are! earlier i was booted from the session for posting an error message i was asked to post cpeek: Quit whining. You were told to pastebin, not paste. Also read the section entitled \"On Not Reacting Like A Loser\" from i can get help elsewhere from kinder people * cpeek has quit (Client Quit) * sekhmet thanks cpeek for the info * cpeek has joined #linuxhelp --, quote #364 Added: Mon, 22 Oct 2007 05:14:21 UTC % < andarius> negative, i use waffles to pay for protection < andarius> my hit dudes are the best waffles can buy --, quote #365 Added: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 05:00:18 UTC % <@alphageek> surfing for porn & the browser overlapped my irc client such that I saw \' nice tit\' --, quote #366 Added: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 05:00:25 UTC % < straterra> uhm < straterra> my broken --, quote #367 Added: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 05:00:28 UTC % < Dominian> mwalling: I think I\'m going to have a \"quote-ee\" of the month award < Dominian> and I think for the past 4 months.. straterra has one < straterra> ive won for the last 4 months? < straterra> id like to thank my libido... < straterra> parents...and \'chucks..and all people who believed i never could...and where right < straterra> id like to thank god..for hating me enough to make me want to rape dead things and bots.. < straterra> and...finally, id like to thank my chloroform supplier. Thanks mom! --, quote #368 Added: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 05:25:14 UTC % how to use History\'s command in a Bash? --, quote #369 Added: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 20:25:48 UTC % It works it works! Omg omg omg! I mean it compiles. Now what\'s a segfault ? --, quote #370 Added: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 21:20:25 UTC % what do I need to set up so that programs located at /usr/bin and /usr/sbin can be executed from anywhere without to have to type /usr/bin/? --, quote #371 Added: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 04:27:08 UTC % what is the cmd for finding out which ipaddress a user is login from? --, quote #372 Added: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 09:49:05 UTC % Hello is this channel dead? yes, very much so Abnerdoon do you know script programming? ${name+word} nope sorry I do not see any difference between the ${} or without the ${} you can easily assign a variable with linux by typing x = 5 and r = 3 I\'ve messed around a little then do x + r = 7 but I don\'t really know anything What are you doing in here then? because I don\'t know script? lol and x + r doesn\'t equal 7 ;) heh abnerdoon: what are you trying to do ? Set to $word if name is unset ? not me, wuju me I know how to assign variables i just need to understand whats the difference between using ${} <-- with brackets and without foo=chocolate; echo ${foo}bar it protects the variable you mean it allows me to use echo? without it it won;t work on echo, correct me if i am wrong it allows you to get chocolatebar :) echo $foobar would not work lol exuse me how do i clear all assigned variables and one assigned varible unset foo thanks or foo=\"\" if you just want to empty it im reading the set manual for unset all instead of relogging unset -k ?? i wouldn\'t unset all variables for your current shell... spawn a new one and work there if you dump your PATH you\'ll get tons of errors oh yeah from set i won\'t even beable to use bash i agree lol this is stupid i cant do multiplication let me try `` characters echo $((3*3)) wait a minute.. (( means numbers and { means string correct me if i am wrong if thats for linux Thanks { } can be used for grouping commands --, quote #373 Added: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 09:49:24 UTC % < Dominian> I told you I would figure something out that makes everyone happy < straterra> I\'m not happy < straterra> I haven\'t gotten laid in months --, quote #374 Added: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 18:05:09 UTC % < pickcoder> how do you generate a file from an md5sum --, quote #375 Added: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 20:32:35 UTC % < macavity> aldcor: i am starting to get the idea that Ubuntu would be a *great* distro for you < rworkman> Guess who\'s late to the party? --, quote #376 Added: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 22:28:17 UTC % 00:23 < aldcor> go f... yourself ... i will fix my xorg and that\'s all... i will never read 00:23 < rk4n3> aldcor: you might get some flack when you ask questions without reading the book, though... 00:23 < gremzoid> heh 00:23 < dafunks> O_o 00:23 < drijen> the word you are looking for is fuck. 00:23 < Alan_Hicks> aldcor: You can do whatever the hell you want to do, but if you\'re too damn lazy to read the book that I personally spent *MONTHS* working on for people like you, don\'t expect any help from me. 00:23 < rworkman> aldcor: wrong answer. 00:23 < drijen> gtfo 00:23 < Alan_Hicks> Can I do it guys? 00:23 < macavity> naa 00:23 -!- mode/##slackware [+o Alan_Hicks] by ChanServ --, quote #377 Added: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 22:28:19 UTC % 00:46 < aldcor> drijen, i don\'t think so... you all think that slack can use only kings of linux 00:46 < drijen> aldcor, hardly, i\'m a moron 00:47 < drijen> first person to noobfarm that, gets shot. 00:47 < fred> drijen: What if I\'m the second? 00:47 < drijen> burned at the stake 00:48 < macavity> drijen: too late ;-) 00:48 < drijen> fsck! --, quote #379 Added: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 23:25:49 UTC % hey guys, im a Ubuntu user and iwas wondering if there is a list of the progras you can get with Apt-Get --, quote #380 Added: Thu, 25 Oct 2007 14:08:29 UTC % < HowardTheCoward> can imagemagick convert pdf to html? --, quote #381 Added: Thu, 25 Oct 2007 18:00:40 UTC % < sonic_> but X works as root? < root__> yes < root__> root is like safe mode?? --, quote #382 Added: Thu, 25 Oct 2007 20:57:15 UTC % this pub serves over 200 different kinds of beer The Flying Saucer where beer lovers go to sample *few minutes later* fred> they suck. Their website has flash And, doesn't fit on 1024x768 --, quote #383 Added: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 05:54:39 UTC % < heret|c> user__: its YOUR computer. screw your cousin < rworkman> heret|c: you\'re from Georgia, aren\'t you? --, quote #384 Added: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 05:54:45 UTC % hi all! is there a little kind of graphics application that shows what keys are being pressed at any given time? Yes... Though I don\'t know of any for linux by name. ^_^ Sorry how about also what mouse buttons are being pressed? * xp_lunch is now known as xp_prg I believe so, understand I\'ve never looked for this specifically, but I believe I\'ve seen it before (both those things), though they were on windows. Should be a linux version though.. about anything you could want is there. My best suggestion is google. thanks kristen xp_prg: xev ? but is that graphical? I want to actually see a keyboard with the keys being pressed on it etc... --, quote #385 Added: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 05:55:26 UTC % < CaptObviousman> argh < CaptObviousman> you people need to learn that I am not Catoptromancy < Catoptromancy> heh < CaptObviousman> I get back and think someone said something to me, and invariably it\'s because you asked a question * CaptObviousman starts a class entitled, \"Tab Completion, Or How To Be A Lazy Fucker The Proper Way\" --, quote #386 Added: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 20:39:56 UTC % < juano__> Zalamander: i added juanfelipe to cdrom group also < CaptObviousman> juanfelipe! < CaptObviousman> sounds Canadian < nullboy> canadian? wtf < gbonvehi> CaptObviousman: juan and felipe are spanish names.. < nullboy> CaptObviousman: you smoking crack? < nullboy> CaptObviousman: put the bong down < CaptObviousman> so, how long have I been polluting this channel for? < CaptObviousman> few months now? < juano__> CaptObviousman: not french names < raw> for americans, everything they don\'t know is canadian. < CaptObviousman> and you guys still haven\'t figured out that I\'m nucking futs < raw> with the exception of texas. everything texanians don\'t know is mexican. --, quote #387 Added: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 20:40:00 UTC % < nachox> hey people < XGizzmo> werd < rob0> Act dignified, everyone. He needn\'t find out what we were doing. * XGizzmo hides the ash tray and beer cans < rob0> Good evening, Mr. Nachox, sir, how are you? < macavity> rob0: but i though you said nachox was OK with us ha- < macavity> ermm... < macavity> hanging out in here doing nothing! < nachox> haha < rob0> YYYYYYYes indeed that he is. < nachox> i will see the logs and you will suffer my wrath! :P < macavity> *fsck* < rob0> Wrath? Whatever for, dear sir? We have been maintaining the utmost in decorum, I assure you. --, quote #388 Added: Sat, 27 Oct 2007 03:40:48 UTC % how to open it ?? SlayckX: What\'s the output of: file i guess it hould be a directory. SlayckX: No, I mean, run the command \"file\" and let us know what it says ok konsole: ERROR: can not execute ././linuxq3ademo-1.11-6.x86.gz.s Er, you\'re not really listening But regardless, if that\'s a quake3 demo, then it *is* probably a shar, which means that you need to execute it either with \"sh file\" or by chmodding it appropriately (755 should do) and then running it didn\'t work with either. yes I ran it and thats what happeneing. how i can run it as ./ or sh pastebin your terminal where you\'ve been trying this ./linuxq3ademo-1.11-6.x86.gz.shkonsole: ERROR: can not execute ././ I already pasted this *sigh* 1) google \"pastebin\" 2) pick one 3) copy-and-paste your whole terminal screen into it 4) post the link here why? I am giving you the output / what is happening... SlayckX: Do you do this to everyone who tries to help you? I wanted to see exactly what you were typing in, too Instead, I think I\'ll just go get dinner instead yes that would be better. bon appetit :) --, quote #389 Added: Sat, 27 Oct 2007 13:51:02 UTC % < rob0> I see lots of parallels between sex therapy and auto mechanics. --, quote #390 Added: Sat, 27 Oct 2007 22:45:37 UTC % can someone perchance explain how to install GNU Make to me ? terminaldummy: use your distros package manager i need a book or something, i don\'t even know where to start what distro terminaldummy i\'m trying to use os x terminal they uasually come with make nowadays os x ? wtf you\'re on a mac ? this is #linuxhelp not #machelp has linux/unix behind it and terminal packages are different you can runt hese kind of apps package managemenet is distro speciffic. otherwise i wouldnt mind you use fink to do it i guess google how to install packages with fink --, quote #391 Added: Sun, 28 Oct 2007 22:44:51 UTC % heret|c: a guy from the inquisition named Peer was here asking for any heretics.. * heret|c has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) opps.. now he reset your connection again.. --, quote #392 Added: Sun, 28 Oct 2007 22:44:54 UTC % <+Dominian> RMS has nothing to do with GPL that I know of.. --, quote #393 Added: Sun, 28 Oct 2007 22:44:57 UTC % * Dominian wears boxers year round * heret|c wears jeans year round < Dominian> oh and jeans < heret|c> standard, old classic style jeans < heret|c> not mall jeans < andarius> Dominian: i just had a nasty vision of you in a NOC wearing nothing but boxers ... < andarius> please burn out my eyes --, quote #394 Added: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 14:43:31 UTC % < Alan_Hicks> rworkman: < Alan_Hicks> I resemble that remark! < Alan_Hicks> s/resemble/resent/ < Alan_Hicks> Or... I would resemble that remark if I could ever get my uncle to divorce her. --, quote #395 Added: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 20:38:42 UTC % I need help, I am addicted to linux, its a serious problem --, quote #396 Added: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 14:51:35 UTC % hi, sorry for beeing stzpid, but... diff something1 to something2 means: diff -u something1 something2>patch patch -p0 xorg log (WW) R128(1): Static buffer allocation failed -- need at least 22500 kB video meory will that keep the display from working at all? --, quote #398 Added: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 17:35:08 UTC % I\'m trying to grep for a tab, but when I press the actual TAB key, it gives me a list of files instead of \"^I\" ^V + tab Kaapa: What\'s ^V on the keyboard? alkos333: ctrl+v Kaapa: If I do ctrl+v+tab, it takes me one tab to the left in mrxvt :) that\'s a tab ! :p --, quote #399 Added: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 17:35:26 UTC % hey - is there a very popular iptables firewall script at the moment? i\'ve been using apf up to present but i\'m not sure if there\'s something better --, quote #400 Added: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 17:35:36 UTC % < andarius> all this talk of penetration and butts is scaring me :( < straterra> It\'s turning me on --, quote #401 Added: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 17:35:42 UTC % Hey all. How do you reset a vnc account after to many login failures? I\'m not finding anything on Google. C_Kode: look up \"pam\" pluggable authorization module (or something like that) Thanks, looking into it now. --, quote #402 Added: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 17:35:55 UTC % * drijen waves at kethry too, in case shes behind BP{k} nope, she\'s in kitchen preparing a new batch of happyness ;) well said! i should bring rein in here so that kethry will have someone female to talk to Don\'t do that We..have our quota for female --, quote #403 Added: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 17:47:05 UTC % * drijen waves at kethry too, in case shes behind BP{k} nope, she\'s in kitchen preparing a new batch of happyness ;) I just got a mental image of kethry in labour on the kitchen floor, with bp{k} shouting \"Where\'s my damn bread?!\" --, quote #404 Added: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 17:47:08 UTC % < kethry> andarius: let me have my size fantasies :) --, quote #405 Added: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 18:54:43 UTC % < thrice`> \"the tailgate party has been cancelled due to budget constraints\" < thrice`> fuck, my company blows < Dominian> er.. < mwalling_> thrice`: hahaha < Dominian> lmao --, quote #406 Added: Wed, 31 Oct 2007 14:39:55 UTC % < straterra> BP{k}, kethry, love you guys < BP{k}> no, you aren\'t getting any of my meat --, quote #407 Added: Thu, 01 Nov 2007 20:14:21 UTC % ( drijen) heret|c, wants to give me head --, quote #408 Added: Fri, 02 Nov 2007 03:32:56 UTC % pnano> ok rworkman, lets talkit technical, put US Patent Law aside temp..:p --, quote #409 Added: Fri, 02 Nov 2007 03:33:04 UTC % < needles> whos patrick < Motoko-chan> needles, PV. < CaptObviousman> patrick is some guy that helps out with slackware --, quote #411 Added: Fri, 02 Nov 2007 13:25:12 UTC % Is there a tool like wget for slackware? --, quote #412 Added: Fri, 02 Nov 2007 19:38:17 UTC % < Peikko> Rusty1, call a random number in India. < Rusty1> what\'s the area code? < Rusty1> if i call a random customer support # in US, same thing! --, quote #413 Added: Fri, 02 Nov 2007 19:38:25 UTC % Officer: \"Didn\'t you know it was illegal to kill 22 toddlers?\" Suspect: \"Oh. I forgot. Sorry.\" --, quote #414 Added: Sat, 03 Nov 2007 03:20:42 UTC % < avt3kk> hori and vert sync? :/ < mwalling> avt3kk: JFGI < avt3kk> oook < avt3kk> I type jfgi? --, quote #415 Added: Sat, 03 Nov 2007 12:32:51 UTC % < nycjv321> has anyone ever ran \"rm -rf / \"before? (my motherboard is using 8megs of shared video ram btw so that might be why) < rob0> Let me try it now. That should be as root, right? < rob0> ok < nycjv321> yes I believe so :D < nycjv321> rob0, dont LOL -!- rob0 [] has left ##slackware [\"Connection reset by peer\"] lol dude I thought he knew what he is doing --, quote #416 Added: Mon, 05 Nov 2007 12:08:36 UTC % How can I get HAL to recognize new thumbdrives? Isn\'t there a command like scanbus? or?? --, quote #417 Added: Mon, 05 Nov 2007 12:08:40 UTC % $ id |grep crontab; ls -l /usr/bin/crontab; crontab -l -rwxr-sr-x 1 root crontab 26832 2006-12-20 17:46 /usr/bin/crontab no crontab for gutsy how come I am not belonging to group crontab and still can list and edit cron jobs?! --, quote #418 Added: Mon, 05 Nov 2007 12:08:48 UTC % Hi I need some help with updating my open suse linux... I dont know which update adress to use.. --, quote #419 Added: Mon, 05 Nov 2007 12:09:05 UTC % is nfs also a kernel module device driver? --, quote #420 Added: Mon, 05 Nov 2007 12:09:10 UTC % < heret|c> iIf iI iSee iOne iMore iThing iTry iTo iCapatalize iOff iThat iBullshit iApple iSloganizim iI iAm iGoing iTo iGo iBallistic --, quote #421 Added: Mon, 05 Nov 2007 15:04:18 UTC % 02:39 < nycjv321> mwalling my I pm you? 02:42 < mwalling> nycjv321: convince me that its worth opening a query window to talk to you --, quote #422 Added: Tue, 06 Nov 2007 03:04:38 UTC % Any idea why inetd would be complaining \"bind: Address already in use\" due to a conflict with itself? I really don\'t think anything else is listening on this port... hm, wait, maybe something was, that\'s weird. never mind, I think I got it. --, quote #423 Added: Wed, 07 Nov 2007 03:04:48 UTC % * hipodilski has joined #linuxhelp what is the windows equivalent com port of /dev/ttyBT0 ? --, quote #424 Added: Wed, 07 Nov 2007 03:04:57 UTC % Dagmar: lusher00: Google lusher00: asking google is like asking you --, quote #425 Added: Wed, 07 Nov 2007 03:29:25 UTC % < nullboy> i compiled pidgin with aspell but it still requires that i choose a fix < mwalling> nullboy: crack < nullboy> yes, i am out of crack --, quote #426 Added: Fri, 09 Nov 2007 01:36:29 UTC % <_sho_> bwhahahahah. my old company got bought and transfered. the end result was a massive collapse of the company <_sho_> :D <_sho_> do not attempt to move 1000 servers to a virtual environment in 1 week! --, quote #427 Added: Fri, 09 Nov 2007 01:36:38 UTC % <+rworkman> mwalling: well, git happens :) <+rworkman> er, shit happens :D --, quote #428 Added: Sun, 11 Nov 2007 06:22:09 UTC % < Avt3kk> --enable-uber-opt-a will do a full install with the desktop? --, quote #429 Added: Mon, 12 Nov 2007 16:38:02 UTC % < macavity> damn.. noone asks \"whats a dickfor?\" --, quote #430 Added: Mon, 12 Nov 2007 16:38:07 UTC % < sevard> seriously, slackware is archaic, but it works, it does everything I need it to, and it\'s sexier than your mom in brand new panties. --, quote #431 Added: Mon, 12 Nov 2007 22:31:22 UTC % how do I get sendmail to stop using root@localhost.localdomain for outbound email? --, quote #432 Added: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 05:30:38 UTC % < juan> error message: Cannot install MPlayer.tar.gz: package does not end in .tgz < rworkman> You didn\'t read the howto. < juan> you know, thios is where cultural differences come in. In latin america, specially Venezuela, we don\'t follow rules or howto\'s, we just play it by ear < rworkman> juan: yes, and you see how that worked out for you, right? ;-) --, quote #433 Added: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 05:30:54 UTC % 16:22 < nullboy> all ur tards are belongs to meh 16:22 < nullboy> someone! set us up the small bus --, quote #434 Added: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 05:30:58 UTC % < fred> It's on par with lolita. < LoganTheRed> fred: you mean filled with disturbingly seductive minors who you'd probably stick it in just once if no one was looking? --, quote #435 Added: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 20:24:11 UTC % 01:00 < nullboy> why yes, it really IS breast feeding time!! 01:00 < nullboy> YAY --, quote #436 Added: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 01:57:24 UTC % is it possible to download a Macromedia file? --, quote #438 Added: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 05:57:39 UTC % Jesus Aitch Fucking christ, the documentation for lighty's vhosts is just pathetic --, quote #439 Added: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 05:57:44 UTC % hi, if i have a tarball, should it always be possibe to install the sources? --, quote #440 Added: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 05:57:48 UTC % * camgirl29 ( has joined #nwscript * camgirl29 has quit (Quit: ) Damn tease.... guess we didn't look like we'd be interested in a cam girl We're a bunch of geeks, of course we would --, quote #441 Added: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 15:55:46 UTC % [13:44] hi hoe hi hoe off to the NOC he goes! with crimping tools and wire spools hi hoe hi hoe hi hoe!! \o/ --, quote #442 Added: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 21:59:40 UTC % [15:22] Google knows all. [15:23] Alan_Hicks: google doesn't know where i live [15:24] First hit: ***** Co, NY [15:24] holy shit --, quote #443 Added: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 21:59:53 UTC % * mwalling effectivly (and hopefully) redirects sperm to /dev/null --, quote #444 Added: Sat, 17 Nov 2007 06:46:22 UTC % < thadood> whats the apt-get equivelent in slackware ? < rworkman> thadood: run "whoami" from an xterm. --, quote #445 Added: Sat, 17 Nov 2007 06:46:29 UTC % WARNING: This is long, and that's even with considerable snipping. Even so, this is worth the read... :-) reading thsi its clear that sys-v style and BSD-style are diffrent and it does say that slackware cleary uses BSD-style .The usage on most Linux distributions is compatible with System V, but some distributions, such as Slackware, use a BSD-style fact is slackware juat uaes part of sys-v but more bsd-style Yeah, but the fundament of the matter is that it's still SysV because we have inittab and runlevels. uses the run level but all startup is done with BSD init runs the initialization shell script located in '/etc/rc', Slackware uses a system-v compatible init program. But the scripts bend the startup to be bsd-like. BSD-style SysV-style read it its your own link you posted its pretty clear and yes some thing as allways are a bit diffrent because most things in linux are allways writen with rh and clones of it I think you are confused. RedHat is not a source of anything. Runlevels = system-v init I can assure you that if a system has init and runlevels, it's a SysV init system Motoko-chan I will say it one more time I know that part of it is used fir the runlevels but not as much as you clame its only part ogf it . Slackware has runlevels, therefore, it is a system-v init. HOWEVER It uses single-file startup scripts (albeit one per runlevel), so it is BSD-like in that aspect. Patrick just writes his init scripts in BSD-style THis does not make it a BSD init The usage on most Linux distributions is compatible with System V, but some distributions, such as Slackware, use a BSD-style there is nothing hard to see what that says Why is this concept seemingly so hard to grok? rworkman, because they don't know how to read or think. its not I have yet to see a LInux distribution that wasn't sysV init, aside from a lot of these dinky embedded ones read oneforall, there are many parts to the init system. there isa whole or part and I agree on only part like it says . not all like is clamied here When any UNIX-style system boots, it loads a program called "init" This determined how it boots. It's not what init does that makes it BSD or SysV init. It's whether or not you HAVE an init system with runlevels. For BSD systems, init runs one specific file. well stop telling people its all sys-v when its not he only uses a part of it and in a diffrent way than most The scripts being BSD-style in Slackware doesn't make it a BSD init. Not one little bit. For System-V, it handles what level to load, and determines how to run based on that. oneforall: it *is* all SysV init though. It means we have BSD-style init scripts. No more, and no less. It uses a file called inittab to determine this. Slackware then uses a BSD-style single-file-to-start-stuff method. Other systems opt for a more "pure" System-V approach and make things modular. If we weren't sysv, you couldn't type `telinit 4` to start X, for one thing Read /etc/inittab in Slackware some time. no but thats the bsd and it made to work with both you just eat your own words Huh? oneforall: no, you're reading what you *want* to read. [23:58] Runlevels = system-v init [23:59] No levels (just single and multi) = BSD init oneforall: On a BSD init, init runs *one* file period, no matter what runlevel because it has no runlevels If inittab is there definining runlevels, it's SysV, period. System V Compatibility read that again and read what you just said trhere it uses bsd style and it clear Runlevels and inittab are what *make* the system SysV For the last bloody time... "BSD-style" != "BSD init" Maybe we *do* need to get Pat to clarify this crap All this "compatibilty" does it run the start scripts like how other modular systems do. oneforall: that SysV compatibility is there to provide compatibility to things expecting *pure* SysV init *layout* It doesn't mean that Slackware uses BSD's init. What's this link Pat has up? I can't think of any other reason why people would be so ready to deny it's existance. It just means it adds a system for those things that don't expect Slackware's style. rworkman, rworkman the fact is its not ALL sys-v it only partly used no. It says nothing about what they are taking it to mean "BSD-style file layout" That is THE ONLY BSD STUFF IT CLAIMS THat Slackware doesn't by default make use of a jillion symlinks does *not*, I repeat, does *not* make it not sysv oneforall: Slackware uses SysV init. Period. oneforall: see, it has helped me once to understand the difference. well read it the way you want but its plane and clear Yes, it is. Yes it is. Slackware includes System V init compatibility. Many other Linux distributions make use of this style instead of the BSD style. Basically each runlevel is given a subdirectory for init scripts, whereas BSD style gives one init script to each runlevel. thats says diffrent that what you claim [00:08] "BSD-style file layout" oneforall: "BSD style" != "BSD init" No, you are reading it WRONG. BSD style gives one init script notice they are init scripts Correct. So what? Like I said, delete /etc/inittab and reboot. We have an init daemon. If it really is BSD init, it doesn't need it since that is system-v init. That makes us SysV. Why is this so hard for people If you don't have an init daemon, it's likely you're looking at a BSD init Motoko-chan how stuoid are you I repeatly said it uses part i knwo if you take out that part yopur fucked duh it only a f..g part remove all the bds rc file and reboot oneforall: It's _the_ f..g part. ##slackware: mode change '+o rworkman' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. ##slackware: mode change '+b %oneforall!*@*' by rworkman!n=rworkman@ oneforall: I hate to do that to a channel regular, but you know better. ... and a few minutes later... Okay, guys, to clear the air: 07:10 < rworkman> volkerdi: would you be willing to clarify to indicate that Slackware *does* use SysV init. It seems that some refuse to listen to reason. 07:22 < volkerdi> rworkman: I'd think that /etc/rc.d/rc.sysvinit being run whenever the runlevel is changed might be a clue, along with the appearance of the new directories (which worked before too, but had to be made manually) hehe Anyone else want to argue? Apparently having to answer that baffled Pat as much as it did some of us :) --, quote #446 Added: Sat, 17 Nov 2007 07:48:12 UTC % < elisa> I've just installed sabayon but I don't know how I can open internet --, quote #447 Added: Sun, 18 Nov 2007 20:25:35 UTC % * Declan (Declan@2234E2B0.532EBF4E.D09A77EC.IP) has joined #codelove Hey again toraton I want to try a little SQL now But I don't know how to access the thingy well hostname is username is declan pass is the same as your login pass Okay, but where do I log in, --, quote #448 Added: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 13:18:24 UTC % [00:22] dadexter ( joined ##slackware. [00:23] the readme for squid on SBo is borked up.. consistency of keeping the comment *above* the setting is a must [00:23] and a half'n'half approach is even worse :P [00:24] I would agree... if the README wasn't so long [00:24] to read [00:24] :P [00:25] anyway... off for the night... tata [00:25] you just got here [00:26] but ta ta.. [00:26] ya... wanted to login remotely, then say something totally useless, and leave [00:26] haha [00:26] dadexter: mission accomplished then! :P [00:26] I could have just walked in and say "I love goooooooooooooooooold" [00:27] and then leave, but I figured it was too useless for my taste [00:27] ok... gnite --, quote #449 Added: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 21:10:22 UTC % < kop> device names for the com ports in slack are ? < heret|c> bob, harry, and jack --, quote #450 Added: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 21:10:29 UTC % 15:49 < heret|c> *ahem* 15:49 -!- mode/##woodchucks [+o mwalling_] by ChanServ 15:49 <@mwalling_> *ahem* 15:50 * heret|c whistles innocently --, quote #451 Added: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 21:38:31 UTC % < Shingoshi> Why is my system still running slow with two dual-core 1.8G processors? <@fred> Shingoshi: running an smp kernel? * time passes * < Shingoshi> fred: yes, smp < Shingoshi> It may be a memory issue. < Shingoshi> I do have 170 tabs open in Firefox. But geez, should that really matter? < Shingoshi> So how much memory should I have for this. < mwalling_> Shingoshi: there is an extension that will show in the status bar how many tabs in how many windows and how much memory that is using < Shingoshi> Do you have the link to that extension, or it's name? I have about 130 extensions now. --, quote #452 Added: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 21:40:03 UTC % < Beineri> KDE 4.0 - code name "For /dev/null" --, quote #453 Added: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 22:12:51 UTC % < Faux> fred has an unhealthy obsession. <+fred> Your arse, or your left hand? < Faux> I was going for the second. <+fred> Oh, ok. --, quote #454 Added: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 22:13:59 UTC % 11:39 < CaptObviousman> I have a four-year old Powerbook 1.25 GHz. The proc fan doesn't like to work very well at all, so if you start taxing the system it goes down like a cheerleader on prom night 11:39 < kethry> do cheerleaders do that? 11:39 < CaptObviousman> oh yes 11:39 < kethry> (we don't have them in the UK) 11:39 < ThomasY> no 11:40 < CaptObviousman> even the male ones do, especially if they're gay 11:40 < ThomasY> o...kay 11:40 -!- ThomasY [] has left ##woodchucks [] 11:40 < CaptObviousman> holy hell, I scared him out of the channel --, quote #455 Added: Tue, 20 Nov 2007 23:23:19 UTC % ( ipfreely) BP{k}: i look good in a skirt --, quote #456 Added: Fri, 23 Nov 2007 02:03:29 UTC % Wahts the command in Ubuntu to open the mixer? MrPocknix: you should have alsamixer thats is how do i open it? --, quote #457 Added: Fri, 23 Nov 2007 02:03:37 UTC % what's up with the company that maintains reiserfs ? It's probably in jail? :) --, quote #458 Added: Fri, 23 Nov 2007 02:03:42 UTC % is there a way to ssh when you arent directly inside the LAN? like, across the internet? --, quote #459 Added: Fri, 23 Nov 2007 02:03:49 UTC % ( marian) just because I don't use whoami to fix dependency doesn't mean slack is not for me --, quote #460 Added: Fri, 23 Nov 2007 02:04:00 UTC % < MasterShrek> psypete, if the smp kernel doesnt work, and you need to use a non smp to boot, try building a new kernel after u boot --, quote #461 Added: Sun, 25 Nov 2007 01:10:02 UTC % scorchsaber: have you checked your thurman unit thruman unit? That's IT. Thurman. has to be i dont think uma thurman is very attractive. --, quote #462 Added: Sun, 25 Nov 2007 02:35:12 UTC % drijen licks fred like a chocolate sundae --, quote #463 Added: Sun, 25 Nov 2007 05:10:10 UTC % < Gargantua> the internet isn't as big as anyone might think.. once you exempt porn and, it's around 2.3 gbs. --, quote #464 Added: Sun, 25 Nov 2007 08:25:08 UTC % < chopp> /whowas x80 < macavity> chopp: the older brother of x60 < nullboy> haha < nullboy> YOU LOOSE --, quote #465 Added: Mon, 26 Nov 2007 01:09:41 UTC % okay, everyone, the world is still safe. haha haha haha, crap nothing to do :( BP{k}: the world is never safe safe is a fluffy word :P so is pubic hair pubic hair is safe? but it could be a choking hazard :( --, quote #466 Added: Tue, 27 Nov 2007 20:29:40 UTC % rworkman: If agiofws is trying to get synaptics driver to work, he just needs to load the psmouse module with default kernel options -- no proto=imps nullboy: rworkman: no no, he has been compiling things for 2 years. he knows what's up Alan_Hicks: Wait... he's installing gentoo? --, quote #467 Added: Wed, 28 Nov 2007 12:55:31 UTC % < Dagmar> We need fruit-flavored licences so people can have their favorite without worrying about actually ever having to, you know, _read_ them. < cathectic> Which is all well and good, until people start combining licenses. Then you could get some very strange flavours... < Dagmar> Like purple rumplesneezes? < Dagmar> ...or ersatz avocado! --, quote #468 Added: Wed, 28 Nov 2007 20:13:01 UTC % < mwalling___> rob0__: ha, i have a longer... then you < Alan_Hicks> I never thought I'd see the day when underscores became a penis envy contest. ... 10 Minutes Later... < Dagmar> Meh < Dagmar> It won't let me use 15 underscores in a row < thrice`> that's because it can detect lies --, quote #469 Added: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 17:33:11 UTC % < nullboy> Alan_Hicks: you don't love me anymore, do you? < nullboy> i'm not feeling love < ThomasY> nullboy: I do..your side of the bed is made..and waiting < Alan_Hicks> nullboy: That statement is predicated on the belief that I loved you at some point in the past. < ThomasY> Alan_Hicks and nullboy, sitting in a tree... < ThomasY> R-T-F-M-I-N-G.. --, quote #470 Added: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 18:07:35 UTC % 00:48 < Dominian> and it look like mwalling_'s home connection died 00:48 < andarius> mother nature peed on his sat dish 00:49 -!- mwalling [n=mwalling@unaffiliated/mwalling] has joined ##woodchucks 00:49 < andarius> he wiped it off 00:49 < Dominian> lol --, quote #471 Added: Sat, 01 Dec 2007 05:50:04 UTC % (22:35:05) ananke: qartis : your inability to communicate with others in a clear and concise manner is a problem --, quote #472 Added: Sun, 02 Dec 2007 02:56:03 UTC % < fred> BP{k}: When I visit, tell kethry I like meat :p --, quote #474 Added: Mon, 03 Dec 2007 00:06:12 UTC % --> SyntaxError (n00b@EE50485.C7530445.83B1FF74.IP) has joined #linux anyone know a good distro for laptops? the same one you use on your desktop nvm then <-- SyntaxError (n00b@EE50485.C7530445.83B1FF74.IP) has left #linux (Leaving) --, quote #475 Added: Mon, 03 Dec 2007 14:20:21 UTC % < Dagmar> You don't want me messing in kernel-space. < Dagmar> You really don't. < Dagmar> My code either works, or your cat explodes. < Alan_Hicks> Dagmar: What if you were writing code that's supposed to make cats explode? < Dagmar> That *might* cause a temporal singularity --, quote #476 Added: Mon, 03 Dec 2007 20:44:47 UTC % < Dominian> yanking it now < Dominian> er.. cloning it now < Dominian> fsck --, quote #477 Added: Wed, 05 Dec 2007 04:02:33 UTC % < unixfool> noobfarm! < fuzzbawl> that's what she said --, quote #478 Added: Wed, 05 Dec 2007 04:02:34 UTC % pathetic Gargantua, why is that pathetic? One of the biggest problems is cross-platform incompatability. OSX natively running KDE is a big step. shows well for kde devs as well as osx devs that's just a theme man... oh ahahahaha hahaha omg pathetic. --, quote #479 Added: Fri, 07 Dec 2007 03:49:02 UTC % there's mention of openchrome (with instructions), as well as some sundry hacks that you can try why is linux so complicated it is not made for users * mwalling has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) * phao (n=pedro@ has left ##slackware I was never good at philosophy benjsh_, this is not a linux problem, this is a hardware manufacturing and hardware support problem. Via refuses to cooperate with the open source community in a way that efficient and usable drivers can be used in non-windows systems. Blame predatory contracting. As for philosophy, consider Sun Tzu or Thomas Hobbes. --, quote #480 Added: Fri, 07 Dec 2007 03:49:34 UTC % < fred> mwalling_: I've been using a nipple --, quote #481 Added: Fri, 07 Dec 2007 03:49:37 UTC % < briantumor> rh can suck my penis < rickyricon_> There different tastes man, there like comparing a stake with a salas < rickyricon_> salad < Dominian> yeah.. a salad looks good.. but doesn't really fill you up.. but man a steak.. hell you work at it.. but you get a filling feeling when your done.. kind of like Slackware. < rickyricon_> hahaha --, quote #482 Added: Sat, 08 Dec 2007 04:35:28 UTC % <@caker> I like my kernels like I like my women < guinea-pig> bloated and uncrackable? --, quote #483 Added: Sun, 09 Dec 2007 04:55:56 UTC % < macavity> there has been *several moments* today when i was *not* thinking of pron! --, quote #484 Added: Sun, 09 Dec 2007 04:56:01 UTC % < alkos333> macavity: alt+ctrl+Fn? Dagmar said Ctrl+alt+Fn --, quote #485 Added: Sun, 09 Dec 2007 17:41:13 UTC % < mwalling> Invert314: ever done an interpreted language? or are you jumping right into the deepend with C/C++ < Invert314> i gave up on bash < Invert314> it's too hard < Invert314> i figure C will be easier < Invert314> i gave up on PHP too < Invert314> i got one of the SAMs teach yourself PHP in 24 hours < Invert314> i copeid out examples for 200 pages < Invert314> none of it made sense --, quote #486 Added: Wed, 12 Dec 2007 03:45:41 UTC % It's actaully /really/ easy when you learn how to use printf --, quote #487 Added: Wed, 12 Dec 2007 18:51:13 UTC % nachox, all the great things in life are your gf choloforming? does that require a special way to lean? yes gotta lean like a cholo --, quote #488 Added: Thu, 13 Dec 2007 17:49:37 UTC % 12:38 < LoganTheRed> someone fucking dance and entertain me 12:38 < mwalling_> \o/ 12:38 < mwalling_> /o/ 12:38 < mwalling_> \o\ 12:38 < mwalling_> |o| --, quote #489 Added: Thu, 13 Dec 2007 17:49:41 UTC % < fiyawerx> wonder what'll break if i just remove that package -!- fiyawerx [] has quit [Remote closed the connection] --, quote #490 Added: Thu, 13 Dec 2007 17:49:46 UTC % Cops have a bad case of hand fetish, don't they? I mean, the first thing they usually say is "Show me your hands!". (#totse @ --, quote #491 Added: Sat, 15 Dec 2007 15:51:56 UTC % < Busa> im interested to make some small pictures bigger without losing quality, is that possible? --, quote #492 Added: Sun, 16 Dec 2007 15:56:49 UTC % anyone in here know how to reassemble multiple rar files? heatxsink: Go out and buy whatever it is that you pirated? ;) aw geez great heatxsink: I'll tell you what. If you give me your word that you'll make a donation to the EFF *today* to help reform copyright law into something sane, I'll tell you how to extract a split rar file. interesting okay sure First install the unrar utility if you haven't already. Then: unrar e first-file-in-the-set That's it. The command will autodetect all of the subsequent rar files. tahnks donating n9ow Now, use google to find out how to read nfo files instead of asking in #linuxhelp. --, quote #493 Added: Sun, 16 Dec 2007 19:22:03 UTC % i'll get the concord out of its grave yard, and fly it to warwick, parachute out of it, and go chucknoris on your ass --, quote #494 Added: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 18:06:16 UTC % How does reverse DNS lookup work? Since only the IP is given, how does it know which server to contact for the response? osmosis: black voodoo magic --, quote #495 Added: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 21:03:46 UTC % hello, how can I unzip .ISO images? i'm on a slack 12 --, quote #496 Added: Thu, 20 Dec 2007 18:24:03 UTC % * LoganTheRed secks straterra * straterra moans --, quote #497 Added: Thu, 20 Dec 2007 18:24:09 UTC % < guinea-pig> whoa < guinea-pig> i just saved a lot of money on my car insurance <@caker> by switching to Linode < guinea-pig> it's true. <@caker> Linode. So easy, even a guinea-pig can do it --, quote #498 Added: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 15:11:38 UTC % < Rusty1> hardeest part is finding clean workbench space to set up soldering < Peikko> Do you have an ample supply of bandages and burn ointment Rusty1? < Rusty1> soldering paste and heat shrink tubing will work * Rusty1 eyes kitchen stove < Peikko> True < Rusty1> hmm, need to divert wifes attention < Peikko> Give $100 and mention the sale at Walmart. --, quote #499 Added: Mon, 24 Dec 2007 14:30:18 UTC % < ka24> 9,999 times of 1000 it will be default < ka24> plus a zero or so --, quote #500 Added: Mon, 24 Dec 2007 14:30:26 UTC % 15:48 < straterra> Mm..ys I o 15:48 < straterra> do^ 15:49 < macavity> as usual you are not making much sense :P 15:50 < straterra> Yes I am 15:50 < straterra> You are just sober --, quote #501 Added: Wed, 26 Dec 2007 15:17:48 UTC % < Alan_Hicks> kitche: Check your ping times to your default gateway. < kitche> hmm I don't think I can ping my default gateway < Alan_Hicks> Then how are you online? :^) < kitche> my gateway is a router unless you mean the router in Buffalo < Alan_Hicks> kitche: Wait.... Your ISP doesn't give you a public IP address? < Alan_Hicks> tiny: Explain the problem. < kitche> Alan_Hicks: it does but I m behind a router which goes to the main thing < Alan_Hicks> kitche: I mean the main thing. < kitche> hmm I don't know the main router actually ... < Alan_Hicks> kitche: Just pastebin a traceroute. < kitche> mwalling_ well actuallu < kitche> < Alan_Hicks> ping < Alan_Hicks> WTF?! C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator> < Alan_Hicks> kitche: Shame on you! --, quote #502 Added: Fri, 28 Dec 2007 04:28:06 UTC % < mwalling_> anyone want my pickle? < dadexter_laptop> no < Dominian> mwalling_: straterra < mwalling_> they gave it to me at the deli, and i don't want it < dadexter_laptop> they "gave" it to you? < mwalling_> straterra: you want it? < dadexter_laptop> you know... I was born with mine < straterra> Want...what? < mwalling_> straterra: my pickle < dadexter_laptop> mwalling_'s pickle < straterra> I don't eat people's pickels < straterra> Especially not people named Mark < mwalling_> i didn't ask for it, she just stuck it in with my sandwich < straterra> Last time I did that, all the switches in the sever room died..bad day < dadexter_laptop> wait < dadexter_laptop> mwalling_: SHE had a pickle??? < mwalling_> 12:58 < mwalling_> they gave it to me at the deli, and i don't want it < straterra> Ok, Mr. Eddie Murphy < dadexter_laptop> so... SHE stuck HER pickle in your sandwich??? < mwalling_> no < bird603568> :o < mwalling_> not IN my sandwich. < mwalling_> next to my sandwich < straterra> In your mouth? < mwalling_> in the same box < mwalling_> i don't like pickles < dadexter_laptop> me neither < straterra> Is sandwhich a metaphor for your penis..and "same box" a metaphor for your anus? < dadexter_laptop> straterra: i gues < straterra> If so..that makes alot of sense < bird603568> no pickle would be penis < straterra> Duh < dadexter_laptop> but I'm still interested in the fact that SHE had a pickle < mwalling_> yes. < mwalling_> she got it out of a jar < plee> yes.. some people do that < dadexter_laptop> last time I tried to take my pickle off, it hurt for a freakin week < mwalling_> ok < straterra> mwalling_: Hmm... < mwalling_> i'm going to throw out my pickle < straterra> Was it a shaved pickle? < mwalling_> straterra: no, quarted < mwalling_> lengthwise < straterra> Hmm < dadexter_laptop> mwalling_: then you'll be a girl... a pickle-less one!!! < straterra> I'm into that kinky shit < mwalling_> going once! < straterra> mwalling_: ok, I'll take it < mwalling_> ok... how much does perishable shipping cost? < plee> mwalling, nothing if you don't tell anyone < mwalling_> plee: i want straterra to be able to eat my pickle when he gets it < plee> hehe --, quote #504 Added: Fri, 28 Dec 2007 18:08:51 UTC % * LizardKing sss... < cpunches> I don't get it. Why does he slither? < LizardKing> that's why you can't learn C++ - Lizards walk... you slither... --, quote #505 Added: Sun, 30 Dec 2007 20:29:36 UTC % damn, bitch didn't give me a gold crown sticker at halmark Whaaa You better go back and lay the pimp smack down on her yeah, hit her in the face then verbally degrade her then take 3 stickers --, quote #506 Added: Sun, 30 Dec 2007 20:29:51 UTC % < mwalling> Dominian: you're an ass < Dominian> mwalling: how am I an ass now? < mwalling> 10:59 < Dominian> mwalling: I will have DSL by thursday :D < Dominian> oh < thrice`> how many reasons do you want < Dominian> lol < Dominian> hahaha < thrice`> oh < thrice`> ;) < Dominian> mwalling: I was looking into satellite.. by highspeed dialup just isn't for me < Dominian> s/by/but < thrice`> lol --, quote #508 Added: Mon, 31 Dec 2007 16:08:41 UTC % < qkit> morn (10 minutes pass) < eroc> s/morn/moron/ < eroc> alkos333: someone is talking to you. :) --, quote #509 Added: Wed, 02 Jan 2008 04:51:59 UTC % < BP{k}> holy testical thursday --, quote #510 Added: Thu, 03 Jan 2008 09:56:01 UTC % < fred> it's *HUGE* --, quote #511 Added: Thu, 03 Jan 2008 09:56:07 UTC % < straterra> But..I'm in asshole mood today :) --, quote #512 Added: Thu, 03 Jan 2008 20:15:37 UTC % < dTd> I want a girl who can beat me to the center of a toosiepop, not in arm wrestling --, quote #513 Added: Mon, 07 Jan 2008 12:47:54 UTC % < LoganTheRed> I'm in a meeting and someone's talking and I have to cut one. I thought it was going to be an SBD but instead it roars out of the gate, AND we're sitting in leather chairs < LoganTheRed> sorry to be so completely off topic but damn that's one of those moments you feel to have to share --, quote #514 Added: Mon, 07 Jan 2008 22:30:58 UTC % hi every budy im looking for a some one hoe cans help me about linux --, quote #515 Added: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 15:59:14 UTC % Hi all! is there a channel for the DSL (Dmm Small Linux) distribution? I having trouble with booting it from SCSI hard disk etronik: shockingly, it's called #damnsmalllinux RichiH: oops! tahnks, I tried searching but I must have mispelled it :-) thanks np :) --, quote #516 Added: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 15:59:27 UTC % * LoganTheRed humps your leg * straterra moans < straterra> Haaarrrder --, quote #517 Added: Fri, 11 Jan 2008 16:38:40 UTC % < Hikaru> Please answer in the form of a question: hardest substance known to man. < mwalling_> what is diamond? < Hikaru> *bzzt* No. 'What is a lusers skull' --, quote #518 Added: Fri, 11 Jan 2008 16:38:45 UTC % < farabi> I got this error when running svn: < farabi> svn: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory <@fred> install sasl. < farabi> thanks fred --, quote #519 Added: Fri, 11 Jan 2008 20:21:54 UTC % Logan: can i remove with pkgtool old KDE 3.5* and install the new? yes you could you just have to build the new where can i find 4.0 tgz packet? * Marcus_ ( has joined ##slackware not anywhere afaik. as stated, you have to build it yourself. i have not seen any .tgz's yet. Milencho: be patient good idea, i will wait a week ;] or two and if you do wait you can just do upgradepkg or remove and installpkg whichever i'm noob to install KDE if is not tgz packet i will wait ;) Milencho: you do realize KDE 4.0.0 is not complete yet and may have serious bugs/uncomplete/unimplemented code ? but there are already some packages available by mytux it installs to /opt Marcus_: you can't make packages of stuff that is not there. ie .. kdepim of course you can. you know svn? yes, in that way you can :P Marcus_: that site is not in english or i don't see an en. i would just like to read what they did if anything important on there. I would like to see .SlackBuilds to be honest :) its your choice. perhaps i am going to set up an translated version of this site i think the best choise is to waitin slack 12.1 with kde 4.0 ;]] i am not sure if pv will already include it? I will be stunned and shocked if he did. I will ditch slackware if he did. ayaz: I won't but I will drop KDE and go xfce --, quote #521 Added: Sun, 13 Jan 2008 16:51:36 UTC % 16:21 -!- BlackSunrise [] has joined #debian 16:21 < BlackSunrise> hey 16:21 < BlackSunrise> cansomeone help me 16:21 < lamby> !ask 16:21 < dpkg> If you have a question, just ask! For example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. when I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, or if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask (ask the whole channel!). We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer, ask later or ask ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16:21 < BlackSunrise> !ask wine 16:22 < BlackSunrise> hmmn --, quote #522 Added: Sun, 13 Jan 2008 16:51:50 UTC % -!- eilart1 [n=matteo@] has joined #amarok < eilart1> This feature is only available to subscribers < eilart1> but i'm a lastfm subscriber < eilart1> and username and password are correct, if i go in the site i login < emunkki> what the heck are you talking about? < eilart1> amarok < hurra> 0o < emunkki> uhm... < fred> /o\\ --, quote #523 Added: Sun, 13 Jan 2008 16:53:03 UTC % < lamby> Gentoo, my dear boy, is simply an OS for child molesters. --, quote #524 Added: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 01:01:00 UTC % ( DaSkreech) M.C. Escher ( DaSkreech) He's my favourite M.C. ( Qrawl_) the steps guy ( Qrawl_) didnt he work on the Windows registry --, quote #525 Added: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 00:53:34 UTC % < rworkman> It's like those warning messages about "do not use in shower" that they put on hair dryers. They wouldn't be there if some dumbass hadn't done it. < PanzerMKZ_> or the people that complain there is no stop direction on the rinse and repeat < rworkman> PanzerMKZ_: who did that? They should still be washing. See? People don't follow directions. < rworkman> Give that person a hair dryer already. --, quote #526 Added: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 00:53:50 UTC % ( nullboy) i stay away from vista like it was ebola --, quote #527 Added: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 00:53:52 UTC % < ainrout> is linux another type of ubuntu, or is it just a "kernel"? --, quote #528 Added: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 00:53:54 UTC % < JKWood> Have to walk carefully... don't want to get tubgirled. < straterra> Speak for yourself --, quote #529 Added: Thu, 17 Jan 2008 16:49:01 UTC % < Dagmar> "I am stupid as a rock" < Dagmar> I beat my head on this issue for two hours straight one night about fifteen years ago before I realized my idiocy --, quote #530 Added: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 21:19:44 UTC % < thrice`> what does dagmar even do for a living? < mwalling_> not sure < mwalling_> but he works night shifts < straterra> IRC server tester --, quote #531 Added: Sat, 19 Jan 2008 02:22:22 UTC % < UFOzx> hi all < straterra> hi < UFOzx> how do you live < straterra> i eat...drink..sleep < UFOzx> are you from america :) ? < straterra> have occassional sex < straterra> yes.. < UFOzx> )) i'm too < straterra> how do you live? < UFOzx> but i'm from russia < UFOzx> how life in america :) ? * mwalling points out that this isn't AOL chatrooms.... < straterra> mwalling: asl? < straterra> arent affiliated with chris hanson, are you? --, quote #532 Added: Sat, 19 Jan 2008 20:17:26 UTC % < straterra> "Look at me..I'm a certified Linux admin..but..i don't know what screen does!" < mwalling> hehehe < vbatts> ha < StevenR> straterra: that screen displays whatever is sent to it * CaptObviousman face palms --, quote #533 Added: Sat, 19 Jan 2008 23:00:34 UTC % < alan_hicks> I'm a bottom-up kind of person. --, quote #534 Added: Sun, 20 Jan 2008 00:36:43 UTC % < nullboy> is it safe to interrupt e2fsck -f ? < CaptObviousman> would you interrupt your parents while they were fscking? --, quote #536 Added: Mon, 21 Jan 2008 04:40:42 UTC % < Alan_Hicks> And FWIW, AI flying (including take-off and landing) is a lot easier than you may think. < Dagmar> Yeah, it's the making sense of 4,000 planes in the air at once, all going in different directions that gets ugly < Alan_Hicks> True. < Alan_Hicks> Wonder how well those Predator drones would work in a country filled with airplanes? < Dagmar> Alan_Hicks: Considering they can shoot down data they don't like? --, quote #537 Added: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 05:15:11 UTC % 11:30 < mwalling_> 4) I'm wearing pants 11:30 < straterra> 5) I want to de-pants mark o.O --, quote #538 Added: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 16:32:17 UTC % < Alan_Hicks> samoshit: Optionally, you could pay me to do this for you. I make a very good living getting paid to do things other people don't want to do. < samoshit> Alan_Hicks software should be freeeee < straterra> Alan_Hicks: I make good money on that premise..fat ladies need love too! < mwalling_> straterra: DAMN YOU * mwalling_ goes to get yet another keyboard --, quote #539 Added: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 18:55:26 UTC % < DexterF> sh!t. anyone knwo the current LinuxPackages ftp serv address? < Alan_Hicks> < Alan_Hicks> That's not right, but at least it has more useful content. --, quote #540 Added: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 21:30:49 UTC % I'm pretty buff like in turtle wax ? --, quote #541 Added: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 21:30:54 UTC % < Dagmar> I weigh about 8 lbs less than that and I still sink like a rock in a pool < Dagmar> Not enough body fat versus bone density < andarius> dont feel bad Dagmar, i sink as well < cpunches> i float < straterra> cpunches: most peices of crap do --, quote #542 Added: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 21:31:07 UTC % < straterra> mwalling_: Can you speak 56k? < W|GGL|T> ATDT < Alan_Hicks> ATDH < mwalling_> SKAWEEESH < straterra> KKSSSSHHHSHSHHSSSHHH < mwalling_> BEDOO BE DOO < W|GGL|T> lol < straterra> DadoooDOOOOOOO < mwalling_> KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH < W|GGL|T> < rob0_> NO CARRIER < mwalling_> BWANK BEDOOP KSSSHHH < straterra> KKSsssSSSSHSsssHHHH Doooooo dooo DOOOO KSSSHHHSSSSs BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP < straterra> Welcome to the Year 1999. --, quote #543 Added: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 05:37:44 UTC % < slackerpete> phrag, its so small --, quote #544 Added: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 11:49:14 UTC % < Alan_Hicks> You can take an old sweaty show tongue, batter and fry it and I'll eat it. --, quote #545 Added: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 11:49:16 UTC % <@zx64> You think maybe apache works on OSX anyway? <@serclappie> no it wont i believe <@serclappie> oh and additionally <@serclappie> its Leopard <@serclappie> not OSX --, quote #546 Added: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 17:55:14 UTC % 15:16 < bercik> is /dev-libs/boost doing something to make my programs faster? --, quote #547 Added: Sat, 26 Jan 2008 04:39:04 UTC % the last time someone on irc said. hey check this out, it was a picture of some guy opening up his butthole --, quote #548 Added: Sat, 26 Jan 2008 04:39:11 UTC % < SiFuh_> They say when you play a Microsoft CD backwards you can hear satanic messages... but that's nothing, if you play it forward it will install Windows! --, quote #549 Added: Sun, 27 Jan 2008 18:08:54 UTC % < mwalling> IM IN LOVE!!!! < mwalling> --, quote #550 Added: Sun, 27 Jan 2008 18:08:56 UTC % macavity humps fred --, quote #551 Added: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 13:38:35 UTC % < phrag> what just happened --, quote #552 Added: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 13:38:37 UTC % 22:19 < straterra> CS:S 22:19 < W|GGL|T> so do i 22:19 < W|GGL|T> i'm just VERY picky on what servers i join 22:19 < straterra> you should let me pwn you 22:19 < straterra> ya 22:20 < W|GGL|T> you on the pill? cuz you're gonna get ravaged 22:20 < straterra> Touche...and yes, I am --, quote #553 Added: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 13:38:44 UTC % < straterra> I love this laptop stand < LoganTheRed> straterra: what is it? < Dominian> They call it the "erection" --, quote #554 Added: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 19:48:13 UTC % < nullboy> fuck this sun thing < mwalling_> nullboy: dont do that, you could cut your penis < nullboy> the LOM port is NOICE < Dominian> heh < Dominian> Didy ou get in finally? < nullboy> nope < nullboy> i'm doing the LOM port < nullboy> with heat transfer grease too --, quote #555 Added: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 19:48:16 UTC % < theLichKing> i also wants to find the derivative of d/dx arccos(3x + 2) ? < Alan_Hicks> theLichKing: 42 < theLichKing> Alan_Hicks: are you sure? i believe it shouldn't be a real number < Alan_Hicks> The answer is definitely 42 < theLichKing> Alan_Hicks: ok thanks guys < Alan_Hicks> You're welcome. --, quote #556 Added: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 22:52:13 UTC % < myke54142> sniping is a valid strategy --, quote #557 Added: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 23:04:53 UTC % < myke54142> wow pat's a big old hippie --, quote #558 Added: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 23:04:58 UTC % < DOLLY> i want know waht i must do now < rworkman> Hari Kari --, quote #559 Added: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 20:30:04 UTC % < dadexter_laptop> who the hell installed emacs on my laptop --, quote #560 Added: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 20:56:19 UTC % <@Dagmar> God wouldn't use Qt <@Dagmar> Satan might. --, quote #561 Added: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 21:00:55 UTC % < myke54142> if your christian edition breaks, just put it in the basement for 3 days and it'll work again --, quote #562 Added: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 21:32:14 UTC % < straterra> "The ChristOS 2.0 now released! Just in time for nuclear holocaust! Jesus's return now runs kernel 2.6.24..." --, quote #563 Added: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 21:32:30 UTC % whats the rpm command to overwrite WIldnQIk: don't be lazy, read the man page :b tell me WIldnQIk: man rpm --, quote #564 Added: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 14:39:16 UTC % NopaTop-: who is "linux" in your idea? opertinicy_ well its GNU, stallman and the other jews jews should be banned from opensource movement, all they want to do is make money from it like stallman? why won't he take the xemac patches? because they wont make him money to further the zionist agenda I am reading about BSD, it seems it was some early linux code fork by gays?!?! WTF --, quote #565 Added: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 14:39:28 UTC % < straterra> I've found that i actually enjoy condoms.. --, quote #566 Added: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 14:43:54 UTC % Dominian: I bet swiftdove runs on Slackware 96 --, quote #567 Added: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 16:44:22 UTC % < cathectic> I suspect removing the 'patch' package would radically improve Debian overnight. --, quote #568 Added: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 16:57:32 UTC % (Brian is a coworker) Straterra: I thought up a name for my to-do project Straterra: STD Brian: stuff to do? Straterra: Stands for...wait for it...Simple To-Do Straterra: though..stuff to do sounds better Brian: I like mine better. :) Straterra: I do too Straterra: I think I shall steal it Brian: How about Stuff to Friggin Undertake? Straterra: lol Straterra: Dude Straterra: Rename RT that Brian: STFU would rock Straterra: Straterra: "did you submit that to STFU?" --, quote #569 Added: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 19:17:40 UTC % < straterra> COME ON ::: straterra whines < straterra> Come ooooonnnn < acidchild> bitch < fred> straterra's my bitch. < straterra> And i enjoy every second of it, big boy < straterra> we're the same know..we could date < fred> Distance is an issue. --, quote #570 Added: Thu, 31 Jan 2008 00:29:07 UTC % < TeMagic> !ask <+SUSEhelp> Don't ask to ask, just ask :) (and try to explain exactly what the problem is, which openSUSE version you're using, on what architecture, etc...) < TeMagic> !ask I'm using openSUSE 10.3 on my Dell XPS M1330 laptop... But I can't seem to get the Intel 3945 wireless to work on my systen, hence no internet and no updates... < TeMagic> nobody knows? < TeMagic> too bad, guess I'll get ubuntu then. Thanks anyway < TeMagic> bye --, quote #571 Added: Fri, 01 Feb 2008 13:00:05 UTC % < rg3_> denying a fresh installed slackware is not exactly a fully functional computer is pretty dumb by itself, in my humble opinion --, quote #572 Added: Sun, 03 Feb 2008 16:11:46 UTC % us & ca universities > You are all invited to us & ca universities huh? gee, thanks. are you going to pay my tuition? ;) USCA: you're too kind ;) so whom exactly do i put in the field "pays for everything"? --, quote #573 Added: Sun, 03 Feb 2008 16:11:55 UTC % I accidentally added a slash infront of root while editing the /etc/passwd file is there anyway to fix this now that I doesn't recognize a root account? --, quote #574 Added: Sun, 03 Feb 2008 16:12:03 UTC % 02:56 < exile777> yeah i ssh my moms ubuntu all the time 02:56 < exile777> even though its less than 10 feet from me 02:57 < macavity> MOM?!?.... now i know where i my taste for goat pron comes from... but i wish i didnt!! ;-) 02:57 < exile777> rofl --, quote #575 Added: Sun, 03 Feb 2008 16:12:11 UTC % < Astiv> what's the future of asm? < lleksah> lol < lleksah> nice one < lleksah> 8/10 --, quote #576 Added: Sun, 03 Feb 2008 19:01:25 UTC % < AbsTradELic> fred: sending by dcc <@fred> That may be what you think, but my firewall disagrees. --, quote #577 Added: Sun, 03 Feb 2008 19:07:19 UTC % < patba1> i'm pretty sure this laptop will get me laid sooner or later --, quote #578 Added: Mon, 04 Feb 2008 15:50:06 UTC % < obelus> if lua is written in C, how can it support things that C does not, like closures, tail call eliminations, etc.? --, quote #579 Added: Tue, 05 Feb 2008 18:20:08 UTC % could someone help me? my laptop does not turn on and i cannot figure out why --, quote #580 Added: Thu, 07 Feb 2008 02:56:50 UTC % lol, what is this samba? --, quote #581 Added: Thu, 07 Feb 2008 02:56:54 UTC % < fred> IA64 -> x86-64: < fred> I made you a 64-bit processor < fred> But I eated it. --, quote #583 Added: Thu, 07 Feb 2008 16:18:14 UTC % < rob0> Dominian: TMI: 16:19 < Dominian> straterra: I had it up last night you dork :) --, quote #584 Added: Thu, 07 Feb 2008 16:21:27 UTC % < straterra> You have a woman < straterra> Make her make us some drinks! < rob0> yes, splendid idea * straterra has a woman too < straterra> Just..not in yelling distance < straterra> Dominian: ping --, quote #585 Added: Fri, 08 Feb 2008 01:02:10 UTC % < SiegeX6> while :; do for i in {1..5}; do for j in {1..12}; do echo -n "Badger "; done; ((i!=5)) && echo -n "Mushroom Mushroom "; done; echo -e "\nA Snake, a snake, snake, a snake, oh it's a snake\n"; done --, quote #586 Added: Fri, 08 Feb 2008 16:21:36 UTC % < rworkman> Hmm... what's wrong with laying pipe to some good cat? --, quote #587 Added: Fri, 08 Feb 2008 19:23:53 UTC % * rworkman opens his robe and shows his pointy hat. --, quote #588 Added: Sat, 09 Feb 2008 01:55:09 UTC % hi what is the deffrence between tcp and Udp ? --, quote #589 Added: Sat, 09 Feb 2008 21:34:26 UTC % < rworkman> man 8 buttplug --, quote #590 Added: Sun, 10 Feb 2008 06:37:36 UTC % < MaximoSlackinMac> fork bombing.. is that from the buttplug man page? --, quote #591 Added: Sun, 10 Feb 2008 06:40:20 UTC % < MaximoSlackinMac> have you guys seen Dirt on FX? < MaximoSlackinMac> jeebus.. damn near softcore porn --, quote #592 Added: Sun, 10 Feb 2008 06:48:08 UTC % as far as I know it doesn't but I'm not possible --, quote #593 Added: Sun, 10 Feb 2008 16:11:07 UTC % < fred> Please rephrase that as a question that makes sense :) --, quote #594 Added: Mon, 11 Feb 2008 13:56:10 UTC % < demian__> a question @ all: my hoster just told me that my amanda backups fail, because on directory contains more than 400.000 files .. might that be the reason? --, quote #595 Added: Mon, 11 Feb 2008 14:58:06 UTC % < Dominian> great.. < Dominian> now this guy is arguing with me about these rails fitting in a relay rack configuration < Dominian> THEY WONT FIT ASSHOLE just LISTEN TO ME> < Dominian> Send me non-versarails < eelriver> Ask him if his boyfriends cock fits in his asshole sideways < Dominian> lol < Dominian> lmfao < thrice> lol --, quote #596 Added: Mon, 11 Feb 2008 14:58:27 UTC % < whythehell> I nearly lost 10% of my left middle finger yetsterday. Which makes typing Es a little tingly. < whythehell> Fortunately, only 1 in 26 of my variable names has an e in it. --, quote #597 Added: Mon, 11 Feb 2008 19:24:54 UTC % < Dominian> !topic remove 6 <@Chuckbot> Dominian: Error: '5' is not a valid topic number. --, quote #598 Added: Mon, 11 Feb 2008 22:32:13 UTC % < straterra> This slackware is 10x better the one on Freenodd! < straterra> freenode^ < straterra> better and smarter? < rworkman> Well, it was. ;-) --, quote #599 Added: Mon, 11 Feb 2008 22:32:14 UTC % JKWood: true, but still more trouble than i would fiddle with Most people fiddle with a bow. Your idea is intriguing; can I join your mailing list? only if you can string an inode :P we have standrads :) but spelling is not one of them ;) --, quote #600 Added: Tue, 12 Feb 2008 01:20:47 UTC % < Alan_Hicks> Because it ain't a lemon party without that citris burn where the sun doesn't shine. < JKWood> Urrr... < rob0> oooooooh that burns --, quote #601 Added: Tue, 12 Feb 2008 05:35:40 UTC % isnt rmuser a linux standard command? i need to remove a user from my ubuntu system --, quote #602 Added: Tue, 12 Feb 2008 05:35:42 UTC % i dont feel like shopping online for sperm figure i'll try the old fashion way it seems more fun --, quote #603 Added: Tue, 12 Feb 2008 13:00:54 UTC % < naji-> whats this => cannot find -lz < naji-> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status < naji-> whats lz? < Dagmar> A sign that you foolishly opted not to install zlib. < naji-> it wasnt me i swear --, quote #604 Added: Tue, 12 Feb 2008 13:14:07 UTC % < ams> mattl: no, has emacs been released in thepast 2 years? <@mattl> ams: yes. < ams> it has? <@mattl> ams: YOU DON'T KNOW THIS? YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE THE RELEASE MANAGER?! <@mattl> ams: seriously. step down. <@mattl> ams: kindly step down from the GNU project and let a more capable release manager, like... anyone, do it. --, quote #605 Added: Tue, 12 Feb 2008 17:36:55 UTC % From #gnu: ams: you really need to lighten up ams: j00bar: like maybe go out a bit, and meet people... baughj: now that's comedy baughj: ams saying j00bar needs to get out more and meet people j00bar: yes. i'm such epic fail. *sigh* ams: then we are three ams: mattl is even worse than us! amalgamated: is it me, or is making fun of a GNU hacker for lacking a social life kinda like making fun of a kid with downs syndrome for drooling? --, quote #606 Added: Tue, 12 Feb 2008 20:47:08 UTC % 16:14 <+rworkman> Purino diet - long story short: I was in Wal-Mart checking out. I picked up the 50lb bag of dog food and put it on the counter, and the woman behind me says "You have a dog?" I couldn't resist. <+rworkman> Me: "Nope. I'm getting back on the Purina diet. I used to weigh over 250lbs, and as you see, I lost about 60 lbs on it." She says, "You look like you lost more than that." <+rworkman> Me: "Oh yea, well, I lost another 30 in the hospital - just got out last week." <+rworkman> Her: "Oh, the dog food is toxic?" Me: "No." <+rworkman> "I was sitting in the middle of the road licking my ass, and a car hit me" --, quote #607 Added: Tue, 12 Feb 2008 21:19:51 UTC % I've exactly zero printing mojo. --, quote #608 Added: Tue, 12 Feb 2008 22:10:39 UTC % 22:03 < Odd_Bloke> Return statement considered harmful. --, quote #609 Added: Tue, 12 Feb 2008 22:10:42 UTC % < JKWood> Woah... fred, if you were a girl, I'd likely ask you out. --, quote #610 Added: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 00:09:06 UTC % maybe olefowdie had trouble unzipping? --, quote #611 Added: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 00:09:13 UTC % < clarjon1> Hurd is the kernel I was talking about... < clarjon1> So, what benefits might I get from that one? < fophillips> Urm... < fophillips> No hardware support? < fred> clarjon1: simpler hardware choices. --, quote #612 Added: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 00:42:17 UTC % Moving that must be like a proctate exam by Captain hook --, quote #613 Added: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 04:48:49 UTC % gore_ : if you think that i think of you when i go to bed, you should guess again --, quote #614 Added: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 04:48:55 UTC % rob0, why couldn't you have piped up before I noobfarmed that? sorry I'm slow tonight wtf is a noobfarm? gore_ : that's where you become famous think of it as celebrity rehab wtf for? Just go there already and you'll see. :) Celebrty rehab? Yep. A bunch of yuppies with a lot of money going on TV to show the public they're sorry they know how to have fun You're not famous yet, although you will be. --, quote #615 Added: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 04:49:18 UTC % you guys saying i don't say dumb shit? i think you all lie --, quote #616 Added: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 05:11:17 UTC % hi, does anyone know if it's possible to change the location of my external ip? how can i configure my router to connect to a proxy server? --, quote #617 Added: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 05:20:52 UTC % hm.. I want to play temple of elemental evil, or rome total war, or dungeon siege 2, or kotor, warhammr dark crusade, but I'm not sure whch to play :( and not sure which performs best on slackware, been a while since I setup wine for it --, quote #619 Added: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 09:01:33 UTC % < NopaTop> whats the point in ipv6 actually? < NopaTop> why did they not just extend ipv4 < NopaTop> etc? < NopaTop> people bitch that ipv4 address space is full < NopaTop> but i've never seen 999.999.999.999 < NopaTop> it seems stupid to only use 255 numbers when you have 999 < NopaTop> just patch ifconfig to allow 999? ... < NopaTop> [S+Z] Unknown command: /PART < NopaTop> what is part supposed to do? < NopaTop> humm i dunno how i leave a channel < NopaTop> i've never had to do it before < NopaTop> normally i get kicked and/or banned --, quote #620 Added: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 16:59:39 UTC % < danopia`school> is IRC = email? --, quote #621 Added: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 17:47:30 UTC % -!- BadgerBOT [choob@localhost] has quit [Quit: Java or Debian has fucked up, again. See you in a bit!] --, quote #622 Added: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 18:53:37 UTC % < skibur> Any slackbuild for viewing logs all-in-one App? <+rob0> echo -e '*.*\t\t\t/dev/tty12' >> /etc/syslog.conf ; /etc/rc.d/rc.syslog restart ; chvt 12 <+rob0> My way is not the same as that. Some syslog(3) input is not written to files. <+Alan_Hicks> I'm a big proponent of rob0's method, only I go a little bit further. <+rworkman> I don't read logs. If the system is still running, nothing bad has happened. ;-) --, quote #623 Added: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 21:31:52 UTC % i have old hardware, there's no reason for things not to work! --, quote #624 Added: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 21:31:56 UTC % dammit, why do i always have to help the helpless i'm like angel, with no buffy just do what i do "i don't think i can help you any longer." <3 and who doesn't want a hot, nubile blonde girl around? especially with a hot, nubile, brunette sister and a hot, nubile, bisexual, redheaded friend you know I was going to say something, but after reading the last three lines, I've no idea what it was I wondered why it suddenly got very quiet in here did someone say bisexual female? --, quote #625 Added: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 21:32:01 UTC % < dadexter_laptop> he's your mom < straterra> That joke sucked more than Paris Hilton trying to get a snake venom out of her random lovers love-parts --, quote #626 Added: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 21:32:07 UTC % * |xenonex_| (n=xenonex@ has joined ##slackware * nsoong (n=nsoong@unaffiliated/nsoong) has joined ##slackware * Frost^ ( has joined ##slackware * svip ( has joined ##slackware * gives channel operator status to slackboy * Zosma ( has joined ##slackware * protoCall7 (n=protoCal@ has joined ##slackware * fuzzix ( has joined ##slackware * byteframe (n=bytefram@ has joined ##slackware * dive ( has joined ##slackware * skibur (n=skibur@ has joined ##slackware * The-spiki (n=spiki@ has joined ##slackware * NetrixTardis ( has joined ##slackware * shapermechanist (n=syman@ has joined ##slackware * qeed ( has joined ##slackware * merp (n=merpcon@ has joined ##slackware * tltstc ( has joined ##slackware * gar0t0 (n=gar0t0@unaffiliated/gar0t0) has joined ##slackware * clavius (n=clavius@unaffiliated/clavius) has joined ##slackware * gejr_ (n=geo@unaffiliated/gejr) has joined ##slackware * ImmutableDark ( has joined ##slackware * Soul_keeper ( has joined ##slackware * Kaapa ( has joined ##slackware * KillerV ( has joined ##slackware * spmd (n=loli@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/CAcert.Assurer.spymod) has joined ##slackware * asteroid_ (n=asteroid@unaffiliated/asteroid) has joined ##slackware * kaziekama ( has joined ##slackware * nicop ( has joined ##slackware * CaptObviousman (n=captom@unaffiliated/captobviousman) has joined ##slackware * slackerpete ( has joined ##slackware * Hermaniette ( has joined ##slackware * inakieeeg (i=0@ has joined ##slackware * diabel- ( has joined ##slackware * cng (n=cng@unaffiliated/cng) has joined ##slackware * reallove (n=dan@unaffiliated/reallove) has joined ##slackware * Dominian (i=dominian@unaffiliated/dominian) has joined ##slackware * HEXerium ( has joined ##slackware * chackal_sjc ( has joined ##slackware * lmao2k ( has joined ##slackware * mako-dono (i=1000@ has joined ##slackware * NightTiger ( has joined ##slackware * slakmagik (n=j@unaffiliated/slakmagik) has joined ##slackware * OffPlanet ( has joined ##slackware * redtricycle ( has joined ##slackware * biggahed (n=biggahed@ has joined ##slackware * MakubeX (i=hacker@2001:5c0:84dc:1:2:0:0:39) has joined ##slackware * The_Big ( has joined ##slackware * dutche- (n=dutche@ has joined ##slackware * hohoxnes (i=0@ has joined ##slackware * gl00m ( has joined ##slackware * tiny (n=tiny@unaffiliated/tiny) has joined ##slackware * rignes ( has joined ##slackware * dadexter_ ( has joined ##slackware * mykilx ( has joined ##slackware * Grassoft (n=Grassoft@ has joined ##slackware * emma ( has joined ##slackware * mrtimbo (n=timbo@unaffiliated/mrtimbo) has joined ##slackware * jota- (n=jota@ has joined ##slackware * ceil420 ( has joined ##slackware * Shaman286 (n=lucas@ has joined ##slackware * errordeveloper ( has joined ##slackware * mingdao (n=mingdao@unaffiliated/mingdao) has joined ##slackware * drijen ( has joined ##slackware * z` ( has joined ##slackware * d00m1001 ( has joined ##slackware * Xires (n=Xires@ has joined ##slackware * _UnDerWoRld_ (n=_UnDerWo@ has joined ##slackware * galac (i=1000@ has joined ##slackware * CygnusX1 (n=CygnusX1@unaffiliated/cygnusx1) has joined ##slackware * Catoptromancy ( has joined ##slackware * edman007 ( has joined ##slackware * jpipkin ( has joined ##slackware * phrag (n=phrag@unaffiliated/phrag) has joined ##slackware * dramz ( has joined ##slackware * tjm ( has joined ##slackware * bird603568 ( has joined ##slackware * straterra (i=straterr@unaffiliated/straterra) has joined ##slackware * [D-Coy]Adam ( has joined ##slackware * mod (n=mo@ has joined ##slackware * e5150 (n=e5150@ has joined ##slackware * fiyawerx ( has joined ##slackware * fred (n=fred@slamd64/fred) has joined ##slackware * bgeddy ( has joined ##slackware * AlexElliott ( has joined ##slackware * acidchil1 ( has joined ##slackware * zounds ( has joined ##slackware * aedigital ( has joined ##slackware * ZMR (n=zmonge@ has joined ##slackware * smps (n=maher@ has joined ##slackware * AbortRetryFail ( has joined ##slackware * thrice` (n=thrice@unaffiliated/thrice/x-000000001) has joined ##slackware * StevenR ( has joined ##slackware * dngr ( has joined ##slackware * spiko ( has joined ##slackware * impl0sion ( has joined ##slackware * spook_ ( has joined ##slackware * thumbs ( has joined ##slackware * nix_chix0r ( has joined ##slackware * myke54142 ( has joined ##slackware * PeanutHorst (n=peanutlx@unaffiliated/midnightcommando) has joined ##slackware * TwinReverb (n=robert@unaffiliated/twinreverb) has joined ##slackware * Shingoshi ( has joined ##slackware * GotenXiao (n=goten@ has joined ##slackware * Whatisruleone (n=wiro@unaffiliated/whatisruleone) has joined ##slackware * Fatb0y ( has joined ##slackware * hikarutilmitt ( has joined ##slackware * gartt ( has joined ##slackware * Part` ( has joined ##slackware * tewmten ( has joined ##slackware * cathectic (n=cathecti@slamd64/cathectic) has joined ##slackware * ccfreak2k ( has joined ##slackware * cap0ne ( has joined ##slackware * starbrze (n=dani@ has joined ##slackware * LSD` ( has joined ##slackware * Glavata ( has joined ##slackware * SiegeX (i=99@unaffiliated/siegex) has joined ##slackware * Hobbes ( has joined ##slackware * jaskorpe ( has joined ##slackware * fAu ( has joined ##slackware * uSlacker (n=gmartin@ has joined ##slackware * eltt0s ( has joined ##slackware * maddler ( has joined ##slackware * Mellar ( has joined ##slackware * slackmag1c ( has joined ##slackware * Richlv (n=rich@ has joined ##slackware * crn_ (n=crn@ has joined ##slackware * rachael ( has joined ##slackware * cythrawll ( has joined ##slackware * HeatHawk[LI] ( has joined ##slackware * stunix ( has joined ##slackware * death-row (n=pierre@ has joined ##slackware * kethry (n=kethry@unaffiliated/kethry) has joined ##slackware * Mantislav (n=mantas@ has joined ##slackware * roxazer ( has joined ##slackware * jam3s- (i=james@ has joined ##slackware * littlebir ( has joined ##slackware * [loy] (n=nobody@ has joined ##slackware * Stx (i=stx@freenode/staff/stx) has joined ##slackware * theblackbox ( has joined ##slackware * rapid (n=rapid@unaffiliated/rapid) has joined ##slackware * godattach (n=g0dattac@unaffiliated/godattach) has joined ##slackware * groo (n=root@unaffiliated/groo) has joined ##slackware * SuN ( has joined ##slackware * vbatts ( has joined ##slackware * hnaz_ ( has joined ##slackware * goofeedude ( has joined ##slackware * Drgb (n=berserk@ has joined ##slackware * th00ry ( has joined ##slackware * PredaKing ( has joined ##slackware * anrxc ( has joined ##slackware * rworkman ( has joined ##slackware * Dagmar (i=dagmar@unaffiliated/dagmar) has joined ##slackware * gore_ ( has joined ##slackware * kloeri (i=kloeri@freenode/staff/kloeri) has joined ##slackware * Southern ( has joined ##slackware * kevlinux ( has joined ##slackware * neotoma ( has joined ##slackware * jdetring ( has joined ##slackware * ananke ( has joined ##slackware * Badlaa ( has joined ##slackware * Dominus ( has joined ##slackware * snewp (n=snewp@unaffiliated/snewp) has joined ##slackware * sid77 ( has joined ##slackware * kaot ( has joined ##slackware * kop ( has joined ##slackware * majikman ( has joined ##slackware * johnh51 ( has joined ##slackware * MacIver (n=blah@ has joined ##slackware * jolts ( has joined ##slackware * Patzy ( has joined ##slackware * bennymack ( has joined ##slackware * Urgleflogue (n=plamen@ has joined ##slackware * Packeteer ( has joined ##slackware * BadAtom (n=BadAtom@supporter/active/BadAtom) has joined ##slackware * W|GG-Laptop (n=ron@about/slackware/wigglit) has joined ##slackware * gregsparc ( has joined ##slackware * Agent86 (n=chris@gentoo/user/Agent86) has joined ##slackware * holon ( has joined ##slackware * Superbaloo ( has joined ##slackware * elektr1k ( has joined ##slackware * fxer ( has joined ##slackware * ataxic ( has joined ##slackware * sally (n=sally@pdpc/supporter/active/sally) has joined ##slackware * PiterPunk ( has joined ##slackware * qartis ( has joined ##slackware * bennymack-work (n=benb@ has joined ##slackware * pragma_ ( has joined ##slackware * Meckafett ( has joined ##slackware * pcd ( has joined ##slackware * mogunus (n=marco@ has joined ##slackware * ArmOrAttAk (n=armoratt@unaffiliated/armorattak) has joined ##slackware * hufnus ( has joined ##slackware * Ebola (i=ebola@unaffiliated/ebola) has joined ##slackware * Alan_Hicks ( has joined ##slackware * Matt (i=matt@freenode/staff/matt) has joined ##slackware * chii (i=chii@freenode/bot/chii) has joined ##slackware * felipe ( has joined ##slackware * ph|ber (n=phiber@ has joined ##slackware * Man_of_Wax ( has joined ##slackware * rob0 ( has joined ##slackware * nnewton (n=nnewton@osuosl/staff/nnewton) has joined ##slackware you bastards where the hell have you all been --, quote #627 Added: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 23:11:04 UTC % < mwalling_> question asked... lets see how long until i get my ass hole reamed out --, quote #628 Added: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 23:47:50 UTC % < andarius> mcedit ... real men use vim :P < nullboy> the tun/tap setup gives the guest its own IP on the same subnet as the host OS < evilfourzero> eelriver: yes < rob0> s/JKWood/smart-aleck/ < JKWood> Not this again... -!- JKWood is now known as smart-aleck < rob0> WOW it worked!! < nullboy> lmao < andarius> mv smart-aleck /dev/null ? -!- smart-aleck [] has quit ["Termination connected"] < andarius> sweet < rob0> That worked too! < Buggaboo> What worked? < rob0> mv smart-aleck /dev/null --, quote #629 Added: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 23:47:59 UTC % JKWood, horse porn is not well suited for mysql, you should move the binary data out of the DB, only store the meta-data and the info needed to find the files the DB, the binary horse porn should be on the filesystem --, quote #630 Added: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 02:19:45 UTC % < JKWood> And THAT'S going in noobfarm... just as soon as I finish rofl --, quote #631 Added: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 02:19:47 UTC % < straterra> macavity: I like my gentoo similiar to how I like my S&M sessions..long, drawn out, and painful just to realize my efforts were fruitless --, quote #632 Added: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 02:19:48 UTC % what was the first unix OS? minix? --, quote #633 Added: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 04:20:19 UTC % < emma> what are the advantages of slackware? < nullboy> emma: control < charle97> emma: control < macavity> emma: control < JKWood> emma: control < emma> wow you guys like control! < rworkman> emma: yes we do. Now go fix me a glass of tea. --, quote #634 Added: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 04:20:26 UTC % Oh I disagree. Find the one you like, learn it, stick with it. rob0: assholes? --, quote #635 Added: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 04:20:31 UTC % I would probably have taken it out of somebody's ass. --, quote #636 Added: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 04:20:34 UTC % * fred is a fan of /boot/ponies --, quote #637 Added: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 15:49:59 UTC % * acidchild has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) and .. a bus just drove by again --, quote #638 Added: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 21:05:02 UTC % movies in ascci is a compelling reason to use Linux. --, quote #639 Added: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 11:16:58 UTC % is there something I can run that will show what physical memory modules are installed without needing to pop the case open and look? --, quote #640 Added: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 11:17:00 UTC % how to make adept package manager use a proxy for downloading updates? in kubuntu Picachoo : you asked the same question in #linux. at least show some curtesy, and wait for answers there --, quote #641 Added: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 11:17:05 UTC % hi, can someone tell me how do i upgrade the bash package? --, quote #642 Added: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 11:17:08 UTC % well, g2g to good old bed :) I wish I was there. see ya people tomorrow Well... my bed. bbye Not your bed. :) --, quote #643 Added: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 11:17:11 UTC % r3vld: r3vld: thats the picture nullboy: is that slackware? nullboy: r3vld: what is that? r3vld: slackware Basho: I wondered that myself r3vld: 12 BP{k}: that is *NOT* slackware nullboy: that doesn't look like slackware to me BP{k}: slackware does not use *yum-update .. whatever it is nullboy: r3vld: can you explain this? r3vld: its 12.0 r3vld: slackware BP{k}: with yum? r3vld: well i installed 12.0 slackware nullboy: that looks like a redhat boot up ***andarius smells a rat, a fedora rat or similar :o r3vld: no redhat nullboy: well i'm pretty sure that isn't slackware booting nullboy: r3vld: just tell us what you are really booting r3vld: ok, centos peace of crap. no one helps me :( i need to get slackware r3vld: and i thought you guys could help me with that damn error r3vld: :( --, quote #644 Added: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 11:17:15 UTC % sgran: OsamaK: I highly recommend reading the manpages OsamaK: "manpages"? sgran: OsamaK: I highly recommend some basics in Unix, then --, quote #645 Added: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 16:37:16 UTC % wow, people still use slackware? wow people still ask stupid questions? --, quote #646 Added: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 19:05:40 UTC % what is slackware known for? not having dumbass users asking dumbass questions --, quote #647 Added: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 19:05:44 UTC % I go to installfests and freaking birds practically follow me around singing birdsong of harmony --, quote #648 Added: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 20:53:31 UTC % < jpipkin> the geniuses over at GNOME are spending time and effort on integrating youtube into totem < jpipkin> wtf are they smoking :/ < Alan_Hicks> Pot. < InspectorCluseau> GPot --, quote #649 Added: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 23:40:28 UTC % why i cant see etc/sudoers i have enabled to show hidden files --, quote #650 Added: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 23:50:09 UTC % can lvm convert a single drive install to a raid - or do i have to backup and restore on a new empty raid? does that question make sense? or mdadm, that is --, quote #651 Added: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 23:50:19 UTC % anyone know a good youtube proxy? --, quote #652 Added: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 23:50:22 UTC % hey guys, is there a way to build the kernel driver of the root file system as a module? (and the HD controller (sata) driver as well?) --, quote #653 Added: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 23:50:29 UTC % i have a problem .. a reiserfsck --rebuilt-tree was executed in a ntfs partition ... doh what can i do to repair this ? GoRpO: --rebuild-tree is scary enough on reiserfs exactly ... but me cause this error ... executing rebuild-tree on ntfs partition GoRpO: reiser-fsck has been described as a "horror reanimator" ;) see ok ,, but i need repair this ntfs partition execute rebuild-tree on a ntfs partition was a mistake , should be execute this on /dev/hda3, but i set rebuild-tree on /dev/hda1 and /dev/hda1 is a ntfs partition can i do repair /dev/hda1 ? Some very useful data recovery software can be found at GoRpO, generally speaking you don't want to repair ntfs from within linux. omg sethk: masterly understatement ;) amphi, thank you :) GoRpO: if --rebuild-tree actually did anything I would think you can kiss that fs goodbye amphi: Good god, I hadn't seen that before (re: horror reanimator). That's just hideous GoRpO: just having a reiser fs in a file for a loopback fs is enough for rebuild-tree to completely trash a reiserfs partition, apparently - thus "horror reanimator" ;) sekhmet: scary, eh? amphi: Quite I did have to do --rebuild-tree once, and it did work, but it was sufficiently alarming that I renounced reiserfs a brazilian expression need be used on this moment I liked the bit in the manpage that said if rebuild-tree fails or is interrupted, the partion will no longer be mountable... a expression "To fudido " "to fudido" show all emotions on this momment GoRpO: not an expression of joy, I take it ;) reiser will kill you .... :) heh hehe reiser just killed me GoRpO: well, it's more like you used reiser to repeatedly stab your ntfs partition, to be fair; it would have been nice if it had said "this is not a reiser fs, bailing" reiser destruct me hehe yep ... its have been good hmm.. speaking of which, the prosecution rested its case yesterday --, quote #654 Added: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 23:53:54 UTC % < Triviette> --== Trivia ==-- [category: TV/Movies] < Triviette> B Movies: This 1956 feature classic proved that Marilyn Monroe < Triviette> actually could act. < Triviette> Hint: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --, quote #655 Added: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 12:07:16 UTC % I like gentoo but it's very hard :( it's not hard. It's dumb, and it's slow, but it isn't hard. sethk: No no, you must be mistaken. Gentoo is OMGFAST. ZOOOOOOOOM! --, quote #656 Added: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 20:09:33 UTC % < Rusty1> fire dept here has all-you-can-eat bkfst tomorrow < Rusty1> cholesterol testing to follow at ambulance garage --, quote #657 Added: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 20:09:37 UTC % < gore_> My Wife and I are going to check it out to see what I can pop in it --, quote #658 Added: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 20:09:40 UTC % where is my .wine directory? Killab33z, I don't see it here, so you must have it :) --, quote #659 Added: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 22:36:54 UTC % Got a problem with a mdadm software-raid: I just transfered 4 discs that were originally part of a raid5 to other hardware. The /dev/sdx1 devices are there, but I can't start the raid. It adds all discs as spares Ah Ok, I -A --force'ed them And I hear clicks... wow, now I at least know that I bought the new mobo, cpu and ram in vain because the drive actually *is* bad :-D Gonna test one disk at a time to find out which one is bad --, quote #660 Added: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 22:37:10 UTC % hey how do I add a command to startup that executes before X? namely will rc.local be executed before X starts? i'm trying to add a command that will recompile the nvidia kernel on boot so I don't have to mess around with the stupid thing always breaking on kernel updates --, quote #661 Added: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 22:37:23 UTC % and..guess what im not in a pc --, quote #662 Added: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 00:22:35 UTC % Yeah I am whistling TCP/IP over my shortwave radio. DF5JT: lemme gess... using ROSE procotol, right? Over AX.25 No, I am old fashioned and use --... ...-- -.. . -.. ..-. ..... .--- - now, why have you entered troll mode? Because I am out of ideas. You think I am joking? It seems the commputer is totally invisible. --, quote #663 Added: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 00:22:39 UTC % < Dark_Fox> So what exactly are these "anti-cheat additions"? Most games come with their own stuff if it's required < fred> Dark_Fox: they come with it, and it goes "You're not running standard windows drivers, you're a cheater" and bans your CD-key. < Dark_Fox> What games? That's never happened to me before < fred> it's fairly common with punkbuster-based games < Dark_Fox> I don't use punk-buster. Ever. < fred> steam's think does it too < Dark_Fox> No, it doesn't < fred> it does < fred> though, every few months they go and do new fixes for wine < Dark_Fox> I read an article where it says that STEAM explicitely cooperates with cedega to work on linux < fred> Dark_Fox: You know how we were just talking about how cedega was good, and worked with anti-cheat companies? < fred> *headdesk* --, quote #664 Added: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 12:43:23 UTC % <+fred> komplett-- won't deliver to an alternative address, even though my bank said it's fine, and, won't let me change the card used for that order to one with the right address, and have locked my account, and blacklisted my name/address combination, and say that the only way that gets unblocked is if I get the original order accepted on the original card, but as I've cancelled that order due to their epic fail, I can never try to buy stuff from them again until I move house. (And it won't be happening again after that now.) <+fred> hmm, that's a longer rant than I expected. --, quote #665 Added: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 12:51:57 UTC % < christel> RichiH is my lord and saviour --, quote #666 Added: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 13:29:00 UTC % < LoganTheRed> driving home last week, some goob was playing his jesus music all the way up, jesus bumper stickers, windows down, and clapping and raising his hands in his tiny, POS saturn. < LoganTheRed> it was like a faith healing concert of one --, quote #667 Added: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 16:34:30 UTC % deuchi: how do you pronounce your nickname? fred: "yor nick naym" haha JKWood: *SLAP* --, quote #668 Added: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 16:34:33 UTC % straterra: there was no mention of goats or sex. Go back to sleep :D --, quote #669 Added: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 19:53:16 UTC % < acidchild> can't beleive i use to FIT in to these jeans. < acidchild> i could fit me and a 2year old in these now < straterra> You just won the gayest comment of the day award! < straterra> DING DING DING DING! --, quote #671 Added: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 21:59:54 UTC % Snipped from a mailing list thread about Dell's Support.... I called up Dell's tech support for government contracts. This was some years ago and they asked for a contract ID number and a password. I actually got them to give me whatever I needed. The conversation went something like this. "Dell tech support may I have your ID number please?" "My what?" "Your government contract ID number." "We don't have that information anymore." "You should have received that with..." "You don't understand. That information is on one of our servers, and that server has crashed. It's the one I was calling you about." "Oh well we can take care of that by just asking a couple of security questions to verify your identity. Is Commissioner So-and-so there?" (This is where the lie got really good.) "Oh great!" "Is there a problem sir?" "Yes there's a problem. He got indicted on federal embezzlement charges." "Oh I see, let me let you talk to my supervisor." Once I got to talk to the supervisor, they handled everything without question. --, quote #672 Added: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 23:39:00 UTC % < livinded> whoa < livinded> nice netsplit < Dominian> hrm < Dominian> Yeah.. that was huge < livinded> I've seen bigger < dadexter_laptop> that's what she said < livinded> wow, I walked right into that one --, quote #673 Added: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 04:13:22 UTC % hi, can I get the real system time? can you get the fake one? --, quote #674 Added: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 04:15:47 UTC % < gore_> brb need to run out to my car and grab that POS laptop and desktop and email so I can giggle < straterra> A married man..giggling? Last time I saw that was in San Francisco... < straterra> *cringe* < mwalling_> heh * mwalling_ giggles < mwalling_> wow.... take that back... that was exceptionally gay --, quote #676 Added: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 04:15:55 UTC % < peacedog> So free hardware + money = herpes blamed on the dog? O.K. --, quote #677 Added: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 04:16:03 UTC % 03:24 < mwalling_> we're a bread 'n butter client for MS 03:24 < mwalling_> i get all sorts of cool toys 03:25 < macavity> that was an oxymoron right there.. 03:25 < mwalling_> macavity: ... 03:25 < JKwood> client for MS? 03:25 < JKwood> Yep. 03:25 < mwalling_> er 03:25 < mwalling_> s/for/of/ --, quote #678 Added: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 04:16:06 UTC % < gore_> straterra: you should check out a band named Acid Bath, you'd like it < straterra> Lies < gore_> What kind of music do you like? < BP{k}> straterra: you just want all the fun ;) < straterra> BP{k}: You caught me < straterra> gore_: something that doesn't scare the goats < JKwood> straterra: Their cd has goat pr0n on it. < JKwood> You'd love it. --, quote #679 Added: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 04:19:21 UTC % * spook fscks Dominian --, quote #680 Added: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 01:08:12 UTC % anyone here? just ask i have * theatro has quit (""Mummy, do robots make babies?"") dumbass. read up next time and quit throwing a fit and quiting -.- --, quote #681 Added: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 01:08:21 UTC % < volkerdi> A fun math trick is to figure out how long it will take before there is not enough matter in the Universe to make an Emacs binary. --, quote #682 Added: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 01:08:27 UTC % * fred takes volkerdi to a lemon party ?_? --, quote #683 Added: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 01:14:29 UTC % when emacs gains conscienceness do you think it will have a weight complex? --, quote #685 Added: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 03:04:19 UTC % how do I get sudo to sudo the >> to? sudo cat fstab.txt >> /etc/fstab --, quote #686 Added: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 03:04:37 UTC % 22:37 < Khaine_Incarnate> so 22:37 < Khaine_Incarnate> how are yall? 23:08 < Pensicola> distracted --, quote #687 Added: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 12:16:50 UTC % [16:59] social small talk is useless, from my introverted point of view it only exists out of customary procedure [16:59] lol [16:59] Yes. [16:59] Some do see people as programs :) [17:00] nullboy: It's what we call 'building rapport' [17:00] nullboy: Think of it as logging in and establishing permissions :D [17:00] lol [17:00] Action: andarius simply asks for those :P [17:01] nullboy: If you do it well, you can even get a privledge escallation on some ppl [17:01] sp? [17:02] permission regression :o [17:02] why is it so hard to find material on a nonflashable prism wifi card? can anyone please help me with this issue. [17:03] JKWood: eh? [17:03] if you manage privilege escalation in the real world you might get a chance to probe some open ports without a filter [17:04] lol [17:04] but that can lead to child processes .... [17:04] Agiofws (n=agiofws@ joined ##slackware. [17:04] haha [17:04] hahaha [17:04] then you are stuck with responsibility to the system :( [17:04] admin for life you are [17:04] lmao [17:05] oh man this proves i'm not fit for human consumption [17:05] lol [17:05] andarius: some ppl kill those off as they begin to spawn, but before they fork from the mother process [17:05] ahh yes [17:05] this is, of course, very controversial [17:06] some also remove the ability of the code to replicate completely. then port probing is considered safe [17:06] think of the malware! [17:06] At what point does a process begin to execute code, and when does it have the right to run to it's natural completion? [17:06] as null bits are used for firing [17:07] noobfarm ^ --, quote #688 Added: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 12:16:55 UTC % < fred> now the male connector doesn't have screw recepticles < rworkman> No, fred, male parts don't have screw receptables. They're screw deliverers. --, quote #689 Added: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 15:14:31 UTC % Overheard at the KDE 4 Release Party. amrit- I love how Slackware has Emacs as its own diskset. amrit unchecks the E series amrit- Don't want that. --, quote #690 Added: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 15:26:51 UTC % < rob0> andarius: if life gives you lemons ... < fred> Have a lemon party! --, quote #691 Added: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 19:50:37 UTC % [12:24] I'm just praying to the gods of *nix and what better place to do that than in an IRC channel? --, quote #692 Added: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 19:50:50 UTC % small germans talk differently than large ones ? --, quote #693 Added: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 19:50:54 UTC % cup of lemony... "goodness"? I dare ya to swallow that. ... --, quote #694 Added: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 21:55:38 UTC % [14:41] Ich bin ein Lemonjellydonut [14:42] haha [14:42] Mmm... berliner [14:42] auslander :-/ [14:42] Action: Rixon eats rob0 [14:43] woh kinky [14:43] That makes it officially a lemon party. [14:43] lol# [14:43] got a cup? [14:43] Action: Dagmar hides the window. [14:44] hahah [14:44] Somehow I don't think that's the toxicity they are worrying about --, quote #695 Added: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 21:55:40 UTC % < docmur> is there a 64 bit version [of Slackware] < volkerdi> docmur: got more than 4GB of RAM? < docmur> there's more reasons then that to run a 64 bit linux system < mwalling> volkerdi: but its the coolness factor! < mwalling> volkerdi: plus the fact that we can harass fred more readilly then you :P < volkerdi> hehe < straterra> fred's our sexy lil whipping boy...a nice gag and leather gimp outfit...mmmmm < thrice`> easy straterra < straterra> do i gotta? --, quote #697 Added: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 02:50:51 UTC % In short, this ain't Burger King. You don't get it your way. rworkman, why the hell not?! :( can we get it your way? you can get it your way but you have to take the wrapper off first and move patties around bingo :) damn im too lazy...thats why i use gentoo heh And don't complain if the patties set your cat on fire. Flame-broiled has its disadvantages. --, quote #698 Added: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 05:05:51 UTC % * spook stabs peacedog with a frozen eel Frozen eel or Lemony Knife? * JKWood has a lemony fresh wooden spoon --, quote #699 Added: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 05:05:58 UTC % AbortRetryFail: your wife's box is 'unusable' lol he said box What in *G*'s name did u do to it ROFL do you /really/ want to know? --, quote #700 Added: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 05:06:09 UTC % -!- hades_ has joined #freenode < hades_> Hey i want to extract the sound from an AVI, just 30 seconds of it.. Which is the best way to do this in ubuntu? -!- Vaajda has joined #freenode < Vaajda> just a quick question can ubuntu use 2 internet connection at the same time --, quote #701 Added: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 19:35:27 UTC % < mwalling> i think i can fake it --, quote #702 Added: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 21:28:54 UTC % sudo rmmod usbcore = ERROR: Module usbcore is in use by usbvideo,ehci_hcd,uhci_hcd is there something that will rm all of those? --, quote #703 Added: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 21:29:11 UTC % Hi . I want to ask question please : How Lunix is different than windows --, quote #704 Added: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 21:29:14 UTC % if i want to make my sites files and folders to be writable by a script like with php, what group should my www folder be the same as apache? same as php? right now, the only way to make my files/folders writeable is by doing 777 on them and that's dangerous --, quote #705 Added: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 21:29:24 UTC % how come everyone other than me has a large trout handy? sethk: you forgot to feed yours, didn't you? --, quote #706 Added: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 21:29:26 UTC % < JKWood> W|GGL|T: If you did manage to hold your breath during "testicular torsion" you'd be far more of a man than the rest of us. --, quote #707 Added: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 13:39:32 UTC % < fred> Lemon party... tasty. --, quote #708 Added: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 13:39:35 UTC % < JKWood> straterra: "goat" is not a sex. < straterra> yes it is < straterra> i can prove it < straterra> put their backlegs in your boots.. < straterra> and they cant run --, quote #709 Added: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 13:39:39 UTC % 08:04 < Rixon> omg campmeter is rising 08:04 * W|GGL|T teabags Rixon 08:04 -!- Rixon [] has left ##slackware ["fag"] --, quote #710 Added: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 13:39:48 UTC % < JKWood> andarius: You cannot escape my noobfarming, for you see, I fertilize it heavily. ;) --, quote #711 Added: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 18:43:52 UTC % what's the command to compile tex in vim? --, quote #712 Added: Sat, 23 Feb 2008 02:45:07 UTC % what's the correct english name for those CD round labels? --, quote #713 Added: Sat, 23 Feb 2008 02:45:11 UTC % any way I can unzip a 6.8GB .zip file..? When I try it tells me its too big.. "Zip file too big (greater than 4294959102 bytes)" (its ~7gb) holy crap. thats a big zip file is that your porn collection --, quote #714 Added: Sat, 23 Feb 2008 02:45:36 UTC % < Dominian> rworkman: My daughter knows what a for() loop is < Dominian> rworkman: eating dinner th eother night.. I said what you doing... she said "for loop daddy.. until food is alllll gone" < rworkman> Dominian: awesome! < Dominian> yeah.. 3 years old < Dominian> I about choked < rworkman> Actually a while or until loop, but good enough :) < Dominian> My wife was like "What did she say..." I said "hhh honey.. she's a programmer in the making.." --, quote #715 Added: Sat, 23 Feb 2008 04:45:10 UTC % ( rob0) Let's all compare lengths. Mine is short!! --, quote #716 Added: Sat, 23 Feb 2008 07:08:52 UTC % I'm a fishhole --, quote #717 Added: Sun, 24 Feb 2008 05:03:57 UTC % < macavity> "can you feel the love tonight" :P < dadexter_laptop> ##slackware... your nevern ending source of entertainment < acidchild> macavity: i'm full of love. < jpipkin> I'm full of shit. < macavity> LOL < acidchild> haha < rob0> I'm full of myself. < dadexter_laptop> I'm full of rob0 < jpipkin> oh baby oh baby < dadexter_laptop> err < rob0> ewwwwwwww --, quote #718 Added: Mon, 25 Feb 2008 03:53:50 UTC % JKWood is ddossing me someone help Yep, I'm ddosing you with my laptop and my C64's. Uh-huh. JKWood: dont forget your phone ;) Oh, yes, I wrote a ping-o-death program for my phone. --, quote #719 Added: Mon, 25 Feb 2008 18:40:07 UTC % msierks: any1 help me, i screwed up my dvd automounting by accidently pressing do nothing ? --, quote #720 Added: Tue, 26 Feb 2008 00:23:00 UTC % i'm going to grow a bear like stallman --, quote #721 Added: Tue, 26 Feb 2008 03:27:20 UTC % can you help me get wine installed on centos\ did you ever read ? Can't expect peeps to help you if you are not going to read elementary stuff 1st And why use a 64 bit edition anyway when you know squat about it? i am reading im doing it but it what dose that have to do with wine It enables the repository containing wine could u help me do with it please cose im stuk on one of the steps Which one? priority=N step N is a number between 1 and 50 roughly Declaring the priorities for the different repositories or repo's as they call em ok i get that but i can save the file can't So use su or sudo dont know now how to do i now how to uses su when it ask to be root for a cooand but i dont now where to uses su now or what just put sudo before the command or su -c how is that going to help me save a file can you be more clear i do now i need root acase WTF dont do that again Since you know everything already and can read HOWTO's and use google you obviously don't need me. Good luck in your Linux adventures --, quote #722 Added: Tue, 26 Feb 2008 03:27:46 UTC % < Dagmar> JKWood: This thumbdrive is awesome. It's a cell phone charm, and it matches my razr. :) < Dagmar> ...and I am neither female, nor gay. I just happen to like properly accessorizing. < thrice`> then you *have* to be female or gay --, quote #724 Added: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 00:57:30 UTC % < thrice`> < Dominian> whoa < Dominian> stallman quit emacs!? < nullboy> yep < Dominian> If that's true.. THANK YOU GOD! < Dominian> we can remove it from slackware < nullboy> hahaha < nullboy> oh man that's hilarious --, quote #725 Added: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 02:33:38 UTC % < nullboy> slackware-current/slackware# du -sh e/ < nullboy> 22M e/ < thrice`> what's the installed size, though ? < Dominian> heh < nullboy> 1.21TB < thrice`> lol < Dominian> hahah --, quote #726 Added: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 02:38:59 UTC % I am using redhat linux enterpise ver 4 and in command line, where do I get the commands I can use in the command line? --, quote #727 Added: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 04:26:44 UTC % < fred> thrice`: Yes, but you blow goats, so I don't care. --, quote #730 Added: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 17:27:54 UTC % < thrice`> ooh, I didn't think you could control cpu --, quote #731 Added: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 17:45:12 UTC % But they should be AFRAID of what happens if they run out of RAM and don't have swap. THe OOM killer will wake up, stumbling around firing blindly, like a drunken angry dwarf with a sawed-off shotgun. Like Alan_Hicks. --, quote #732 Added: Thu, 28 Feb 2008 01:41:56 UTC % My wife is about to crawl my rear ;) --, quote #733 Added: Thu, 28 Feb 2008 03:57:59 UTC % aside from restarting firefox, would there be a way to get it to forget that you're logged into a website? I already tried going to the stored passwords thing and removing my username, but that doesn't help --, quote #734 Added: Thu, 28 Feb 2008 03:58:23 UTC % hmmm... anyway, i've re-discovered my old 1040 stf, and i'm looking for a way to create disk for the ST from disk images found on the net. i've only linux systems here and dd doesn't seems to cut it. --, quote #735 Added: Thu, 28 Feb 2008 03:58:34 UTC % i've just bricked my 20 years old language disk and in dire straits of a vtXXX emulator :( --, quote #736 Added: Thu, 28 Feb 2008 03:58:40 UTC % do I use scp or sftp to copy files from my local machine to a remote machine? --, quote #737 Added: Thu, 28 Feb 2008 11:37:26 UTC % < pixie> I think nerds have this mental flaw against coping with deliberate exaggeration < JD> pixie: it's called pedentry < pixie> pedantry* < JD> pixie: see --, quote #738 Added: Thu, 28 Feb 2008 11:37:35 UTC % < mjg59> WHAT? SORRY, I CAN'T HEAR YOU. I'M IN THE KERNEL. NAH, IT'S SHIT < Noodles> I don't want CONFIG_ACPI_THERMAL? < mjg59> You want CONFIG_ACPI_THERMAL, but I suspect that pulls in CONFIG_MISC_THERMAL_BONGHITS --, quote #739 Added: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 00:50:01 UTC % how to remove some specfic flag from CFLAG list? CFLAG -= foo doesnt work for me? --, quote #740 Added: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 00:50:09 UTC % I don't know what the occasion is, but the hotties were out in full force today. hotties as in, possible milfs, females. yes-siree bob !1 mmm milfies yum yum --, quote #741 Added: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 00:50:19 UTC % < kloeri> henke37: nickserv is right though - identifying twice is just silly < henke37> kloeri, that's not the issue < henke37> it is that it sugests that I am stealing somebodys else nick < kloeri> what is the issue then? < henke37> it's the wording in the message that I want changed * ViciousPotato blinks < henke37> "This nickname is owned by someone else" should be rewriten to not imply that the user is using something that somebody else owns < fred> BUG #1337: Nickserv is not polite. < henke37> it is the "by someone else" part that I don't like < ViciousPotato> I don't like you, does that mean I can get you changed? --, quote #742 Added: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 11:53:13 UTC % < Paperface> just have to make the search actually work.. < Paperface> and return some results < slef> just hard code "your search returned no matches" - much cheaper < Paperface> that's what it does at the moment < slef> release it into beta and wait for customer feedback < slef> that's what other webmasters do, then vanish and I get the bugfix request --, quote #743 Added: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 16:07:48 UTC % < JKWood> Okay. That will make this easier. We're about to rock your world... "chroot /mnt" --, quote #744 Added: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 16:47:25 UTC % [oftc] -!- You are banned from this server- autokilled: *@ Please fix your IRC client. Mail with questions/when done. (2008-02-29 17:47:57) -weasel/Wallops- Sorry folks. It seems a bug in services turned a mask into *@*. < Hikaru> It's just went on a killing spree. Can't anyone understand the stress services must go under on a daily basis? < fred> Hehe, "Postal Services" --, quote #745 Added: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 18:04:28 UTC % < acidchild> after i get it up < acidchild> show em i'm can do it < acidchild> slack is going on there. --, quote #746 Added: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 18:18:53 UTC % JKWood: you have a filthy mind Well, straterra's sick, so I have to fill in. --, quote #747 Added: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 22:11:09 UTC % < AthlonRob> my wife is going to call is 18 or 19 minutes < AthlonRob> s/is //g < AthlonRob> err < AthlonRob> awe screw it < AthlonRob> she's gonna call soon < AthlonRob> and then my fingers might be less fast --, quote #748 Added: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 22:15:52 UTC % < Alan_Hicks> Question... < Alan_Hicks> If they deport you, do you have to pay for the plane ticket back home? --, quote #749 Added: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 22:31:18 UTC % (For context, fred is talking about a meeting of several UK people on July 4th) < fred> Also, if we do do this: < fred> We all need to buy alan a drink < fred> To celebrate national "Georgia's not our problem any more" day < fred> (aka US independance day) --, quote #750 Added: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 22:50:23 UTC % * Alan_Hicks wonders if he could swallow condoms filled with pieces of jerky and cough them up later. * Alan_Hicks also wonders why the hell he would think of that. --, quote #751 Added: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 22:50:26 UTC % Hi, is this gnome-system-tools channel? hallo... irc sucks Ok, I rather install Vista now... --, quote #752 Added: Sat, 01 Mar 2008 03:26:41 UTC % fred's little toy would probably be a lot more fun, I'd imagine. my little toy is a lot more fun --, quote #753 Added: Sat, 01 Mar 2008 03:26:46 UTC % I have a usb cable plugged up my ass... genius --, quote #755 Added: Sun, 02 Mar 2008 04:21:43 UTC % < ananke> fred : there are tons of survivers of head wounds < Dagmar> ananke: We know that. We see them joining here every day. --, quote #757 Added: Sun, 02 Mar 2008 13:20:31 UTC % < Dagmar> Good thing I'm whitehat now --, quote #758 Added: Sun, 02 Mar 2008 19:49:59 UTC % chet: hi i just install linux OS chet: it has problem chet: i want help .. any expert chet: hi pls help me take care of my linux OS problem plz theLichKing: chet: you'll get better help by asking a question chet: ok fine chet: i install linux OS from ubuntu but my PC does not restart and makes noise "peep peep" mjbjr: chet: check your BIOS docs, the number of beeps means something chet: mjbjr where are my BIOS docs with the computer manual? chet: i have problem for 4 days and no solution chet: i am wasted a lot of time now and i still dont have a good computer enouf: chet: does the hardware actually work? or did you fish it out of a dumpster? chet: no no its a GOOD PC. very fast chet: good speakers and good memory chet: LOL @ LUNIX. LOL @ LUNIX RETARDS ACTUALLY ANSWERING RETARDED QUESTIONS. chet: NO WONDER, LUNIX FAILED 10000X This guy doesn't even know how to troll --, quote #759 Added: Mon, 03 Mar 2008 00:53:11 UTC % < whatsgood> don't taze me bro ::: edman007 tazes whatsgood < whatsgood> duuuuude why'd yah taze me man ::: acidchild maces whatsgood ::: edman007 tazes whatsgood < edman007> stop resisting! ::: acidchild fires a few nail in to whatsgood's head. ::: acidchild batons whatsgood's knee caps < acidchild> WHERES MY MONEY BITCH ::: edman007 tazes whatsgood ::: edman007 kicks whatsgood < edman007> whatsgood, ready to pay up? ::: acidchild breaks two whatsgood ribs < acidchild> don't make me move up your chest < acidchild> one will go in to your lungs < edman007> acidchild, move down... ::: acidchild breaks two more of whatsgood's ribs < acidchild> tazer him bro, so he shakes the rib in ::: edman007 tazes whatsgood ::: edman007 starts to wonder if whatsgood is still alive < acidchild> lets go < acidchild> he'll be around with the money soon ::: edman007 takes the lunch money and splits it up < acidchild> got enough for a bag of nachos? < edman007> no :( --, quote #760 Added: Mon, 03 Mar 2008 12:15:22 UTC % christ noone knows the answer to my questions airer-girl (n=ag@unaffiliated/airer-girl) left ##slackware ("Leaving"). --, quote #761 Added: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 03:24:49 UTC % < straterra> I'm going to sign my girlfriend up for a wet tshirt contest..and not tell her. Then take her to the bar and be all suprised --, quote #762 Added: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 03:24:55 UTC % 19:07 < straterra> fred, lets make our own lemonparty --, quote #763 Added: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 03:24:58 UTC % (00:20:58) FrostCS: Don't take life so seriously, it's not like it's permanent. --, quote #764 Added: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 03:25:01 UTC % is UML consider a virtual machine ? evermind is wine hq consider an app or emulation? ezguy: wine is a partial implementation of the windows API ok, i'll call it api. --, quote #765 Added: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 03:25:10 UTC % hey how can i set permissions on a folder for just one group of users? --, quote #766 Added: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 03:25:13 UTC % * Xafks has quit (Quit: unlike a smoker) --, quote #767 Added: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 03:42:40 UTC % <`Abo> apache logs? `Abo: no, the logs out of my ass... --, quote #768 Added: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 21:33:37 UTC % < mwalling> Chuckbot is smarter then the old one was <@Chuckbot> mwalling: Error: "is" is not a valid command. < mwalling> Chuckbot: bite me * Chuckbot bites me --, quote #769 Added: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 21:33:41 UTC % damnit, who tripped over the internet cord again! --, quote #770 Added: Wed, 05 Mar 2008 03:08:11 UTC % i only moved the wire a lil bit! --, quote #771 Added: Wed, 05 Mar 2008 04:46:38 UTC % < BP{k}> hmm I wonder how much the french would like it if I stop and demand they surrender ... --, quote #772 Added: Wed, 05 Mar 2008 14:37:31 UTC % < Old_Fogie> gentoo is linux? I thought they were a doc writing project :D --, quote #773 Added: Wed, 05 Mar 2008 14:37:32 UTC % < MidnightToker> that's it, i've lost my patience with this os < MidnightToker> only workaround i'm doing is a reformat < MidnightToker> bye bye linux [*] MidnightToker [] has quit [Quit: Leaving] <@alphageek> call the waaaaaaambulance! --, quote #774 Added: Thu, 06 Mar 2008 00:26:20 UTC % < acidchild> andarius: go ahead < acidchild> no nuts. --, quote #775 Added: Thu, 06 Mar 2008 00:26:27 UTC % < wigglit> yeah, black people do ski, fyi --, quote #776 Added: Thu, 06 Mar 2008 00:26:30 UTC % < echelon_> why is there "irc protocol support" in the kernel? --, quote #777 Added: Thu, 06 Mar 2008 00:26:33 UTC % < kamaji> hmm, vlc's crashing when I start it up as anyone but root < kamaji> what the tits. --, quote #778 Added: Thu, 06 Mar 2008 00:26:39 UTC % < echelon_> that's the last time i'm going to copy a kernel config from a gentoo page --, quote #779 Added: Thu, 06 Mar 2008 03:44:30 UTC % this is from a ttysnoop session with acidchild and slink. root@dubstep:~/matt/tinc-1.0.8# you have issues. root@dubstep:~/matt/tinc-1.0.8# oh totally root@dubstep:~/matt/tinc-1.0.8# hahamhaa --, quote #780 Added: Thu, 06 Mar 2008 20:32:32 UTC % < eclipse75> printf("Hello world!\n"); < jkwood> eclipse75: IRC != Internet Relay Compiler --, quote #781 Added: Thu, 06 Mar 2008 20:32:35 UTC % <@lamby> | | <@lamby> | | <@lamby> | D | <@lamby> | DDD | <@lamby> | O | <@lamby> | XOO| <@lamby> |####XXXO| <@lamby> +--------+ <@lamby> It's IRC tetris time <@benji> rofl <@lamby> | | <@lamby> | | <@lamby> | D | <@lamby> | DDD O | <@lamby> | XOO| <@lamby> |####XXXO| <@lamby> +--------+ <@benji> Bah, I was too slow. <@lamby> | | <@lamby> | | <@lamby> | | <@lamby> | D O | <@lamby> | DDD XOO| <@lamby> |####XXXO| <@Faux> Can't play this. D: <@benji> ... <@lamby> | X | <@lamby> | | <@lamby> | | <@lamby> | | <@lamby> | D O | <@lamby> | DDD XOO| <@lamby> |####XXXO| <@Faux> LEFT LEFT <@lamby> +--------+ <@lamby> |X | <@lamby> |X | <@lamby> | | <@lamby> | | <@lamby> | D O | <@lamby> | DDD XOO| <@benji> Lambytris is slow. <@lamby> |####XXXO| <@lamby> +--------+ <@lamby> |X | <@lamby> |X | <@lamby> |X | <@lamby> | | <@Faux> It's a PENIS BLOCK. :D <@lamby> | D O | <@lamby> | DDD XOO| <@lamby> |####XXXO| <@lamby> +--------+ <@Faux> CCCOMBO BREAKER <@lamby> |X | <@lamby> |X | <@lamby> |X | <@lamby> |X | <@lamby> | D O | <@lamby> | DDD XOO| <@Faux> DOWN <@lamby> |####XXXO| <@benji> SPACE <@lamby> +--------+ <@Faux> JINX <@lamby> | | <@lamby> | | <@lamby> |X | <@lamby> |X | <@lamby> |X D O | <@lamby> |XDDD XOO| <@lamby> |####XXXO| <@lamby> +--------+ --, quote #782 Added: Thu, 06 Mar 2008 20:32:45 UTC % < rob0> Mine isn't long enough < rob0> it's an odd shape, maybe one of these monitor boxes will work. --, quote #783 Added: Thu, 06 Mar 2008 21:51:12 UTC % < rob0> When I was with Robby, I didn't have any trouble getting in. --, quote #784 Added: Fri, 07 Mar 2008 01:00:18 UTC % Received via email: If Slamd64 is so like Slackware, why are the system requirements so different? Slackware will run on a 486, but you claim to need an Athlon64, Core 2 Duo, or Opteron?! --, quote #785 Added: Fri, 07 Mar 2008 01:18:45 UTC % < straterra> fred: why won't slamd64 run on my Pentium 2?! --, quote #786 Added: Fri, 07 Mar 2008 02:42:19 UTC % < ron1n> KDE4 doesn't seem to fit Slackware's style < fred> You mean 'working' ? :p --, quote #787 Added: Fri, 07 Mar 2008 17:46:21 UTC % i better go too bed before I get in trouble later all before you get in trouble from who? I dunno myself thanks yeah i feel ill after the coffee i guess i'll sleep too there's no such thing I have work in 6 hours so that is good enough to need some sleep yeah i have an interview in 8 nice I am _at_ work. That, I guess, is a good enough reason to fall asleep. nah i am gonna ditch it ayaz, haha --, quote #788 Added: Fri, 07 Mar 2008 17:46:47 UTC % < new--bie> rworkman: can u plzz help me regarding that :( < rworkman> new--bie: I'll give you two sample lines that will accomplish what you want on a system that has no iptables rules already existing. You have to possess a bit of understanding about what they're doing in order to enter them correctly (perhaps with modification) < rworkman> and stop using aol speak. You're not saving any time by shortening "please" to "plzz" < new--bie> Sure, sorry for that < rworkman> iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination < rworkman> iptables -A FORWARD -i -o -p tcp -d --dport 80 -j ACCEPT < new--bie> rworkman: here externel interface is the static IP of my modem ?? < rworkman> No. It's the external interface. < rworkman> You need to call the lead admin. I won't participate in you messing up your company lan. --, quote #789 Added: Sat, 08 Mar 2008 05:46:23 UTC % < jkwood> Of course, everbody knows that installation, removal, and upgrades of packages on Slackware are *actually* handled by rworkman over a secret ssh tunnel built in to every install. < rob0> sshhhhh! < jkwood> Umm... right... I mean, trained squirrels. < jkwood> Thus, when you "hose your system" it means that you've drowned your squirrel. < rob0> and God kills a kitten out of spite. < jkwood> Precisely. --, quote #790 Added: Sat, 08 Mar 2008 05:46:44 UTC % New news from 2008-03-08 08:12:43 UTC wow, 20 hours later. nice job shitbot --, quote #791 Added: Sun, 09 Mar 2008 14:32:51 UTC % < straterra> Freenode has more issues than a 4 vag'ed hooker with a yeast infection --, quote #792 Added: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 03:22:54 UTC % <@alphageek> \o < mwalling> morn < karlmag> \o < karlmag> uhm < karlmag> o/ < mwalling> \o/ < mwalling> M < mwalling> C < mwalling> A --, quote #793 Added: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 14:59:08 UTC % < fuzzbawl> straterra, what's a windows update? <@fred> Either: <@fred> a) linux <@fred> b) BSD <@fred> c) PVC Double-glazing --, quote #794 Added: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 20:58:53 UTC % < limac> andarius: what to google? < andarius> limac: my name is not macavity. if you want hand holding you may need to ask some one else --, quote #795 Added: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 20:59:00 UTC % < fred> oh, saw an awesome t-shirt today < fred> front: < fred> 527^9 + 624^9 = 638^9 < fred> back < fred> Not really. < fred> This made me giggle. < fred> Cookies for anyone else that gets it. < straterra> i dont get it < fred> does noone get that here? * fred is let down < straterra> i'm the only moron here, maybe < thrice`> nope; don't see it either < thrice`> and I basically ahve a math minor =| < fred> Fermat's last theorem * straterra stares blankly < fred> there is no positive integer a, b, c, or n where n is greater than 2 where a^n + b^n = c^n * straterra is still confused < straterra> That theorum is < fred> straterra: define 'practical' < fred> it's true. < thrice`> it let some idiot get a doctrate < thrice`> F=m*a is practical < straterra> fred: um..useful? < straterra> I don't see myself ever using that theorum < straterra> I'm gonna be playing counter strike..and be like "Oh! Yeah! They can't defuse the bomb in time because if an integer n is greater than 2, then the equation an + bn = cn has no solutions in non-zero integers a, b, and c." --, quote #796 Added: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 23:23:25 UTC % < algernon> I once saw something like tar czvf foo.tgz >log && rm -f log. It was painful. --, quote #797 Added: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 14:08:25 UTC % < mingdao> phragment, just curious ... how do you discharge yourself? --, quote #798 Added: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 14:08:26 UTC % < Alan_Hicks> Women who are good Mamas are sexy. --, quote #799 Added: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 19:30:00 UTC % < cpm> I actually have an RMS story, and like most of them, it's quite odd, having to do with sex and vegetables, (not the people kind) --, quote #800 Added: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 19:30:03 UTC % < zeroday> anyone here done any java? < TJF> HAI < TJF> CAN HAS PERL? < TJF> I HAS A VAR < TJF> IM IN YR LOOP < TJF> UP VAR!!1 < TJF> VISIBLE VAR < TJF> IZ VAR BIGGER THAN 10? KTHXBYE < TJF> IM OUTTA YR LOOP < TJF> KTHXBYE < zeroday> ... < zeroday> lolcode != java kthx --, quote #801 Added: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 22:50:14 UTC % < systemloc> You can't kill Frontpage. Frontpage was never alive. It was stillborn, and MS is an insane parent that carries around the rotting corpse, screaming at people to look at it's beautiful child. --, quote #802 Added: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 19:13:11 UTC % < blauzahl> fredrikh: always happy to give you entertainment < fredrikh> good :) < blauzahl> want some dancing girls? ;) < fred> Can I have some too? < blauzahl> fred: blog about how wonderful khtml is and you can have some < fred> Erm... < blauzahl> fred: is that a conflict of interest for you? < fred> blauzahl: < fred> Where's my dancing girls? < fred> *_* < blauzahl> oh my. is that syndicated to planet? < fred> Yes. < blauzahl> that post? < blauzahl> either way, i rotfl and *face palm* < fred> yup < fred> So, where's my dancing girls? :) --, quote #803 Added: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 19:13:12 UTC % < straterra_> jkwood: they dont have my size speedo :( < straterra_> they are descriminating! < Alan_Hicks> straterra_: You could always order the smallest size and put a pair of socks in the front. --, quote #804 Added: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 22:35:54 UTC % < fred> straterra_ is indeed slick, but in a way that involves gel products we don't ask questions about. --, quote #805 Added: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 09:04:17 UTC % Ok i have a question, which is used first? tcpwrapper or iptables? --, quote #806 Added: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 09:04:18 UTC % when I do an nmap udp scan and it says "open|filtered", anyone know what that means? --, quote #807 Added: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 08:40:44 UTC % < straterra> I paid for Office 2008 --, quote #808 Added: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 08:40:46 UTC % < Jacky> any free shooting games to recommend me? < Daviey> russian roulette? --, quote #809 Added: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 08:40:52 UTC % (Note: today's date is 3/14/08) [08:28] < CaptObviousman> HAPPY PI DAY! [08:28] * CaptObviousman throws a pie at your face [08:28] < mgrossie> Hmmmm... guess there's not an hour and minute to be extracted from it. [08:28] < mgrossie> Wait [08:28] < mgrossie> 15:92 [08:28] < mgrossie> That could be military time [08:28] < mgrossie> Nope... note the 92 part, really [08:29] < CaptObviousman> well, in 7 years we could have 3/14/15 9:26:54 [08:29] < CaptObviousman> it shall mark the forthcoming apocalypse [08:29] < CaptObviousman> the mayans are full of shit [08:29] < mgrossie> Isn't that a circular argument? --, quote #810 Added: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 14:16:13 UTC % 14:20 < ^A^kira> hey there 14:20 < ^A^kira> im trying to remove fluxbox-default settings but dpkg returns error 2.... 14:21 < jkwood> Erm... dpkg? 14:21 < ^A^kira> erm... ubuntu :) 14:21 < jkwood> ^A^kira: #ubuntu is what you're looking for. ;) 14:21 < ^A^kira> doh/// 14:21 < jkwood> It's all good. 14:22 < ^A^kira> doh... they sent me to you cuz' flux is ur fav dm --, quote #811 Added: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 18:26:52 UTC % < rworkman> /c/c < rworkman> shit 45 minutes later in another channel: <+rworkman> /c/c <+rworkman> Damn. --, quote #813 Added: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 04:02:22 UTC % * andarius kicks php :( * fred hugs php * jkwood hug fred * fred calls the police --, quote #814 Added: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 19:19:06 UTC % Wait... I'm trying to help somebody try BackTrack? * jkwood stabs himself with a wooden spoon --, quote #815 Added: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 19:19:11 UTC % ##slackware : i just asked the photos of kde developer on channel kde, and they thought i am somekind of psychotic worker of microsoft who's trying to stop their plan on taking over windows desktop by performing a suicidal bomb attack on kde team i wonder what would happen if i ask for pat volkerding photos here ppl might think you're gay? --, quote #817 Added: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 13:13:09 UTC % hey can im chat be monitored at work? --, quote #818 Added: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 01:47:08 UTC % hello? is anybody in here who is actually here? --, quote #819 Added: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 01:47:12 UTC % < mwalling> LoganTheRed: but he was *you* govoner < mwalling> ernor < mwalling> fuck * mwalling goes loioking for the aspell plugin for irssi --, quote #820 Added: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 15:29:38 UTC % just give him something to get on with fred. he'll be quite happy. * fred gives drijen kethry LOL that's not what i meant! --, quote #821 Added: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 00:57:02 UTC % 00:04 < Hordeking> straterra: Aw, can't I just give you my sister? 00:04 < straterra> Hordeking: is she an anal virgin? 00:04 < Hordeking> straterra: Frankly, I really don't want to know., --, quote #822 Added: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 05:06:23 UTC % 01:02 < robby> y use wireless u get twice the speed from a wire --, quote #823 Added: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 12:02:35 UTC % -!- Pip [n=Pip@] has joined ##slackware < Pip> Is slackware a versionless linux distribution ? < rworkman> Pip: no. How would you possibly arrive at that conclusion? < Meckafett> no, why would you think that? < BP{k}> rworkman: by magic eightball? < Pip> Just guess < rworkman> Don't do that. It doesn't play out very well for you. --, quote #824 Added: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 18:35:31 UTC % < ananke> i want a pony --, quote #825 Added: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 01:40:44 UTC % Q: Does linux somehow support me creating a virtual fs device based on a directory? So that if I mount /dev/sdbx1 i get the contents of /home/foo/bar ? --, quote #826 Added: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 14:04:47 UTC % hey. igot a file in my local unix machine, and i want to upload it into remote ftp and replace the old file in the new one, i got the ftp login/pass , but i want to do it in shell command line, is that possible? --, quote #827 Added: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 14:05:12 UTC % hey, anyone can see that script ? , im trying to upload file to ftp using ssh... its not working Contents from pastebin. #!/bin/sh ftp -n < =head1 SEE ALSO 20:05 < joeyh> Yellowstone National Park. 20:06 < joeyh> best SEE ALSO ever! --, quote #829 Added: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 20:49:22 UTC % < andarius> once, a long time ago, in a land far far away there was this thing called documentation. it was an odd thing. elusive to most. those who could catch sight of it and understand it were blessed and seen as all knowing. but this was a special land. not like this land we see now, this internet .... --, quote #830 Added: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 21:09:01 UTC % SuperpeZ: you seem to have a frankenstein linux going there, and I'm not going to provide the probe to shove up its ass. --, quote #831 Added: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 12:48:23 UTC % < Viperfang> hmmm.... --> [error] [client] File does not exist C:/xampp/htdocs/bbic/redirectme < quinophex> whoa... < quinophex> this is apache on windows? < Viperfang> Yeah < Viperfang> Its the same as linux with different paths --, quote #832 Added: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 03:47:16 UTC % < eklof> Anyone have the iphone ? < snoopy> no, but you can buy me for easter < straterra> Id rather get laid than have an iphone < straterra> for easter, that is < straterra> Nothing says "celebrate the ressurection of Jesus" like premarital sex comitted in a drunk stupor that is regretted 9 months later by both parties --, quote #833 Added: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 10:50:02 UTC % 13:35 * straterra mutters 13:35 < straterra> Someone charged $30 worth of porn to my card 13:36 < thrice`> yeah, that *COULDN'T* have been you 13:37 < straterra> It wasn't 13:37 < straterra> I dont pay for porn --, quote #834 Added: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 05:36:53 UTC % < cpunches> alphageek, ping * karlmag guesses he's sleeping or something < karlmag> cpunches: depending on your question, perhaps someone else might be able to answer? < cpunches> karlmag, unless you know how participation in the open source community can be put down on a resume probably not. thank you, though. * ananke wouldn't consider trolling on irc worth being put on resume --, quote #836 Added: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 16:29:57 UTC % < Alan_Hicks> Y'all remind me never under any circumstances to hire cpunches. He does things because they feel good, not because they are the best thing to do. < cpunches> well, i'd still hire you :) < ananke> cpunches : considering where you stand, i don't think you'll be in a position of hiring any of us, for the next few decades --, quote #837 Added: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 16:30:16 UTC % < CaptHowdy_> omg i tried to let out a fart and now its all in my underwear...seriously im gonna have to take a shower < CaptHowdy_> i will e back in about 10mins < CaptHowdy_> keep me updated faiz <@Caesar86> i will --, quote #838 Added: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 22:38:10 UTC % < TiNc> hey guys. i kind of screwed up here. I read some security guide that said to delete all accounts that you don't use in slackware and i think i took it too literally. Only accounts left now are mine and root. Which accounts should i restore? --, quote #839 Added: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 15:55:26 UTC % -!- neuro_sys [n=neurosys@unaffiliated/neurosys/x-283974] has joined ##slackware < neuro_sys> curl vs wget ? < unixfool> either one < neuro_sys> vim vs emacs? < unixfool> troll --, quote #840 Added: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 04:42:53 UTC % < sef-main> I just did a massively stupid thing, I unmerged python (needed to rebuild it) < sef-main> now I get: < sef-main> emerge -av python < sef-main> -su: /usr/bin/emerge: /usr/bin/python: bad interpreter: No such file or directory --, quote #841 Added: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 04:43:03 UTC % < straterra> bleh < straterra> i have a cat telling me its sleeptime < straterra> and a brain that says 'fuck sleep, paaartay' < straterra> and a body that agrees with the cat < drijen> cat owns you. --, quote #842 Added: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 04:43:14 UTC % 00:20:49 why must slackware be so unforgiving 00:21:12 DemonScrypt: natural selection at work --, quote #843 Added: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 11:29:25 UTC % < mikegrb> jelly beans > sex --, quote #844 Added: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 00:41:29 UTC % <@trs80> debian is also arguably more stable than slackware, since it releases less frequently --, quote #845 Added: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 00:41:34 UTC % < ron1n> could I theoretically buy an ipv6 router and start my own IPv6 intranet? --, quote #846 Added: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 00:41:39 UTC % I think the worst time to have a heart attack is during a game of charades...or a game of fake heart attack. --, quote #850 Added: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 14:25:06 UTC % <@gitrdun^> i right good viruses <@Belial> gitrdun^, yep, you're write. <@gitrdun^> yep i am --, quote #854 Added: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 14:25:22 UTC % 2148 BP{k} | dragonlotus: chmod +x 4755 XGizzmo 2148 BP{k} | feck. 2148 BP{k} | dragonlotus: chmod +x 4755 Xorg --, quote #856 Added: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 14:25:34 UTC % 10:21 < straterra> ceiling fred is shown no mercy though 10:21 < kethry> well you better not squirt BP --, quote #857 Added: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 14:25:40 UTC % < straterra> Let the record show..nix_chix0r is nix_chi0r_with_a_dix0r --, quote #875 Added: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 03:02:35 UTC % < CaptObviousman> I just had an evil birthday gift idea < Ripzerskins> Well I dunno < Ripzerskins> Tell < CaptObviousman> she didn't fall in love with you < CaptObviousman> that was bullshit < Ripzerskins> I bet < CaptObviousman> ok, evil birthday idea is < CaptObviousman> go to hooters, steal a menu < Ripzerskins> LOL < CaptObviousman> wrap it in a big box < CaptObviousman> give to her on her 18th birthday < Ripzerskins> QUIT MAKING ME CRY IN LAUGHTER < CaptObviousman> make sure to include a card that says "Congratulations on reaching the pinnacle of your career!" --, quote #877 Added: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 03:36:25 UTC % convivial> hi! is this channel dead or what? just sleepy i guess... :P you've been here for one minute and said nothing useful ok :) lol pardon our lack of reaction :-P --, quote #878 Added: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 20:00:02 UTC % rainabba> when I use 'crontab -e', where are the entries stored? --, quote #879 Added: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 20:02:03 UTC % < dcramer[]> hrm how do you print to stdin ? < emacsen> you don't < emacsen> you can't print to stdin. That's like eating from your butt --, quote #881 Added: Sun, 30 Mar 2008 00:13:37 UTC % <@Anheuser-Busch> IM DRUNK AND LISTENING TO ABBA at least yo're not sober and listening to ABBA <@Anheuser-Busch> heh --, quote #882 Added: Sun, 30 Mar 2008 05:57:37 UTC % < Lo-lan-do> Okay, I'm fed up with one particular company spamming me repeatedly. Anyone knows of a HOWTO for tarpitting with iptables? < formorer> iptables -I INPUT -s -j DROP < mjj29> formorer: or, -j MIRROR < mjj29> MIRROR is excellent < mjj29> some script kiddie rooted himself via a box I had MIRROR setup on --, quote #883 Added: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 12:07:23 UTC % < muraii> The Onion should do real news for April fool's. < muraii> Likewise, Fox. --, quote #886 Added: Tue, 01 Apr 2008 19:59:17 UTC % < cruxeternus> Someone ought to overthrow VeriSign... they're raising domain rates the max possible every year. Because the price of oil is really affecting domain name costs. <@caker> gotta lube the tubes <@caker> that didn't sound right --, quote #887 Added: Wed, 02 Apr 2008 01:17:03 UTC % <+ARKANSAS> hey <+ARKANSAS> I just discoverd something...every time I connect it says something about me having new memos from MemoServ, and I always assumed that it was just automated spam messages, but I just figured out how to check them and they are messages piled up from real people LOL (how does one leave one such a message?). --, quote #888 Added: Wed, 02 Apr 2008 07:02:15 UTC % < FlashBlind> Is there a way other than lilo to duel boot slac and PCBSD? < jkwood> Duel booting... Now THERE'S a concept. < tom4000> :) * jkwood has a sudden vision of operating systems fighting it out for which one takes control, mortal-kombat style < tom4000> Linux, ready?! PCBSD, ready?! Fight! --, quote #889 Added: Thu, 03 Apr 2008 00:45:14 UTC % Why do some people on IRC think their time is more valuable than mine? --, quote #890 Added: Thu, 03 Apr 2008 01:10:50 UTC % ^}^: my channel is registered by another guy ^}^: my site is but #freesocial is registered. ViciousPotato: Such a beautiful website, you have. ^}^: a opensource /freesoft Social Network Service like Facebook fred: I can't describe alpha, but I know it when I see it NOT_NOT quick trip to reveals .C,^3-L-+-S:C,,-L-NOTu+-C,DEGO 3/4ua^2>>OUD-i?EuA:A:U^2aAuuYENO:D-!-L- --, quote #891 Added: Thu, 03 Apr 2008 11:51:21 UTC % (3:23:07 PM) hennyrd: kmsg is weird (3:23:24 PM) hennyrd: how come i cant remove it? --, quote #892 Added: Thu, 03 Apr 2008 22:23:33 UTC % < seg`fault> hi < seg`fault> anyone ON for query? < lunaphyte_> proceed. < seg`fault> how can i configure the dns referrel in zone < seg`fault> pls advice < seg`fault> i am new to dns < lunaphyte_> what is your goal? < seg`fault> i am learning dns < seg`fault> so i am testing whatever i can < lunaphyte_> what would you like to refer? < seg`fault> how many types of referrel? < seg`fault> can you just give me one configuraiton example? < lunaphyte_> what do you mean by referral? < seg`fault> lamer < seg`fault> don't waste my time < seg`fault> ! < seg`fault> :\ -!- seg`fault [] has quit [] < lunaphyte_> nice. < Trengo> he actually said "dont waste MY time"??? < Trengo> that was... < Trengo> surreal < rob0> wow < lunaphyte_> i can be such a prick sometimes. < rob0> Not enough of one in that case. --, quote #893 Added: Thu, 03 Apr 2008 22:33:38 UTC % * benji has run x86_64 since 2004 * fred has been running his own x86_64 distro since 2004 * fred wins --, quote #894 Added: Fri, 04 Apr 2008 15:05:49 UTC % ktabic [] has quit ["I'm a professionally trainined computer scientist. That is to say, I am poorly educated" --, quote #895 Added: Fri, 04 Apr 2008 15:22:24 UTC % < jkwood> fred, you're such a tease. --, quote #896 Added: Fri, 04 Apr 2008 18:07:13 UTC % (BTS is an IRC bot showing bug activity in the Debian GNU/Linux project) < BTS> Closed #31581 in project by Christoph Berg (myon) <