diff options
2 files changed, 83 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/sbopkglint.d/50-icons.t.sh b/sbopkglint.d/50-icons.t.sh
index 2296e9d..61703e2 100644
--- a/sbopkglint.d/50-icons.t.sh
+++ b/sbopkglint.d/50-icons.t.sh
@@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ check_image() {
local ext="$( echo "$bn" | sed 's,.*\.\([^.]*\)$,\1,' )"
[ "$ext" = "$f" ] && ext=""
+ [ "$( stat -Lc '%a %U %G' "$i" )" = "644 root root" ] || \
+ ls -bld "$i" >> .badperms.$$
[ "$bn" = "theme" -o "$bn" = "icon-theme.cache" -o "$bn" = "index.theme" ] && return
mime="$( file -L -zS -b --mime-type "$f" )"
@@ -71,15 +74,17 @@ check_image() {
-for icondir in usr/share/pixmaps usr/share/icons/hicolor; do
- if [ -d "$icondir" ]; then
- find -L "$icondir" -type f | while read i; do
- check_image "$i"
- [ "$( stat -Lc '%a %U %G' "$i" )" = "644 root root" ] || \
- ls -bld "$i" >> .badperms.$$
- done
- fi
+if [ -d usr/share/icons/hicolor ]; then
+ find -L usr/share/icons/hicolor -type f | while read i; do
+ check_image "$i"
+ done
+if [ -d usr/share/pixmaps ]; then
+ find -L usr/share/pixmaps -type f -maxdepth 1 | while read i; do
+ check_image "$i"
+ done
[ -s .nonimages.$$ ] && warn "non-image files in icon dirs:" && cat .nonimages.$$
@@ -88,4 +93,9 @@ if [ -s .badperms.$$ ]; then
cat .badperms.$$
+# this isn't (yet?) a fatal error, but at least let the user know something's up.
+if [ -d usr/share/pixmaps/hicolor ]; then
+ note "Icons are in /usr/share/pixmaps/hicolor, this is almost certainly WRONG!"
rm -f .nonimages.$$ .badperms.$$
diff --git a/sbopkglint.d/90-terminfo.t.sh b/sbopkglint.d/90-terminfo.t.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b0cc03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sbopkglint.d/90-terminfo.t.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# sbopkglint test, must be sourced by sbopkglint (not run standalone).
+# PKG, PRGNAM, VERSION, ARCH are set by sbopkglint. also the current
+# directory is the root of the installed package tree.
+# check contents of /usr/share/terminfo, if present.
+# 0. /usr/share/terminfo may only contain directories (not files). This
+# gets checked in 05-basic_sanity, not here.
+# 1. directories under /usr/share/terminfo must have one-character names,
+# /a-zA-Z0-9/.
+# 2. directories under /usr/share/terminfo mode 0755.
+# 3. /usr/share/terminfo/*/ must contain only files (no subdirs).
+# 4. files must go in the subdir for the first letter of their name.
+# 5. files must be valid compiled terminfo entries.
+# 6. files must be mode 0644 or 0444.
+# 7. all files and dirs must be owned by root:root.
+# Note: although I've never seen it done, it's perfectly legit for a
+# terminfo file to have a space in its name. So that's not checked
+# for here.
+if [ -d "usr/share/terminfo" ]; then
+ find -L "usr/share/terminfo" -type f > .tfiles.$$
+ # 1:
+ find -L "usr/share/terminfo" -type d -mindepth 1 -name '??*' > .baddirs.$$
+ # 3:
+ find -L "usr/share/terminfo" -type d -mindepth 2 >> .baddirs.$$
+ # 2:
+ find -L "usr/share/terminfo" -type d -a \! -perm 755 > .badperms.$$
+ # 6:
+ find -L "usr/share/terminfo" -type f -a \! \( -perm 644 -o -perm 444 \) >> .badperms.$$
+ # 7:
+ find -L "usr/share/terminfo" \! -user root -o \! -group root >> .badperms.$$
+ # 5:
+ xargs -d "\n" file -L --mime-type < .tfiles.$$ | grep -v 'application/x-terminfo' > .badmime.$$
+ # 4:
+ egrep -v 'usr/share/terminfo/([a-zA-Z0-9])/\1[^/]*$' .tfiles.$$ > .wrongdirs.$$
+ if [ -s .badperms.$$ ]; then
+ warn "bad terminfo ownership (must be root:root) and/or permissions (755 for dirs, 644 or 444 for files):"
+ sort -u .badperms.$$ | xargs -d "\n" ls -ld
+ fi
+ if [ -s .baddirs.$$ ]; then
+ warn "invalid terminfo directory structure:"
+ sort -u .baddirs.$$ | xargs -d "\n" ls -ld
+ fi
+ if [ -s .wrongdirs.$$ ]; then
+ warn "terminfo entries in wrong dir(s):"
+ xargs -d "\n" ls -l < .wrongdirs.$$
+ fi
+ if [ -s .badmime.$$ ]; then
+ warn "/usr/share/terminfo has invalid terminfo file(s):"
+ cat .badmime.$$
+ fi
+ rm -f .badperms.$$ .baddirs.$$ .tfiles.$$ .wrongdirs.$$ .badmime.$$