path: root/update_sbtext.pl
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Diffstat (limited to 'update_sbtext.pl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 215 deletions
diff --git a/update_sbtext.pl b/update_sbtext.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index 952d0c3..0000000
--- a/update_sbtext.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# update_sbtext.pl
-# Written by B. Watson (urchlay@slackware.uk) on 20240806. If you
-# modify this file, please include the date, a description of the
-# changes, and your name, below.
-# Revision history:
-# 20240806, initial version, B. Watson.
-# Description:
-# Replacement for update_sbtext.sh. Does the same job but runs a good
-# bit faster.
-# Differences between update_sbtext.sh and update_sbtext.pl:
-# 1. update_sbtext.pl is written in Perl (yeah, call me Captain Obvious).
-# 2. update_sbtext.pl is approximaly 60 times as fast. With ~9400 builds
-# in the repo, the shell version ran in 15 minutes, and this one
-# runs in 15 *seconds*.
-# 3. The output isn't *quite* identical to the .sh version: I made
-# the short description more consistent (always one space after
-# the colon; remove the duplicate package names caused by a bug in
-# the old script that manifested whenever the package name has a +
-# in it).
-# 4. This script writes to SLACKBUILDS.TXT.new, and doesn't disturb
-# the existing SLACKBUILDS.TXT or SLACKBUILDS.TXT.gz until it's
-# done (then it overwrites the old files in one swell foop, so no
-# users ever see partial results).
-# 5. If there are symlinks in the repo, they will show up in the
-# SLACKBUILD FILE LIST for the build they belong to. With the shell
-# version, they are ignored. This actually only affects one build
-# (desktop/mint-y-icons), and it's not clear to me that symlinks
-# should be allowed in the git repo anyway.
-# I know most of my fellow SBo admins aren't real big on Perl, so I
-# commented the hell out of this. If it still doesn't make sense, find
-# me on IRC or by email and I'll try to make it make sense.
-# These 2 variables are configurable settings, if you can think of a
-# reason to change them.
-$slackbuilds_top_dir = "/slackbuilds/www/slackbuilds";
-$output = "SLACKBUILDS.TXT";
-# Use only modules that ship with Slackware's perl package here!
-use File::Find;
-# Rest of the file is hopefully bug-free code (hey, I can hope, right?)
-# File::Find "wanted" predicate. When find() calls this, it sets
-# $_ to the filename (the basename only) and $File::Find::dir
-# to the directory (relative to find()'s 2nd argument). See
-# "perldoc File::Find" if you need more information.
-sub found_file {
- # don't process directories at all.
- return if -d $_;
- # $dot is always "."
- # $cat is the category (audio, development, etc).
- # $prgnam is (guess what?) the build name.
- # @path is the rest. for e.g. slack-desc, it'll be just the name.
- # if there's a subdirectory, it'll be dir/filename.
- my ($dot, $cat, $prgnam, @path) = split /\//, $File::Find::dir;
- # if there aren't at least 2 dir components, ignore.
- return unless defined $cat;
- return unless defined $prgnam;
- # %files hash key.
- $dir = "$dot/$cat/$prgnam";
- # %files values are array references, holding the subdirs under the
- # SlackBuild dir, if any, and the basename.
- push @{$files{$dir}}, join("/", @path, $_);
- return unless /(.*)\.info$/;
- # if we found an .info file, add it to the list.
- push @infos, "$dir/$_";
-# Join together lines in .info files that are split by
-# backslashes. This is actually more forgiving of spacing errors
-# than it needs to be (better not to be so picky).
-sub fix_backslashes {
- for($_[0]) {
- s,
- \s* # optional spaces
- \\ # required: single backslash
- \s* # optional spaces
- \n # required: newline
- \s* # optional spaces
- , ,gx; # all the above gets replaced with a single space.
- return $_;
- }
-# Read an entire file, join any lines back together if they're split
-# with a backslash, return entire file contents as a scalar.
-sub slurp_file {
- my $file = shift;
- local $/ = undef;
- open my $fh, '<', $file || die $!;
- my $content = <$fh>;
- close $fh;
- return fix_backslashes($content);
-# Return just the value from the .info file contents, given the key.
-# Assumes the content's already had fix_backslashes() called on it.
-sub get_info_value {
- my $file = shift; # only needed for error message
- my $info = shift;
- my $key = shift;
- $$info =~ m,^$key="(.*?)",m or die "no match for $key in $file\n";
- return $1;
-# get the first non-comment line of the slack-desc in $dir, remove
-# the 'buildname: ' prefix, return the rest.
-sub get_short_desc {
- my $buildname = quotemeta shift;
- my $dir = shift;
- my $file = $dir . "/slack-desc";
- open my $fh, '<', $file || die "$file: $!\n";
- my $line;
- while(<$fh>) {
- chomp;
- last if /^$buildname: /;
- }
- close $fh;
- die "$file: can't figure out short description\n" unless defined $_;
- s,^\S+:\s*,,;
- return $_;
-# parse_info() actually prints the 'entry' in SLACKBUILDS.TXT for a
-# given info file. Argument must be the path to the file, like
-# ./category/progname/progname.info
-sub parse_info {
- my $file = shift;
- my $loc;
- my $name;
- ($loc, $name) = ($file =~ m,(^.*)/([^/]+)\.info$,);
- print "SLACKBUILD NAME: $name\n";
- print "SLACKBUILD LOCATION: $loc\n";
- print "SLACKBUILD FILES: " . join(" ", sort @{$files{$loc}}) . "\n";
- my $content = slurp_file($file);
- print "SLACKBUILD $_: " . get_info_value($file, \$content, $_) . "\n";
- }
- # N.B. update_sbtext.sh always puts 2 spaces after the : here, unless
- # the script name has a + in it (e.g. wmweather+, atari++), in which
- # case it puts one space, and duplicates the package name. I consider
- # this a bug in the original script; here, there's always one space
- # and no dup package names.
- print "SLACKBUILD SHORT DESCRIPTION: " . get_short_desc($name, $loc);
- print "\n\n";
-# main()
-$subdir = shift || die "Usage: $0 <version>\n";
-chdir $slackbuilds_top_dir . "/" . $subdir || die $!;
-open $outfh, '>', "$output.new" || die $!;
-*STDOUT = $outfh;
-# slight difference: .sh version printed this string to stdout, not
-# stderr. I don't think anyone cares.
-warn "$0: Updating SLACKBUILDS.TXT...\n";
-# builds the %files and @infos tables.
-find(\&found_file, '.');
-# generate the entries, in sorted order.
-parse_info($_) for sort @infos;
-close $outfh;
-# don't overwrite SLACKBUILDS.TXT (and .TXT.gz) until the end.
-rename "$output.new", $output;
-system("gzip -9c $output > $output.gz");