The real ChangeLog is the git log. This is just a summary of the user-visible changes between releases. New in 0.9.0: ============= sbopkglint: - Spaces in filenames are now handled correctly. - Permissions and ownership of icons are now checked. - Shared libraries are now checked for +x permission. - Option bundling is now supported (e.g. -ki is the same as -k -i). - Long names for all options (see --help or man page). sbolint: - Warning: -n option has changed meaning! It used to mean "no warnings", use "-e" for that, now. New -n is "no notes". - Option bundling is now supported (e.g. -qr is the same as -q -r). - Long names for all options (see --help or man page). - New -n (--no-notes) option to disable notes. - You can use - for a build name, to read a list of builds from standard input. This is actually not new, but was undocumented before. - If exists, it's checked for correct usage of config(), preserve_perms(), and gtk-update-icon-cache. New in 0.8.2: ============= sbolint: - When checking for, don't complain if it's - Add progress bar (on stderr) for -a. Also, make the user redirect stdout (instead of spewing to the terminal). - Add summary for -a (total builds, totals + percentages OK and failed). - Check for (must exist if the script mentions it; must not exist if the the script doesn't mention it). - If LIBDIRSUFFIX and/or SLKCFLAGS are set, and then never used, you'll get a non-fatal NOTE message. Yes, you can ignore this. sbopkglint: - Forbid nonstandard directories directly under /usr (e.g. /usr/$PRGNAM). - Check for install/slack-desc. - Check for $TMP/package-* baked into any files in the package. This requires TMP to be set the same as it was when the package was built (normally, /tmp/SBo). New in 0.8.1: ============= This is a bugfix release. sbolint: - When linting tarballs, files with extra dots in the filename (e.g. were failing to validate. Fixed. - Also handle tarballs created by file-roller, which list the directory last rather than first. And tarballs created by 'tar cvfz foo.tar.gz foo/*', which don't list the directory at all. New in 0.8.0: ============= Added this NEWS file :) Added a new tool: sbodl, which downloads sources and checks md5sums. sbolint: - Suggestions only (not an error/warning) to split python builds into separate python2- and python3- builds, and to use the python2 command rather than plain python (because someday, /usr/bin/python will become a symlink to python3, not python2). - Add a bit of color in the output (red errors, green OK, etc). - Check TMP= PKG= OUTPUT= assignments. - Check for outdated (i386, i486) ARCH and flags. - Check for hidden and empty files/directories. - Fix off-by-one error in slack-desc line length check. - Add check for trailing whitespace on slack-desc non-blank lines. sbopkglint: - Add tests for /usr/info. - /etc/ is not allowed. - *-mimetypes.list is now allowed in /usr/share/applications. - Broken python modules (named UNKNOWN-*) are now detected. Thanks to bedlam, fourtysixandtwo, Fonix, lockywolf, timsoft, and probably others for the ideas that led to the new features in 0.8.0.