See README for install instructions. Once you have sbo-maintainer-tools installed: You can lint the build you're working on currently by running "sbolint" while cd'ed into its directory. You can lint the *package* (if you've already built one) by running "sbopkglint" in the build directory (and entering your password, if you're asked for one). You can also lint any package by giving its filename as an argument to sbopkglint. If you have a bunch of already-built packages, you can lint them all at once with e.g. "sbopkglint /tmp/*.tgz". sbolint and sbopkglint each have extensive man pages and --help output, which you'll want to read to learn to use the tools effectively. You should also read the sbo-maintainer-tools README, if you haven't already. In particular, the README tells you how to set up the git hook (which is *very* handy, if you use git).