sbo-maintainer-tools -------------------- These are "lint" tools to make life easier for maintainers and admins. Included tools: - sbolint: checks your SlackBuild, README, .info file, and slack-desc. Also there's a git pre-commit hook you should use, that automatically calls sbolint and stops you from committing bad code. - sbopkglint: checks your package, after it's built. Note that the SBo admins use these tools as part of the approval process, when you submit an update. Failure to pass the lint checks is a valid reason for rejecting your submission, so you should either make sure your scripts and packages pass the tests, or give a good explanation why a failure isn't relevant to your build (because the tests aren't perfect, of course). Installation: The best way to install sbo-maintainer-tools is to install them from SBo (system/sbo-maintainer-tools). If you prefer, you can install them with "make install" (defaults to /usr/local; add 'PREFIX=/usr' if you'd rather). You can also run them directly from the source directory, if you can think of a reason for that (e.g. if you're hacking on the tests). To use the git hook, copy pre-commit-sbolint to .git/hooks/pre-commit in your git work tree (wherever you cloned the SBo repository), and make sure it's executable (chmod +x). If you already have a pre-commit hook, you can copy/paste the code, or (possibly) just append pre-commit-sbolint to your existing hook (if it doesn't end with "exit 0"). For more information, see the sbolint and sbopkglint man pages (or run the scripts with --doc; it's the same thing).