path: root/sbolint
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sbolint')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1408 deletions
diff --git a/sbolint b/sbolint
deleted file mode 100755
index 6b2d13a..0000000
--- a/sbolint
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1408 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# ChangeLog:
-# 0.4 20220314 bkw: add -a option to check all builds in the git repo.
-# 0.3 20200420 bkw:
-# - Check github URLs for validity.
-# 0.2 20200103 bkw:
-# - Use "git rev-parse" to decide if we're in a git repo, because
-# "git status" traverses the whole repo looking for untracked files.
-# It does this even if you use -uno (it won't *print* the untracked
-# files, but it still searches for them). Thanks to alienBOB for cluing
-# me in to using rev-parse for this.
-# - Skip the junkfiles check when we're in a git repo. It's more
-# annoying than it is useful.
-# - Allow possible -e/-u arguments in the shebang.
-# - Avoid false positives when the script does a "cd $PKG" and then
-# uses relative paths for install/*.
-# - Require VERSION= to appear within the first 10 non-comment/non-blank
-# lines, and don't check it anywhere else in the script.
-# - Allow scripts to skip lint checks via ###sbolint on/off comments.
-# 0.1 20141114 bkw, Initial release.
-# This script is meant to be fairly self-contained, prefer not to
-# require a huge pile of perl module dependencies. In some cases this
-# means using system() or backticks or such (e.g. to run tar, instead of
-# using Archive::Tar). Please don't "improve" the script by using a ton
-# of modules. The POSIX module ships with perl, not afraid of using that.
-# future options:
-# -l list packages with errs/warnings, don't give details
-# possibly some way to selectively disable the checks (does anyone
-# really need this?)
-# future ideas for checks:
-# - REQUIRES= packages have to exist? annoying if you're working on a batch
-# of stuff to be submitted together.
-# - Validate images, e.g. icon.png or .xpm or such. ImageMagick's identify
-# command can tell a non-image or a wrong-format image (a .jpg filename
-# that's actually a PNG image), but it doesn't detect truncated images.
-# Also we have to parse its stdout/stderr, it returns 0.
-=head1 NAME
-sbolint - check SlackBuild directories or tarballs for common errors.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-B<sbolint> [-g] [-q] [-u] [-n] [build [build ...]]
-sbolint checks for common errors in SlackBuilds.org scripts. It's
-intended for slackbuild authors and maintainers, and can cut down on
-"There was a problem with your upload" errors from the submission form.
-The [build] arguments must be either directories or tarballs, each
-containing a SlackBuild script, slack-desc, README, and .info file.
-With no [build] arguments, the current directory is checked.
-sbolint will flag errors for problems that would prevent the build from
-being accepted by the upload form (or by the SBo admins, if if passes
-the upload checks). There may also be warnings, which are things that
-(probably) won't stop your build from being accepted, but may cause the
-SBo admins extra work.
-sbolint was not written by the SlackBuilds.org team, and shares no code
-with the upload form's submission checker. Lack of errors/warnings from
-sbolint does not guarantee that your build will be accepted!
-sbolint doesn't check built packages, and never executes the build
-script. If you want a lint tool for binary Slackware packages, try
-pprkut's B<lintpkg>.
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=over 4
-=item B<-a>
-Check all builds in the git repository. This must be run from within a
-git tree (e.g. one made with "git clone").
-=item B<-q>
-Quiet. Suppresses 'xxx checks out OK' and the total errors/warnings summary.
-=item B<-u>
-URL check. Uses B<curl> to make HTTP HEAD requests for the B<HOMEPAGE>,
-B<DOWNLOAD>, and B<DOWNLOAD_x86_64> links. This won't guarantee that
-the links are good, but some kinds of failure (e.g. site down, 404)
-means they're definitely bad. Unfortunately a lot of sites have stopped
-responding to HEAD requests in the name of "security", so your mileage
-man vary.
-=item B<-n>
-Suppress warnings. Only errors will be listed. This also affects the
-exit status (see below).
-=head1 CHECKS
-For tar files only:
-=over 4
-=item -
-File size must not be bigger than the upload form's limit (currently one
-=item -
-File must be a tar archive, possibly compressed with gzip, bzip2, or xz,
-extractable by the B<tar>(1) command.
-=item -
-Filename extension must match compression type.
-=item -
-Archive must contain a directory with the same name as the archive's base name,
-e.g. I<foo.tar.gz> must contain I<foo/>. Everything else in the archive must be
-inside this directory.
-=item -
-Archive must contain I<dirname/Idirname.SlackBuild>.
-For all builds:
-=over 4
-=item -
-The SlackBuild, .info, README files must have Unix \n line endings (not
-DOS \r\n), and the last line of each must have a \n.
-=item -
-The SlackBuild script must exist, with mode 0755 (or 0644, if in a git repo),
-and be a I<#!/bin/bash> script.
-=item -
-The script must contain the standard variable assignments for PRGNAM,
-VERSION, BUILD, and TAG. BUILD must be numeric.
-=item -
-I<PRGNAM> in the script must match I<PRGNAM> in the .info file. Both must
-match the script name (I<PRGNAM.SlackBuild>) and the directory name.
-=item -
-I<VERSION> must match the I<VERSION> in the .info file.
-=item -
-TAG=${TAG:-_SBo} must occur in the script.
-=item -
-The I<VERSION>, I<BUILD>, and I<TAG> variables must respect the environment.
-=item -
-The script must install the slack-desc in I<$PKG/install>.
-=item -
-If there is a doinst.sh script, the SlackBuild must install it to I<$PKG/install>.
-=item -
-Template boilerplate comments should be removed, e.g. I<"REMOVE THIS ENTIRE BLOCK OF TEXT">
-or I<"Automatically determine the architecture we're building on">.
-=item -
-Script must contain exactly one B<makepkg> command.
-=item -
-README must exist, have mode 0644, its character encoding must be
-either ASCII or UTF-8 without BOM, and it may not contain tab characters.
-=item -
-slack-desc must exist, have mode 0644, its character encoding must be ASCII,
-and it may not contain tab characters.
-=item -
-slack-desc contents must match the SBo template, including the "handy-ruler",
-comments, and correct spacing/indentation.
-=item -
-.info file must exist, have mode 0644, and match the SBo template.
-=item -
-.info file URLs must be valid URLs (for a very loose definition of "valid": they
-must begin with B<ftp://>, B<http://>, or B<https://>).
-=item -
-Optionally, .info file URLs can be checked for existence with an HTTP HEAD
-request (see the B<-u> option).
-The following tests are only done when sbolint's starting directory
-was NOT in a git repo:
-=over 4
-=item -
-Any files other than the .SlackBuild, .info, slack-desc, and README are
-checked for permissions (should be 0644) and excessive size.
-=item -
-The source archive(s) must not exist. Also sbolint attempts to detect
-extracted source trees (but isn't all that good at it).
-=item -
-Files named 'build.log' or 'strace.out*' must not exist. The B<sbrun>
-tool creates these.
-The rationale for skipping the above tests when in a git repo is that
-maintainers will be using git to track files and push changes, so we
-don't need to check them here.
-Exit status from sbolint will normally be 0 (success) if there were no
-errors or warnings in any of the builds checked. With the B<-n> option,
-exit status will be 0 if there are no errors.
-Exit status 1 indicates there was at least one warning or error (or, with
-B<-n>, at least one error).
-Any other exit status means sbolint itself failed somehow (e.g. called
-with nonexistent filename).
-=head1 BUGS
-Probably quite a few. Watch this space for details.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-B. Watson (yalhcru at gmail dot com, or Urchlay on Libera IRC)
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-B<sbofixinfo>(1), B<sbosearch>(1)
-use POSIX qw/getcwd/;
-@boilerplate = (
- qr/#\s*replace with (?:version:name) of program/,
- qr/#\s*the "_SBo" is required/,
- qr/#\s*Automatically determine the architecture we're building on/,
- qr/#\s*Unless \$ARCH is already set,/,
- qr/#\s*For consistency's sake, use this/,
- qr/#\s*Drop the package in \/tmp/,
- qr/#\s*Exit on most errors/,
- qr/#\s*If you prefer to do selective error checking with/,
- qr/#\s*Your application will probably need/,
- qr/#\s*Compile the application and install it into the/,
- qr/#\s*Strip binaries and libraries - this can be done with/,
- qr/#\s*Compress man pages$/,
- qr/#\s*Compress info pages and remove the/,
- qr/#\s*Copy program documentation into the package/,
- qr/#\s*Copy the slack-desc \(and a custom doinst\.sh if necessary\)/,
- qr/#\s*Make the package; be sure to leave it in/,
-# this was scraped from the HTML source for the upload form:
-$MAX_TARBALL_SIZE = 1048576;
-($SELF = $0) =~ s,.*/,,;
-$buildname = $build = "";
-$g_warncount = 0;
-$g_errcount = 0;
-$warncount = 0;
-$errcount = 0;
-$tempdir = 0;
-our %info = (); # has to be global, check_info sets it, check_script needs it
-# main() {
-#check_github_url("testing", $_) for @ARGV;
-#exit 0;
-while(@ARGV && ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/)) {
- my $opt = shift;
- $opt =~ /^-a/ && do { $recursive_git = 1; next; };
- $opt =~ /^-u/ && do { $url_head = 1; next; };
- $opt =~ /^-d/ && do { $url_download = 1; next; };
- $opt =~ /^--?q(uiet)?/ && do { $quiet = 1; next; };
- $opt =~ /^-$/ && do { $stdin = 1; next; };
- $opt =~ /^--?h(elp)?/ && do { usage(); exit 0; };
- $opt =~ /^-n$/ && do { $nowarn = 1; next; };
- $opt =~ /^-r$/ && do { $suppress_readme_len = 1; next; };
- $opt =~ /^--doc$/ && do { exec("perldoc $0"); };
- $opt =~ /^--man$/ && do { exec("pod2man --stderr -s1 -cSBoStuff -r$VERSION $0"); };
- die_usage("Unrecognized option '$opt'");
-if($url_head && $url_download) {
- die_usage("-u and -d options are mutually exclusive");
-if($url_head || $url_download) {
- if(system("curl --version > /dev/null") != 0) {
- die "$SELF: -u and -d options require curl, can't find it in your \$PATH.\n";
- }
-if($stdin) {
- @ARGV = <STDIN>;
- chomp for @ARGV;
-if($recursive_git) {
- @ARGV=();
- my $pwd;
- # find root of the SBo git repo, if we're somewhere inside it.
- while(! -d ".git" && ! -d "system") {
- chdir("..");
- chomp($pwd = `pwd`);
- die "$SELF: -a option only works if you run $SELF from a git worktree\n" if $pwd eq "/";
- }
- chomp($pwd = `pwd`);
- for(`git ls-files '*/*/*.SlackBuild' | cut -d/ -f1,2`) {
- chomp;
- push @ARGV, $_;
- }
- warn "$SELF: linting " . scalar(@ARGV) . " builds from git repo at $pwd\n" unless $quiet;
- $quiet = 1;
-push @ARGV, "." unless @ARGV;
-# are we in a git repo? build scripts are mode 0644 there, plus
-# the junkfile check is skipped.
-$in_git_repo = system("git rev-parse >/dev/null 2>/dev/null") == 0;
-for(@ARGV) {
- run_checks($_);
- $g_errcount += $errcount;
- $g_warncount += $warncount;
- if(!$quiet) {
- if($errcount == 0 and $warncount == 0) {
- print "$SELF: $buildname checks out OK\n";
- } else {
- print "$SELF: $buildname: errors $errcount, warnings $warncount\n";
- }
- }
-# print total errs/warns only if >1 build checked
-if(!$quiet && @ARGV > 1) {
- print "$SELF: Total errors: $g_errcount\n";
- print "$SELF: Total warnings: $g_warncount\n" unless $nowarn;
-exit ($g_errcount > 0 || (!$nowarn && $g_warncount > 0));
-# }
-sub dequote {
- my $a = shift;
- #warn "dequote arg: $a\n";
- $a =~ s/^("|')(\S+)(\1)$/$2/;
- #warn "dequote ret: $a\n";
- return $a;
-sub logmsg {
- my $severity = shift;
- my $format = shift;
- printf("$buildname: $severity: $format\n", @_);
-sub log_error {
- logmsg("ERR", @_);
- $errcount++;
-sub log_warning {
- return if $nowarn;
- logmsg("WARN", @_);
- $warncount++;
-sub usage {
- if(@_) {
- warn "$SELF: $_\n" for @_;
- }
- warn <<EOF;
-$SELF - check SlackBuilds.org scripts for common problems.
-Usage: $SELF [-q] [-u] [-n] [-r] <build <build ...>>
-Usage: $SELF --help | --man
-builds may be directories or tarballs. If no build arguments given,
-. (current directory) is assumed. Use - to read a list of tarballs/dirs
-from stdin.
--a Lint all builds in the git repo.
--q Quiet: only emit errors/warnings, no 'checks out OK' or totals.
--u URL Check: use HTTP HEAD request to verify download/homepage URLs exist.
--n Suppress warnings, log only errors.
--r Suppress warning about README lines being too long.
---doc See the full documentation, in your pager.
---man Convert the full documentation to a man page, on stdout.
-Do not bundle options (say "-q -r", not "-qr").
-See the full documentation for more details.
-# not yet:
-#-d URL Download: as -u, plus download & check md5sums of download URLs.
-sub die_usage {
- usage(@_);
- exit 1;
-sub chdir_or_die {
- chdir($_[0]) or die "$SELF: chdir($_[0]): $!\n";
-sub make_temp_dir {
- return if $tempdir;
- my $tmp = $ENV{TMP} || "/tmp";
- $tempdir = "$tmp/$SELF." . int(rand(2**32-1));
- system("rm -rf $tempdir");
- system("mkdir -p $tempdir");
- if(! -d $tempdir) {
- die "$SELF: can't create temp dir $tempdir\n";
- }
-sub rm_temp_dir {
- if($tempdir && (-d $tempdir)) {
- system("rm -rf $tempdir");
- $tempdir = 0;
- }
-sub check_tarball_mime {
- my $file = shift;
- ### This stuff is a little pedantic. It also relies on having a recent-ish
- ### version of GNU file (the one in Slack 14.1 works fine).
- my %types = (
- 'tar' => 'application/x-tar',
- 'tar.gz' => 'application/x-gzip',
- 'tar.bz2' => 'application/x-bzip2',
- 'tar.xz' => 'application/x-xz',
- );
- (my $basename = $file) =~ s,.*/,,;
- my (undef, $ext) = split /\./, $basename, 2;
- my $mime = `file --brief --mime-type $file`;
- chomp $mime;
- if(!grep { $_ eq $mime } values %types) {
- log_error("$file is not a tarball (mime type is '$mime')");
- } elsif(!$ext) {
- log_error("$file: filename has no extension (will be rejected by upload form)");
- } elsif($types{$ext} ne $mime) {
- log_error("$file mime type '$mime' doesn't match filename (should be $types{$ext})");
- } elsif($ext ne 'tar') {
- my $realmime = `file -z --brief --mime-type $file`;
- chomp $realmime;
- if($realmime ne 'application/x-tar') {
- log_error("$file doesn't contain a tar archive (content mime type is $realmime, should be application/x-tar)");
- }
- }
-sub check_tarball {
- my $file = shift;
- ### First, mime type checks. None of this will be fatal (no return 0 on error).
- check_tarball_mime($file);
- ### one more pre-extraction check:
- if(-s "$file" > $MAX_TARBALL_SIZE) {
- log_warning("$file is larger than $MAX_TARBALL_SIZE bytes, upload may be rejected");
- }
- ### now call tar to list the contents, and start returning 0 on failure.
- my @list = split "\n", `tar tf $file`;
- if($?) {
- log_error("$file: tar failed to list contents");
- return 0;
- }
- if(!@list) {
- log_error("$file is empty archive?");
- return 0;
- }
- if($list[0] ne "$buildname/") {
- log_error("$file not a SBo-compliant tarball, first element should be '$buildname/', not '$list[0]'");
- return 0;
- }
- my $foundsb = 0;
- shift @list; # 1st element is dirname/, we already checked it
- for(@list) {
- my $bn = quotemeta($buildname); # some builds have + in the name
- if(not /^$bn\//) {
- log_error("$file not a SBo-compliant tarball, contains extra junk '$_'");
- return 0;
- }
- if(/^$bn\/$bn.SlackBuild$/) {
- $foundsb = 1;
- }
- }
- if(not $foundsb) {
- log_error("$file not a SBo-compliant tarball, doesn't contain '$buildname/$buildname.SlackBuild'");
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-sub extract_tarball {
- my $file = shift;
- $file = `readlink -n -e $file`;
- make_temp_dir();
- chdir_or_die($tempdir);
- system("tar xf $file");
- return "$tempdir/$buildname";
-# run_checks will extract its argument (then cd to it) if it's a tarball,
-# otherwise cd to its argument if it's a dir, otherwise error.
-sub run_checks {
- $build = shift;
- my $oldcwd = getcwd();
- $errcount = $warncount = 0;
- if(-f $build || -l $build) {
- ($buildname = $build) =~ s,\.tar(\..*)?$,,;
- $buildname =~ s,.*/,,;
- if(check_tarball($build)) {
- chdir_or_die(extract_tarball($build));
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- } elsif(-d $build) {
- chdir_or_die($build);
- } else {
- die_usage "'$build' not a file or a directory.";
- }
- # last component of directory is the build name
- $buildname = `readlink -n -e .`;
- $buildname =~ s,.*/,,;
- my @checks = (
- \&check_readme,
- \&check_slackdesc,
- \&check_info,
- \&check_script,
- \&check_images,
- );
- # if we're in a git repo, it's assumed we're going to track extra
- # files with git, and use git to update the build, not tar it up
- # and use the web form.
- push @checks, \&check_junkfiles unless $in_git_repo;
- for(@checks) {
- $_->($build);
- }
- chdir_or_die($oldcwd);
- rm_temp_dir();
-sub check_mode {
- my ($file, $wantmode) = @_;
- if(! -e $file) {
- log_error("$file does not exist");
- return 0;
- }
- my $gotmode = 07777 & ((stat($file))[2]);
- if($wantmode != $gotmode) {
- log_error("$file should be mode %04o, not %04o", $wantmode, $gotmode);
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-sub check_crlf {
- my $file = shift;
- for(@_) {
- if(/\r/) {
- log_error("$file has DOS-style CRLF line endings");
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return 1;
-sub check_and_read {
- my ($file, $mode) = @_;
- my $crlf_err;
- my @lines;
- my $lastline_nonl;
- check_mode($file, $mode);
- if(open my $fh, "<$file") {
- while(<$fh>) {
- $lastline_nonl = 1 unless /\n$/;
- chomp;
- $crlf_err = 1 if s/\r$//;
- push @lines, $_;
- }
- if(scalar @lines == 0) {
- log_error("$file exists but is empty");
- }
- }
- log_error("$file has DOS-style CRLF line endings") if $crlf_err;
- log_error("$file has no newline at EOF") if $lastline_nonl;
- return @lines;
-# 20220315 bkw: warn if a file isn't ASCII or UTF-8 without BOM.
-# Used for README and slack-desc...
-sub check_encoding {
- my $file = shift;
- my $ascii_only = shift;
- my $ftype;
- # 20220314 bkw: the -e options make file faster and turn off checks
- # we don't need, ones that sometimes cause false detection too.
- chomp($ftype = `file -b -e cdf -e compress -e csv -e elf -e json -e soft -e tar $file`);
- if($ascii_only && ($ftype !~ /ASCII text/)) {
- log_warning("$file must be ASCII text, not $ftype");
- }
- if($ftype =~ /ASCII text/ || $ftype =~ /UTF-8/) {
- # encoding is OK, but:
- if($ftype =~ /BOM/) {
- log_warning("$file has BOM, remove with: LANG=C sed -i '1s/^\\xEF\\xBB\\xBF//' $file");
- }
- } elsif($ftype =~ /ISO-8859/) {
- log_warning("$file has ISO-8859 encoding, fix with: mv $file $file.old; iconv -f iso-8859-1 -t utf-8 $file.old > $file; rm $file.old");
- } else {
- log_warning("$file isn't ASCII or UTF-8, file(1) says it's '$ftype'");
- }
-sub check_readme {
- my $maxlen = $ENV{'SBOLINT_README_MAX'} || 72;
- my @lines = check_and_read("README", 0644);
- return unless @lines;
- check_encoding("README", 0);
- if(grep { /\t/ } @lines) {
- log_warning("README has tabs, these should be replaced with spaces");
- }
- return if $suppress_readme_len;
- # 20220205 bkw: don't complain about long lines if they're URLs,
- # not much we can do about them.
- if(grep { !/^\s*(ftp|https?):\/\// && length > $maxlen } @lines) {
- log_warning("README has lines >$maxlen characters");
- }
-# the slack-desc checking code offends me (the author), on the one hand it's
-# overly complex, and on the other hand it assumes the slack-desc is at
-# least close to being right...
-sub check_slackdesc {
- my @lines = check_and_read("slack-desc", 0644);
- return unless scalar @lines;
- check_encoding("slack-desc", 1);
- if(grep { /\t/ } @lines) {
- log_warning("slack-desc has tabs, these should be replaced with spaces");
- }
- my $lineno = 1;
- if($lines[0] =~ /^# HOW TO EDIT THIS FILE:$/) {
- shift @lines;
- $lineno++;
- } else {
- log_warning("slack-desc doesn't start with how-to-edit comment");
- }
- my $count = 0;
- while($lines[0] =~ /^#/) {
- $count++;
- $lineno++;
- shift @lines;
- }
- if($count != 5) {
- log_warning("slack-desc doesn't have standard how-to-edit stanza");
- }
- $count = 0;
- while($lines[0] eq "") {
- $count++;
- $lineno++;
- shift @lines;
- }
- if($count == 0) {
- log_warning("slack-desc missing blank line before handy-ruler");
- } elsif($count > 1) {
- log_warning("slack-desc has extra blank lines before handy-ruler");
- }
- if($lines[0] =~ /handy-ruler/) {
- my $ruler = shift @lines;
- $lineno++;
- my ($spaces, $prefix, $hr, $suffix, $junk) = ($ruler =~ /^( *)(\|-+)(handy-ruler)(-+\|)(.*)$/);
- if(length($spaces) != length($buildname)) {
- log_error("slack-desc:$lineno: handy-ruler has wrong number of indent spaces (%d, should be %d)",
- length($spaces),
- length($buildname));
- }
- if(length($junk) > 0) {
- log_error("slack-desc:$lineno: handy-ruler has %d characters of trailing junk after last |", length($junk));
- }
- my $rlen = length($prefix . $hr . $suffix);
- if($rlen != 72) {
- log_error("slack-desc:$lineno: handy-ruler must be 72 characters, not %d", $rlen);
- } elsif(length($prefix) != 6) {
- log_error("slack-desc:$lineno: handy-ruler malformed, has '$prefix' instead of '|-----'");
- }
- } else {
- log_error("slack-desc missing handy-ruler");
- }
- $count = 0;
- for(@lines) {
- $count++;
- if(my ($prefix, $text) = /^([^\s]+:)(.*)/) {
- if($prefix ne "$buildname:") {
- log_error("slack-desc:$lineno: wrong prefix '$prefix', should be '$buildname:'");
- } elsif($text =~ /^\s+$/) {
- log_error("slack-desc:$lineno: trailing whitespace after colon, on otherwise-blank line");
- } elsif(length($text) > 72) {
- log_error("slack-desc:$lineno: text too long, %d characters, should be <= 72", length($text));
- } elsif(length($text) && $text !~ /^ /) {
- log_error("slack-desc:$lineno: missing whitespace after colon, on non-blank line");
- }
- my $bn = quotemeta($buildname); # some builds have + in the name
- if(($count == 1) && ($text !~ /^ $bn \(.+\)$/)) {
- log_warning("slack-desc:$lineno: first description line should be '$buildname: $buildname (short desc)'");
- }
- } else {
- log_error("slack-desc:$lineno: malformed line in description section");
- }
- $lineno++;
- }
- if($count < 11) {
- log_error("slack-desc only has $count description lines, should be 11 (add some empties)");
- } elsif($count > 11) {
- log_error("slack-desc has too many description lines ($count, should be 11)");
- }
-# This is a damn mess. Needs refactoring badly.
-sub check_info {
- my $file = $buildname . ".info";
- my @lines = check_and_read($file, 0644);
- return unless scalar @lines;
- my $lineno = 0;
- my $file_lineno = 0;
- my @expected = qw/PRGNAM VERSION HOMEPAGE
- DOWNLOAD_x86_64 MD5SUM_x86_64
- my $next_exp = 0;
- my @keys;
- my $continuation = 0;
- # parse and bitch about bad syntax...
- for(@lines) {
- $file_lineno++;
- if($continuation) {
- s/^\s*//;
- $_ = "$continuation $_";
- $continuation = 0;
- $lineno = $file_lineno - 1;
- } else {
- $lineno = $file_lineno;
- }
- if(s/\s*\\$//) {
- $continuation = $_;
- next;
- }
- if(/^\s*$/) {
- log_error("$file:$lineno: blank line (get rid of it)");
- next;
- }
- unless(/=/) {
- log_error("$file:$lineno: malformed line (no = sign, missing \\ on prev line?)");
- next;
- }
- if(s/^\s+//) {
- log_error("$file:$lineno: leading whitespace before key");
- }
- if(s/\s+$//) {
- log_error("$file:$lineno: trailing whitespace at EOL");
- }
- if(my ($k, $s1, $s2, $q1, $val, $q2) = /^(\w+)(\s*)=(\s*)("?)(.*?)("?)$/) {
- if(!grep { $k eq $_ } @expected) {
- log_error("$file:$lineno: invalid key '$k'");
- } else {
- if($k ne $expected[$next_exp]) {
- log_warning("$file:$lineno: out of order, expected $expected[$next_exp], got $k");
- }
- $next_exp++;
- }
- if(not $q1) {
- log_error("$file:$lineno: missing opening double-quote");
- }
- if(not $q2) {
- log_error("$file:$lineno: missing closing double-quote");
- }
- if(length($s1) || length($s2)) {
- log_error("$file:$lineno: no spaces allowed before/after = sign");
- }
- my $oldval = $val;
- if($val =~ s/^\s+//) {
- log_error("$file:$lineno: leading space in value: \"$oldval\"");
- }
- if($val =~ s/\s+$//) {
- log_error("$file:$lineno: trailing space in value: \"$oldval\"");
- }
- $info{$k} = $val;
- } else {
- log_error("$file:$lineno: malformed line");
- }
- }
- # parsing done, now for semantic checks
- my @missing;
- for(@expected) {
- if(not exists($info{$_})) {
- push @missing, $_;
- }
- }
- log_error("$file: missing required key(s): " . (join ", ", @missing)) if @missing;
- # init this to avoid checking undef values below
- $info{$_} ||= "" for @expected;
- if($info{PRGNAM} && ($info{PRGNAM} ne $buildname)) {
- log_error("$file: PRGNAM is '$info{PRGNAM}', should be '$buildname'");
- }
- if($info{VERSION} =~ /-/) {
- log_error("$file: VERSION may not contain - (dash) characters");
- }
- if(!check_url($info{HOMEPAGE})) {
- log_error("$file: HOMEPAGE=\"$info{HOMEPAGE}\" doesn't look like a valid URL (http, https, or ftp)");
- }
- # use a HEAD request for homepage, even if downloading other files
- if($url_head || $url_download) {
- curl_head_request($file, $info{HOMEPAGE}) || do {
- log_warning("$file: HOMEPAGE URL broken?");
- };
- }
- if($info{MD5SUM} =~ /^\s*$/) {
- log_error("$file: MD5SUM is missing or blank") unless $info{DOWNLOAD} eq 'UNSUPPORTED';
- } else {
- check_dl_and_md5($file, "");
- }
- my $dl64 = $info{DOWNLOAD_x86_64};
- if($dl64 =~ /^(?:|UNSUPPORTED|UNTESTED)$/) {
- if($info{MD5SUM_x86_64} ne "") {
- log_error("$file: MD5SUM_x86_64 must be blank if DOWNLOAD_x86_64 is not set");
- }
- } elsif($info{MD5SUM_x86_64} eq "") {
- log_error("$file: MD5SUM_x86_64 may not be blank if DOWNLOAD_x86_64 is set");
- } else {
- check_dl_and_md5($file, "_x86_64");
- }
-sub check_dl_and_md5 {
- my($file, $suffix) = @_;
- my $md5key = "MD5SUM" . $suffix;
- my $dlkey = "DOWNLOAD" . $suffix;
- my @dlurls = split /\s+/, $info{$dlkey};
- my @md5s = split /\s+/, $info{$md5key};
- if(@md5s != @dlurls) {
- log_error("$file: we have " . @dlurls . " $dlkey URLs but " . @md5s . " $md5key" . " values");
- }
- for my $u (@dlurls) {
- if(!check_url($u)) {
- log_error("$file: $dlkey URL '$u' doesn't look like a valid URL (http, https, or ftp)");
- next;
- }
- #check_github_url($file, $u);
- if($url_head) {
- curl_head_request($file, $u) || do {
- warn '$u is '. $u;
- log_warning("$file: $dlkey URL '$u' broken?");
- };
- } elsif($url_download) {
- warn "$SELF: -d option not yet implemented\n";
- }
- }
- for(@md5s) {
- unless(/^[0-9a-f]{32}$/) {
- log_error("$file: $md5key '$_' is invalid (must be 32 hex digits)");
- }
- }
- # TODO: maybe actually download and check md5sums.
-sub check_url {
- # url is bad if:
- return 0 if $_[0] =~ /\s/; # ...it contains a space,
- return 0 if $_[0] !~ /\./; # ...it has no dots, or
- return 0 if $_[0] !~ /\//; # ...it has no slashes, or
- return ($_[0] =~ /^(?:ftp|https?):\/\//); # ...it doesn't have a known protocol,
- # ...which doesn't necessarily mean it's a good URL either.
-sub curl_head_request {
- #return !system("curl --head --location --silent --fail $_[0] >/dev/null");
- #warn $_[1];
- my $file = $_[0];
- my $client_filename = $_[1];
- $client_filename =~ s,.*/,,;
- my $curlcmd = "curl -m20 --head --location --silent --fail $_[1]";
- open my $pipe, "$curlcmd|";
- #warn "$curlcmd";
- while(<$pipe>) {
- chomp;
- s/\r//;
- if(/^content-disposition:\s+attachment;\s+filename=["']?(.*?)["']?$/i) {
- #warn $1;
- if(defined($client_filename) && ($client_filename ne $1)) {
- log_warning("$file: download filename varies based on content disposition: '$1' vs. '$client_filename'");
- }
- }
- }
- return close($pipe);
-# WIP, maybe no longer needed
-## sub check_github_url {
-## my $file = shift;
-## my $url = shift;
-## return unless $url =~ m{(https?:)//github\.com};
-## if($1 eq "http:") {
-## log_warning("$file: github URL $url should be https");
-## }
-## (my $expect_filename = $url) =~ s,.*/,,;
-## my(undef, undef, undef, $user, $prog, $archive, $ver, $filename) = split /\//, $url;
-## warn "user $user, prog $prog, archive $archive, ver $ver, filename $filename, expect_filename $expect_filename\n";
-## # assume these are correct, for now
-## return if $user eq 'downloads';
-## return if $archive eq 'releases';
-## # TODO: work out what to do about /raw/
-## return if $archive eq 'raw';
-## if($archive ne 'archive') {
-## log_warning("$file: unknown github URL type: $url");
-## return;
-## }
-## # OK, good URLs look like this:
-## # https://github.com/jeetsukumaran/DendroPy/archive/v4.4.0/DendroPy-4.4.0.tar.gz
-## # ...and bad ones look like this:
-## # https://github.com/haiwen/seafile-client/archive/v4.4.2.tar.gz
-## # Corrected version of the bad one would be:
-## # https://github.com/haiwen/seafile-client/archive/v4.4.2/seafile-client-4.4.2.tar.gz
-## # Notice the "v" isn't part of the version number. It's not always there,
-## # and sometimes it's a different letter (r, or g, or capital V, etc).
-## }
-# NOT going to police the script too much. Would end up rewriting most of
-# the shell, in perl. Plus, it'd become a straitjacket. Here's what I'll
-# implement:
-# - #!/bin/bash on line 1
-# - PRGNAM must match $buildname
-# - VERSION must match the .info VERSION
-# - BUILD line must be present
-# - TAG line must be present
-# - If VERSION, BUILD, TAG don't respect the env, it's a warning
-# - Check for strings like slack-desc, $PKG/install, makepkg, stuff
-# that's standard for SBo. Don't be too specific here.
-# - If there's a doinst.sh, it must mentioned in the script. If not,
-# it better not be mentioned.
-# - Check for leftover boilerplate
-# - cp -a <documentation> is an error
-sub check_script {
- my $file = $buildname . ".SlackBuild";
- my $wantmode = $in_git_repo ? 0644 : 0755;
- my @lines = check_and_read($file, $wantmode);
- return unless scalar @lines;
- if($lines[0] !~ /^#!/) {
- log_error("$file:1: missing or invalid shebang line (should be '#!/bin/bash')");
- } elsif($lines[0] !~ m,#!/bin/bash(?: (?:-e|-eu|-ue|-e -u|-u -e))?$,) {
- log_warning("$file:1: shebang line should be #!/bin/bash (possibly with -e/-u arg(s)), not '$lines[0]'");
- }
- my $lineno = 0;
- my ($prgnam, $version, $build, $tag, $need_doinst, $slackdesc, $makepkg, $install);
- my ($cdpkg, $codestart, $lint_enabled, $print_pkg_name);
- $lint_enabled = 1;
- for(@lines) {
- $lineno++;
- if(/^\s*[^#]/ && !defined($codestart)) {
- $codestart = $lineno;
- }
- if(/^###sbolint\s*(\S+)/) {
- my $arg = $1;
- if(lc($arg) eq "on") {
- $lint_enabled = 1;
- } elsif(lc($arg) eq "off") {
- $lint_enabled = 0;
- } else {
- log_warning("$file:$lineno: unknown ###sbolint argument '$arg' (should be 'on' or 'off')");
- }
- }
- next unless $lint_enabled;
- # TODO: cp without -a (or -p, or a couple other flags) is OK.
-## if(/^[^#]*cp\s+(?:-\w+\s+)*[\"\$\{]*CWD/) {
-## log_error("$file:$lineno: copying files from CWD with cp (use cat instead)");
-## }
- if(/^PRGNAM=(\S+)/) {
- if($prgnam) {
- log_error("$file:$lineno: PRGNAM redefined");
- }
- $prgnam = dequote($1);
- if($prgnam ne $buildname) {
- log_error("$file:$lineno: PRGNAM doesn't match dir name ($prgnam != $buildname)");
- }
- } elsif(/^VERSION=(\S+)/ && ($lineno <= $codestart + 10)) {
- $version = dequote($1);
- if(not ($version =~ s/\$\{VERSION:-([^}]+)\}/$1/)) {
- log_warning("$file:$lineno: VERSION ignores environment, try VERSION=\${VERSION:-$version}");
- }
- $version = dequote($1);
- if($version ne $info{VERSION}) {
- log_error("$file:$lineno: VERSION ($version) doesn't match VERSION in the .info file ($info{VERSION})");
- }
- } elsif(/^BUILD=(\S+)/) {
- $build = dequote($1);
- if(not ($build =~ /\d/)) {
- log_error("$file:$lineno: BUILD is non-numeric");
- } elsif(not ($build =~ /\$\{BUILD:-\d+}/)) {
- log_warning("$file:$lineno: BUILD ignores environment (try BUILD=\${BUILD:-$build}");
- }
- } elsif(/^TAG=(\S+)/) {
- $tag = dequote($1);
- if($tag !~ /\$\{TAG:-(?:_SBo|("|')_SBo(\1))\}/) {
- log_error("$file:$lineno: TAG=\${TAG:-_SBo} is required");
- }
- } elsif(/^[^#]*\$\{?CWD\}?\/doinst\.sh/) {
- # 20220205 bkw: some scripts don't have a doinst.sh in the
- # script dir, but they create one with >> (the jack rt audio stuff
- # does this).
- $need_doinst = $lineno;
- } elsif(/^[^#]*slack-desc/) {
- $slackdesc = $lineno;
- $install = $lineno if m,install/,; # assume OK
- } elsif(/^[^#]*?cd\s+[{\$"]*PKG[}"]*/) {
- $cdpkg = $lineno;
- } elsif(/^[^#]*?["{\$]+PKG[}"]*\/install/) {
- $install = $lineno;
- } elsif($cdpkg && /^[^#]*mkdir[^#]*install/) {
- $install = $lineno;
- } elsif(/^[^#]*makepkg/) {
- if($makepkg) {
- log_error("$file:$lineno: makepkg called twice (here and line $makepkg");
- }
- $makepkg = $lineno;
- }
- if(/^[^#]*<documentation>/) {
- log_error("$file:$lineno: copy actual documentation, not <documentation>");
- }
- my $line = $_;
- if(grep { $line =~ /$_/ } @boilerplate) {
- log_warning("$file:$lineno: template comment should be removed");
- }
- # special case here: don't complain about this comment if it's a perl-* build
- if($file !~ /^perl-/) {
- if($line =~ /#\s*Remove perllocal.pod and other special files/) {
- log_warning("$file:$lineno: template comment should be removed");
- }
- }
- # 20220312 bkw: 15.0 template
- if(/^[^#]*\$.*PRINT_PACKAGE_NAME/) {
- $print_pkg_name = 1;
- }
- }
- if(not defined($prgnam)) {
- log_error("$file: no PRGNAM= line");
- }
- if(not defined($version)) {
- log_error("$file: no VERSION= line");
- }
- if(not defined($build)) {
- log_error("$file: no BUILD= line");
- }
- if(not defined($tag)) {
- log_error("$file: no TAG= line");
- }
- if(not defined($slackdesc)) {
- log_error("$file: doesn't seem to install slack-desc in \$PKG/install");
- }
- if(not defined($makepkg)) {
- log_error("$file: no makepkg command found");
- }
- if(not defined($print_pkg_name)) {
- log_error("$file: missing PRINT_PACKAGE_NAME stanza (Slackware >= 15.0)");
- }
- if(not defined($install)) {
- log_error("$file: nothing gets installed in \$PKG/install");
- }
- my $have_doinst = (-f "doinst.sh");
- if($have_doinst) {
- check_and_read("doinst.sh", 0644);
- }
- if($need_doinst && !$have_doinst) {
- log_error("$file:$need_doinst: script installs doinst.sh, but it doesn't exist");
- } elsif($have_doinst && !$need_doinst) {
- log_error("$file: doinst.sh exists, but the script doesn't install it");
- }
-# stuff like editor backups and dangling symlinks.
-# maybe *any* symlinks?
-# ELF objects are bad, too.
-# Big-ass files...
-# directories are OK, but hidden dirs are not.
-sub check_junkfiles {
- my @sources = split(/\s+/, $info{DOWNLOAD} . " " . $info{DOWNLOAD_x86_64});
- s,.*/,, for @sources;
- @sources = grep { $_ !~ /^(?:\s*|UNTESTED|UNSUPPORTED)$/ } @sources;
- if(!grep { $_ =~ /^v$info{VERSION}\./ } @sources) {
- push @sources, "v$info{VERSION}.$_" for qw /zip tar.gz tar.bz2 tar.xz/;
- }
- open my $fh, "-|", "find . ! -type d -print0 | xargs -0 file --mime-type";
- FILE: while(<$fh>) {
- chomp;
- my ($file, $type) = split /: */, $_, 2;
- $file =~ s,\./,,;
- # skip the files caught by other checks
- next if $file eq "$buildname.SlackBuild";
- next if $file eq "$buildname.info";
- next if $file eq "README";
- next if $file eq "slack-desc";
- next if $file =~ /(?:diff|patch)$/;
- check_mode($file, 0644);
- if(grep { $_ eq $file } @sources) {
- log_error("source archive found: $file");
- next FILE;
- }
- for($file) {
- (/\.swp\w*$/ || /#/ || /~/ ) && do {
- log_error("editor backup found: $file");
- next FILE;
- };
- /^\./ && do {
- log_error("hidden file found: $file");
- next FILE;
- };
- /\.(?:orig|bak|old)[^.]*$/ && do {
- log_warning("$file looks like sort some of backup file");
- next FILE;
- };
- /^(?:build.log|strace.out)/ && do {
- log_warning("$file is a build log");
- next FILE;
- };
- /\.desktop$/ && do {
- system("desktop-file-validate $file");
- if($? != 0) {
- log_warning("$file fails desktop-file-validate");
- next FILE;
- }
- }
- }
- for($type) {
- ($_ eq "inode/x-empty") && do {
- log_error("$file is empty (0 bytes long)");
- next FILE;
- };
- ($_ =~ /^inode/) && do {
- log_error("$file is $type, not a regular file or directory");
- next FILE;
- };
- ($_ =~ m,application/x-(?:executable|dosexec|object|coredump),) && do {
- log_error("$file is object code ($type)");
- next FILE;
- };
- }
- my $size = -s $file;
- if($size > 1024 * 100) {
- log_warning("$file is large ($size bytes), may be rejected by submission form");
- }
- }
- close $fh;
- open $fh, "-|", "find . -type d -mindepth 1";
- while(<$fh>) {
- chomp;
- s,\./,,;
- if(/^\./) {
- log_error("found hidden directory: $_");
- next;
- }
- if(glob("$_/*.o")) {
- log_error("$_ contains compiled object files (leftover source tree?)");
- next;
- }
- for my $badfile (qw/Makefile configure CmakeLists.txt makefile.pl SConstruct/) {
- if(-f "$_/$badfile") {
- log_error("$_ looks like extracted source tree (contains $badfile)");
- }
- }
- }
- close $fh;
-# # this won't always catch everything (e.g. PRGNAM=foo VERSION=1, but the
-# # extracted dir is foo1 or foo_1 or foo-source-1).
-# if(-d "$buildname-$version") {
-# log_warning("$buildname-$version/ looks like extracted source dir");
-# }
-# if anything *.diff or *.patch contains \r, warn the
-# user about git stripping the \r's (better gzip it).
-sub check_patches {
- for(<*.diff>,<*.patch>) {
- check_and_read($_, 0644);
- }
-# checking an image is a bit of a PITA. "file" can tell us if it's
-# not an image, or has the wrong extension.
-# ImageMagick's "identify" command won't detect truncated images.
-# "convert" will, but it always returns 0/success, so we have to
-# parse its output.
-sub im_check_img {
- our %ext2mime;
- my $mime;
- my $ok = 1;
- %ext2mime = (
- png => 'image/png',
- jpg => 'image/jpeg',
- xpm => 'image/x-xpm',
- gif => 'image/gif',
- ) unless %ext2mime;
- my $img = shift;
- my $ext = $img;
- $ext =~ s,.*\.,,;
- $ext = lc $ext;
- chomp($mime = `file -L --brief --mime "$img"`);
- if($mime !~ /$ext2mime{$ext}/) {
- log_error("$img has wrong extension $ext (MIME type is $mime)");
- return;
- }
- open my $im, "convert \"$img\" png:/dev/null 2>&1 |";
- while(<$im>) {
- $ok = 0 if /premature|corrupt/i;
- }
- close $im;
- log_error("$img appears to be corrupt") unless $ok;
-sub check_images {
- my $images = `find . \\( -iname '*.jpg' -o -iname '*.png' -o -iname '*.xpm' -o -iname '*.gif' \\) -print0`;
- for(split /\x00/, $images) {
- check_mode($_, 0644);
- im_check_img($_);
- }