sbostuff - Miscellaneous tools for working with (SBo) build scripts. Included tools: mkslackdesc - make a valid slack-desc from a README mkslackinfo - generate .info and template SlackBuild sbodeps - generate a queue file based on .info file contents sbodl - download the sources (from the .info file) sbofixinfo - try to fix malformed .info files sbolint - examine a SBo tarball or dir, look for common errors sbosearch - search local SBo repo sbosubmit - submit to SBo, from command line sbrename - rename a build sbosrc - simple client script for sbosrcarch archives sbosrcarch - create/maintain an archive of SBo sources sbofindsrc - attempt to find missing SBo sources upkg - .info file aware wrapper for "upgradepkg --reinstall --install-new" Most scripts support a --help option. Further documentation will be in the form of comments in the scripts. Some of these are shell scripts, some are perl. Comments are hopefully in English :)