#!/usr/bin/perl ## Config file for sbosrcarch. The #! line above is just for syntax # highlighting while editing this file, it's not a standalone perl # script. # This file must be called either sbosrcarch.conf or .sbosrcarch.conf, # and located in current directory, $HOME, /etc/sbosrcarch, or /etc. # It's parsed by perl, so it needs to be valid perl code. If in doubt, # try 'perl -c sbosrcarch.conf' to check the syntax. # Rest of file is config values and (hopefully) explanatory comments. ## $sbogiturl (string, required) # slackbuilds.org's master git URL (used with 'git clone'). # Unlikely that this will ever need to be changed. $sbogiturl = "git://slackbuilds.org/slackbuilds.git"; ## $sbogitdir (string, filesystem path, required) # Location of local copy of SBo git clone. 'sbosrcarch create' will create # this via 'git clone' if it doesn't already exist. Should stay on master # branch. This script will take care of pulling from SBo git, so this # dir shouldn't be your working repo that you use for any other purpose. # This must be located on the same filesystem (aka same mount point) # as $archivedir! $sbogitdir = "/home/urchlay/sbo-master/"; # Branch to use, normally master (only change for testing purposes). #$sbogitbranch = "master"; $ TODO: implement ## $archivedir (string, filesystem path, required) # Location of archive (which you will serve by e.g. apache). # This must be located on the same filesystem as $sbogitdir unless # $symlinks is set to 1. $archivedir = "/home/urchlay/sboarchive"; ## $maxfilemegs (positive real number, optional, default 10) # Max file size, in megabytes (real ones, 2**10). Doesn't have to be an # integer. Set to 0 for "no limit". Files larger than this (according to # HTTP HEAD or FTP SIZE) won't be downloaded. If you increase this, re-run # 'sbosrcarch create' after editing this config. If you decrease it, # run 'sbosrcarch trim' to get rid of files that are now over the limit. $maxfilemegs = 1; ## $symlinks (boolean, 0 or 1, optional, default 0) # 0 = use hard links for by-md5 tree, 1 = symlinks. # Which should you use? Well, if other people are going to rsync your # repo, hardlinks are more expensive (see the -a and -H options in the # rsync man page). If disk space is at a premium, symlinks eat a tiny # bit more space (but I mean *tiny*)... and you'll have to make sure # your web server follows symlinks if you use them. # If you change this for an existing archive, run 'sbosrcarch purge --rebuild' # to re-create the by-md5 tree with the new link type, otherwise you'll # end up with a mix of hard and soft links (no harm done, but it's ugly). $symlinks = 0; ## $wgetargs (string, optional, default "") # Extra arguments to pass to wget. We're already creating a config file # and using it in place of .wgetrc and /etc/wgetrc, you don't need to # list --config here. $wgetargs = ""; ## $wgetrc_contents (string, optional, see "man wget" and/or the comments in # /etc/wgetrc for more information). # We don't trust the system-wide or user wgetrc, so we provide our own. # The check_certificate = off might be controversial. My take on it is # that it's better to download the file even if the server has a crappy # self-signed certificate, or one from a brand-new CA that wget doesn't # know about yet. These are just publically-available static files, # they'd just as well be served with plain HTTP. Feel free to change it # if you disagree. # For user_agent, I picked an ancient version of Firefox. Probably no # need to change it, but see user_agent_overrides below. # content_disposition needs to stay off. Don't change it. If you do, don't # complain when things break. # Might want to add this here: #timeout = 30 $wgetrc_contents = < 'wget', );