#!/usr/bin/perl -w # automated submission client for slackbuilds.org web form. # by B. Watson . # Licensed under the WTFPL. See http://www.wtfpl.net/txt/copying/ for details. # run with no arguments for usage instructions. use LWP; use Getopt::Std; @categories = qw/ Academic Accessibility Audio Business Desktop Development Games Graphics Haskell Libraries Misc Multimedia Network Office Perl Python Ruby System /; sub usage { my $cats = join("\n", @categories); warn < [-e ] [-C ] [-k ] file If no -e option is given, the contents of ~/.sbo_email is used as the email address (and it's a fatal error if the file's missing). The categories for -c are: $cats The -c argument is case-insensitive, and category names may be abbreviated to the shortest unique prefix (e.g. "gr" for Graphics is OK, but "g" is an error because it matches both Graphics and Games). No checking is done on the file before it's uploaded (other than its existence). After the file is uploaded, the server's response is displayed via "links -dump". $0's exit status does NOT reflect success/failure: it will be zero if an upload was done, or non-zero if there's an error in the arguments (in which case no upload is done). EOF exit($_[0] || 0); } sub die_usage { warn $_ . "\n" for @_; usage(1); } sub get_category { my $in = shift; my $orig = $in; my @got; $in =~ s/[^A-Za-z]//g; for(@categories) { push @got, $_ if /^$in/i; } if(!@got) { die_usage("Invalid category '$orig'"); } elsif(@got > 1) { die_usage("Ambiguous category '$orig', matches: " . join(" ", @got)); } else { return $got[0]; } } if(!@ARGV || $ARGV[0] =~ /--?h(?:elp)?/i) { usage; } getopts('c:e:C:k:', \%opts); ($userfile, $junk) = @ARGV; die_usage("Unknown junk on command line: '$junk'") if $junk; die_usage("No category (missing required -c arg)") unless $opts{c}; $category = get_category($opts{c}); chomp($submail = $opts{e} || `head -n1 ~/.sbo_email`); die_usage("No email address (use -e or else create ~/.sbo_email)") unless $submail; $comments = $opts{C} || ""; $tags = $opts{k} || ""; if(! -e $userfile) { die_usage("File not found: $userfile"); } print STDERR "Uploading..."; $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->agent('Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)'); $resp = $ua->post( 'https://slackbuilds.org/process_submit/', [ MAX_FILE_SIZE => '100000', userfile => [ $userfile ], category => $category, tags => $tags, submail => $submail, comments => $comments, submit => 'Upload File' ], Content_Type => 'form-data', Referer => 'https://slackbuilds.org/submit/', ); print STDERR "\n"; $tmpfile = "/tmp/sbosubmit.$$." . int(rand(10 ** 10)) . ".html"; open RESULT, ">$tmpfile" or die "$tmpfile: $!"; print RESULT $resp->content; close RESULT; system("links -dump $tmpfile | sed -n '/Upload Results/,/Home.*Change Log/p'"); unlink $tmpfile; warn "*** HTTP response code is " . $resp->code . "\n" unless $resp->code == 200;