The timing code works by calculating how long to sleep after each character (in microseconds), but actually sleeping slightly less than that, then busy-waiting until the rest of the interval expires. At slower bitrates, this works well, and the CPU overhead is barely noticeable (at least on reasonably fast modern systems). Timing accuracy depends on your OS, kernel config (HZ and/or NO_HZ on Linux), and system load. Also on the amount of data, since the timing loop is self-regulating (the first few bytes will have less accurate timing than later ones). No "fancy" techniques like realtime scheduling or hardware event timers are used. At bitrates up to 115200, on an unloaded Linux system, the timing should be at least 99.9% accurate. At higher bitrates, accuracy will decrease. Timing is more accurate on Linux than OSX. It's done with getitimer() and sigwait(). This works out to be slightly more accurate than using usleep() on both Linux and OSX. It would be possible to use the realtime timer_create() and clock_gettime() API on Linux, for possibly even better accuracy, but OSX doesn't have these (and I want to be portable). On an unloaded OSX system, the accuracy gets steadily worse as you go above 57600bps. There's also more CPU overhead on OSX. getitimer() and gettimeofday() only have microsecond precision. slowbaud does better than this by calculating the delay interval to 1/100 of a microsecond, then adding 1us to the delay time that many times out of 100. For instance, 115200bps is an 86.81us delay. 19 times out of 100, slowbaud sleeps for 86us. The other 81 times, it sleeps 87us. This puts the average at 86.81us, as it should be. If this were a truly useful application, it would be worth trying to increase accuracy further, with realtime process scheduling. I didn't do this because slowbaud is just a toy, and because the RT stuff tends to be unportable and require elevated privileges (root, or something like setrtlimit or extended filesystem attributes to manage capabilities). About the name... I'm aware that "baud" is not synonymous with bps. I just think "slowbaud" sounds better than "slowbps", as a name. Anyway the stty command on both Linux and OSX misuses the term ("speed 38400 baud"), as well as the man page for termios(3), so I'm in good company.