path: root/taipan.c_before_timed_getch
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Diffstat (limited to 'taipan.c_before_timed_getch')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2877 deletions
diff --git a/taipan.c_before_timed_getch b/taipan.c_before_timed_getch
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b399eb..0000000
--- a/taipan.c_before_timed_getch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2877 +0,0 @@
-#include <conio.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <peekpoke.h>
-/* define this for testing sea_battle(). it causes a pirate
- attack every time you leave port. Don't leave defined for
- a relese!! */
-// #define COMBAT_TEST
-/**** atari-specific stuff */
-/* values returned by cgetc() for backspace & enter keys */
-#define BKSP 0x7e
-#define ENTER 0x9b
-/* timed_getch() args for seconds, based on jiffy clock of
- target system. No adjustment made for PAL, sorry. */
-#define TMOUT_1S 60
-#define TMOUT_3S 180
-#define TMOUT_5S 300
-/* original plan was to use time() or _systime(). It turns out that
- these are not implemented on the Atari, and always return -1.
- So, use the OS's countdown timer instead.
- Anyone porting to another cc65 platform needs to rewrite this.
- TODO: rewrite in terms of clock() and CLOCKS_PER_SEC. Will make it
- less atari-specific, plus auto-adjust for pal/ntsc.
- TODO: there is atari-specific stuff elsewhere in the code :(
- */
-static unsigned int tmout_jiffies = 0;
-void timeout(unsigned int msec) {
- if(msec > 0)
- tmout_jiffies = (msec / 100) * 6; // TODO: should be 5 for PAL
- else
- tmout_jiffies = 0;
-/* set timer with interrupts disabled, to avoid race condition
- where an interrupt happens between setting the high & low bytes. */
-void start_timer() {
- __asm__("SEI");
- POKE(541, tmout_jiffies / 256);
- POKE(540, tmout_jiffies % 256);
- __asm__("CLI");
-#define timer_running() (PEEK(541) || PEEK(540))
-#define timer_expired() (!timer_running())
-int flushinp() {
- POKE(764, 255);
- return 0;
-void atari_text_setup() {
- POKE(710, 0xc0); // green background
- POKE(709, 0x0c); // bright text
- POKE(756, 0xb8); // use our custom font
-void jsleep(unsigned int jiffies) {
- tmout_jiffies = jiffies;
- start_timer();
- while(timer_running())
- ;
- timeout(-1);
-/* Atari-specific random number functions from rand.s.
- Non-Atari platforms can probably just:
-#define initrand() _randomize();
-#define randi() rand();
-#define randl() (unsigned long)((randi() << 16) | randi())
-#define initrand() /* no-op on Atari */
-extern unsigned int __fastcall__ randi(void);
-extern unsigned long __fastcall__ randl(void);
-/* used to use this:
-unsigned long randl() {
- unsigned long r = rand();
- char *buf = (char *)r;
- buf[2] = PEEK(53770);
- buf[3] = PEEK(53770);
- return r;
-/**** End of atari-specific stuff */
-unsigned long randclamp(unsigned long clamp) {
- return randl() % clamp;
-/* TODO: rewrite in asm */
-void clrtobot() {
- unsigned char rows, cols, y, oldx, oldy;
- oldx = wherex();
- oldy = wherey();
- screensize(&cols, &rows);
- cclear(cols - wherex()); /* leaves cursor at start of next line */
- for(y = wherey(); y < rows; y++)
- cclearxy(0, y, cols);
- gotoxy(oldx, oldy);
-/* TODO: rewrite in asm */
-void clrtoeol() {
- unsigned char cols, rows, oldx, oldy;
- oldx = wherex();
- oldy = wherey();
- screensize(&cols, &rows);
- cclear(cols - wherex());
- gotoxy(oldx, oldy);
-/* TODO: rewrite in asm */
-/* this getch() works like curses, except it always acts
- like it's in cbreak mode. */
-int getch() {
- int ret = -1;
- if(tmout_jiffies == 0) return cgetc();
- start_timer();
- do {
- if(kbhit()) {
- ret = cgetc();
- break;
- }
- } while (timer_running());
- return ret;
-/* TODO: rewrite in asm */
-int lc(int a) {
- if(a >= 'A' && a <= 'Z') a ^= 0x20;
- return a;
-/* TODO: rewrite in asm */
-/* wrapper for getch() that returns letters as lowercase only
- (and everything else normally). Avoids a bunch of reduntant
- if(foo == 'A' || foo == 'a') tests. */
-int lcgetch() {
- return lc(getch());
-/* taipan functions (modified as little as possible) */
-#define GENERIC 1
-#define LI_YUEN 2
-void splash_intro(void);
-int get_one(void);
-unsigned long get_num(int maxlen);
-void name_firm(void);
-void cash_or_guns(void);
-void set_prices(void);
-void port_stats(void);
-int port_choices(void);
-void new_ship(void);
-void new_gun(void);
-void li_yuen_extortion(void);
-void elder_brother_wu(void);
-void good_prices(void);
-void buy(void);
-void sell(void);
-void visit_bank(void);
-void transfer(void);
-void quit(void);
-void overload(void);
-void fancy_numbers(unsigned long num, char *fancy);
-int sea_battle(int id, int num_ships);
-extern void __fastcall__ draw_lorcha(int which, int displacement, int mask);
-void clear_lorcha(int x, int y);
-void draw_blast(int x, int y);
-void sink_lorcha(int which);
-void fight_stats(int ships, int orders);
-void mchenry(void);
-void retire(void);
-void final_stats(void);
-char firm[23],
- fancy_num[24];
-char *item[] = { "Opium", "Silk", "Arms", "General Cargo" };
-char *location[] = { "At sea", "Hong Kong", "Shanghai", "Nagasaki",
- "Saigon", "Manila", "Singapore", "Batavia" };
-char *months[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
- "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };
-char *st[] = { "Critical", " Poor", " Fair",
- " Good", " Prime", "Perfect" };
-unsigned long cash = 0,
- bank = 0,
- debt = 0,
- booty = 0,
- ec = 20,
- ed = 1; // used to be a float, 0.5
-unsigned long price[4];
-int base_price[4][8] = { {1000, 11, 16, 15, 14, 12, 10, 13},
- {100, 11, 14, 15, 16, 10, 13, 12},
- {10, 12, 16, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15},
- {1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16} };
-int hkw_[4],
- hold_[4];
-int hold = 0,
- capacity = 60,
- guns = 0,
- bp = 0,
- damage = 0,
- month = 1,
- year = 1860,
- li = 0,
- port = 1,
- wu_warn = 0,
- wu_bailout = 0;
-/* print an int or long as a string, conio-style */
-void cprintulong(unsigned long ul) {
- cputs(ultoa(ul, fancy_num, 10));
-void show_damage(void) {
- cputc(' ');
- cprintulong(damage);
- cputc('/');
- cprintulong(capacity);
-#define show_damage()
-// fancy_numbers() will get replaced sooner or later.
-// void cprintfancy(unsigned long ul) {
-// }
-void at_sea() {
- gotoxy(30, 6);
- cputc(' ');
- revers(1);
- cputs(location[0]);
- revers(0);
- cputc(' ');
- cputc(' ');
-/* this bit of code was duplicated a *bunch* of times,
- making it a function makes the binary 2K smaller. */
-void prepare_report() {
- gotoxy(0, 16);
- clrtobot();
-void compradores_report() {
- prepare_report();
- cputs("Comprador's Report\r\n\n");
-void captains_report() {
- prepare_report();
- cputs(" Captain's Report\r\n\n");
-void overload(void)
- compradores_report();
- cputs("Your ship is overloaded, Taipan!!");
- timeout(5000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- return;
-void new_ship(void)
- int choice = 0,
- time;
- // float amount;
- unsigned long amount;
- time = ((year - 1860) * 12) + month;
- amount = randi()%(1000 * (time + 5) / 6) * (capacity / 50) + 1000;
- if (cash < amount)
- {
- return;
- }
- fancy_numbers(amount, fancy_num);
- compradores_report();
- cputs("Do you wish to trade in your ");
- if (damage > 0)
- {
- revers(1);
- cputs("damaged");
- revers(0);
- } else {
- cputs("fine");
- }
- cputs("\r\nship for one with 50 more capacity by\r\n");
- cputs("paying an additional ");
- cputs(fancy_num);
- cputs(", Taipan? ");
- while ((choice != 'Y') && (choice != 'y') &&
- (choice != 'N') && (choice != 'n'))
- {
- choice = get_one();
- }
- if ((choice == 'Y') || (choice == 'y'))
- {
- cash -= amount;
- hold += 50;
- capacity += 50;
- damage = 0;
- }
- if ((randi()%2 == 0) && (guns < 1000))
- {
- port_stats();
- new_gun();
- }
- port_stats();
- return;
-void new_gun(void)
- int choice = 0,
- time;
- unsigned long amount;
- time = ((year - 1860) * 12) + month;
- amount = randi()%(1000 * (time + 5) / 6) + 500;
- if ((cash < amount) || (hold < 10))
- {
- return;
- }
- fancy_numbers(amount, fancy_num);
- compradores_report();
- cputs("Do you wish to buy a ship's gun\r\n for ");
- cputs(fancy_num);
- cputs(", Taipan? ");
- while ((choice != 'Y') && (choice != 'y') &&
- (choice != 'N') && (choice != 'n'))
- {
- choice = get_one();
- }
- if ((choice == 'Y') || (choice == 'y'))
- {
- cash -= amount;
- hold -= 10;
- guns += 1;
- }
- port_stats();
- return;
-void fancy_numbers(unsigned long num, char *fancy)
- /* note to self: find out why there's graphic corruption
- if this isn't static. It's caused by sprintf() or strcpy()
- writing to the font, which is supposed to be above cc65's max
- usable address! */
- static char number[18];
- char mil = 0;
- unsigned int num1, num2;
- if (num >= 100000000L)
- {
- num1 = (num / 1000000L);
- ultoa(num1, fancy, 10);
- mil = 1;
- } else if (num >= 10000000L) {
- num1 = (num / 1000000L);
- num2 = ((num % 1000000L) / 100000L);
- ultoa(num1, fancy, 10);
- if (num2 > 0)
- {
- strcat(fancy, ".");
- ultoa(num2, number, 10);
- strcat(fancy, number);
- }
- mil = 1;
- } else if (num >= 1000000L) {
- num1 = (num / 1000000L);
- num2 = ((num % 1000000L) / 10000L);
- ultoa(num1, fancy, 10);
- if (num2 > 0)
- {
- strcat(fancy, ".");
- ultoa(num2, number, 10);
- strcat(fancy, number);
- }
- mil = 1;
- } else {
- ultoa(num, fancy, 10);
- }
- if(mil) strcat(fancy, " Million");
-void fancytest(void) {
- fancy_numbers(1000, fancy_num);
- cputs(fancy_num);
- cputs("\r\n");
- fancy_numbers(10000, fancy_num);
- cputs(fancy_num);
- cputs("\r\n");
- fancy_numbers(100000, fancy_num);
- cputs(fancy_num);
- cputs("\r\n");
- fancy_numbers(1000000, fancy_num);
- cputs(fancy_num);
- cputs("\r\n");
- fancy_numbers(4294967295, fancy_num); // LONG_MAX
- cputs(fancy_num);
- cputs("\r\n");
- cgetc();
-void fight_stats(int ships, int orders)
- // char ch_orders[12];
- /*
- if (orders == 0)
- {
- strcpy(ch_orders, "\0");
- } else if (orders == 1) {
- strcpy(ch_orders, "Fight ");
- } else if (orders == 2) {
- strcpy(ch_orders, "Run ");
- } else {
- strcpy(ch_orders, "Throw Cargo");
- }
- */
- gotoxy(0, 0);
- /*
- if (ships >= 1000)
- {
- printw("%d", ships);
- } else if (ships >= 100) {
- printw(" %d", ships);
- } else if (ships >= 10) {
- printw(" %d", ships);
- } else {
- printw(" %d", ships);
- }
- */
- if(ships < 1000) cputc(' ');
- if(ships < 100) cputc(' ');
- if(ships < 10) cputc(' ');
- cprintulong(ships);
- // gotoxy(0, 5);
- cputs(" ship");
- if(ships != 1) cputc('s');
- cputs(" attacking, Taipan! \r\n");
- /*
- if (ships == 1)
- {
- printw("ship attacking, Taipan! \n");
- } else {
- printw("ships attacking, Taipan!\n");
- }
- */
- // printw("Your orders are to: %s", ch_orders);
- cputs("Your orders are to: ");
- if(orders == 1)
- cputs("Fight ");
- else if(orders == 2)
- cputs("Run ");
- else if(orders == 3)
- cputs("Throw Cargo");
- /*
- move(0, 50);
- printw("| We have");
- move(1, 50);
- printw("| %d guns", guns);
- move(2, 50);
- printw("----------");
- move(16, 0);
- */
- revers(1);
- gotoxy(30, 0);
- cputs(" We have");
- gotoxy(30, 1);
- cputc(' ');
- if(guns < 1000) cputc(' ');
- if(guns < 100) cputc(' ');
- if(guns < 10) cputc(' ');
- cprintulong(guns);
- cputs(" guns");
- revers(0);
- return;
-void sink_lorcha(int which) {
- int i;
- for(i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
- draw_lorcha(which, i, 0);
- jsleep(5);
- }
-/* print an inverse video plus if there are offscreen ships,
- or clear it to a space if not. */
-void plus_or_space(unsigned char b) {
- gotoxy(39, 15);
- cputc(b ? 0xab : ' ');
-int sea_battle(int id, int num_ships) {
- /* These locals seem to eat too much stack and
- cause weird behaviour, so they're static now. */
- static int ships_on_screen[10];
- static int orders,
- num_on_screen,
- time,
- s0,
- ok,
- ik,
- i,
- input,
- status;
- orders = 0;
- num_on_screen = 0;
- time = ((year - 1860) * 12) + month;
- s0 = num_ships;
- ok = 0;
- ik = 1;
- booty = (time / 4 * 1000 * num_ships) + randi()%1000 + 250;
- for(i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {
- ships_on_screen[i] = 0;
- }
- clrscr();
- flushinp();
- fight_stats(num_ships, orders);
- while(num_ships > 0) {
- status = 100 - ((damage * 100 / capacity));
- if(status <= 0) {
- return 4;
- }
- flushinp();
- gotoxy(0, 3);
- clrtoeol();
- cputs("Current seaworthiness: ");
- cputs(st[status / 20]);
- cputs(" (");
- cprintulong(status);
- cputs("%)");
- gotoxy(0, 4);
- show_damage();
- for(i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {
- if (num_ships > num_on_screen) {
- if (ships_on_screen[i] == 0) {
- jsleep(5);
- ships_on_screen[i] = (randi() % ec) + 20;
- draw_lorcha(i, 0, 0);
- num_on_screen++;
- }
- }
- }
- plus_or_space(num_ships > num_on_screen);
- gotoxy(0, 16);
- cputs("\r\n");
- timeout(3000);
- input = lcgetch();
- timeout(-1);
- if(input == 'f') {
- orders = 1;
- } else if(input == 'r') {
- orders = 2;
- } else if (input == 't') {
- orders = 3;
- }
- if(orders == 0) {
- timeout(3000);
- input = lcgetch();
- timeout(-1);
- if (input == 'f')
- {
- orders = 1;
- } else if ((input == 'R') || (input == 'r')) {
- orders = 2;
- } else if ((input == 'T') || (input == 't')) {
- orders = 3;
- } else {
- gotoxy(0, 3);
- clrtoeol();
- cputs("Taipan, what shall we do??\r\n(f=fight, r=run, t=throw cargo)");
- timeout(-1);
- while ((input != 'f') &&
- (input != 'r') &&
- (input != 't'))
- {
- input = lcgetch();
- }
- gotoxy(0, 3);
- clrtoeol();
- gotoxy(0, 4);
- clrtoeol();
- if (input == 'f') {
- orders = 1;
- } else if (input == 'r') {
- orders = 2;
- } else {
- orders = 3;
- }
- }
- }
- fight_stats(num_ships, orders);
- if((orders == 1) && (guns > 0)) {
- static int targeted, sk;
- sk = 0;
- ok = 3;
- ik = 1;
- gotoxy(0, 3);
- clrtoeol();
- cputs("Aye, we'll fight 'em, Taipan.");
- timeout(3000);
- input = getch();
- timeout(-1);
- gotoxy(0, 3);
- clrtoeol();
- cputs("We're firing on 'em, Taipan!");
- timeout(1000);
- input = getch();
- timeout(-1);
- for(i = 1; i <= guns; i++) {
- if ((ships_on_screen[0] == 0) && (ships_on_screen[1] == 0) &&
- (ships_on_screen[2] == 0) && (ships_on_screen[3] == 0) &&
- (ships_on_screen[4] == 0) && (ships_on_screen[5] == 0) &&
- (ships_on_screen[6] == 0) && (ships_on_screen[7] == 0) &&
- (ships_on_screen[8] == 0) && (ships_on_screen[9] == 0))
- {
- static int j;
- for (j = 0; j <= 9; j++) {
- if (num_ships > num_on_screen) {
- if(ships_on_screen[j] == 0) {
- ships_on_screen[j] = randclamp(ec) + 20;
- draw_lorcha(j, 0, 0);
- num_on_screen++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- plus_or_space(num_ships > num_on_screen);
- gotoxy(0, 16);
- cputc('\r');
- cputc('\n');
- targeted = randi()%10;
- while(ships_on_screen[targeted] == 0) {
- targeted = randi()%10;
- }
- draw_lorcha(targeted, 0, 0x80);
- jsleep(5);
- draw_lorcha(targeted, 0, 0);
- jsleep(5);
- draw_lorcha(targeted, 0, 0x80);
- jsleep(5);
- draw_lorcha(targeted, 0, 0);
- jsleep(5);
- ships_on_screen[targeted] -= randi()%30 + 10;
- if(ships_on_screen[targeted] <= 0) {
- num_on_screen--;
- num_ships--;
- sk++;
- ships_on_screen[targeted] = 0;
- sink_lorcha(targeted);
- plus_or_space(num_ships > num_on_screen);
- /*
- if(num_ships == num_on_screen) {
- gotoxy(39, 7);
- cputc(' ');
- }
- */
- fight_stats(num_ships, orders);
- }
- if(num_ships == 0) {
- i += guns;
- } else {
- jsleep(10);
- }
- }
- gotoxy(0, 3);
- clrtoeol();
- if(sk > 0) {
- cputs("Sunk ");
- cprintulong(sk);
- cputs(" of the buggers, Taipan!");
- } else {
- cputs("Hit 'em, but didn't sink 'em, Taipan!");
- }
- timeout(3000);
- input = getch();
- timeout(-1);
- // if ((randi()%s0 > (num_ships * .6 / id)) && (num_ships > 2))
- if((randi()%s0 > ((num_ships / 2) / id)) && (num_ships > 2)) {
- static int ran;
- ran = randi()%(num_ships / 3 / id) + 1;
- num_ships -= ran;
- fight_stats(num_ships, orders);
- gotoxy(0, 3);
- clrtoeol();
- cprintulong(ran);
- cputs(" ran away, Taipan!");
- if(num_ships <= 10) {
- for(i = 9; i >= 0; i--) {
- if ((num_on_screen > num_ships) && (ships_on_screen[i] > 0)) {
- ships_on_screen[i] = 0;
- num_on_screen--;
- draw_lorcha(i, 7, 0);
- jsleep(5);
- }
- }
- if(num_ships == num_on_screen) {
- plus_or_space(0);
- }
- }
- gotoxy(0, 16);
- timeout(3000);
- input = lcgetch();
- timeout(-1);
- if(input == 'f') {
- orders = 1;
- } else if(input == 'r') {
- orders = 2;
- } else if(input == 't') {
- orders = 3;
- }
- }
- } else if ((orders == 1) && (guns == 0)) {
- gotoxy(0, 3);
- clrtoeol();
- cputs("We have no guns, Taipan!!");
- timeout(3000);
- input = getch();
- timeout(-1);
- } else if (orders == 3) {
- static int choice;
- static long amount, total;
- choice = 0;
- amount = 0;
- total = 0;
- gotoxy(0, 18);
- cputs("You have the following on board, Taipan:");
- gotoxy(4, 19);
- cputs(item[0]);
- cputs(": ");
- cprintulong(hold_[0]);
- gotoxy(24, 19);
- cputs(item[1]);
- cputs(": ");
- cprintulong(hold_[1]);
- gotoxy(5, 20);
- cputs(item[2]);
- cputs(": ");
- cprintulong(hold_[2]);
- gotoxy(21, 20);
- cputs(item[3]);
- cputs(": ");
- cprintulong(hold_[3]);
- gotoxy(0, 3);
- clrtoeol();
- cputs("What shall I throw overboard, Taipan? ");
- /* TODO: this, buy(), sell() have common code */
- while ((choice != 'o') &&
- (choice != 's') &&
- (choice != 'a') &&
- (choice != 'g') &&
- (choice != '*'))
- {
- choice = lc(get_one());
- }
- if(choice == 'o') {
- choice = 0;
- } else if(choice == 's') {
- choice = 1;
- } else if(choice == 'a') {
- choice = 2;
- } else if(choice == 'g') {
- choice = 3;
- } else {
- choice = 4;
- }
- if(choice < 4) {
- gotoxy(0, 3);
- clrtoeol();
- cputs("How much, Taipan? ");
- amount = get_num(9);
- if((hold_[choice] > 0) && ((amount == -1) || (amount > hold_[choice])))
- {
- amount = hold_[choice];
- }
- total = hold_[choice];
- } else {
- total = hold_[0] + hold_[1] + hold_[2] + hold_[3];
- }
- if(total > 0) {
- gotoxy(0, 3);
- clrtoeol();
- cputs("Let's hope we lose 'em, Taipan!");
- if (choice < 4) {
- hold_[choice] -= amount;
- hold += amount;
- ok += (amount / 10);
- } else {
- hold_[0] = 0;
- hold_[1] = 0;
- hold_[2] = 0;
- hold_[3] = 0;
- hold += total;
- ok += (total / 10);
- }
- gotoxy(0, 18);
- clrtobot();
- timeout(3000);
- input = getch();
- timeout(-1);
- } else {
- gotoxy(0, 3);
- clrtoeol();
- cputs("There's nothing there, Taipan!");
- gotoxy(0, 18);
- clrtobot();
- timeout(3000);
- input = getch();
- timeout(-1);
- }
- }
- if((orders == 2) || (orders == 3)) {
- if(orders == 2) {
- gotoxy(0, 3);
- clrtoeol();
- cputs("Aye, we'll run, Taipan.");
- timeout(3000);
- input = getch();
- timeout(-1);
- }
- ok += ik++;
- if(randi()%ok > randi()%num_ships) {
- flushinp();
- gotoxy(0, 3);
- clrtoeol();
- cputs("We got away from 'em, Taipan!");
- timeout(3000);
- input = getch();
- timeout(-1);
- num_ships = 0;
- } else {
- gotoxy(0, 3);
- clrtoeol();
- cputs("Couldn't lose 'em.");
- timeout(3000);
- input = getch();
- timeout(-1);
- if((num_ships > 2) && (randi()%5 == 0)) {
- static int lost;
- lost = (randi()%num_ships / 2) + 1;
- num_ships -= lost;
- fight_stats(num_ships, orders);
- gotoxy(0, 3);
- clrtoeol();
- // printw("But we escaped from %d of 'em!", lost);
- cputs("But we escaped from ");
- cprintulong(lost);
- cputs(" of 'em!");
- if(num_ships <= 10) {
- for(i = 9; i >= 0; i--) {
- if((num_on_screen > num_ships) && (ships_on_screen[i] > 0)) {
- ships_on_screen[i] = 0;
- num_on_screen--;
- draw_lorcha(i, 7, 0);
- jsleep(5);
- }
- }
- plus_or_space(num_ships > num_on_screen);
- /*
- if(num_ships == num_on_screen) {
- gotoxy(39, 7);
- cputc(' ');
- }
- */
- }
- gotoxy(0, 16);
- timeout(3000);
- input = lcgetch();
- timeout(-1);
- if(input == 'f') {
- orders = 1;
- } else if(input == 'r') {
- orders = 2;
- } else if(input == 't') {
- orders = 3;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(num_ships > 0) {
- gotoxy(0, 3);
- clrtoeol();
- cputs("They're firing on us, Taipan!");
- timeout(3000);
- input = getch();
- timeout(-1);
- flushinp();
- for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- POKE(710, 0xcc);
- jsleep(10);
- POKE(710, 0xc0);
- jsleep(10);
- }
- fight_stats(num_ships, orders);
- for(i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {
- if(ships_on_screen[i] > 0) {
- draw_lorcha(i, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- plus_or_space(num_ships > num_on_screen);
- gotoxy(0, 3);
- clrtoeol();
- cputs("We've been hit, Taipan!!");
- timeout(3000);
- input = getch();
- timeout(-1);
- i = (num_ships > 15) ? 15 : num_ships;
- // is this really correct?
- // if ((guns > 0) && ((randi()%100 < (((float) damage / capacity) * 100)) ||
- // ((((float) damage / capacity) * 100) > 80)))
- if((guns > 0) && ((randi()%100 < ((damage * 100) / capacity)) ||
- (((damage * 100) / capacity)) > 80))
- {
- i = 1;
- guns--;
- hold += 10;
- fight_stats(num_ships, orders);
- gotoxy(0, 3);
- clrtoeol();
- cputs("The buggers hit a gun, Taipan!!");
- fight_stats(num_ships, orders);
- timeout(3000);
- input = getch();
- timeout(-1);
- }
- // damage = damage + ((ed * i * id) * ((float) randi() / RAND_MAX)) + (i / 2);
- // remember, ed is now scaled by 2 (used to be 0.5, now 1)
- // damage = damage + randclamp((ed * i * id)/2) + (i / 2);
- // damage = damage + randclamp((ed * i * id)/2) + (i / 2); // b0rked
- damage = damage + (randi() % ((ed * i * id)/2)) + (i / 2);
- if(damage > capacity) damage = capacity; /* just in case */
- if((id == GENERIC) && (randi()%20 == 0)) {
- return 2;
- }
- }
- }
- if(orders == 1) {
- clrscr();
- fight_stats(num_ships, orders);
- gotoxy(0, 3);
- clrtoeol();
- cputs("We got 'em all, Taipan!");
- timeout(3000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- return 1;
- } else {
- return 3;
- }
-/* TODO: rewrite in asm */
-int get_one(void)
- int input,
- choice = 0,
- character = 0;
- // Atari cursor doesn't change visibility until a character
- // is printed... can't use cputc() here as it escapes the
- // character (prints graphics char instead of actually backspacing)
- putchar(' ');
- cursor(1);
- putchar(BKSP);
- while ((input = getch()) != '\n')
- {
- if (((input == BKSP) || (input == 127)) && (character == 0))
- {
- } else if ((input == BKSP) || (input == 127)) {
- putchar(BKSP);
- character--;
- } else if (character >= 1) {
- } else if (input == '\33') {
- flushinp();
- } else {
- putchar(input);
- choice = input;
- character++;
- }
- }
- cursor(0);
- return choice;
-/* TODO: rewrite in asm. Maybe. */
-unsigned long get_num(int maxlen)
- /* see comment in fancy_numbers for why this is static */
- static char number[20];
- int input,
- character = 0;
- long amount;
- putchar(' ');
- cursor(1);
- putchar(BKSP);
- while ((input = getch()) != '\n')
- {
- if (((input == BKSP) || (input == 127)) && (character == 0))
- {
- } else if ((input == BKSP) || (input == 127)) {
- putchar(BKSP);
- number[character] = '\0';
- character--;
- } else if (character >= maxlen) {
- } else if (input == '\33') {
- flushinp();
- } else if (((input == 'A') || (input == 'a')) &&
- (character == 0) && (maxlen > 1)) {
- putchar(input);
- number[character] = input;
- character++;
- } else if ((input < 48) || (input > 57)) {
- } else {
- putchar(input);
- number[character] = input;
- character++;
- }
- }
- number[character] = '\0';
- if ((strcmp(number, "A") == 0) || (strcmp(number, "a") == 0))
- {
- amount = -1;
- } else {
- amount = strtol(number, (char **)NULL, 10);
- }
- cursor(0);
- return amount;
-/* TODO: rewrite in asm */
-void cash_or_guns(void)
- int choice = 0;
- clrscr();
- cputs("Do you want to start . . .\r\n\r\n");
- cputs(" 1) With cash (and a debt)\r\n\r\n");
- cputs(" >> or <<\r\n\r\n");
- cputs(" 2) With five guns and no cash\r\n");
- cputs(" (But no debt!)\r\n");
- while ((choice != '1') && (choice != '2'))
- {
- gotoxy(10, 10);
- cursor(1);
- cputc('?');
- choice = get_one();
- cursor(0);
- }
- cputc(choice);
- if (choice == '1')
- {
- cash = 400;
- debt = 5000;
- hold = 60;
- guns = 0;
- li = 0;
- bp = 10;
- } else {
- cash = 0;
- debt = 0;
- hold = 10;
- guns = 5;
- li = 1;
- bp = 7;
- }
- return;
-void set_prices(void)
- price[0] = base_price[0][port] / 2 * (randi()%3 + 1) * base_price[0][0];
- price[1] = base_price[1][port] / 2 * (randi()%3 + 1) * base_price[1][0];
- price[2] = base_price[2][port] / 2 * (randi()%3 + 1) * base_price[2][0];
- price[3] = base_price[3][port] / 2 * (randi()%3 + 1) * base_price[3][0];
- return;
-void port_stats(void)
- int i, in_use,
- status = 100 - ((damage * 100) / capacity);
- clrscr();
- gotox(12 - strlen(firm) / 2); /* TODO: store in global */
- cputs("Firm: ");
- cputs(firm);
- cputs(", Hong Kong");
- show_damage();
- chlinexy(1, 1, 26);
- chlinexy(1, 7, 26);
- chlinexy(1, 13, 26);
- cvlinexy(0, 2, 5);
- cvlinexy(27, 2, 5);
- cvlinexy(0, 8, 5);
- cvlinexy(27, 8, 5);
- chlinexy(0, 15, 40);
- cputcxy(0, 1, 17); // upper left corner
- cputcxy(0, 7, 1); // |-
- cputcxy(0, 13, 26); // lower left corner
- cputcxy(27, 1, 5); // upper right corner
- cputcxy(27, 7, 4); // -|
- cputcxy(27, 13, 3); // lower right corner
- cputsxy(1, 2, "Hong Kong Warehouse");
- cputsxy(4, 3, "Opium In use");
- cputsxy(4, 4, "Silk ");
- in_use = hkw_[0] + hkw_[1] + hkw_[2] + hkw_[3];
- // printw("%d", in_use);
- cprintulong(in_use);
- cputsxy(4, 5, "Arms Vacant");
- cputsxy(4, 6, "General ");
- // printw("%d", (10000 - in_use));
- cprintulong(10000 - in_use);
- gotoxy(12, 3);
- // printw("%d", hkw_[0]);
- cprintulong(hkw_[0]);
- gotoxy(12, 4);
- // printw("%d", hkw_[1]);
- cprintulong(hkw_[1]);
- gotoxy(12, 5);
- // printw("%d", hkw_[2]);
- cprintulong(hkw_[2]);
- gotoxy(12, 6);
- // printw("%d", hkw_[3]);
- cprintulong(hkw_[3]);
- cputsxy(1, 8, "Hold ");
- if (hold >= 0)
- {
- // printw("%d", hold);
- cprintulong(hold);
- } else {
- revers(1);
- cputs("Overload");
- revers(0);
- }
- cputsxy(16, 8, "Guns ");
- // printw("%d", guns);
- cprintulong(guns);
- cputsxy(4, 9, "Opium ");
- // printw("%d", hold_[0]);
- cprintulong(hold_[0]);
- cputsxy(4, 10, "Silk ");
- // printw("%d", hold_[1]);
- cprintulong(hold_[1]);
- cputsxy(4, 11, "Arms ");
- // printw("%d", hold_[2]);
- cprintulong(hold_[2]);
- cputsxy(4, 12, "General ");
- // printw("%d", hold_[3]);
- cprintulong(hold_[3]);
- cputsxy(32, 2, "Date");
- cputsxy(29, 3, "15 ");
- revers(1);
- cputs(months[month - 1]);
- revers(0);
- cputc(' ');
- // printw(" %d", year);
- cprintulong(year);
- cputsxy(30, 5, "Location");
- revers(1);
- cputsxy(30, 6, location[port]);
- revers(0);
- cputsxy(32, 8, "Debt");
- revers(1);
- gotoxy(33, 9);
- fancy_numbers(debt, fancy_num);
- cputs(fancy_num);
- revers(0);
- cputsxy(29, 11, "Ship Status");
- gotoxy(29, 12);
- i = status / 20;
- if (i < 2) {
- revers(1);
- }
- cputs(st[i]);
- cputc(':');
- cprintulong(status);
- revers(0);
- cputsxy(0, 14, "Cash: ");
- fancy_numbers(cash, fancy_num);
- cputs(fancy_num);
- cputsxy(20, 14, "Bank: ");
- fancy_numbers(bank, fancy_num);
- cputs(fancy_num);
-/* Unlike the Linux port, splash_intro() doesn't have to draw
- the "programmed by" etc. text in the intro screen, as it's
- preloaded into screen memory as a xex segment... but it
- means splash_intro() can *only* be called by main(), once,
- at program startup. So we don't get a 2nd splash intro
- when answering Y to 'Play Again?".
- Ideally, I should redefine enough graphics characters
- that I can draw a nice ATASCII trading ship. But for
- now I'll just draw 6 of the lorchas.
- */
-void splash_intro(void)
- int i;
- for(i=0; i<3; i++) draw_lorcha(i, 0, 0);
- for(i=5; i<8; i++) draw_lorcha(i, 0, 0);
- while(!kbhit())
- ;
- // for(i=0; i<3; i++) sink_lorcha(i);
- // for(i=5; i<8; i++) sink_lorcha(i);
- flushinp();
- return;
-void mchenry(void)
- int choice = 0;
- compradores_report();
- cputs("Taipan, Mc Henry from the Hong Kong\r\n");
- cputs("Shipyards has arrived!! He says, \"I see\r\n");
- cputs("ye've a wee bit of damage to yer ship.\r\n");
- cputs("Will ye be wanting repairs? ");
- while ((choice != 'Y') && (choice != 'y') &&
- (choice != 'N') && (choice != 'n'))
- {
- choice = get_one();
- }
- if ((choice == 'Y') || (choice == 'y'))
- {
- // int percent = ((float) damage / capacity) * 100,
- // this is likely wrong:
- int percent = ((damage * 100) / (capacity * 100)) * 100,
- time = ((year - 1860) * 12) + month;
- /*
- long br = ((((60 * (time + 3) / 4) * (float) randi() / RAND_MAX) +
- 25 * (time + 3) / 4) * capacity / 50),
- repair_price = (br * damage) + 1,
- amount;
- */
- long br, repair_price, amount;
- br = ((randclamp(60 * (time + 3) / 4) + 25 * (time + 3) / 4) * capacity / 50);
- repair_price = (br * damage) + 1;
- gotoxy(0, 18);
- clrtobot();
- cputs("Och, 'tis a pity to be ");
- cprintulong(percent);
- cputs("% damaged.\r\nWe can fix yer whole ship for ");
- cprintulong(repair_price);
- cputs(",\r\nor make partial repairs if you wish.\r\n");
- cputs("How much will ye spend? ");
- for (;;) {
- gotoxy(24, 21);
- amount = get_num(9);
- if(amount == -1) {
- if(repair_price > cash)
- amount = repair_price;
- else
- amount = cash;
- }
- if(amount <= cash) {
- cash -= amount;
- // damage -= (int)((amount / br) + .5);
- damage -= (int)(amount / br);
- damage = (damage < 0) ? 0 : damage;
- port_stats();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return;
-void retire(void)
- compradores_report();
- revers(1);
- cputs(" \r\n");
- cputs(" Y o u ' r e a \r\n");
- cputs(" \r\n");
- cputs(" M I L L I O N A I R E ! \r\n");
- cputs(" \r\n");
- revers(1);
- timeout(5000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- final_stats();
-void final_stats(void)
- int years = year - 1860,
- time = ((year - 1860) * 12) + month,
- choice = 0;
- clrscr();
- cputs("Your final status:\r\n\r\n");
- cash = cash + bank - debt;
- fancy_numbers(cash, fancy_num);
- cputs("Net cash: ");
- cputs(fancy_num);
- cputs("\r\nShip size: ");
- cprintulong(capacity);
- cputs(" units with ");
- cprintulong(guns);
- cputs(" guns\r\n\r\n");
- cputs("You traded for ");
- cprintulong(years);
- cputs(" year");
- if (years != 1)
- {
- cputc('s');
- }
- cputs(" and ");
- cprintulong(month);
- cputs(" month");
- if (month > 1)
- {
- cputc('s');
- }
- cputs("\r\n\r\n");
- cash = cash / 100 / time;
- revers(1);
- cputs("Your score is ");
- cprintulong(cash);
- cputs(".\r\n");
- revers(0);
- if ((cash < 100) && (cash >= 0))
- {
- cputs("Have you considered a land based job?\r\n\r\n\r\n");
- } else if (cash < 0) {
- cputs("The crew has requested that you stay on\r\n");
- cputs("shore for their safety!!\r\n\r\n");
- } else {
- cputs("\r\n\r\n\r\n");
- }
- cputs("Your Rating:\r\n");
- cputs(" _______________________________\r\n");
- cputs("|");
- if (cash > 49999)
- {
- revers(1);
- }
- cputs("Ma Tsu");
- revers(0);
- cputs(" 50,000 and over |\r\n");
- cputs("|");
- if ((cash < 50000) && (cash > 7999))
- {
- revers(1);
- }
- cputs("Master Taipan");
- revers(0);
- cputs(" 8,000 to 49,999|\r\n");
- cputs("|");
- if ((cash < 8000) && (cash > 999))
- {
- revers(1);
- }
- cputs("Taipan");
- revers(0);
- cputs(" 1,000 to 7,999|\r\n");
- cputs("|");
- if ((cash < 1000) && (cash > 499))
- {
- revers(1);
- }
- cputs("Compradore");
- revers(0);
- cputs(" 500 to 999|\r\n");
- cputs("|");
- if (cash < 500)
- {
- revers(1);
- }
- cputs("Galley Hand");
- revers(0);
- cputs(" less than 500|\r\n");
- cputs("|_______________________________|\r\n\r\n");
- while ((choice != 'Y') && (choice != 'y') &&
- (choice != 'N') && (choice != 'n'))
- {
- gotoxy(0, 22);
- cputs("Play again? ");
- choice = get_one();
- }
- if ((choice == 'Y') || (choice == 'y'))
- {
- bank = 0;
- hkw_[0] = 0;
- hkw_[1] = 0;
- hkw_[3] = 0;
- hkw_[4] = 0;
- hold_[0] = 0;
- hold_[1] = 0;
- hold_[2] = 0;
- hold_[3] = 0;
- hold = 0;
- capacity = 60;
- damage = 0;
- month = 1;
- year = 1860;
- port = 1;
- // splash_intro();
- name_firm();
- cash_or_guns();
- set_prices();
- return;
- }
- clrscr();
- exit(0);
-void transfer(void)
- int i, in_use;
- long amount = 0;
- if ((hkw_[0] == 0) && (hold_[0] == 0) &&
- (hkw_[1] == 0) && (hold_[1] == 0) &&
- (hkw_[2] == 0) && (hold_[2] == 0) &&
- (hkw_[3] == 0) && (hold_[3] == 0))
- {
- gotoxy(0, 22);
- clrtobot();
- cputs("You have no cargo, Taipan.\r\n");
- timeout(5000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- return;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- {
- if (hold_[i] > 0)
- {
- for (;;)
- {
- compradores_report();
- cputs("How much ");
- cputs(item[i]);
- cputs(" shall I move\r\nto the warehouse, Taipan? ");
- amount = get_num(9);
- if (amount == -1)
- {
- amount = hold_[i];
- }
- if (amount <= hold_[i])
- {
- in_use = hkw_[0] + hkw_[1] + hkw_[2] + hkw_[3];
- if ((in_use + amount) <= 10000)
- {
- hold_[i] -= amount;
- hkw_[i] += amount;
- hold += amount;
- break;
- } else if (in_use == 10000) {
- gotoxy(0, 21);
- cputs("Your warehouse is full, Taipan!");
- } else {
- gotoxy(0, 21);
- cputs("Your warehouse will only hold an\r\nadditional ");
- cprintulong(10000 - in_use);
- cputs("%d, Taipan!");
- timeout(5000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- }
- } else {
- gotoxy(0, 18);
- clrtobot();
- cputs("You have only ");
- cprintulong(hold_[i]);
- cputs(", Taipan.\r\n");
- timeout(5000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- }
- }
- port_stats();
- }
- if (hkw_[i] > 0)
- {
- for (;;)
- {
- compradores_report();
- cputs("How much ");
- cputs(item[i]);
- cputs("shall I move\r\naboard ship, Taipan? ");
- amount = get_num(9);
- if (amount == -1)
- {
- amount = hkw_[i];
- }
- if (amount <= hkw_[i])
- {
- hold_[i] += amount;
- hkw_[i] -= amount;
- hold -= amount;
- break;
- } else {
- gotoxy(0, 18);
- clrtobot();
- cputs("You have only ");
- cprintulong(hkw_[i]);
- cputs(", Taipan.\r\n");
- timeout(5000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- }
- }
- port_stats();
- }
- }
- return;
-void quit(void)
- int choice = 0,
- result = 0;
- compradores_report();
- cputs("Taipan, do you wish me to go to:\r\n");
- cputs("1) Hong Kong, 2) Shanghai, 3) Nagasaki,\r\n");
- cputs("4) Saigon, 5) Manila, 6) Singapore, or\r\n");
- cputs("7) Batavia ? ");
- for (;;)
- {
- gotoxy(13, 21);
- clrtobot();
- choice = get_num(1);
- if (choice == port)
- {
- cputs("\r\n\nYou're already here, Taipan.");
- timeout(5000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- } else if ((choice >= 1) && (choice <= 7)) {
- port = choice;
- break;
- }
- }
- at_sea();
- captains_report();
- if(1)
- if (randi()%bp == 0)
- {
- int num_ships = randi()%((capacity / 10) + guns) + 1;
- if (num_ships > 9999)
- {
- num_ships = 9999;
- }
- cprintulong(num_ships);
- cputs(" hostile ships approaching, Taipan!\r\n");
- timeout(3000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- result = sea_battle(GENERIC, num_ships);
- }
- if (result == 2)
- {
- port_stats();
- at_sea();
- captains_report();
- cputs("Li Yuen's fleet drove them off!");
- timeout(3000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- }
- if (((result == 0) && (randi()%(4 + (8 * li))) == 0) || (result == 2))
- {
- gotoxy(0, 18);
- clrtobot();
- cputs("Li Yuen's pirates, Taipan!!\r\n\n");
- timeout(3000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- if (li > 0)
- {
- cputs("Good joss!! They let us be!!\r\n");
- timeout(3000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- return;
- } else {
- int num_ships = randi()%((capacity / 5) + guns) + 5;
- cprintulong(num_ships);
- cputs("ships of Li Yuen's pirate\r\n");
- cputs("fleet, Taipan!!\r\n");
- timeout(3000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- sea_battle(LI_YUEN, num_ships);
- }
- }
- if (result > 0)
- {
- port_stats();
- at_sea();
- captains_report();
- if (result == 1)
- {
- fancy_numbers(booty, fancy_num);
- cputs("We captured some booty.\r\n");
- cputs("It's worth ");
- cputs(fancy_num);
- cputc('!');
- cash += booty;
- } else if (result == 3) {
- cputs("We made it!");
- } else {
- cputs("The buggers got us, Taipan!!!\r\n");
- cputs("It's all over, now!!!");
- timeout(5000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- final_stats();
- return;
- }
- timeout(3000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- }
- if (randi()%10 == 0)
- {
- gotoxy(0, 18);
- clrtobot();
- cputs("Storm, Taipan!!\r\n\n");
- timeout(3000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- if (randi()%30 == 0)
- {
- cputs(" I think we're going down!!\r\n\n");
- timeout(3000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- // if (((damage / capacity * 3) * ((float) randi() / RAND_MAX)) >= 1)
- if(randclamp(damage / capacity * 3) >= 1)
- {
- cputs("We're going down, Taipan!!\r\n");
- timeout(5000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- final_stats();
- }
- }
- cputs(" We made it!!\r\n\n");
- timeout(3000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- if (randi()%3 == 0)
- {
- int orig = port;
- while (port == orig)
- {
- port = randi()%7 + 1;
- }
- gotoxy(0, 18);
- clrtobot();
- cputs("We've been blown off course\r\nto ");
- cputs(location[port]);
- timeout(3000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- }
- }
- month++;
- if (month == 13)
- {
- month = 1;
- year++;
- ec += 10;
- ed += 1;
- }
- /* debt calculation original formula was:
- debt = debt + (debt * .1);
- int-based formula is the same, except it would never
- increase if debt is <= 10, so we fudge it with debt++
- in that case. Which means small debts accrue interest
- *much* faster, but that shouldn't affect gameplay much.
- There needs to be some overflow detection though... or
- maybe we let the overflow through, and the player can
- think of it as Wu forgiving the debt after enough years
- go by (or, he lost the paperwork?). Most likely though,
- the player gets his throat cut long before the amount
- overflows.
- */
- if(debt) {
- if(debt > 10)
- debt += (debt / 10);
- else
- debt++;
- }
- /* bank calculation original formula was:
- bank = bank + (bank * .005);
- int-based formula is the same, except when bank <= 200,
- it's linear.
- */
- if(bank) {
- if(bank > 200)
- bank += (bank / 200);
- else
- bank++;
- }
- set_prices();
- gotoxy(0, 18);
- clrtobot();
- cputs("Arriving at ");
- cputs(location[port]);
- cputs("...");
- timeout(3000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- return;
-void li_yuen_extortion(void)
- int time = ((year - 1860) * 12) + month,
- choice = 0;
- /*
- float i = 1.8,
- j = 0,
- amount = 0;
- */
- unsigned long amount = 0;
- unsigned int i = 2, j = 0;
- if (time > 12)
- {
- j = randi()%(1000 * time) + (1000 * time);
- i = 1;
- }
- // amount = ((cash / i) * ((float) randi() / RAND_MAX)) + j;
- amount = randclamp((cash >> (i - 1))) + j;
- fancy_numbers(amount, fancy_num);
- compradores_report();
- cputs("Li Yuen asks ");
- cputs(fancy_num);
- cputs(" in donation\r\nto the temple of Tin Hau, the Sea\r\n");
- while ((choice != 'Y') && (choice != 'y') &&
- (choice != 'N') && (choice != 'n'))
- {
- gotoxy(0, 20);
- cputs("Goddess. Will you pay? ");
- choice = get_one();
- }
- if ((choice == 'Y') || (choice == 'y'))
- {
- if (amount <= cash)
- {
- cash -= amount;
- li = 1;
- } else {
- gotoxy(0, 18);
- clrtobot();
- cputs("Taipan, you do not have enough cash!!\r\n\r\n");
- timeout(3000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- cputs("Do you want Elder Brother Wu to make up\r\n");
- cputs("the difference for you? ");
- choice = 0;
- while ((choice != 'Y') && (choice != 'y') &&
- (choice != 'N') && (choice != 'n'))
- {
- choice = get_one();
- }
- if ((choice == 'Y') || (choice == 'y'))
- {
- amount -= cash;
- debt += amount;
- cash = 0;
- li = 1;
- gotoxy(0, 18);
- clrtobot();
- cputs("Elder Brother has given Li Yuen the\r\n");
- cputs("difference between what he wanted and\r\n");
- cputs("your cash on hand and added the same\r\n");
- cputs("amount to your debt.\r\n");
- timeout(5000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- } else {
- cash = 0;
- cputs("Very well. Elder Brother Wu will not pay\r\n");
- cputs("Li Yuen the difference. I would be very\r\n");
- cputs("wary of pirates if I were you, Taipan.\r\n");
- timeout(5000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- }
- }
- }
- port_stats();
- return;
-void elder_brother_wu(void)
- int choice = 0;
- long wu = 0;
- compradores_report();
- cputs("Do you have business with Elder Brother\r\n");
- cputs("Wu, the moneylender? ");
- for (;;)
- {
- gotoxy(21, 19);
- choice = get_one();
- if ((choice == 'N') || (choice == 'n') || choice == 0)
- {
- break;
- } else if ((choice == 'Y') || (choice == 'y')) {
- if (((int)cash == 0) && ((int)bank == 0) && (guns == 0) &&
- (hold_[0] == 0) && (hkw_[0] == 0) &&
- (hold_[1] == 0) && (hkw_[1] == 0) &&
- (hold_[2] == 0) && (hkw_[2] == 0) &&
- (hold_[3] == 0) && (hkw_[3] == 0))
- {
- int i = randi()%1500 + 500,
- j;
- wu_bailout++;
- j = randi()%2000 * wu_bailout + 1500;
- for (;;)
- {
- compradores_report();
- cputs("Elder Brother is aware of your plight,\r\n");
- cputs("Taipan. He is willing to loan you an\r\n");
- cputs("additional ");
- cprintulong(i);
- cputs(" if you will pay back\r\n");
- cprintulong(j);
- cputs(". Are you willing, Taipan? ");
- choice = get_one();
- if ((choice == 'N') || (choice == 'n'))
- {
- compradores_report();
- cputs("Very well, Taipan, the game is over!\r\n");
- timeout(5000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- final_stats();
- } else if ((choice == 'Y') || (choice == 'y')) {
- cash += i;
- debt += j;
- port_stats();
- compradores_report();
- cputs("Very well, Taipan. Good joss!!\r\n");
- timeout(5000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- return;
- }
- }
- } else if ((cash > 0) && (debt != 0)) {
- for (;;)
- {
- compradores_report();
- cputs("How much do you wish to repay\r\n");
- cputs("him? ");
- wu = get_num(9);
- if (wu == -1)
- {
- wu = cash;
- }
- if (wu <= cash)
- {
- if(wu > debt) wu = debt;
- cash -= wu;
- debt -= wu;
- /* // currently debt is unsigned so the negative debt
- // bug (or feature) is unimplemented.
- if ((wu > debt) && (debt > 0))
- {
- debt -= (wu + 1);
- } else {
- debt -= wu;
- }
- */
- break;
- } else {
- gotoxy(0, 18);
- clrtobot();
- fancy_numbers(cash, fancy_num);
- cputs("Taipan, you only have ");
- cputs(fancy_num);
- cputs("\r\nin cash.\r\n");
- timeout(5000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- }
- }
- }
- port_stats();
- for (;;)
- {
- compradores_report();
- cputs("How much do you wish to\r\n");
- cputs("borrow? ");
- wu = get_num(9);
- if (wu == -1)
- {
- wu = (cash * 2);
- }
- if (wu <= (cash * 2))
- {
- cash += wu;
- debt += wu;
- break;
- } else {
- cputs("\r\n\r\nHe won't loan you so much, Taipan!");
- timeout(5000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- }
- }
- port_stats();
- break;
- }
- }
- if ((debt > 20000) && (cash > 0) && (randi()%5 == 0))
- {
- int num = randi()%3 + 1;
- cash = 0;
- port_stats();
- compradores_report();
- cputs("Bad joss!!\r\n");
- cprintulong(num);
- cputs(" of your bodyguards have been killed\r\n");
- cputs("by cutthroats and you have been robbed\r\n");
- cputs("of all of your cash, Taipan!!\r\n");
- timeout(5000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- }
- return;
-void good_prices(void)
- /* see comment in fancy_numbers for why this is static */
- static char item[14];
- int i = randi()%4,
- j = randi()%2;
- if (i == 0)
- {
- strcpy(item, "Opium");
- } else if (i == 1) {
- strcpy(item, "Silk");
- } else if (i == 2) {
- strcpy(item, "Arms");
- } else {
- strcpy(item, "General Cargo");
- }
- compradores_report();
- cputs("Taipan!! The price of ");
- cputs(item);
- cputs("\r\n has ");
- if (j == 0)
- {
- price[i] = price[i] / 5;
- cputs("dropped");
- } else {
- price[i] = price[i] * (randi()%5 + 5);
- cputs("risen");
- }
- cputs(" to ");
- cprintulong(price[i]);
- cputs("!!\r\n");
- timeout(3000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
-int port_choices(void)
- int choice = 0;
- compradores_report();
- cputs("Taipan, present prices per unit here are"); /* NB: exactly 40 cols */
- cputs(" Opium: Silk:\r\n");
- cputs(" Arms: General:\r\n");
- gotoxy(11, 19);
- cprintulong(price[0]);
- gotoxy(29, 19);
- cprintulong(price[1]);
- gotoxy(11, 20);
- cprintulong(price[2]);
- gotoxy(29, 20);
- cprintulong(price[3]);
- for (;;)
- {
- gotoxy(0, 22);
- clrtobot();
- cursor(1);
- if (port == 1)
- {
- if ((cash + bank) >= 1000000)
- {
- cputs("Shall I Buy, Sell, Visit bank, Transfer\r\n");
- cputs("cargo, Quit trading, or Retire? ");
- choice = cgetc();
- if ((choice == 'B') || (choice == 'b') ||
- (choice == 'S') || (choice == 's') ||
- (choice == 'V') || (choice == 'v') ||
- (choice == 'T') || (choice == 't') ||
- (choice == 'Q') || (choice == 'q') ||
- (choice == 'R') || (choice == 'r'))
- {
- break;
- }
- } else {
- cputs("Shall I Buy, Sell, Visit bank, Transfer\r\n");
- cputs("cargo, or Quit trading? ");
- choice = cgetc();
- if ((choice == 'B') || (choice == 'b') ||
- (choice == 'S') || (choice == 's') ||
- (choice == 'V') || (choice == 'v') ||
- (choice == 'T') || (choice == 't') ||
- (choice == 'Q') || (choice == 'q'))
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- cputs("Shall I Buy, Sell, or Quit trading? ");
- choice = cgetc();
- if ((choice == 'B') || (choice == 'b') ||
- (choice == 'S') || (choice == 's') ||
- (choice == 'Q') || (choice == 'q'))
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- cursor(1);
- }
- return choice;
-/* TODO: rewrite in asm, or at least better C */
-void name_firm(void)
- int input,
- character = 0;
- clrscr();
- chlinexy(1, 7, 38);
- chlinexy(1, 16, 38);
- cvlinexy(0, 8, 8);
- cvlinexy(39, 8, 8);
- cputcxy(0, 7, 17); // upper left corner
- cputcxy(0, 16, 26); // lower left corner
- cputcxy(39, 7, 5); // upper right corner
- cputcxy(39, 16, 3); // lower right corner
- gotoxy(6, 9);
- cputs("Taipan,");
- gotoxy(2, 11);
- cputs("What will you name your");
- gotoxy(6, 13);
- cursor(1);
- cputs("Firm:");
- chlinexy(12, 14, 22);
- gotoxy(12, 13);
- while (((input = getch()) != ENTER) && (character < 22))
- {
- if (((input == BKSP) || (input == 127)) && (character == 0))
- {
- // nop
- } else if ((input == BKSP) || (input == 127)) {
- gotox(12 + character - 1);
- cputc(' ');
- gotox(12 + character - 1);
- firm[character] = '\0';
- character--;
- } else if (input == '\33') {
- flushinp();
- } else {
- cputc(input);
- firm[character] = input;
- character++;
- }
- }
- cursor(0);
- firm[character] = '\0';
- return;
-void buy(void)
- /* see comment in fancy_numbers for why this is static */
- // static char space[5];
- int choice = 0;
- long afford,
- amount;
- for (;;)
- {
- gotoxy(0, 22);
- clrtobot();
- cputs("What do you wish me to buy, Taipan? ");
- /* TODO: buy() sell() and throwing cargo, common code in get_item() */
- choice = lc(get_one());
- if(choice == 'o') {
- choice = 0;
- break;
- } else if (choice == 's') {
- choice = 1;
- break;
- } else if (choice == 'a') {
- choice = 2;
- break;
- } else if (choice == 'g') {
- choice = 3;
- break;
- }
- }
- for (;;)
- {
- gotoxy(31, 21);
- clrtobot();
- afford = cash / price[choice];
- revers(1);
- cputs(" You can ");
- revers(0);
- gotoxy(0, 22);
- cputs("How much ");
- cputs(item[choice]);
- cputs(" shall");
- gotoxy(31, 22);
- revers(1);
- cputs(" afford ");
- gotoxy(31, 23);
- cputs(" ");
- gotoxy(31, 23);
- /* TODO: is this really right? */
- if(afford < 100) cputc(' ');
- if(afford < 10000) cputc(' ');
- if(afford < 1000000) cputc(' ');
- if(afford < 100000000) cputc(' ');
- /*
- if (afford < 100)
- {
- strcpy(space, " ");
- } else if (afford < 10000) {
- strcpy(space, " ");
- } else if (afford < 1000000) {
- strcpy(space, " ");
- } else if (afford < 100000000) {
- strcpy(space, " ");
- } else {
- strcpy(space, "");
- }
- cputs(space);
- */
- cprintulong(afford);
- revers(0);
- gotoxy(0, 23);
- cputs("I buy, Taipan: ");
- amount = get_num(9);
- if(amount == -1) {
- amount = afford;
- }
- if(amount <= afford) {
- break;
- }
- }
- cash -= (amount * price[choice]);
- hold_[choice] += amount;
- hold -= amount;
- return;
-void sell(void) {
- int choice = 0;
- long amount;
- for (;;)
- {
- gotoxy(0, 22);
- clrtobot();
- cputs("What do you wish me to sell, Taipan? ");
- /* TODO: buy() sell() and throwing cargo, common code in get_item() */
- choice = lc(get_one());
- if(choice == 'o') {
- choice = 0;
- break;
- } else if(choice == 's') {
- choice = 1;
- break;
- } else if(choice == 'a') {
- choice = 2;
- break;
- } else if(choice == 'g') {
- choice = 3;
- break;
- }
- }
- for (;;)
- {
- gotoxy(0, 22);
- clrtobot();
- cputs("How much ");
- cputs(item[choice]);
- cputs(" shall\r\n");
- cputs("I sell, Taipan: ");
- amount = get_num(9);
- if (amount == -1)
- {
- amount = hold_[choice];
- }
- if (hold_[choice] >= amount)
- {
- hold_[choice] -= amount;
- break;
- }
- }
- cash += (amount * price[choice]);
- hold += amount;
- return;
-void visit_bank(void)
- long amount = 0;
- for (;;)
- {
- compradores_report();
- cputs("How much will you deposit? ");
- amount = get_num(9);
- if (amount == -1)
- {
- amount = cash;
- }
- if (amount <= cash)
- {
- cash -= amount;
- bank += amount;
- break;
- } else {
- gotoxy(0, 18);
- clrtobot();
- fancy_numbers(cash, fancy_num);
- cputs("Taipan, you only have ");
- cputs(fancy_num);
- cputs("\r\nin cash.\r\n");
- timeout(5000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- }
- }
- port_stats();
- for (;;)
- {
- compradores_report();
- cputs("How much will you withdraw? ");
- amount = get_num(9);
- if (amount == -1)
- {
- amount = bank;
- }
- if (amount <= bank)
- {
- cash += amount;
- bank -= amount;
- break;
- } else {
- fancy_numbers(cash, fancy_num);
- cputs("Taipan, you only have ");
- cputs(fancy_num);
- cputs("\r\nin the bank.");
- timeout(5000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- }
- }
- port_stats();
- return;
-void debttest() {
- int i;
- debt = 1;
- for(i=0; i<20; i++) {
- debt = debt + (debt >> 8) + (debt >> 10);
- // debt = debt + (debt >> 4) + (debt >> 5) + (debt >> 7) - (debt >> 9); // debt *= 0.09961
- printf("%lu\n", debt);
- }
- cgetc();
- clrscr();
- debt = 1;
- for(i=0; i<20; i++) {
- if(debt > 200)
- debt += (debt / 200);
- else
- debt++;
- printf("%lu\n", debt);
- }
- cgetc();
-/* N.B. cc65 is perfectly OK with main(void), and it avoids
- warnings about argv/argc unused. */
-int main(void) {
- int choice;
- /*
- {
- int status;
- capacity = 60;
- damage = 47;
- status = 100 - ((damage * 100) / capacity);
- cprintulong(status);
-hang: goto hang;
- }
- */
- /*
- _randomize();
- while(1) {
- clrscr();
- cprintulong(randi());
- cputs("\r\n");
- cprintulong(rand());
- cgetc();
- }
- */
- // fancytest();
- // debttest();
- atari_text_setup();
- initrand();
- splash_intro();
- name_firm();
- cash_or_guns();
- set_prices();
- for (;;)
- {
- choice = 0;
- port_stats();
- if ((port == 1) && (li == 0) && (cash > 0))
- {
- li_yuen_extortion();
- }
- if ((port == 1) && (damage > 0))
- {
- mchenry();
- }
- if ((port == 1) && (debt >= 10000) && (wu_warn == 0))
- {
- int braves = randi()%100 + 50;
- compradores_report();
- cputs("Elder Brother Wu has sent ");
- cprintulong(braves);
- cputs(" braves\r\n");
- cputs("to escort you to the Wu mansion, Taipan.\r\n");
- timeout(3000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- gotoxy(0, 18);
- clrtobot();
- cputs("Elder Brother Wu reminds you of the\r\n");
- cputs("Confucian ideal of personal worthiness,\r\n");
- cputs("and how this applies to paying one's\r\n");
- cputs("debts.\r\n");
- timeout(3000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- gotoxy(0, 18);
- clrtobot();
- cputs("He is reminded of a fabled barbarian\r\n");
- cputs("who came to a bad end, after not caring\r\n");
- cputs("for his obligations.\r\n\r\n");
- cputs("He hopes no such fate awaits you, his\r\n");
- cputs("friend, Taipan.\r\n");
- timeout(5000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- wu_warn = 1;
- }
- if (port == 1)
- {
- elder_brother_wu();
- }
- if (randi()%4 == 0)
- {
- if (randi()%2 == 0)
- {
- new_ship();
- } else if (guns < 1000) {
- new_gun();
- }
- }
- if ((port != 1) && (randi()%18 == 0) && (hold_[0] > 0))
- {
- // float fine = ((cash / 1.8) * ((float) randi() / RAND_MAX)) + 1;
- // the 1.8 is now a 2
- unsigned long fine = randclamp(cash >> 1) + 1;
- hold += hold_[0];
- hold_[0] = 0;
- cash -= fine;
- port_stats();
- fancy_numbers(fine, fancy_num);
- compradores_report();
- cputs("Bad Joss!!\r\n");
- cputs("The local authorities have seized your\r\n");
- cputs("Opium cargo and have also fined you\r\n");
- cputs(fancy_num);
- cputs(", Taipan!\r\n");
- timeout(5000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- }
- if ((randi()%50 == 0) &&
- ((hkw_[0] + hkw_[1] + hkw_[2] + hkw_[3]) > 0))
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- {
- // hkw_[i] = ((hkw_[i] / 1.8) * ((float) randi() / RAND_MAX));
- // the 1.8 is now a 2
- hkw_[i] = randclamp(hkw_[i] >> 1);
- }
- port_stats();
- compradores_report();
- cputs("Messenger reports large theft\r\n");
- cputs("from warehouse, Taipan.\r\n");
- timeout(5000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- }
- if (randi()%20 == 0)
- {
- if (li > 0) { li++; }
- if (li == 4) { li = 0; }
- }
- if ((port != 1) && (li == 0) && (randi()%4 != 0))
- {
- compradores_report();
- cputs("Li Yuen has sent a Lieutenant,\r\n");
- cputs("Taipan. He says his admiral wishes\r\n");
- cputs("to see you in Hong Kong, posthaste!\r\n");
- timeout(3000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- }
- if (randi()%9 == 0)
- {
- good_prices();
- }
- if ((cash > 25000) && (randi()%20 == 0))
- {
- // float robbed = ((cash / 1.4) * ((float) randi() / RAND_MAX));
- // line below changes the 1.4 to 1.5
- unsigned long robbed = randclamp((cash >> 2) + (cash >> 1));
- cash -= robbed;
- port_stats();
- fancy_numbers(robbed, fancy_num);
- compradores_report();
- cputs("Bad Joss!!\r\n");
- cputs("You've been beaten up and\r\n");
- cputs("robbed of ");
- cputs(fancy_num);
- cputs(" in cash, Taipan!!\r\n");
- timeout(5000);
- getch();
- timeout(-1);
- }
- for (;;)
- {
- while ((choice != 'Q') && (choice != 'q'))
- {
- switch (choice = port_choices())
- {
- case 'B':
- case 'b':
- buy();
- break;
- case 'S':
- case 's':
- sell();
- break;
- case 'V':
- case 'v':
- visit_bank();
- break;
- case 'T':
- case 't':
- transfer();
- break;
- case 'R':
- case 'r':
- retire();
- }
- port_stats();
- }
- choice = 0;
- if (hold >= 0)
- {
- quit();
- break;
- } else {
- overload();
- }
- }
- }
- cgetc();
- POKE(709, 0);
- goto hangmain;
- return 0;