Taipan's intended target is really an 800 with an 810 drive and DOS 2.0S. However, most people use something else these days. There are only two XL/XE specific things in Taipan: - The checkmem code attempts to disable built-in BASIC if it's enabled, which won't work on an 800 (you get a "remove cartridge" message instead) - Keyclicks are disabled on XL/XE, with POKE 731,1. This doesn't work on an 800, but doesn't hurt anything either (you just get the game with keyclicks enabled) Unfortunately, the wide variety of Atari DOSes, both ancient and modern, plus the various new bits of hardware (MyIDE, Atarimax Flash cart, etc) leads to a compatibility nightmare. The rest of this file is a list of DOSes (and other loaders), and their compatibility with Taipan. Tested on actual hardware: - Atari DOS 2.0S: success - Atari DOS 2.5: success - MyDOS 4.50 (floppy): success - MyDOS (with MyIDE): success (but what version?) - SpartaDOS X: success, with "X" command - SpartaDOS 3.2dx: fails to load. I think "3.2dx" might be a typo, it might be "3.2d"? - SIDE2: success (older build though, need to get results for latest) - APE loader: success (older build, need newer results) - DOS XL 2.30: success Tested on emulators: - atari800 3.1.0 direct xex loader: success - atari++ direct xex loader: success - altirra direct xex loader: success - Fenders 3-sector loader on atari800: success - SpartaDOS 3.2g on atari800: success (unexpectedly so) - Atari DOS 3.0: success Untested (waiting on results from testers): - Atarimax flash cart EXE loader Untested, but worth looking at: - MyPicoDOS - RealDOS, BeweDOS? probably same results as Sparta 3...