Taipan for Atari 800 -------------------- This is a work in progress. It's a port of the C version for Linux and curses, modified to look and play more like the Apple II version. Currently the game is playable and complete, but has a few known bugs (see BUGS.txt) and probably a few unknown ones too. The latest version of the source can be found here: https://slackware.uk/~urchlay/repos/taipan A binary of the game can be found here: https://slackware.uk/~urchlay/src/taipan.xex ...though it might be outdated. The Linux/curses port I used as a starting point can be found here: http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/games/textrpg/ The Apple II BASIC source, plus a browser version of the game, can be found here: http://www.taipangame.com/ What's missing: I mention this up front, because some players consider this a major issue: The "negative interest" bug/feature/cheat doesn't work. If you never heard of it, don't worry about it: It's more fun to play without cheating anyway. Further Documentation --------------------- GAMEPLAY.txt - user's manual, explains how to play Taipan. RUNNING.txt - instructions on how to run Taipan. BUILDING.txt - build instructions, for compiling Taipan yourself. BUGS.txt - guess what this is? NOTES.txt - implementation details, blue-sky plans. LICENSE.txt - legal stuff. Or possibly not.