Taipan for Atari 800 This is a work in progress. It's a port of the C version for Linux and curses, modified to look and play more like the original Apple II version. Currently the game is playable and complete, but has a few known bugs (see "Bugs" section below) and probably a few unknown ones too. The latest version of the source can be found here: http://urchlay.naptime.net/repos/taipan/ A binary of the game can be found here: http://urchlay.naptime.net/~urchlay/src/taipan.xex ...though it might be outdated. Linux/curses port can be found here: http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/games/textrpg/ Original Apple II BASIC source, plus a browser version of the game, can be found here: http://www.taipangame.com/ What's missing: - Sound. The Linux/curses port doesn't have any, but I'm planning to have the Atari mimic the sounds from the Apple II version, plus maybe a few more (cannon shots and explosions during combat). - Large integer (or floating point) support. Cash, Bank, and Debt amounts will roll over to 0 if they exceed the max value for a 32-bit unsigned integer (around 4 billion). I'm not sure if this is a real problem for anyone (it takes a *long* time to get over a billion in this game). As a side effect of this, the "negative interest" bug/feature is missing. Build Requirements: - GNU make. I use version 3.82, but I don't use any of its special features, so any version should do. - cc65. Originally I used version 2.13.3, and part way through I upgraded to a git snapshot dated December 29, 2015. cc65-2.3.13 is probably broken right now, but it will be supported again. - gcc. I use version 4.8.2. Probably any version will do. It's only needed for convfont.c (and there's nothing gcc-specific about it, so really you just need any C compiler). - perl. I use version 5.18.1, probably any 5.x version will work. - A UNIX/POSIX environment. At least, you need a 'cat' command and a shell that does I/O redirection. Linux, BSD, and Mac OS X should be fine. If you're on Windows, try Cygwin. If you plan to edit the port status scrren or ship graphics, you'll need the Atari800 emulator. It's also handy for actually playing the game, whether you build it or use the provided binary. If you plan to edit the title screen, you'll need the ImageMagick library and its perl module (Image::Magick). Also you'll need something that can edit PNG images (I use the gimp, anything will do). Building: Hopefully you can just type "make" to create the binary. If it doesn't work, you're likely missing one or more of the requirements listed above. Running: The game binary is called "taipan.xex". It's a standard Atari DOS 'binary load' file, which expects to be run with BASIC disabled and no cartridges inserted. You can run it on a real Atari computer: any 400/800/XL/XE model should be fine, so long as it has at least 48K of RAM. Use a SIO2PC cable and software like Atariserver (Linux) or APE (Windows) to serve the game to the Atari. If you can come up with a way to actually copy it to a real floppy disk, you probably want a bootable DOS disk with Taipan renamed to AUTORUN.SYS. It's also possible to run Taipan in an emulator, such as Atari800, Atari++, or Altirra. For Atari800, you should be able to do this: atari800 -nobasic taipan.xex Even though the title screen says to press Escape to start, you can really press any key to start the game. License: The legal status of this is quite murky. The original game is still copyrighted, though quite a few clones of it have been made for various platforms over the years with no complaints from the copyright holder. This Atari port includes font and graphics data ripped straight from the original Apple game, plus more font data ripped from the Atari 800's OS ROM. The Linux port of taipan, according to its .lsm file, is GPL. My C code is definitely a derivative work, so it's GPL also. The assembly code and ship graphics are my own work, and I release them under the GPL (version 2). Notes: The Atari executable file format allows for concatenating executables. The result is still a valid executable. I use this to load the splash screen and custom font directly into memory before the main program loads. The Makefile documents how all this works, but it might seem pretty hairy if you're new to the Atari, Makefiles, and/or Perl. The Apple version of the game was expected to be run on a monochrome monitor. Like many other ports from the Apple to the Atari, there will be color artifacts when using a composite monitor. For best results, use a monochrome monitor. If you can't, at least try using a color monitor with S-Video (separate chroma/luma) inputs. If all else fails, try turning the color knob all the way down (and the contrast as high as you can stand it). In emulators, you can just disable artifacting. On PAL systems, the ship explosions and sinking animations will be a bit slower, and the prompt timeouts will be a bit longer. I don't think this is a real issue (it's not like Taipan is a fast-paced arcade game). Bugs! At least these: - The "negative interest" bug is currently missing, due to using unsigned values for debt. Plus, it's cheating. It'll get added back when I either start using big numbers (floats or 64-bit ints or whatever), or just decide to live with the limits of 32-bit ints. - Retirement score calculations are a bit off, due to using integer math. - Not really a bug, but, the interest calculations for debt and the bank are slightly different, due to using integer math. Very small bank or debt amounts will grow much faster than they should, then stabilize and converge towards the correct values over time. This only happens when you have less than 10 in debt, or less than 200 in the bank, which (at least for me) are pretty rare situations. - A few things in the screen layout are slightly off comapred to the Apple version. Would really like to get it exact. - Control and graphics characters should be ignored at all input prompts. Inverse video input should either be converted to normal, or completely ignored. - Pressing either the inverse or caps-lock key at a timed prompt stops the timer from ever expiring (until you press a regular key). This can be fixed in timed_getch(). - The 'Please limit your firm name to 22 characters' prompt is missing. The Apple version actually allows you to type all you want until you press Enter. This port works like the Linux version: as soon as you type the 22nd character, it acts like you pressed Enter after it. A good compromise might be to allow up to 22 characters, then any keypress other than backspace or enter will show the "please limit" prompt. - Damaged ship graphics need work. I don't have enough unused font characters to duplicate the Apple bitmapped graphics exactly, plus each damage location must fit entirely within a character cell... but a couple of my damaged sections are pretty hokey-looking. - fancy_numbers() maybe should round when it's showing a decimal point. If you have e.g. 1,190,000, that should show as 1.2 million, not 1.1... or maybe not (need to double-check against the Apple version). Differences between the Apple II original and Linux port: 1. Linux has an 80-column screen layout, Apple is 40. 2. Apple version uses a custom font (actually, two, but I'm ignoring that). 3. Apple has sound, Linux does not. 4. Apple has graphical title screen, Linux has ASCII art. 5. Apple has graphical ships during battles, Linux has ASCII art. 6. On Apple, price of General Cargo isn't always an integer (e.g. 6.5). As a consequence, the cash and bank amounts aren't always ints either. 7. On Apple, some Y/N prompts (like 'Do you have business with Elder Brother Wu') you can press Enter for No. Linux port waits until you hit Y or N. 8. On Apple, ships show damage (get holes in them) as they get shot up. 9. On Linux, you can overpay McHenry (though you get no benefit from it). On Apple, payment amount gets clamped to the repair price, so you can e.g. be asked to pay 50,000 when you have 70,000 and safely enter A (you'll end up 100% repaired and still have 20,000 cash). 10. On Apple, dead enemy ships sink one scanline at a time, and there are at least 2 sinking speeds. On Linux, it's one character at a time. The plan for the Atari port is to mimic the Apple version as closely as possible... except #6 above. It doesn't really add anything to the game, and it complicates the code more than I want to deal with. Also #10 will probably not happen (to me, the slow ship-sinking of the Apple version is annoying anyway). Right now, items 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9 are implemented Apple-style; and 3, 6, 10 are Linux-style. Other things that need doing to the code: - Size optimization. Right now, the executable is almost 29K of code. I'd like it to at least fit on a 16K cartridge. A lot of the C code is redundant, and some things can be rewritten in asm if need be. I've already eliminated all uses of printf() and its ilk, which removed 2K of library code from the executable. Removing all other stdio.h functions saved another 1/2K or so. - In aid of the above: split splash_intro(), cash_or_guns(), name_firm() into separate .xex segments. Have to write a linker script to generate an init header rather than a run header (or, write in raw asm and forget the linker). Use cassette buffer and/or page 6 to pass variables to the main program. name_firm() is 1/2K, cash_or_guns() is 1/4K, rewrite in asm and they may both fit in page 6. - Another memory saver: keep some variables in page 6 and/or the tape buffer. Also, find out how much page zero cc65 leaves us to work with, maybe enough contiguous bytes for e.g. the fancy_num[] buffer. draw_lorcha is using FR0 at $D4, but using it for fancy numbers wouldn't conflict... it looks like cc65 uses 26 bytes of ZP from $80-$99, so we have quite a bit free. - A thought: if memory gets too tight, switch to a boot disk rather than a .xex file, and load code from disk at runtime (e.g. sea_battle() could be loaded on top of some other routines, then the other routines reloaded when the fight is over). That, or use a bankswitched cartridge. - Temporarily add a "god mode" to allow me to test situations that would take a lot of regular gameplay to reach. Future Ideas: I may do a "Taipan Plus" at some point. The regular Taipan game will be faithful to the original, and the Plus version could have some or all of: - More ports to dock at, some of which might have their own warehouses, repair yards, etc. - More trade goods, not all of which are available at all ports. - Actual market trends, rather than a base price + random number. There might be news events that cause prices to go up/down (e.g. Arms are up at Saigon because there's a gang war in progress, Opium is up at some port but the chances of getting busted are higher). - Ability to control a fleet of ships. Each one will either be a cargo ship or a warship. - A "Turbo Combat" feature like one of the phone versions I've seen. You set your orders and hit Turbo, and it finishes the fight instantly, but you can't change your mind about your orders (fight until you win or die, or run until you escape or die). - Special missions. Someone at some port needs you to transport documents or whatever, to some other port... you will almost certainly be attacked by whoever's trying to get the documents though. - Rival trading companies. Their activities can influence prices, and you can fight them and possibly salvage actual cargo. - Variable passage of time. Distant ports take longer to get to. Also, winds or ship damage can slow you down. I dunno how many of the above will fit in the Atari's RAM. Probably have to rewrite the whole game from scratch in assembly before adding features.