Apple II lorcha is 49x40 pixels. The apple uses a 7x8 matrix for characters, so 7x5 characters. For the Atari with its 8x8 matrix, I cut off the leftmost column so it's now 48x40, or 6x5 = 30 characters. Of these, 6 are inverse spaces, 4 are regular spaces, and 3 are dups of other characters in the lorcha. Means we need 17 custom characters to draw an undamaged lorcha, leaving only 2 or 3 for showing damage. X = inverse space, . = space, A-Q are our custom chars. 012345 ______ 0 |.ABC.D 1 |.EXFGH 2 |.EXFGI 3 |JKLMNO 4 |PXXXXQ name, screencode, 8 bytes of pixels, ascii A, 2, 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff 3f, " B, 3, 18 1f 1f 10 10 10 ff ff, # C, 4, 00 f0 fc 3e 00 00 fc f0, $ D, 6, 00 00 40 70 7c 47 40 40, & E, 1b, 1f 3f ff 3f 1f 3f ff 7f, ; F, 1c, c0 f0 fc f0 c0 f0 fc f0, < G, 1d, 07 03 07 0f 07 03 07 f0, = H, 1e, fe fc fe ff fe f8 fe ff, > I, 20, fe f8 fe ff fe fe fd f9, @ J, 3b, c0 fe ff ff ff ff 7f 1f, [ K, 3c, 00 00 c0 ff 8f 8e 8e fe, \ L, 3d, 38 38 38 38 ff 38 38 38, ] M, 3e, 00 00 00 01 ff e3 e3 e3, ^ N, 3f, 00 00 00 ff 8d 8d 8d ff, _ O, 40, c3 cf ff ff 3f 3e 3c f8, 0x00 P, 46, 1f 0f 07 07 07 03 03 03, 0x06 Q, 47, f0 e0 c0 c0 c0 c0 80 80, 0x07 as screen data: 80 02 03 04 00 06 80 1b 80 1c 1d 1e 80 1b 80 1c 1d 20 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 46 40 80 80 80 80 47 remaining unused characters, to be used for damage: 50 5b 5d 5e 5f 60 7b 7d 7e 7f For damage, we can poke holes in the big sail with an inverse ball (^T). A couple of the portholes can be replaced with a custom 'crater' character. The right sail loses its flag (D) and its upper-right gets replaced with a custom char. The left sail can lose either of its F characters and have them replaced with a piece with a bite taken out of it.