.include "atari.inc" .include "conio/mul40.s" .export _clrtobot, _clrtoeol, _clr_screen, _clrtoline .export _cblank, _cblankto, _backspace, _cprint_pipe .export _cprint_bang, _cspace, _cputc_s, _comma_space .export _cprint_colon_space, _cprint_question_space .export _cprint_period, _cprint_taipan_prompt, _plus_or_space .export _gotox0y22, _gotox0y3, _gotox0y, _gotox0y3_clrtoeol .export _cputc0, _set_orders, _pluralize, _print_combat_msg .export _rvs_on, _rvs_off .export _prepare_report, _clear_msg_window .export _print_status_desc, _print_month .importzp tmp3 ; ditto .import _revflag ; conio/revers.s .import bump_destptr ; these two are .importzp destptr ; from draw_lorcha.s .importzp sreg .import _cprintulong, _cputc, _cprint_taipan, _timed_getch, _orders .import _turbo .import _print_msg, _cspaces .import _st, _month, _cputs .import _cprintuint .ifdef CART_TARGET .segment "HIGHCODE" .else .code .endif ; void clr_screen(void); ; void clrtobot(void); ; void clrtoeol(void); ; void clrtoline(unsigned char line); ; this stuff doesn't disturb conio's (and the OS's) idea of the ; current cursor position. It's *way* faster than writing them in ; C in terms of cclear() (which uses one cputc() call per blank). _clr_screen: ; same as gotoxy(0,0); clrtobot(); lda #0 sta ROWCRS sta COLCRS _clrtobot: ; same as clrtoline(24); lda #24 ;bne _clrtoline ; we'd have had to do this if ROWCRS weren't zero-page. .byte $2c ; see bit trick explanation below, if you don't recognize this. _clrtoeol: lda ROWCRS ; fall through to _clrtoline _clrtoline: sta tmp3 ; stash our arg ;lda #0 ;sta OLDCHR ; stop conio from redrawing stuff after we clear it, ; no longer needed with our custom conio. ; setup destptr to start of current line, NOT ; current cursor position. lda ROWCRS jsr mul40 ; AX = A*40 (addr of start-of-row) clc adc SAVMSC ; add AX to screen pointer sta destptr txa adc SAVMSC+1 sta destptr+1 ; X = current row, Y = current column. Stop clearing a line when Y == 40, ; we're done when X == 24. Apologies, the names X and Y are backwards ; compared to proper Cartesian coordinates. ldx ROWCRS ldy COLCRS lda #0 clrloop: sta (destptr),y ; blank a character (A == 0, screen code for a space) iny cpy #40 bne clrloop ldy #0 inx cpx tmp3 bcs done jsr bump_destptr lda #0 tay beq clrloop done: rts _cblankto: sec sbc COLCRS beq done bcs _cblank rts _backspace: dec COLCRS lda #1 ; fall through to _cblank _cblank: tax lda COLCRS pha lda ROWCRS pha txa jsr _cspaces pla sta ROWCRS pla sta COLCRS rts _rvs_on: lda #$80 .byte $2c ; BIT absolute opcode _rvs_off: lda #0 sta _revflag rts ; micro-optimizations here. ; the stuff below might be a bit hard to follow, but it saves code. ; calling this: cputs("? "); ; emits code like this: ; lda #Lxxx ; jsr _cputs ; ...which is 9 bytes per call (plus 3 bytes for the "? " string itself). ; replacing each cputs("? "); with cprint_question_space() means 3 bytes ; per call (a JSR). there are 3 'some char followed by a space' routines ; here, totalling 10 bytes. the actual space is printed by code shared ; with cspace(). ; also, there are 5 'print a single character' routines. each one would ; normally be cputc('X'), which compiles to: ; lda #'X' ; jsr _cputc ; ...or 5 bytes each. we have 5 of them, so 25 bytes. using fall-thru ; and the BIT trick, they condense down to 17 bytes. ; if you're not familiar with the "BIT trick" to skip a 2-byte instruction, ; the stuff below looks like gibberish... here's a mini-tutorial: ;store1: ; lda #1 ; .byte $2c ; this is the opcode for BIT absolute ;store2: ; lda #2 ; sta $0600 ; rts ; if entered via "jsr store1", the above code fragment executes these ; instructions: ; lda #1 ; bit $02A9 ; $A9 is the LDA immediate opcode, 02 is the #2 ; sta $0600 ; rts ; if entered via "jsr store2", it's ; lda #2 ; sta $0600 ; rts ; the "bit $02a9' doesn't affect any registers other than the flags, ; and the "sta $0600 : rts" part doesn't depend on any of the flags, ; so the BIT is effectively a no-op that "masks" the 2-byte LDA #2 ; instruction "hidden" as its operand. ; ", Taipan? " ; using fall-thru here saves 3 bytes (normally the last instruction ; would be "jmp _cprint_question_space") _cprint_taipan_prompt: jsr _comma_space jsr _cprint_taipan ; fall thru ; each entry point here prints one character followed by a space ; "? " _cprint_question_space: lda #'?' .byte $2c ; ": " _cprint_colon_space: lda #':' .byte $2c ; ", " _comma_space: lda #',' jsr _cputc ; fall thru ; each entry point here prints one character _cspace: lda #' ' .byte $2c _cputc0: lda #'0' .byte $2c _cprint_pipe: lda #'|' .byte $2c _cputc_s: lda #'s' .byte $2c _cprint_period: lda #'.' .byte $2c _cprint_bang: lda #'!' jmp _cputc ; extern void plus_or_space(unsigned char b); _plus_or_space: tax beq @spc lda #'+' + 128 ; inverse plus .byte $2c @spc: lda #' ' ldx #39 stx COLCRS ldx #15 stx ROWCRS jmp _cputc ; extern void gotox0y22(void); _gotox0y22: lda #22 .byte $2c ; extern void gotox0y3(void); _gotox0y3: lda #3 ; extern void gotox0y(char y); _gotox0y: sta ROWCRS lda #0 sta COLCRS rts ; extern void gotox0y3_clrtoeol(void); _gotox0y3_clrtoeol: jsr _gotox0y3 jmp _clrtoeol ; extern void print_combat_msg(const char *); _print_combat_msg: pha jsr _gotox0y3 pla jsr _print_msg jmp _clrtoeol ; extern void clear_msg_window(void) ; extern void prepare_report(void) _clear_msg_window: lda #$12 .byte $2c _prepare_report: lda #$10 jsr _gotox0y jmp _clrtobot ; extern void __fastcall__ pluralize(int num); _pluralize: cmp #1 bne _cputc_s txa bne _cputc_s rts ; extern void __fastcall__ _print_status_desc(char status); ; replaces this C code: ; cputs(st[status / 20]); ; status ranges 0 to 100 (it's the seaworthiness percentage), ; the st[] array has elements 0 to 5. 5 is "Perfect" and only ; used when status == 100. _print_status_desc: lsr ; arg /= 2; // was 0..100, now 0..50 ldy #$fe ; y = -2; sec @div10loop: ; do { iny iny ; y += 2; sbc #$0a ; arg -= 10; bcs @div10loop ; } while(arg >= 0); ; y is now (arg / 20) * 2, one of: 0 2 4 6 8 10 ; which is exactly what we need to index an array of six ; 16-bit pointers. lda _st,y ldx _st+1,y jmp _cputs ; extern void __fastcall__ print_month(void); ; _month is a global, ranges 1 to 12. _print_month: lda _month asl asl ; carry will be left clear adc #<(months-4) pha lda #>(months-4) adc #0 tax pla jmp _cputs ; extern void set_orders(void); _set_orders: lda _turbo ; in turbo fight mode? beq @sowait ; no, so wait like usual lda CH ; turbo = yes, did user hit a key? cmp #$ff bne @sowait ; yes, wait like usual rts @sowait: lda #0 sta _turbo jsr _timed_getch cmp #$60 ; capital letter? bcs @sonoturbo ; nope, disable turbo @soturbo: ora #$20 ; convert to lowercase sta _turbo ; enable turbo ;;; sta COLOR4 ; for debugging @sonoturbo: ldx #3 @solp: cmp orders_tbl-1,x beq @returnx dex bne @solp stx _turbo ; invalid order, disable turbo rts @returnx: stx _orders done1: rts ; extern void __fastcall__ print_score_msg(long score) ; asm replacement for this C code: ; /* score is a *signed* long. */ ; if(score < 0) ; print_msg(M_stay_on_shore); ; else if(score < 100) ; print_msg(M_land_based_job); .import _M_stay_on_shore, _M_land_based_job .export _print_score_msg _print_score_msg: sta FR0 lda sreg+1 ; is MSB sign bit set? bpl @notneg lda #<_M_stay_on_shore ; if so, print this message ldx #>_M_stay_on_shore @pm: jmp _print_msg @notneg: ; else MSB is positive. Is it non-zero? bne done1 ; if non-zero, score is at least 2^24+1, no message txa ; check bits 8-15... ora sreg ; ...and 16-23 bne done1 ; if either middle byte is non-zero, score>=256, no message lda FR0 ; here, the top 3 bytes are zero, so check the LSB. cmp #99 ; is it < 100? bcs done1 ; if not, no message. or, lda #<_M_land_based_job ; if so, print this message ldx #>_M_land_based_job bne @pm ; branch always (since message is not in zero page) ;; ;; ;; ;; sta FR0 ;; stx FR0+1 ;; ldy #3 ;; lda (FR0),y ; look at MSB of score ;; bpl @notneg ; is it negative? ;; lda #<_M_stay_on_shore ; if so, print this message ;; ldx #>_M_stay_on_shore ;;@pm: ;; jmp _print_msg ;;@notneg: ; else... ;; bne done1 ; if MSB non-zero, score is at least 2^24+1, no message ;; dey ;; lda (FR0),y ;; dey ;; ora (FR0),y ;; bne done1 ; if either of these is non-zero, score is >= 256, no message ;; dey ;; lda (FR0),y ; here, the top 3 bytes are zero, so check the LSB. ;; cmp #100 ; is it < 100? ;; bcs done1 ; if not, no message. or, ;; lda #<_M_land_based_job ; if so, print this message ;; ldx #>_M_land_based_job ;; bne @pm ; branch always (since message is not in zero page) .rodata orders_tbl: .byte "frt" ; inverse "Jan\0Feb\0Mar\0Apr\0May\0Jun\0Jul\0Aug\0Sep\0Oct\0Nov\0Dec\0" months: .byte $ca, $e1, $ee, $00 .byte $c6, $e5, $e2, $00 .byte $cd, $e1, $f2, $00 .byte $c1, $f0, $f2, $00 .byte $cd, $e1, $f9, $00 .byte $ca, $f5, $ee, $00 .byte $ca, $f5, $ec, $00 .byte $c1, $f5, $e7, $00 .byte $d3, $e5, $f0, $00 .byte $cf, $e3, $f4, $00 .byte $ce, $ef, $f6, $00 .byte $c4, $e5, $e3, $00