process of ripping the font was something like... look at a screenshot of the Apple 2 version, pick a byte that occurs on 2 successive lines in a couple of the characters (I chose the 10100000 that shows up in capital C and O). write perl script to find occurrences of 2 of that byte ( and print offsets of each one. use to eyeball the file at those locations, until I found the letter C, then look up & down to find where the visible characters start and end. Use dd to grab just those bytes into another file. ..except, the above was fruitless until I got the idea to search for the byte with its bits reversed (00000101). Turns out, the font is stored in the disk image with the bits reversed. Maybe if I knew the Apple architecture, I'd have already known that? Anyway. To create an atari font, I mapped out the order the characters appear in the dump, and wrote convfont.c to overlay them onto the Atari ROM font (created from atariosb.rom with dd)... and for some reason, a few of the characters have vertical bars in the rightmost position, caused by bit 7 (in the original reversed format) being set. convfont.c just zeroes those out as needed. The end result is taifont.xex, containing 1024 bytes of data to be loaded at $BB00. To get it to work with a cc65 program, I had to create a linker script (custom.cfg). Ran this: ld65 --dump-config atari > custom.cfg Then edited it... all I changed was the ending address, which is now $B7FF (one byte below the font's load address). After compiling a taipan.xex with this config, I append taifont.xex and taipan.xex to make taipantext.xex (the finished game). The only thing the C code needs to do is POKE(756, 0xbb) in main() before printing any text.