guns "guns" fight "Fight" throw "Throw Cargo" opium "Opium" silk "Silk" arms "Arms" gen_cargo "General Cargo" ellipsis "..." at_sea "At sea" hong_kong "Hong Kong" shanghai "Shanghai" nagasaki "Nagasaki" saigon "Saigon" manila "Manila" singapore "Singapore" batavia "Batavia" will_you "will you " bad_joss "Bad Joss!!\n" taipan "Taipan" do_you_wish "do you wish " elder_brother_wu "Elder Brother Wu " li_yuen "Li Yuen" do_you_want "Do you want " firm_colon "Firm:" compradors_report "Comprador's Report\n\n" captains_report " Captain's Report\n\n" overloaded "Your ship is overloaded, Taipan!!" wish_to_trade "Do you wish to trade in your " ship_for_one "\nship for one with " more_capacity " more capacity by\npaying an additional " gun_offer "Do you wish to buy a ship's gun\nfor " space_ship " ship" space_attacking " attacking, Taipan! \n" your_orders_are "Your orders are: " we_have " We have" cur_seaworth "Current seaworthiness: " what_shall_we_do "Taipan, what shall we do??\n(Fight, Run, Throw cargo)" aye_fight "Aye, we'll fight 'em, Taipan." were_firing "We're firing on 'em, Taipan!" sunk "Sunk " of_the_buggers " of the buggers, Taipan!" didnt_sink "Hit 'em, but didn't sink 'em, Taipan!" ran_away " ran away, Taipan!" we_have_no_guns "We have no guns, Taipan!!" you_have_on_board "You have the following on board" what_shall_i_throw "What shall I throw overboard" how_much "How much" hope_we_lose_em "Let's hope we lose 'em, Taipan!" nothing_there "There's nothing there, Taipan!" aye_run "Aye, we'll run, Taipan." we_got_away "We got away from 'em, Taipan!" couldnt_lose_em "Couldn't lose 'em." but_we_escaped "But we escaped from " of_em " of 'em!" theyre_firing "They're firing on us, Taipan!" weve_been_hit "We've been hit, Taipan!!" buggers_hit_gun "The buggers hit a gun, Taipan!!" we_got_em_all "We got 'em all, Taipan!" to_start "to start . . .\n\n" with_cash ") With cash (and a debt)\n\n" with_5_guns ") With five guns and no cash\n" but_no_debt "(But no debt!)" mchenry_has_arrived "Taipan, Mc Henry from the Hong Kong\nShipyards has arrived!! He says, 'I see\nye've a wee bit of damage to yer ship.'\nWill ye be wanting repairs? " tis_a_pity "Och, 'tis a pity to be " percent_damaged "% damaged.\nWe can fix yer whole ship for " or_partial_repairs "\nor make partial repairs if you wish.\n" will_ye_spend "will ye spend? " illionaire " I L L I O N A I R E !" youre_a " Y o u ' r e a" your_final_status "Your final status:\n\nNet cash: " ship_size "\nShip size: " units_with " units with " you_traded_for " guns\n\nYou traded for " spc_year " year" spc_and_spc " and " spc_month " month" your_score_is "Your score is " land_based_job "Have you considered a land based job?\n\n\n" stay_on_shore "The crew has requested that you stay on\nshore for their safety!!\n\n" 3_nls "\n\n\n" your_rating "Your Rating:\n" ma_tsu "Ma Tsu" master_taipan "Master Taipan" compradore "Compradore" galley_hand "Galley Hand" play_again "Play again? " you_have_only "You have only " you_have_no_cargo "You have no cargo, Taipan!!" move_to_whouse " shall I move\nto the warehouse" whouse_only_hold "Your warehouse will only hold an\nadditional " whouse_full "Your warehouse is full, Taipan!" move_aboard " shall I move\naboard ship" me_to_go_to "me to go to:\n" already_here "\n\nYou're already here, Taipan." hostile_ship " hostile ship" approaching " approaching, Taipan!" fleet_drove_off "Li Yuen's fleet drove them off!" s_pirates "Li Yuen's pirates, Taipan!!\n\n" they_let_us_be "Good joss!! They let us be!!\n" ships_of_fleet " ships of Li Yuen's pirate\nfleet, Taipan!!" captured_some_booty "We captured some booty.\nIt's worth " we_made_it "We made it!" buggers_got_us "The buggers got us, Taipan!!" all_over_now "!\nIt's all over, now!!!" storm "Storm, Taipan!!\n\n" think_going_down " I think we're going down!!\n\n" were_going_down "We're going down, Taipan!!\n" storm_we_made_it " We made it!!\n\n" blown_off_course "We've been blown off course\nto " arriving_at "Arriving at " asks "Li Yuen asks " in_donation " in donation\nto the temple of Tin Hau, the Sea\nGoddess. Will you pay? " not_enough_cash "Taipan, you do not have enough cash!!\n\n" make_up_difference "to make up\nthe difference for you? " given_the_diff "has given Li Yuen the\ndifference between what he wanted and\nyour cash on hand and added the same\namount to your debt.\n" very_well "Very well. " will_not_pay "will not pay\nLi Yuen the difference. I would be very\nwary of pirates if I were you, Taipan." you_only_have "Taipan, you only have " nl_in_spc "\nin " the_bank "the bank.\n" cash "cash.\n" do_you_have_biz_with_wu "Do you have business with Elder Brother\nWu, the moneylender? " aware_of_your_plight "Elder Brother is aware of your plight,\nTaipan. He is willing to loan you an\nadditional " if_you_will_pay_back " if you will pay back\n" are_you_willing ". Are you willing" game_is_over "Very well, Taipan, the game is over!\n" very_well_good_joss "Very well, Taipan. Good joss!!\n" to_repay_him "to repay\nhim? " to_borrow "to \nborrow? " wont_loan "\n\nHe won't loan you so much, Taipan!" bodyguards_killed " of your bodyguards have been killed\nby cutthroats and you have been robbed\nof all of your cash, Taipan!!\n" the_price_of "Taipan!! The price of " nl_has_spc "\n has " risen "risen" dropped "dropped" spc_to_spc " to " bang_bang_nl "!!\n" prices_here_are "Taipan, present prices per unit here are" general_shortname "General" shall_i_buy_sell "Shall I Buy, Sell, " bank_transfer "Visit bank, Transfer\ncargo, " quit_traging "Quit trading" or_retire ", or Retire" what_will_you_name_firm " What will you name your" what "What " me_to "me to " spc_you_can_spc " You can " spc_shall " shall" spc_afford " afford " i_buy "I buy, " shall_i_sell " shall\nI sell, " too_much_cash "\nYou cannot carry so much cash, Taipan!" ship_would_sink "\nYour ship would sink under the weight\nof your riches.\n" deposit "deposit? " withdraw "withdraw? " assassinated_1 "Taipan, you have been assassinated!" assassinated_2 "As the masked figure plunges the blade\ninto your heart, he says:\n" assassinated_3 "regrets to inform you\nthat your account has been terminated\nwith extreme prejudice." has_sent "has sent " braves_to_escort " braves\nto escort you to the Wu mansion, Taipan.\n" wu_warn_1 "reminds you of the\nConfucian ideal of personal worthiness,\nand how this applies to paying one's\ndebts.\n" wu_warn_2 "He is reminded of a fabled barbarian\nwho came to a bad end, after not caring\nfor his obligations.\n\nHe hopes no such fate awaits you, his\nfriend, Taipan.\n" siezed_opium "The local authorities have seized your\nOpium cargo and have also fined you\n" whouse_theft "Messenger reports large theft\nfrom warehouse, Taipan.\n" has_sent_lieutenant "Li Yuen has sent a Lieutenant,\nTaipan. He says his admiral wishes\nto see you in Hong Kong, posthaste!\n" beaten_robbed "You've been beaten up and\nrobbed of " in_cash " in cash, Taipan!!\n" overburdened "\n\nYour ship would be overburdened, Taipan!"